27 weeks today and what a week it’s been. I’m entering my third trimester and the final stretch of pregnancy.

Let’s cover baby boy first because he’s the most important one here.
- He’s anywhere from 13.6-14.8 inches and 1.5-2.5 pounds
- He looks like a thinner, smaller and redder version of what he will look like at birth
- Baby boy is breathing amniotic fluid and showing brain activity
- Gaining more fat to help regulate body temperature
- Lungs, liver and immune system aren’t fully developed but getting close

This past week has by far been the hardest week of pregnancy for me on every single level from physical to emotional. While I had a great time in NYC, the busyness of the conference, the fitness classes I took and all the walking I did really took a toll on me. Getting sick on the way back was extra rough and I came home to dealing with a lot of personal stuff. I promise you an update on that soon but please give me some time to sort through it all myself.

I woke up on Monday morning and went to the bathroom. When I wiped there was blood covering the tissue and my heart immediately dropped. I haven’t had any bleeding during my pregnancy so this was alarming. I immediately called my doctor’s office and was instructed to head straight to labor and delivery.
I called Dorie and she was at my house within 10 minutes to take me to the hospital. I started to experience some cramping on the way there. I was told to go up to labor and delivery triage where I only filled out one quick form and was in a gown, in a bed and on monitors within 5 minutes. It was amazing how quickly it all went and I was grateful not to have to sit in the ER scared and surrounded by germs.
Dorie and I both started crying when we heard his heartbeat. I was also hooked up to a monitor for my uterus and after about 20 minutes of monitoring was told that I was contracting. They called the doctor on call from my practice and she came in to do an internal exam to check my cervix. The good news is that it was 100% closed but I was still cramping and contracting. The doctor said my uterus was “irritated” and they also found some blood in my urine. They gave me a bag of fluids and continued to monitor me for another couple of hours. At this point I was still contracting but I really had to pee so they had me get up to go to the bathroom and hoped that might slow them down.
Luckily, it did and I was finally able to go home and instructed to drink a ton of water. I had some on and off cramping and contracting for a couple more hours and things finally seemed to settle down. The doctor told me that I didn’t need to be on bed rest or anything like that but to definitely take it easy for the rest of the day.
I feel so fortunate that my scare wasn’t anything too serious and I am praying that baby boy stays happy in there and keeps growing and developing. I have a big appointment coming up with my doctor in one week for my gestational diabetes screen as well as another ultrasound to check the echogenic focus that they found on his heart at my 18 week ultrasound. I am eager to see him on the ultrasound and to have a check-in with my regular doctor about everything that’s been going on.
As far as symptoms, sleep, cravings and all of my normal updates go, there’s not too much to report that’s new on that front. I will resume those updates next week.
For now, thank you again for following along with my pregnancy and for all of your loves, support, encouragement and shared excitement over the past 6 months. I can’t believe I’m in the third trimester and home stretch.
My focus for the third trimester is gong to be on taking care of myself and preparing for baby boy. I have picked out his nursery furniture and have my painter coming tomorrow to get started on everything.
I am really slowing myself down and taking a big step back from work and teaching. I’ll still be doing a ton of writing and blog projects so you’ll see me here just like normal.
I understand how scary that moment was, I bled off and on throughout my entire pregnancy. My doctor was never able to determine a cause for the bleeding, and my labor had to be stopped once in the third trimester. I went on to have a smooth delivery and a perfectly healthy baby girl!
Whatever personal issues you are dealing with right now, just remember your focus is your health and the health of your precious baby boy. Trust your instincts. Thank you for being so open and sharing this journey. I have a feeling you are comforting and encouraging more women than you’ll ever know. ?
Hi Susan,
I absolutely can’t thank you enough for your beautiful comment and encouraging words. I am really trying to stay focused on baby boy and giving him the best “home” in my belly that I can right now, despite the struggles I am facing. He is #1.
Thank you also for sharing your experience with bleeding and a healthy delivery. It’s comforting and I’m so relieved to hear that it all worked out for you in the end.
I was so nervous for you while reading this blog post, glad to see that everything was ok at the end.
Me too. Thank you for sharing in my concern. <3
I am so sorry to hear what a scary experience you had. I am pregnant with my second and thankfully it has been uneventful so far but I had two bleeding scares during my first pregnancy. It was awful the first time in particular- seeing the bright red blood and feeling my heart drop into my stomach is one of the clearest and most horrible memories of the past ten years. Thankfully my daughter was also fine and ended up a huge healthy baby but I never fully relaxed and got back to “trusting my body” the way people kept telling me to. I hope things continue to go well from here on out but give yourself a break if you feel a little extra anxious for a while.
Hi Irene – I’m sorry you also experienced bleeding scares. They are very anxiety-provoking…especially if you’re already prone to anxiety like I am. I am so glad that everything turned out well for you and that your second pregnancy has been uneventful thus far. Prayers that continues! Thank you for the comment. xx
Completely understand the terror you’ve experienced!!! Take it easy. Like I said before, you’re not alone. Thinking of you
Thank you Alicia. <3
I’m so relieved for you that baby boy and you are okay!! Take it easy! Xo
So am I. Thank you so much for the love.
