What I have for you today is a quick recap of how I moved my body last week along with a 60-minute dumbbell workout that I got in at home that crushed me in the best ways! I also ended up going into a tangent about home workouts and working out with little kids so there’s that too!

Easter Sunday: 3 mile run + hot power yoga class
Monday: REST
Tuesday: 3 mile walk
Wednesday: 5 mile run
Thursday: 3.5 mile walk
Friday: backyard 60-minute dumbbell workout
Saturday: 4 mile run
Overall, this was a fine week of workouts and very balanced for what I felt I had to give. I have been pretty consistent in making it to the gym 2-3 times a week lately to lift but that just wasn’t going to happen this week due to my energy levels, schedule with Finn and workload.
Between not making it to the gym this week and my Wilmington trip last weekend, I had not picked up a weight in 10 days when I did my backyard workout on Friday. It was the greatest reminder that you can get a lot done at home with minimal equipment. My glutes….are so sore…..

To be honest, I generally do not prefer to workout at home but have come to appreciate it very much over the last few years between being mom to a small child and COVID times. After Finn was born, I put together a small arsenal of home workout equipment and it has served me well.
When I do workout at home, I love to make it happen outside if possible from a weather and logistics standpoint. I love the fresh air and vitamin D and it’s awesome if I have Finn because he can play in the backyard while I workout.

Oh my gosh y’all, Finn was the cutest for this workout. First, I asked if he wanted to get dressed or wear PJs in the backyard and he said, “wear PJs.” He kept telling me that his Flash socks would help him run fast. Second, He stayed with me for 90% of this workout. He was either mimicking what I was doing or cheering me on. See the red chair in these photos? He brought it over and told me, “I brought my chair so I can watch you. Goooo mommy!” When I was doing mountain climbers he said, “That’s a cool move mommy.” When I asked him “why do I lift weights?” he replied, “so you can be a strong mommy.”
I also had some music playing on my phone so there were some impromptu dance parties when he was feeling certain songs.
The last thing I want to say is that working out at home with little kids is hard. I found it doable when Finn was a baby and either immobile or happy to be in a seat, bouncer, etc. It felt nearly impossible in the 18 month to 3 years stage unless he was asleep. We are in a sweet spot in this 3 /12-4 year age range where I actually have fun working out with him around and can get a whole yoga practice or strength workout in while feeling like he’s engaged and part of the process.
Here’s the full body 60-minute dumbbell workout that I did on Friday!

A few notes on this workout:
- Feel free to reduce the rounds to two of each set if you’re looking for less volume or a shorter workout. That should shorten workout duration to about 40-45 minutes.
- If you’re unfamiliar with a suitcase squat, check out this demo.
- I owe you guys a blog post with these core exercises because they’re some of my favorite for spine health. You can find movement demos in this Instagram Reel.
- Here is what sphinx pose looks like. Great release for low back and stretch for front body.
Let me know if you have any other questions about the workout or the movements. Always happy to offer clarification, modification, etc.
Where do you prefer to workout?
Do you workout at home? Would love to hear about it!
Are you able to workout with your kids awake/home/around?
I prefer to work out at the gym because I like to have that friendly competition! After Covid I got a little gym set up so I’m ok working out at home.
I don’t mind working out at gyms but right now my schedule/life/budget works best for at-home workouts. I love full body routines so I’m really excited to try this one!