Whoa Tuesday. The busiest day of the week.
4:45 a.m. – alarm goes off, shower #1, make coffee, get dressed
5:30 a.m. – leave house for gym
6 a.m. – private yoga session
7 a.m. – teach a vinyasa flow class

8:30 a.m. – breakfast…smoothie (blueberries, banana, spinach, milk, ice, ground flax) and pumpkin muffin
9 – 10:30 a.m. – computer work (blog, client emails)
10:45 a.m. – 3 mile run with Sullie
11:20 – noon – pack lunch, shower #2, get dressed

Noon – leave house for gym, eat lunch in car…peanut butter and jelly (mmmmmmm), pretzel sticks and carrots
12:30 p.m. – teach a vinyasa flow yoga class
2 p.m. – teach a yoga semi-private

3:45 p.m. – arrive at Y2 and enjoy some downtime and a snack before my next class…attempt to roll out my hip with a softball but read blogs on my iPhone instead
4:20 p.m. – teach a power mixed yoga class, clean the room and book it out of there to make my next class
6 p.m. – teach BodyPump…my very last class of the day with a surprising amount of energy and enthusiasm

7:15 p.m. – deem myself a gigantic mess that needs to get herself home to shower and eat
7:30 p.m. – grocery
8 p.m. – home for shower #3, cook dinner

8:30 p.m. – dinner…seared tuna marinated in soy sauce with sriracha/chili garlic aioli, steamed jasmine rice and mixed aisian veggies, clean up
9:15 p.m. – blog…edit photos and write post
10 p.m. – publish blog, plan for tomorrow’s AM yoga class…make playlist and write sequence
11 p.m. – BED
Loving life.
I totally need to do one of these
You are a machine!! Right when I say there aren’t enough hours in a day, you post this…now I can’t complain I can’t get some stuff done
Whoah! I had to count… that is like 7 workouts in one day! I would be STARVING!
holly – when i teach yoga i do not practice with them. i don’t even unroll a mat. i walk around and assist the whole time. so really just the run + bp were workouts today. that said, i do find that i am MUCH more hungry now that i am on my feet all day! i’ve been eating a ridiculous amount of calories lately!
I’m totally curious… I thought it was best to eat with in an hour of waking? I would be nauseous and dizzy if I had coffee and no food for three hours. Just wondering
i think it just totally depends on the person. when i was working my 9-5, i packed my breakfast every day and ate it when i got to work after teaching or practicing. if for some reason i wake up extra hungry, i will eat half a banana with peanut butter or a piece of toast. my general rule of thumb is if i can eat before 9 a.m., i hold off. if i’m doing a later class (like today for example – i’m taking an 8:10 yoga class and teaching the 9:15), i eat before!
aah girl you are AMAZING and so so happy you are doing what you LOVE! You are seriously incredibleee<3
beats sitting at a desk all day!!!!
dream job!
Nice recap of your day. You must function well on little sleep! I could not manage.
Gosh at the risk of sounding lazy, with all the showering there is no way I would be washing my hair. Haha.
my husband and i talk about how different we are with sleep needs all the time. he needs a solid 8 hours but i’m good on 5-6…which is not necessarily a good thing! i should sleep a little more!
oh…and i don’t wash my hair every single shower! there’s no way!
Phew! What a crazy busy day!! I am in awe of your energy. I’m exhausted just reading all that…and surprisingly hungry.
Are your days just flying by now that you’re so busy? I’d imagine they are! I hope you’re enjoying your new life, Jen
they are flying by. i thought i would have a lot more downtime at first but so not the case! i am so happy and feel so grateful every day that i can do this.
Wow, you are living your dream, huh?! I would love a schedule like that…I hate sitting behind a computer screen all day. I’ll admit though, I wouldn’t shower that many times
I’d make my husband and clients deal with stinkyness 
haha, well…when you spend part of your day in a hot yoga studio you just have to. a lot of them are “rinses” and i don’t wash my hair every time!
Can you please post your recipe for the sriracha/chili garlic aioli? We LOVE sriracha!
i just mixed together low-fat mayo, plain greek yogurt, sriarcha and some of that chili-garlic sauce (the same people that make the sriarcha). i just kind of tasted as i went to find the right spice level!
Awesome — thank you!
love the post! jealous of your life!!! you look GORGEOUS, not a sweaty mess. I am usually not a tea person, but made some yesterday and it was amazing!!!!
This was fun to read! I’ve been meaning to do a day in the life on my blog for awhile now. That is a lot of showers for one day, but I guess you gotta when you teach so much yoga + fitness classes!!
What a day! Just out of curiosity…why did you shower early in the morning before you went the gym?
two main reasons…
1) i like to shower when i get up really early. helps me wake up.
2) this is gross – i have really bad night sweats sometimes so sometimes i feel sticky/sweaty in the AM.
WOW! It’s pretty amazing what you accomplish in one day!
get it, girl. you are a superstar.
Oh my god! I cannot believe how much you do in a day! You go girl!