I’m 31 weeks pregnant today and I have so much to share with you. 62 days until D-day!

At 31 weeks, baby is anywhere from 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and somewhere between 2.5 and 3.8 pounds. We were at that 3 lb mark nearly three weeks ago so it’s safe to say baby G is somewhere at the higher end of this number. I don’t know about this asparagus comparison…seems small/light. What To Expect says a butternut squash, that seems a little more believable?
Baby updates!
- He’s now processing information, tracking light and perceiving signals from all five senses.
- When not sleeping, he’s doing “practice drills” like breathing, swallowing, hiccuping and pedaling his feet.
- Baby can turn head side to side.
- Baby is peeing close to two cups of liquid which is going into my amniotic fluid. AHHH that is crazy! Luckily, my body replaces the fluid a few times a day.
- His testicles are moving through the groin on their way into the scrotum.

Weight gain/body changes: I’m starting to feel very pregnant. I’m sometimes uncomfortable and the belly feels like it’s really growing rapidly at this point. Shaving is starting to get interesting. Haha.
I’ve gained about 17 pounds. I can see big veins running along both sides of my stomach as well as on my breasts. I guess because the skin is stretching so much! I’m also starting to get a faint line down my stomach.

Workouts/Workout Modifications: lots of yoga and walking. I think I’ve done one or two low-key strength workouts since I last updated. I took this handstand picture during week 30. It still feels so good to go upside down, although I only do it against a wall just in case.
After taking several weeks off of yoga, it’s felt REALLY good to get back to my practice. I’m definitely having to modify more and more and moving around on my mat is nowhere near as graceful as it was pre-pregnancy. I’m slowing down!

- Again, MY SKIN! I have such bad breakouts on my right cheek that I’m worried they are going to scar. I’ve been dabbing tee tree oil on it but I can’t use any regular/heavy duty acne stuff. If you have any other suggestions for natural acne treatment, please send them my way.
- Night sweats. Some of you know that I’ve dealt with terrible night sweats on and off since I was 18. For the first two trimesters of pregnancy, I didn’t have them at all. They have been back in the third trimester and I’ve been sweating like crazy at night. Boo.
- Still getting pretty consistent Braxton-Hicks and this last week they’ve been the same whether I sit all day or am more active. I’m trying to drink a freaking ton of water, stress less and keep trying to rest more.

Food aversions/cravings: I am not a cereal eater but I was craving cereal so much last week that I bought a couple of boxes at Whole Foods on Sunday. I really think that body is just wanting simple to digest food and the cold milk is appealing as well.
When it comes to aversions, I’m still anti-red meat, fish and seafood (except for canned salmon…that is working for me on salads oddly enough) but I’m doing better with veggies and salads.
- Crib and dresser/changing table are assembled and good to go.
- Ordered rugs, fan/lighting fixture and wall art for nursery. I was going to do just a lighting fixture then everything I read said you should have a fan in the baby’s room because it reduces SIDS risk so fan it was. I am SO excited about the things I ordered from Etsy for the walls!
- Started a three-week birthing class series at the hospital. More on that here in a second.
- Chose a pediatrician. I just need to call and get everything set up.

Hospital birth class: I signed up for a three-week birth class series at the hospital where I will be delivering. We had our first class last night. Tanner went with me.
Overall, what we covered in the first class was nothing that I hadn’t already heard/read but I was shocked to hear that the hospital where I’m delivering has a 93% epidural rate. I’m going to really have to work closely with my doula and labor support team to make my medication-free hopes pan out. I also don’t think this class is going to give me a lot of insight/tools on dealing with pain naturally. We are going to cover some breathing techniques next week in addition to newborn care and some breastfeeding info so I’m looking forward to that.
I did get to see a video of vaginal birth up close for the first time. Whew. Oh I also learned that the hospital has a less than 10% episiotomy rate so I was happy to hear that.

(Thank you Chicco for this car seat! Doesn’t Zoey look SO excited about baby brother!?)
Up next:
- This weekend’s project is going to be nursery, nursery, nursery! Tanner is going to help me with it and we are going to figure out how to best organize the closet to maximize the space we have and also get the room completely cleared out, furniture in place and whatever art/accessories come in hung/arranged.
- Pick a color and paint trim in nursery.
- Get some name changes done on ID/insurance cards so that we don’t have any issues at the hospital and adding him to my insurance after birth. I’m the worst about taking care of clerical tasks like this!
- Order outfits/dresses for maternity shoots and baby showers.
