Hello and I hope it’s been a good week for you guys. The main focus of today’s blog post is 15 podcasts that I’ve listened to recently that are worth sharing but before we jump into that – here are a few photos from the week.

A reminder to visit your local farmers market during the “off-season” (if that’s an option in your area). You might find that it still feels like peak season. I ventured out to the Charlotte Regional Farmers Market on a chilly, gray, foggy Saturday last weekend and was blown away by the offerings. I came home with eggs, carrots, fennel, arugula, kale, cauliflower, Japanese sweet potatoes, a really cool winter squash I’ve never tried, ginger, honey and more.

Dog walks. My schedule has gotten so crammed and out of hand with teaching/training that these have fallen by the wayside. Big goals to make space for more walking in 2024.

Speaking of training, not me on my way to the gym in the dark morning hours with an eye mask on. Just ordered a pack of these from Amazon and the key is to keep them in the fridge.
Reunited after five days. <3

I am admittedly not a crafty mom but I can occasionally get there when food is involved. I made these reindeer crackers for Finn’s leader day. Ritz crackers, peanut butter, mini pretzels, chocolate chips and red m and ms.

My elf. Picking up the last of the Christmas decorations at Home Depot. Had to replace our pre-lit garland for the fireplace this year.

And my sous chef. Finn genuinely seems to love hanging out/tagging along with me for whatever I’m doing and he’s SO chatty and sweet. Here’s a link to the kids knives.
And for those podcasts!
The Scamanda Podcast– binged this one over a weekend. I’m not usually one for true crime but boy oh boy – this one was unbelievable.
Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian. A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest.
But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.
She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world.
Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret.
Impermanence Anxiety: How to Live While Letting Go on Being Well – I’m just getting started with the Being Well podcast and I can already tell it’s going to become a favorite listen. Here’s the quick overview: “Forrest Hanson is joined by clinical psychologist Dr. Rick Hanson (his dad which makes it more special) and a world-class group of experts to explore the practical science of lasting well-being. Conversations focus on the key insights from psychology, science, and contemplative practice that you need to build reliable inner strengths, overcome your challenges, and get the most out of life.” The episode that I linked had me thinking about it for days after I listened.
Dr. Natalie Crawford: Female Hormone Health, Fertility and Vitality on Humberman Lab – to be honest, I skip most Huberman Lab podcasts because they’re just so insanely long but I’m already a fan of Dr. Crawford’s work and the topic was one of high interest. Really enjoyed this and learned a lot.
Bozman Saint John: Everything Can Be True At Once on Everything Happens – aka the episode that had tears streaming down my face while I was walking the dogs. The part about care giving and navigating serious illness with loved ones was heartbreakingly honest. Everything Happens with Kate Bowler definitely wins best podcast discovery of 2023 for me. The conversations she has with her guests are so real and raw.
Build The Life You Want: Episode 1 on Super Soul – Oprah partnered with Arthur Brooks to write a book about the science behind happiness. I listened to this episode on my Thanksgiving Day run and it was super great. I like their four pillars of happiness: faith, family, friends and work that serves” and the idea that happiness is a direction not a destination.
6 Ways To Use The “Let Them” Theory To Improve Any Relationship on Mel Robbins – I’ve recently added Mel Robbins to my podcast follows and can take her in small doses – she’s super direct and hard hitting and sometimes that’s what I need! A kick in the pants! She first shared the Let Them theory in a reel on Instagram and it now has over 23 million views.
Abby Asks, “Why Can’t I Love Myself” on We Can Do Hard Things – this has long been one of my favorite podcasts but I am so on team Abby and really enjoy a lot of the episodes that are focused on her journey.
The Wise Heart of Radical Acceptance on Tara Brach – many of you know I discovered Tara Brach’s work early on in the pandemic and she’s become and special teacher for me. I do her meditations multiple times a week and listen to her talks often.
Dolly Parton: How to Make Decisions (Even If They Break Your Heart) on We Can Do Hard Things – team Dolly forever and always amen. This woman has so much love and wisdom to share – it’s truly inspirational and aspirational.
Three Skills for Staying Calm, Sane and Open in a Chaotic World – Krista Tippet on Ten Percent Happier. Krista Tippet hosted the popular show On Being for 20 years on Public Radio. In this episode she covers how to live with open questions, counterprogramming against your negativity bias, and getting over the God question.
Is It Real Love Or Spider Love – Martha Beck on We Can Do Hard Things. THIS WAS SO GOOD. Like worth a re-listen so good.
Four Spiritual Inquiries: Finding Heart Wisdom In Painful Times on Tara Brach – very relatable for the world we are living in right now. <3 “When we get stuck in difficult emotions like hatred, anger and fear, we are in a trance of separation – disconnected from the whole of our inner experience, each other and the web of life. This talk explores four inquiries that help us reconnect with presence and heart. Rather than reacting with aggression or blame, these inquiries allow us to respond to our struggling world with our naturally wise and caring heart.”
Radical Self-Forgiving on Tara Brach – last Tara Brach link of this post but I truly find her talks to keep me spiritually aligned and in a growth mindset.
Nicole Walters On How To Become 10X Better, Set Boundaries And Take Charge Of Your Life on The Skinny Confidential Him & Her – I am hit or miss with The Skinny Confidential and probably only listen to one in every 10-15 episodes but really enjoyed Nicole Walters share on this one.
It’s not your fault. It’s nearly impossible to leave a situation-ship on I Think I like You – for those of us out trying to navigate the dating world, my friend Clara is a sound voice of reason and insight.
Do you listen to podcasts? What are your current faves?
Are you crafty?
Do your kids enjoy helping in the kitchen?