Again, thank you so much for the enthusiastic response to the 26 Acts of Kindness Project. I have since learned more about the movement and it started with Ann Curry. People across the country are going out and performing 26 random acts of kindness in honor of the 26 lives lost in Newtown, Connecticut. Read more about it here. I was really excited to hear that some of my friends and readers were already doing the 26 acts on their own. And I’m SO excited to announce that we have FIVE teams of 26 completing random acts of kindness.
Here is how this is going to work…
1. You will be assigned to a team of 26. Within that team you will be assigned a number, 1-26. That is your act of kindness to perform.
2. Go out and perform your act. It can be anything you want to do! For inspiration check out Facebook or search the hash tag #26acts on Twitter. You can leave your own note or use the following template:

*For the record, I am not trying to take any attention away from Ann Curry who created this but I thought it would be cool if people could go online and read about the things that we are doing as a collective group.
3. Document your act. You can take a picture or just share the story. Please e-mail peanutbutterrunner (at) gmail (dot) com with the following:
– Your team number (put in subject line)
– Your act number (put in subject line)
– A summary about what you did for your act (a photo if you have it but not required)
You have two weeks to complete your acts. E-mails due back to me by January 21. I would love for you to share what you’re doing via social media (twitter, facebook, intstagram…whatever!). Use the hashtag #pbr26acts so we can follow each other!
4. I will dedicate a unique post to each team’s 26 random acts. My goal will be to have them all posted by the end of January.
And here are your teams. There are quite a few of you with the same first name so if you need clarification about what team you are on, please e-mail me and I’ll reference e-mail addresses to confirm. Just a note, I went straight down the list of comments (for the most part) to assign the teams. There are a 2 more spots in team 5 if anyone wants to join last minute. Updated…due to demand I have started team 6. Let me know if you want to be added to that team!
Team 1
1. Jen from PBR
2. Shanna from Shanna Like Banana
3. Ashley
4. Andi
5. Melissa
6. Stephanie
7. Krista
8. Abby
9. Ashleigh
10. Carly
11. Emily
12. Susanne
13. Jess
14. Heather
15. Courtney
16. JennyV
17. Sherie
18. Riley
19. Tamira
20. Lori H
21. Larissa S
22. Anne Marie
23. Lindsay
24. Megan
25. Erin
26. Christie
Team 2
1. Michelle
2. Kate
3. Allison M
4. Kate
5. Heather from Multiply Delicious
6. Ashley
7. Catherine
8. Emily
9. Amy from Extracurricular Activities
10. Pam
11. Paige
12. Clara
13. Alex P
14. Mary-Heather
15. Lindsay
16. Julia
17. Mickelle
18. Cory
19. Jin
20. Michelle from From Seed to Tree
21. Sarah
22. Amanda A
23. Marissa Pilku
24. Kim
25. Danielle
26. Diane M
Team 3
1. Allie
2. Jessica from Early AM Runner
3. Kristen
4. Dana
5. Erin
6. Cindy
7. Kelly
8. Emily
9. Lisa
10. Claire
11. Juju
12. Erin
13. Cassie
14. Hannah
15. Novella
16. Megan
17. Mandy
18. McRae
19. Grace from Practicing Grace
20. Caroline
21. Michelle
22. Katie
23. Jen from Runner’s Trials
24. Lelia
25. Sarah
26. Joanna
Team 4
1. Ashley from One Hot Mess
2. Megan
3. Meghan
4. Heather
5. Marci
6. Lindsay
7. Kaitlin
8. Rebecca
9. Stephanie
10. Kerry
11. Suzanne B
12. Angela
13. Sierra from Posh Meets Pavement
14. Hilda
15. Lisa
16. Jill K
17. Parita
18. Debi
19. Anna
20. Nelly
21. Becca
22. Linda
23. Carrie K
24. Sara
25. Christie
26. Kamalie
Team 5
1. Allison
2. Anna
3. Mary-Catherine
4. Jill
5. Anna S
6. Lauren S
7. Marli
8. Lisa
9. Jenn F
10. Emily J
11. Kaila from Healthy Helper Blog
12. Lauren
13. Amy F
14. Karen K
15. Desiree
16. Rachel
17. Joe W
18. Katie
19. Rachel T
20. Sarah
21. Katy
22. Kate
23. Britt
24. Ashley
25. Chelsea
26. Ashlee
Team 6
1. Erin from Erin McDermott Jewelry
2. Liz G.
3. Kristen O.
4. Jen P.
5. Emily B.
6. Lauren H.
7. Mariel
8. Caroline S. from Sweet Southern Girl
9. Julia
10. Samantha
11. Ally A.
Okay, guys. That’s all from me for now. Go be amazing! I cannot wait for the stories to start popping up in my inbox.
sign me up!!!
you are #25 in group 5! thanks!!!
Please sign me up!
okay – you’re number 26 in group 5! thanks!
How awesome!! Can I join? I’d love to – I hope it’s not too late!
yes, you’re on team 6! i’ve updated the post.
Can I still join ?

yes! you’re on team 6!
I signed up but don’t see my name – can I still join?
so sorry about that – yes! you’re on team 6.
Love to join in
will add you to the new team 6!
I didn’t see the blog post where we could sign up for this, but I would love to! Is it still possible?
yes, i’m starting a team 6 due to demand! i will add you.
I would love to join in!!
great – i’m starting team 6. i’ll add you.
Awesome! I’m excited to complete my act!
Jen, since I signed up as just Emily, can you tell me which team I am on since there are more than one Emilys? I’m Emily Z, btw.
you are on team 3!
If there is still room, I would LOVE to join in on this
great! will add you to team 6!
I’d love to be a part of this too, if there is still time?
yes, i’ll add you to team 6.
Is it too late to join Team 6?
no, i will add you! thanks!
I’m so excited to see us all create some positive change in the world!
So excited to take part in this! Thanks for setting it all up, Jen!
I’d love to join a team as well if there’s room. Thanks for organizing!!
abbie – i will add you to team 6. thanks!
I’d love to join also, if there’s more room. This is amazing!
Oh, hope I’m not too late and that there is still room on a team. If not:: we can always find an act to do on our own! Will love to read about other peoples’ experiences.
please sign me up as well !