- Book second maternity shoot. I have one scheduled with my friend Wanda who takes all the yoga pictures you see on my site but I’m doing another one with a friend who does more lifestyle maternity. I have no idea what to wear!
- Order some personalized thank you note stationary. I have a lot of notes to write and a lot more coming!
- Still need to schedule a time with my doula to go over birth preferences…like soon!
Did you do maternity shoots? What did you wear?
I know it might sound early but…what did you pack in your hospital bag? I want to start thinking about this in case I need to order things. For example, when I went to triage during my scare the nurse mentioned that a lot of girls bring their own gowns. And what about going home outfits? Did you make that a thing? And what other things are nice to have for comfort?
Any natural acne remedies to share?
Chapstick!!! Nursing bra, tank top/nursing top, yoga/maternity stretch pants. Basically anything comfortable. I am not a makeup person so I didn’t have any of that, just toiletries, and some comfortable clothes. I used the hospital gown for the day and first night then changed into my clothes. Some basic clothes for the little man. I did have my going home outfit that I wanted the baby to wear. The hospital will give you extra pads and they will send you home with diapers/provide you diapers their.
I didn’t do a maternity shoot, but I really wish I had looking back now.
Even if you don’t want a nurse-midwife for delivery, consider seeking one out to ask about other birth class options. With my first, I did the hospital/worthless classes but for my second, I did classes that two nurse-midwives ran from a private residence and it was a world of difference. As a yoga-type person familiar with meditation and breathing, I thought I could “remove” myself from the pain to get through contractions but what I found is that it works better to embrace the pain and think of it as the path that gets you to healthy baby. Best to you as you enter the last phase of pregnancy.
I’ve had goo results with the Evanhealy Green Tea Clay for acne. Sometimes I do a honey or yogurt mask, and dab on coconut oil once things are just scabbing/healing.
I had photos taken in the fall, so I wore a long sweater with leggings and boots. We had photos taken in the spring with the girls and I wore a maxi dress, this was all a few years ago.
For my first I wore my own pjs, I was in the hospital for 3 days, I’m glad I didn’t have to wear their stuff do the whole time. I’m pretty sure I went home in a nursing tank, sweater and sweatpants. For my second I went home in what I arrived in, I was only at the birth Centre for 4 hours. Take your toiletries, a water bottle, music / reading. Slippers. Comfy clothes to go home in, nursing tanks are the best thing. Baby clothes: onesie, sleeper, diapers, bum wipes. The hospital will probably give you lots, but I packed a few anyway.
You will need jumbo pads, ask the hospital for extras to take home. (It’s like wearing a diaper) but hopefully you won’t need them after 24hours.
If you have a midwife cooperative in your area you might see if they have any birth classes or info. I loved my midwives.
For getting through unmedicated I focused on breathing into the “discomfort”.
Have you heard of Voya skincare? It’s mostly if not all organic. It may be worth a try for you? Also, I know staying away from dairy has really helped me as well.
It is definitely not too early to pack that bag! I know three (!!) different women who went to their weekly checkup in the last month and were sent directly to the hospital because the doctor was concerned. Do not pass go, do not go home and get anything. There were some mad scrambles by husbands and boyfriends to bring some necessities to the hospital. (In each case everything turned out fine and healthy babies came home!)
So: I highly recommend packing that bag and carrying it with you like you’re the president and that bag is the nuke codes.
I don’t know why but I found this comment super entertaining! Something to remember when I one day have children!
I think bringing your own gown is a waste. First, birth is very messy, and second, if you deliver without meds (trust me, I’ve been there!), the last thing on your mind will be what gown you’re wearing. I did always pack a nightgown (nursing friendly) and robe for after labor. Plus a comfy (but cute) going home outfit for you and baby. For baby, maybe bring a “newborn” size and 0-3 mo. outfit for going home. My largest baby was 8.8 and needed a NB size for the first month. Also, bring the nursing pillow of your choice. Oh- and I always brought speakers/iPod and had a music playlist ready, but never got around to playing in the moment. But it’s a good idea if that’s what will help center you during labor. Personally, I liked to stay on my feet during labor pretty much until the pushing phase. Lots of walking and swaying from side to side during contractions helped me. But everyone labors differently and that may not feel good to you in the moment. Lastly, my best advice is for you to ask for a lactation nurse to visit you as soon as possible after baby is born. By this, I mean ask right when you get to L&D, so a nurse can come soon after your boy is born. I requested this with each of my 3 deliveries, and even the 3rd time around, the support and advice from a pro is welcome. For my first, the lactation nurse came back several times during feedings and it was SO helpful to have her guidance while I was figuring the whole nursing thing out!