So glad you are both ok!
Me too. Thank you so much. I’m sorry I missed you at BlogHer. I wish you could have made it.
Take care. xox
Thank you Anne.
Sending you lots of love. So glad you both are okay. xo
Thank you Emily. <3
Big hugs, Jen!! That’s such a scary and humbling event to go through. I moved at 6 months pregnant (like, I was carrying boxes and furniture), and I had a lot of pain and discomfort from all of the activity. I knew I had to SLOW DOWN and accept that it was my job to care for this baby as best I could. I hope all stays well!!
Thank you Jen. Yes, I definitely feel like I’ve been pushing myself too hard on a few different levels so time to slow down and cook this baby. <3
Thinking of you!
I appreciate it Courtney.
how scary! so glad that you and baby are ok! sending positive vibes and prayers your way!
Thank you Marti!
I have been a big fan and consistent reader for years and don’t comment, but I just felt that I had to on this post. Oh my goodness! How scary and emotional!? I am so, so happy that you went home safely, albeit shaken, and weren’t placed on any restrictions. I am so very fortunate to have two healthy children today (Time flies…now ages 10 and 13), but I had my own difficulties during another pregnancy that made me realize how beautiful and miraculous the entire process is. All of the chips need to fall in the right place, and if they don’t, our bodies are so impressively wired to let us know that things aren’t quite right. Again, I am so happy that things are okay after that scare. I love that you have set your third trimester intentions for self-care and preparation. This is awesome! Good. For. You.

Hi Jessica – I really appreciate your readership and your comment. It was a rough day but I’m glad it’s behind me and hoping there are no more scares. This third trimester is such a short period of time in my life and I feel like it’s imperative for me at this juncture to really slow down and focus on baby. Again, it’s so wonderful to hear from you. Thank you.
Oh Jen, how scary! I can’t imagine how nervous you must have been going to the hospital. I am SO happy that things turned out okay for you and the baby and I hope it’s only smooth sailing for the rest of your pregnancy. You’re in my thoughts and I’m sending many virtual hugs! xoxo
Thank you so much for the well wishes Joy.
So glad everything is okay with baby. Take care of yourself and get lots of rest. xoxo
Thanks Liz. <3
Praying for you and your baby, Jen. Rest well — and try to ‘enjoy’ these sweet final weeks. Bubble baths, slow walks with the dogs, gentle yoga, mindful meditation are some things I enjoyed during that time. Thank you for sharing your journey in motherhood, I look forward to see the nursery! xox
Thank you Jessica. I hope you are getting settled in with your baby girl. And yes, I need all of those things in my life during this final stretch. Very much!
Gosh how scary! I’m so glad everything is ok. Take it easy. You need this rest now to prepare for the sleepless nights ahead
Thank you. And yes, trying to take it easy now because I know things are going to get super crazy soon!
Prayers for you and baby boy for a healthy rest of your pregnancy!
Thank you Ashley. <3
Oh gosh Jen, this is so scary, but so glad you are both ok!! Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way- you are so strong!
Thank you so much Blaire. xx
How scary! I’m glad you went to the hospital and got checked out and it was ok.
When I was 32 weeks I had a similar experience (no bleeding though). I started having contractions, which I didn’t know they were that…it was waves of cramps and pain in my low back. I called the nurse and she said come in right away. I got hooked up and monitored for a few hours and then sent home. Everything was ok. I had an “irritable uterus” too. LOL great name. I just had to take it easy for a bit and then it was good. And baby was 1 week late. LOL
Whew, so happy to hear you had a one week late baby after that. I am hoping that my little guy stays put for quite a long time to come!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your baby boy <3 I hope you're able to have a restful week to unwind after a crazy past few days and I'm so glad you have wonderful friends like Dorie to help look out for you <3
Thank you Liv and yes, I am so super lucky to have the most amazing friends ever.
I’m so glad you and baby are doing ok!! It’s so scary to go through any type of pregnancy issues. Praying it’s smooth sailing from here on out!!
Thank you Holly. And me too. I’d like a non-eventful third trimester!
I’m so glad to hear you and baby are ok! Bleeding during pregnancy is so scary. I had some bleeding early on and I was terrified. I hope you can relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. You’re going to forget what it feels like once he’s out, so soak up each and every movement. You’re going to be such an amazing mom. We (your readers) are here for you and we are all wishing you nothing but happiness. Thanks for being one of my favorite blogs. xoxo
I’m so glad that everything is ok with you and baby. I had bleeding almost daily from weeks 7-11 as I had a subchorionic hemorrhage so I know how terrifying it can be to see blood – although especially more so at your state of the pregnancy, combined with contractions. I”m so glad your cervix is still closed and you are both doing ok. Pregnancy is equal parts exciting and terrifying. It’s so tough to not know what is going on in your uterus. I’m 36 weeks so at the point where I can safely deliver and it’s still very nerve wracking. If i feel less movement one day, I start to get very nervous. It really messes with your mind!
