All of my guests departed over the weekend. My mom left on Saturday and the girls left on Sunday. It was an amazing week but I have a renewed appreciation for quiet and cleanliness at the moment. I’ll be sharing a post about the second half of their visit later this week…most likely Wednesday.
Things aren’t staying quiet around here for long because we have another houseguest rolling in this afternoon…

BEAR BUNDON! Some of you might remember that we hosted “golden retriever summer camp” last year and dog sat for one of our teachers. It was so much fun! Well, a few months ago we texted her asking if we were going to get Bear again this summer. Our friend has four kids and they travel a lot during the summer so she said yes and we were pumped! I think we have him until the first week in August!!!
Give me all of the dogs.
90-Minute Workout Playlist
Okay, let’s talk fitness. First, I made you a 90 minute workout playlist to motivate you through your hot summer runs and gym sessions. Here it is.
And here is the direct link to the playlist on Spotify. I hope you enjoy. It’s packed with songs I’m loving for my strength and yoga classes and my own runs.
Weekly Workout Recap
Second, here are my workouts for last week. Since starting to teach Y2 Strength I haven’t made it to the gym often to lift on my own but I did last night. Keep reading for details on that workout. You might want to try it out for yourself!
Monday: teach Y2 Strength
Tuesday: hot yoga + teach Y2 Strength
Wednesday: teach Y2 Strength + 2.5 mile run
Thursday: teach Y2 Strength
Friday: REST
Saturday: 4 mile run
Sunday: sprints and strength
Workout details:
BLOCK ONE (20 mins treadmill sprints)
5 mins warm up jog
10 mins 45 seconds on/15 off, increase speed every minute
3 mins tabata (20 seconds on/10 off) at your fastest speed
2 mins cool down jog
BLOCK TWO (3 rounds)
15 squat with and without kettle bells (place two kettlebells at either side of your feet in a squat position, squat down pick them up and stand, squat down put them down and stand, that is one rep)
5 strict pull ups
15 box jumps
10 ring rows
BLOCK THREE (3 rounds)
10 slam balls
10 kettle bell deadlift clean and press
10 walking lunges (total) holding 2 kettle bells by your side
15 kettle bell swings
10 kettlebell walking lunges back to starting position
BLOCK FOUR (leg press finisher)
5 sets of 10 leg press, increasing weight every set
I’m heading off to the studio for our weekly management team meeting. I will 100% be back on a normal posting schedule this week so look out for lots of good stuff coming your way!
Do you ever dog sit for friends?
Do you prefer to take strength classes or to workout on your own?
Any songs you have on repeat for workouts/runs right now?
Dog sitting for friends is my favorite ‘job’! I only hope I can be so lucky to get all the puppies this summer
I love dog sitting for our best friends. Their bassethound Sophie looks so funny on a walk with our two german shepherds!
Hi Jen! I always love your playlists, and am so grateful that you share them with us. I was wondering if you would consider a post on how you find new music and how you build a playlist for your various classes? I know you did one a while ago (pre-spotify era I think?)- I always fall into a rut with my music and playlists, and would appreciate your insights!