I dab toothpaste on my breakouts! (Pepsodent) (It dries them out)
I also like vitamin c because its brightening & exfoliating.
Came here to say just that! I’ve also found (for me) my skin reacts better if I only wash at night and then in the morning I splash my face with water and just swipe Witch Hazel all over before moisturizer etc. Once I made that switch in my early 20’s it was bye bye trouble acne.
Hey Jen,
I was like you, and really didn’t want to have any interventions like an epidural for my birth, but when the time came I couldn’t get it fast enough. You just never know how labor is going to go for you so I’d say it’s a good idea to have an open mind about whatever might happen.
As for what to pack, I brought a robe from home but no gown of my own. It was nice to have a comfortable robe to wear when family visited and for hanging out in. I’d advise against leggings for going home and would suggest joggers or something looser since you will be going home with big (huge) pads.
You might want to pack a couple of sizes of going home outfits for your baby boy. I just had my second baby and was surprised to find she was too big for the newborn size jammies I brought her. Chapstick and a good water bottle you can drink from hands free (when someone puts in front of you) are other suggestions. Such an exciting time!!! Happy for you!
I agree an open mind is key. Birthing doesn’t always go as planned. Which can be disappointing but preparing with an open mind is the best!
I agree 100 % – open mind because things do happen. Baby & your safety is best.
Yes, of course! I have written in previous updates that I am open minded but this is my preference. I also don’t want to set myself up for feeling disappointment if things don’t go as planned.
Hi Jen! My favorite things to have were a nursing pillow, a soft and comfortable blanket (hospital linens are the worst), my own pillow, and speakers to listen to music. I didn’t listen to music during labor, but my husband and I loved having music to listen to over the next couple of days. I honestly don’t even remember what I wore home! I did carefully pick out the blankets I had for my kids to go home with-I have an 8 year old and 4 year old twins- and they love looking at the pictures of themselves with those blankets draped over them in their car seats! (One of my twins still sleeps with his too.)
I packed a lightweight cotton robe and a pair of super soft jogging pants that I found at Nordstrom Rack. I basically lived in this wardrobe for weeks.
For the bag….overall I would say pack way less than you think. For your overnight bag, you mostly just need basic toiletries and your and baby’s going home outfit. It sounds like your babe might be on the bigger end (like mine), so I would pack a 0-3 month outfit as well as a newborn…he might not fit in the newborn stuff (I couldn’t get it over my daughter’s head, haha) unless he comes early. Your outfit should still be maternity stuff. I also packed a pair of (maternity-sized) pajamas for me with a button-down top which felt nice to slip into the day after labor.
For labor, keep it simple, too. You really don’t need a special gown…it will just get, um, messy and you’ll probably end up tossing it anyway. Then again, I’m not picky about clothes. The one thing I bought special for my second labor coming up was a handheld fan with a mister….because I got SO HOT during the pushing last time. Plus a massage tool, chapstick, glasses if you wear contacts, and something to hold your hair back.
I second Stephanie’s comment; less is more. I will add that a robe and slippers were nice to have.
I just adore following your journey to motherhood, it’s such an exciting time. Best wishes!
Don’t pack anything for labor but def a light robe and nursing tanks for after delivery! My baby was also 8lbs and fullterm and he was in newborn size for the first month which I didn’t know prior- I thought they went right to 0-3 month size! I didn’t pack much else for hospital – I actually enjoyed hospital clothes and the big pads they provided! ? time flew by and I never had a need for books, etc. also, I had an unmedicated birth with a doula- you can do it!! However, I was pleading for the epidural at the end… baby just came out right after that so it never happened! Be open either way!!
You look so terrific! I, too, was already prone to night sweats but no one warned me about the EPIC night sweats I would have post partum. I literally would sweat through multiple outfits and have to change my sheets. I started sleeping on towels ?. Thankfully it didn’t last long once my body seemed to regulate the hormones pretty soon but whoa! It was intense.
Oh man girl me too! I woke up freezing for weeks post partum because I was so sweaty. Hormones. Yes bring a water bottle because ain’t no thirst like nursing thirst. Also nursing tanks are amazing. I lived in nursing tanks and a hoodie in the hospital. You’ll want them for easy skin to skin access. But really everything is personal preference.
Thanks for the note on the water bottle and I just researched some nursing tanks!