I think your goal to step back and take time for yourself is a good one for this last trimester. I know it’s hard to step back from work and teaching when you are so good at what you do and love what you do, though. Here’s hoping the rest of your pregnancy is issue-free! It will be so comforting to have your ultrasound and see your baby again soon! I’m high risk due to a blood clot that I developed at 34 weeks so now I get weekly ultrasounds which are just so reassuring!
so glad to hear that everything is OK. Wishing you smooth sailing the rest of your pregnancy!
So glad you and baby are doing okay! I’m sorry to hear you are going through personal issues on top of all of this. Thinking good thoughts for you and baby boy
So glad you and baby are doing fine! Thankful for your friend Dorie that is always there for you!!
Prayers for you jen! I had a little scare during my pregnancy with my baby boy. Had pre term labor at 34 weeks. Admitted to hospital where I was dilated and having regular contractions. We did everything to stop the labor. I went home after one night and my baby boy wasn’t born until 41 weeks and perfectly healthy! Just like everyone has said take care of yourself, don’t overdo it and drink gallons of water. I don’t think I drank enough. You are almost there! ??
So glad all is okay. Thinking of you. Xoxo
wow..scary. keeping you in my thoughts. i remember how relieved my sister was after she finally got to around 33/34 weeks. take care of yourself.
So sorry to hear about the troubles but so happy that all is well! You’re doing everything right to focus on your health and growing your baby. Sending prayers, love and good wishes for this final trimester! As a fellow mom who had struggles with my daughter’s birth father during my final trimester, I want to share some advice in hopes of saving you the disappointment that I experienced. If you feel you’ll want your Florida family support network around you while raising your son, please consider having your son’s birth in Florida, so he has residency in that state. If he’s born in North Carolina, you won’t be able to move him elsewhere without the permission of the birth father. I apologize if I’m reading too much into your statement about your current personal struggles, and hope I’m wrong. But just in case, I wanted to share that thought with you. It will take a village, and I’m sure you’ll build an amazing one wherever you find yourselves. Once again, please accept my apology and know that your blog-reading friends are wrapping you and your baby son in good thoughts and love. xo
So happy to hear you are both OK! Scares like that are so anxiety provoking. Stay strong and take care of yourself!
Hi Jen, what a busy scary week. Everything about parenting from conception is confusing but wonderful. I am so relieved that you and baby are ok! We worry about these little ones from so early on don’t we? Sending love x Kendra
Having seen multiple friends experience bleeding in pregnancy, I feel for you and the fear you must’ve felt. It’s great that everything is ok, and I hope the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful and healthy!
So sorry to hear you’ve had such a shit week.
Glad to hear both you and baby boy are okay. That sounds terrifying, but I’m hoping your third trimester is much less eventful!
Oh sweet Friend! You are a rock star Mama already for putting your little guy first. I am a hot & vinyasa teacher too and am 26-weeks pregnant with my third. I know it’s SO hard to take a break from what we love and live to do. Praying for you and your sweet boy.
Oh Jen! Thanking God all is well! I continue to pray for all of you!
Ugh – I am so sorry about the rough week but SO very glad to hear you are doing better and that all is well with baby boy! Sending lots of good thoughts & vibes your way!
So scary! I am glad you are both OK. I know dehydration can cause cramping. Take it easy if you need to. I did a lot of walking and swimming for exercise in the third tri. Also, on a less serious note I think I looked like you do now… when I was 18 weeks, haha. It is hard to remember though. I didn’t take a lot of pics.
I am so sorry you are going through this! I am not as far along as you, just 18 weeks now, but I had bleeding continuously from 9 to 12 weeks.
I was also out of town for work, and when I got up in the morning it was just bright red blood. I was terrified and knew that at 9 weeks it had to be a miscarriage. I rushed to the ER in a town I knew nothing about, and on the ultrasound saw the baby moving around like nothing was wrong.
It was so scary but of course I was so relieved the baby was ok. It was hard for me to trust my body though, and now I still get nervous I may see blood again sometimes.
Take care of yourself and I hope to read more of your updates!
Jen! Longtime reader (and fellow #boymom to a 2.5 year old), and I just wanted to wish you a Happy 3rd Trimester! You’ve made it to the home stretch – last lap of the race! It may not have started perfectly, but I bet it will end up being your most favorite part of your entire pregnancy. You look great! Kick back a bit and enjoy the ride… ?
So did you have the stomach flu? Dehydration will totally cause contractions! Hopefully you will bounce back quickly but yes, time to start putting those feet up!
just catching up…i’m so sorry this happened! but so very glad you and baby boy are OK. sending virtual hugs and lots of prayers. take it easy, mama <3
Sending positive vibes your way. Stay strong girl, you are doing great!