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One of the first things that pregnancy makes you do is take a hard look at everything from what you’re eating and drinking to supplements you are taking to things you are putting on your skin. I can’t even adequately express to you the amount of Googling I did in the first trimester but it was a freaking ton!

Pregnancy is definitely a season of life to bring health and wellness to the forefront of your thinking on so many levels including diet, exercise, sleep, stress-management, self-care, relaxation and more.
That being said, it’s also a time to have a lot of grace with your body and to do the best you can for you and your baby. I have received so many comments and questions from readers and friends about “the wheels falling off” in their first trimester with their health and fitness routines due to morning sickness and fatigue. They feel guilty and so unlike themselves when they go from working out most days of the week and eating healthy to little to no physical exercise and a diet of crackers and toast.
My best advice on this is to remember that pregnancy is a season of life and a very short one. It’s our job to listen to our body and its needs. While I had a relatively easy first trimester compared to many, the later part of my pregnancy has been more of a challenge. My diet has definitely shifted over the last couple of months in what I can stomach/digest and my activity level has slowed down but I also know that my body is asking for these changes and it’s my responsibility in carrying this baby to honor its wishes.

Even if you’re not quite feeling like yourself when it comes to diet and exercise, there are other things you can do to promote self-love and wellness in your pregnancy and I wanted to share some of my favorite products for beauty and wellness.
All of these products are available from iHerb. It’s an awesome online resource for products that you’d typically find at health food stores and natural pharmacies. They offer over 1,200 brands and 35,000 brand-name products that can be shipped to over 160 countries. You’ll also find that their prices come in about 30-50% less.
And if you’re not currently expecting or planning to become pregnant, have no fears. I will use almost all of these products post-pregnancy because they are awesome and part of my everyday routine! So keep reading!

This might be a little TMI but when you’re pregnant you can be more susceptible to yeast infections due to hormone changes in the body. When I was sick earlier this year and ultimately had to start an antibiotic, I started getting some of the telltale signs of a yeast infection but was hesitant to take additional medicine to treat it. I started on this probiotic and just days later I had beat it naturally.
I also find taking a daily probiotic is extremely helpful in dealing with all the fun digestive side effects that come with pregnancy. This Garden of Life Once Daily Women’s is a great option because it’s shelf-stable and doesn’t have to be refrigerated. This means I can keep it on my bathroom counter with my prenatal so I don’t forget to take it as part of my nighttime routine.
Speaking of the prenatal, this Rainbow Light Prenatal One Food-Based Multivitamin is one of my favorite brands…and I’ve tried a lot! I love that it’s food-based and you only have to take one pill per day. You may want to take a prental even if you’re not pregnant but planning to conceive in the foreseeable future. My doctor recommended I start on them years ago when I went off birth control and was dealing with anemia.
The Rainbow Light prenatal includes all the folic acid you need for pregnancy along with all sorts of other things like non-constipating iron, B vitamins, antioxidants and additional probiotics. I will continue taking it when I am nursing.

I have used essential oils daily during my pregnancy. My favorite way to use them is to diffuse them. At night I use lavender essential oil or this peaceful sleep blend. During the day I use something more uplifting and energizing like orange or grapefruit essential oil. I have several diffusers around the house and will have one for baby’s room as well!
I have also gotten a lot of use out of tee tree oil and have used it to naturally treat acne during pregnancy since some of the traditional acne treatments are a no-go. It’s also great for treating ingrown hairs!
My cleaning helper also uses essential oils when she’s cleaning our house to keep things as natural as possible for me and baby.

While we’re on the topic of oils, I love them for my skin too! Especially since pregnancy can make your skin feel tight and itchy as it’s stretching. This starter kit from Weleda has a great selection of different oils depending on how you’re feeling.

I especially love the wild rose, pomegranate and lavender oil. I rub lavender oil all over my belly at night. It’s so nourishing for my stretching skin and also helps to relax me before bed.

Are you noticing a lavender trend? I sometimes experience anxiety and as I’ve shared in previous pregnancy recaps, it’s been something I’ve really struggled with throughout pregnancy. It’s also contributed in my pregnancy sleep issues. I have really leaned on natural remedies to treat my anxiety such as long walks, essential oils, reading, baths, meditation, etc.
I have always loved baths but I’ve gained a whole new appreciation for them in pregnancy. They help me relax both my mind and body. When I add mineral sea salts to my bath, I feel like such a relaxed noodle when I emerge. My favorite relaxing ritual is to light a candle, play spa or yoga/meditation music and read a book in the bath. After my bath I do an extra thorough body moisturizing session followed by a face mask. While the mask sets, I treat myself to a quick rest in bed. It’s pretty magical.
I have enjoyed these lavender bath salts from iHerb.

I have made a 50% transition to natural deodorant over the last year. Given that a big part of my career is a hot yoga teacher, I still wear regular deodorant when I’m teaching and practicing. I’ve switched to natural deodorant when I’m just hanging out around the house or running errands.
Schmidt’s natural deodorant is highly-rated and recommended and I like this formula that is mineral-enriched with charcoal and magnesium.
New customers can get 5% off their first order + an additional $5 off with Promo Code, WELCOME5, if your order is over $40. Use this link to get your discount!
Do you have any favorite health and beauty products that you’ve discovered recently that are more on the natural side?
Do you take a probiotic?
Jen when looking for tea tree oil that’s safe for the skin, what percentage do you use? I know straight up tea tree oil can kind of burn?
If it’s too strong to use directly, I recommend diluting it with a little bit of coconut oil or another oil you like a lot!
Are you still taking collagen during pregnancy? What are your thoughts on protein powders during pregnancy? I brought a list of products (Olly protein powder, kombucha, Jergens natural glow lotion, crest white strips, essential oils, etc) and got typical man comments like, “why don’t you just eat your protein?” And “what’s wrong with being pale?” Which we’re not helpful, in my opinion!
The timing is this post is so ironic! You’ll have to let me know when you try Gentle Baby!! My pregnant/Mom friends loooove it ?
I too love essential oils! I also love my pups, just as you love yours. There are some essential oils that are dangerous for them, even when using a diffuser. Thought you might be interested in this:
Essential oils to avoid
Essential oils can be dangerous to dogs when ingested or otherwise when coming into contact with the skin. Keep this in mind for any oils you’re using with your dog, and always diffuse. Some oils should be avoided, regardless, because of their higher risk to dogs. These include tea tree, cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, pine, sweet birch, wintergreen, and ylang ylang.
Symptoms of essential oil poisoning for dogs have included:
Muscle tremors
Difficulty in walking
Low body temperature
Excessive salivation
Excessive pawing at mouth or face
There’s some evidence that essential oils like tea tree and lavender are not good for boys due to the endocrine-disrupting effects in the body (I’m sharing this not to be snarky, but because I have a toddler boy and just learned it myself. I was definitely using lavender oil in the house myself). I don’t know if it matters in utero but appears to after.