Labor at home for as long as possible!! When you get to the hospital you may not have time for an epidural whether you want one or not
I think labored unintentionally a little too long at home but it all worked out!
After labor and delivery I was SO thirsty thankfully someone told me to pack bottles of water and my favorite vitamin water zero. Little hospital cups would not have sufficed the amount of chugging literally right after birth and I would have had to wait for someone to get me water!!
Also, chapstick, comfy pants and easy to nurse (loose tanks) you will want out of the hospital gown!
Take your own toilet paper to the hospital!!!! The hospital grade stuff is really rough…even under normal circumstances! You will want the fluffiest, softest stuff you can find!
I love reading the facts about what lil’ peanut butter runner is doing at this point— so amazing! Pure witch hazel has worked so well for my skin— not the kind mixed with rose water, just the pure stuff. It is fairly inexpensive and you just apply it after washing. It’s all natural and very gentle!
Have you considered using a sulfur soap for acne? I have read sulfur is safe for use during pregnancy but maybe consult with your doctor to be sure. I use a bar from Amazon called Sulfur Suds by Braunfels Labs. It runs about $7 a bar and works very well for my acne prone skin. Definitely worth looking into!!
When my daughter was little she would get these styes in the inner corner of her eye and we needed to use Erythromycin eye ointment. I have recently read that it also treats acne/pimples in 1-2 days. I am thinking of asking the dermatologist (for a topical not gel) for my now teenagers for their occasional pimples. I hear it works amazingly well.
I’m 17 weeks and have polled my friends with kids on what to pack in my bag too. They all suggested a nice robe for walking around after delivery/for visitors, slippers, and big underwear that you won’t mind throwing out/getting bloody. Most said they tried to look cute when they left the hospital with their first baby (maxi dresses for the summer moms) then realized that was ridiculous with their second and just wore maternity pajama bottoms home lol.
From my hospital bag I ended up using the following:
Nursing pajamas (highly recommend! I felt like a new person after a shower and changing into fresh pjs from the hospital gown)
Nursing pillow
Nipple cream
Honestly the mesh underwear the hospital provides is very comfortable. I wish I had asked for more pairs haha!
Acupuncture could help bring the inflammation out and to the surface. I did it for a while when I was experiencing cystic acne- at the very least, it’s a set time to relax and help other symptoms that you may be experiencing as well. Otherwise, niacinamide cream is a natural acne treatment. essentially it’s a high concentration of vitamin B3. I found it helpful and moisturizing.
It’s very easy to overpack your hospital bag, I know I did with my first. The worst part about doing that is after the birth, you’re so sore that its hard to have to crouch or bend and rifle through your bag. I brought way less the second time and still had more than I needed. I highly recommend a very, very good chapstick and some face spray (I used mario badescu rose water), to help keep you feeling refreshed. I kept those two things right on the tray table next to me. I also recommend some comfy pjs to change into after you’re finally able to get out of the hospital gown. You won’t need undies, they give you super sexy mesh panties (steal as many as you can to bring home, you’ll wear them for weeks until the bleeding stops). You’ll also want a comfy nursing bra. For going home, just something stretchy and comfy. I also brought fluffy socks, I don’t like hospital socks. Also pack shower stuff, I found that first post birth shower to be my favorite showers of my life…spoil yourself and bring some yummy smelling body wash and shampoo. Oh, and hair ties, I forgot hair ties and had to borrow from a nurse. You won’t need anything for the baby except a going home outfit, they’ll give you everything else!
I just wanted to mention, I had the night sweats issue too. It got way, way worse after I had my babies. If you don’t already have some soft, big bath towels grab a few. I slept on them for weeks to avoid changing my sweat soaked sheets every day.
Witch Hazel for acne.
Keep an open mind on the epidural, I wasn’t going to go this route either but when the contractions occurred and were fast and hard and I couldn’t catch my breath between contractions, we’ll epidural helped! Remember any way YOU give birth: epidural/no epidural, vaginal/cesarean is a natural birth for YOU!
Interesting they don’t do episiotomy as much, personally it’s easier to sew up a straight line rather than a jagged tear so keep that in mind. Both my boys were large nearly 9# for first and nearly 10# for second. I had no choice but for an episiotomy and tucks pads for a day or so were my best friend.
I’ve really have enjoyed your pregnancy ride, it bings back so many wonderful memories!
We’re with you all the way!
You can use glycolic or lactic acid during pregnancy — both are really effective for acne and are used by many of the natural skincare brands. Just make sure it’s not combined with salicylic acid. There’s a brand First Aid Beauty that makes pads that are very gentle.
Raw lemons for the face – only thing that worked for me. Also, if planning to nurse, stop drying your chest when getting out of the shower and let the girls dry naturally. It will help maintain the natural oil to reduce drying/cracking of your nipples. Invest in some PJs from Soma called Cool Nights. I would pay a million dollars as they really do “soak up the sweat” during the night that wakes you up – help tremendously with my menopausal hot flashes!
Two hospital bag recommendations:
-Facial cleansing cloths. I got so sweaty during labor…wiping my face with these felt really refreshing.
-Bigger shoes! I had no idea that my feet would swell so much from all of the IV fluids. I couldn’t get my regular shoes on my feet!
-slippers to walk around the hospital
-easy on shoes to go home- if you have an epidural or any IV fluids, fluid retention makes your feet swell
-zip up sweatshirt if you are a “cold” person- I was freezing in just my hospital gown
-Depends- WAYYYY better than mesh underwear and pads
We heard the same statistic in our hospital birth class (I think we are doing the same hospital, just different locations). We did the all day 8 hour class and I thought overall it was helpful, but I felt like they basically expect everyone to get medications/interventions. Like you, I’m trying to go as natural as possible. I really love my doula and I know she will help so much!
I didn’t do any maternity shoots. I felt like it would be a waste of money because I didn’t want to hang them on the wall but now I really regret it. They probably still wouldn’t have gone on our walls, but I would have liked to have had them. Glad you’re doing it!
Hospital bag. I found nursing tank tops didn’t work for me because my breasts were too large for them to be comfortable. I just had yoga pants, nursing bra, and a short robe. it was comfortable and warm and no fuss when it came time to feed. shampoo/conditioner/soap. You may not feel like fixing your hair or putting on make-up but you’ll definitely want to shower at some point. That’s all i had in mine. oh, gatorade! I didn’t have any on hand, and after 20 hours of labor with no food or water that was aallllll I wanted. Just a thought.
Primary Pure beauty cream and their everything spray are amazing! My skin has never been clearer!
Primally, not primary
First, I want to suggest that you consider hiring a photographer to come take photos in the hospital room the day after birth. We did maternity shoots and newborn shoots but the hospital shoots are BY FAR the most precious to me. I look at them and all those wonderful new mommy emotions come rushing back. We also let both sets of parents know when the photographer was coming so they could be there and get some pics with the brand-new baby. The one of me, my mom, and my baby girl is so precious to me. So that’s my #1 suggestion. The whole shoot was super casual and only took about an hour an a half, so it wasn’t a big to-do (we are NOT fancy people) but it was soooo worth it.
Hospital Bag:
– bring comfy capris and a sports bra to labor in! it’s a little annoying to have to take your bottoms down for hourly checks, but wearing workout clothes instead of a hospital gown was a big deal for me. it made me feel like I was doing a workout (which I was!!) instead of like I was a sick person in a hospital. it’s not for everyone, but it’s something to consider
– nursing tanks that you don’t mind ruining. mine had huge stains from all the lanolin cream I slathered on
– nursing pillow
-popsicles! I had all fruit popsicles and they were so nice toward the end when my energy was lagging and I needed something cold/sugary. The nurses kept them in the mini fridge for me.
Regarding overpacking… I say OVERPACK if you want to! What’s the harm? If it helps you feel prepared and settled instead of stressed that you’re forgetting something, then it’s worth it. It’s not like you’re flying to the hospital. There’s plenty of space to bring anything you think you’d need.
Also I wanted to echo the suggestion to have a lactation consultant come soon after birth to make sure your latch is good. Even if there’s not a “problem” with the latch or with nursing, they can still give super helpful tips and encouragement. Mine confirmed that my baby was, indeed, getting colostrum. It seemed so magical to me that suddenly my useless boobs were feeding a human. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening! Haha.
Sorry my comments are so wordy but I’m super duper excited for you!!
Good morning!
Thanks for inspiring your community!
Non-toxic acne treatments I have used are similar to tea tree oil. Natural Frankenscence oil is a HUGE anti inflammatory helper. I take one drop under my tongue when I am sore from a workout or not feeling too well. I’ve “moisturized” my face with a touch of coconut oil and a couple drops of frankenscence and when I wake up in the morning redness/inflammation is noticibly down. I’ve never been pregnant, but cutting out grains has also helped my skin temendously
I feel like having a natural birth at a hospital is much harder (though not impossible of course) for multiple reasons which is why the epidural rate is so high. First, I think a lot of people just get into it just wanting the epidural (I did!). Second, for those who are on the fence and just want to go with the flow, it’s a lot easier to “give in” at the hospital once things get hard because the epidural is available (it’s not an option at all at a birth center for example so you can’t just change your mind unless you decide to go for a hospital transfer). Third, it may be harder to deal with the pain at a hospital if your mobility is restricted (monitors/IV) so that’s something you can work on with your doula to make sure she can advocate for you so you can deal with the labor as best as possible. And fourth, I feel like interventions happen pretty quickly at the hospital. You get on the clock once you step inside the hospital and they like to see things progressing a certain way and once it doesn’t then here comes the pitocin. It would be interesting to know the statistics for pitocin use, I just know that me and all my girlfriends were all on it. And those pitocin contractions are no joke (I say this because my epidural didn’t work on half of my body and those pitocin contractions while being stuck to a bed were excruciating). Again, that’s something where your doula can help. Labor at home as long as possible and have her advocate for you at the hospital to avoid pitocin if possible. Anyway, I don’t know if this helps at all but just thought I’d mention it because I went into it having no clue about all these procidures and they did all these things without really asking or explaining what it would really do.
As for the packing stuff, I didn’t really use any of the stuff I packed. But definitely maternity leggings for after birth. I like having everything “contained” with super maxi pad situation going on!
That is exactly right about pitocin. I was fine with regular contractions but flat on my back made me not dilate and then the pitocin made me need an epidural.
Chapstick, a robe to throw on when a visitor shows up, slippers, cheap big man sweatpants (Hanes!) and nursing tank tops. I didn’t want to wear yoga pants with that big underwear and pad. I went home in big sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Comfy all the way. Medela nursing app on your phone to keep track.
Nursing pillow and nip cream too!
Ha – love the note on the big man sweatpants. Such a great reminder that all that stuff you need “down there” isn’t going to be fitting under leggings!
Have you talked with Terry (I see her too) about your breakouts? You are the reason I started going to her because I was pregnant with our first and my breakouts were horrible. I’m on the glowbiotics line and a clairsonic makes such a huge difference in my skin and breakouts. I can tell if I don’t use it for a day!
This is SOOO TMI but a friend who went natural and had no tears used lube down there….all over at night so she wouldn’t tear. It was recommended in her natural birthing class.
For the hospital….bring a nursing gown, house robe, your toiletries, chargers, camera, outfits for baby boy and flip flops or some type of shoes to wear around your room. I wasn’t big on dressing me and my kids to leave the hospital but that’s likely because I had preeclampsia and was hospitalized and we were all exhausted and happy just to leave. I usually went home in yoga pants and a tshirt and the kids went home in a nice sleeper (boys and my husband loves Polo brand so I bought little polo onesies for them). Personally, I like to pack a light sensor type night light. The rooms are pretty dark with all lights off and too bright with their low lighting. Also a notepad and pen so I could jot questions down and random notes.
I need to get in to see her soon! I’m so glad you’ve had good results with the products you are using with her. I use the glowbiotics as well but unfortunately I don’t think anything can battle these hormones right now.
I have heard about the lube thing. Thanks for reminding me!
I HIGHLY doubt that my little guy will be going home in any sort of fancy outfit (or myself!).
I used to smear neosporin on the break outs on my cheeks before bed when I was in college. I would wake with noticeably clearer and softer skin. I actually still do this when I get the occasional break out when I don’t have any acne products to use. It does get on your pillow though. If you want something more natural, I’ve seen some people using aloe (from the actual leaf, not the bottled gel) on youtube and getting great results.
Thanks Valerie!
The best advice I got was to not fight the contractions. Breathe through them using a technique that works for you and keep your body as relaxed as you can. For example, don’t tense your shoulders or make fists. That wasted energy and adds tension to your body.
I took a robe, comfy pajamas that included a nursing tank, and SLIPPERS!! Also, I took my own pillow, hospital pillows are the worst!
Hey Megan – yes, I’ve been hearing this more and more. To “surrender” to them instead of fighting through because they’re ultimately bringing you closer to meeting baby and your body is doing it’s job. I know I’ll want my own PJs and slippers! And thanks for the pillow note. Great point!
Off topic but make sure you meet your pediatrician and office beforehand. I did not. And I regret it. Thankfully my girls are healthy and we very rarely need to see them now. (In the beginning you are going A LOT for checkups/weigh ins/vaccinations). You want to feel supported and listened to by your pediatrician as you will have many concerns/questions (it’s just the nature of being a first time mom). Good luck, been following for a long time and I admire your honestly and transparency. You are a strong woman.
*honesty (not honestly).
YES! That is definitely in the plan and why I want to call the office now to set up a visit!
Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading. It means a lot to me. <3
I agree with those who said have an open mind about birth plans! You never know what might happen.
Hospital bag:
Comfy clothes for recovery room. I wore my own pajamas and that was nice.
Water bottle!!!
FOOD—I brought gummies, bananas, coconut water for labor and then snacks for after.
Pillow and blanket
I am definitely staying open-minded and trying to stay in the zone of “preferences” so that I’m not upset or feeling like I failed if that med-free plan doesn’t work out. That said, I do think that some level of commitment and prep going in is necessary! This is why I’ve hired a doula to guide me through the process.
I will definitely want my own PJs! And snacks…yes!!!!
I used to have TERRIBLE acne that did leave scars, and I really wish I had discovered the Peter Thomas Roth Acne Spot and Area Treatment earlier. I am pretty sure it’s “natural”- the active ingredient is sulfur. It is a total lifesaver. Occasionally I still get cystic acne and a few applications of this makes the zit disappear, even if it goes really deep. Hiiiiighly recommend this. If you can’t use it during pregnancy, I would look for another sulfur-based formula. They really work for that deep acne.
This might also work as a nighttime treatment if the glycolic acid isn’t safe for pregnancy: Peter Thomas Roth Therapeutic Sulfur Masque Acne Treatment Masque
Thank you so much for this recommendation Emily! I will talk to my OB about it!!!!
Hi Jen,
All the best for these last few weeks. We prepare and prepare then we wait and it can be tough but sounds like you are giving yourself and baby some relaxing down days.
For the hospital:
Robe and button down PJ’s (for after your shower! Best shower of my life)
Pillows (OMG they don’t have enough!)
Nipple cream
Nursing pillow
Outfit for baby (onesie)
Vitamin water (loved laboring with this)
Sending love xox Kendra
Kendra – thank you! This is helpful. I know I’ll definitely want my own PJs and great note on the nipple cream and the nursing pillow…as well as bringing your own pillow!
I haven’t tried it but I’ve heard apple cider vinegar works well for acne. Wouldn’t hurt to try it!
Etsy has some really cute personalized stationery!
I will search Etsy for sure! Thanks for that reminder!
I’ve always had night sweats too and unfortunately they were even worse after I gave birth (and still 6+ years I still have them often).
There are a lot of things you could pack for the hospital but keep it simple and try not to over pack. One thing I always recommend though it to bring extra bags because you’ll be coming home with a lot more than you go with!
I think that not overpacking is a good note for me.
And thanks on the head’s up to bring extra bags. Never thought of that!
I’m a mother baby nurse and most patients prefer their own clothes rather than hospital gown after delivery. Bring snacks for the days following delivery. Hospitals have limited snacks and you’ll be hungry esp if breastfeeding. Lactation consultants will come see you automatically if you’re breastfeeding!
If you haven’t gotten a nursing pillow, My Brest Friend is a better pillow than a boppy. Much more supportive.
Flip flops or slippers. You really don’t want to walk on those hospital floors barefoot.
Bring a pen!! Also if you have a baby book you want footprints in, bring it and we’ll do that for you!
Hey El – thanks for the work that you do! I know those moms are lucky to have you! Thanks for the note on snacks…I’ll definitely pack a little snack bag with my favorites. I’m sure I will be super hungry…as I already am all the time here lately!
I did register for the My Breast Friend nursing pillow so hopefully I’ll have it to bring with!
I LOVE the note on the footprints and baby book!
I brought sooo much stuff and didn’t need most of it. What was useful:
– basic shower/dental hygiene toiletries
– REAL towel for showering
– hair ties, of course
– a little bit of make-up for visitors so I didn’t look like death warmed over
– slippers
– loose dress & flip-flops to wear home
– picture of my dog because I missed him!
I brought a cute nightgown and robe, but with the mesh underwear, massive pad, ice pack, and all the blood, I didn’t want to filth up my cute things.
Hey Diana – thanks for sharing your list of what was actually useful! It’s very helpful! Especially the note to wear a dress home AND I freaking love the dog photo! BEST EVER!
I’ll be 34 weeks pregnant tomorrow and packed my hospital bag about 2 weeks ago just to get it done. I’m having a c-section so I’ll be in the hospital 3-4 days but you will hopefully not be there as long so may not need as much. I packed:
– Travel size toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, razor, tweezers, lotion, deodorant, etc.)
– Hair dryer
– Phone charger
– Lounge pants/pajama pants
– Tank tops/t-shirts
– Cheapie underwear that I can toss after wearing
– Tight sports bras (not breastfeeding)
– Socks
– Flip flops (for showering and walking around)
– Baby going home outfit
Also, my OB gave me the okay to keep using the Proactiv acne medication I’d been using pre-pregnancy. It only contains benzoyl peroxide, which has been deemed safe in pregnancy. From what I’ve read salicylic acid products are the ones you need to avoid.
Thanks for this Brooke. It’s super helpful…the packing list and the note on the benzol peroxide. That’s always worked great for me so I will ask my OB if he’s cool with me reintroducing it. So exciting on upcoming arrival of your baby! I’ll be saying lots of prayers for you!
Thin robe for hanging out after and easy nursing.
Cozy socks or washable slippers
Favorite body wash made me feel better!
I just ordered a robe! Great note on the socks and a good-smelling body wash!
Pack now! I was teaching a fitness class the night before my 1st daughter was born. Both my girls came 4 weeks early. So be ready! Good luck you are so cute!
Ahhhh! I will get it done in the next week!
I love these posts!!!
Plus the idea of wearing even leggings after both just doesn’t sound comfy to me
There mesh undies were really stretchy and comfy too despite what I would think! Make sure you buy some full coverage underwear for when you get home and large pads for the recovery at home 
I personally preferred the hospitals gowns both times I had my two kids! They were just easy and I preferred messing up their gowns than my own clothes
Also!! I had really bad breakouts with my first pregnancy!! I bought the Clarisonic and used it twice a day and it totally worked! No more bumps!
It makes total sense that you would want to “mess up” the hospital gowns! And I never would have thought about the leggings thing but that is such a valid point. Thanks for the reminder on buying some full coverage undies for being back home! I use a Clarisonic and sadly it’s not helping!
The only things I used were nursing bras/tanks, nursing pillow (My Brest Friend or Boppy), face cleaning cloths, newborn size outfit for going home, comfy outfit for me going home. I was perfectly happy in hospital attire and recommend hoarding their pads and mesh underwear.
And hair ties… at one point during my labor, after my hair fell out of hair ties that had never failed before for the zillionth time, screamed, “will. SOMEONE. PLEEEEASE!!! put my hair up?!?!?? NOW!!!!” Yikes.
Ha – I can see where that would drive me absolutely crazy too!
Haha! I’ve heard so much about this hospital underwear and how great it is.
I’m sorry about your breakouts!
I would try to drink tons of water, do not pick or touch, change pillowcase and face towels often.
Thanks Holly! I’m generally really good about picking because I scar so easily so I try to leave them alone and work their own way out. It’s tough! Great point on the pillowcases.
Just wanted to say that although it’s good to have a birth plan, try for enough flexibility mentally to accept that these babies sometimes have different plans for us. I needed an emergency c-section. If it’s “healthy mom, healthy baby” at the end, that’s all the matters. Hope you get the birth you want though – it’s lovely when it works out!
Hey Les! Yes, of course. I have mentioned in previous pregnancy posts that this is my “preference” but I am TOTALLY open minded. After all, I’ve never given birth before AND my #1 priority is making sure he and I are as safe as possible in the process. Thanks for the reminder/reinforcement.
Loose cotton pajamas and a robe! The hormone shift gives most women crazy sweats (I was so hot and kept turning the room temp down they had to tell me it needed to come back up so baby didn’t get too cold!). So cotton PJs (shorts and a top that buttons open for breastfeeding) and a robe – I would wake up drenched in sweat and then cold, so I kept a robe at the foot of my bed to pull on.
Thank you! I have ordered both!
Apple cider vinegar saved my breakouts during both pregnancies, I had breakouts on my eyebrows and the sides of my forehead. I would just put some on a washcloth and dab it on the problem spots, it works so well!
Perfect! I have two big bottles of it in the pantry!
Love that it’s such a multi-use product!
Hormones have made my skin look like I am 16 again this year! Witch hazel and organic aloe Vera have made an incredible difference in just the first week of me using it. I have super sensitive skin, and was nervous to try this, but it’s really worked.
Can you believe I’ve never tried witch hazel? I’m going to do that!
I know episiotomies sound scary, but I had one as the only way I could avoid a c-section, and it was no big deal at all! one stitch to heal up, and a nice clean scar. I was so anxious at the possibility of one too, but it ended up getting my baby out safely!