I thought it would be fun to do a post about what Tuesday looked like for me versus another “day in the life” post I did on Tuesday, October 18, 2011. The 2011 post was written just a few weeks after I left my full-time job in advertising to pursue fitness but I had not yet landed at Metro and was kinda all over the place!
Okay, here’s a day in the life for Tuesday, September 17.
5:25 a.m. – alarm goes off
5:45 a.m. – leave house for gym (I have become much more efficient at getting out of the house in under 20 minutes early in the AM!)
5:50 a.m. – swing by Starbucks
6 a.m. – PT client at Metro

7-8 a.m. – make a green smoothie at the gym for breakfast and catch up on email
8:10-9:10 a.m. – teach power remix at Y2
9:30-11 a.m. – back at Metro for desk work…powered by more Starbucks.
11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. – take a yoga class (this was a BIG treat…I never get to practice on Tuesdays but it was a special day and I had a great practice!)

12:30 p.m. – grab lunch after class at Panera. I had the “You Pick Two” with the harvest turkey wheatberry salad and the autumn squash soup. I ate the apple for a snack later. I haven’t eaten at Panera in a long time and loved this meal!
1:15-5:30 p.m. – back at my desk at Metro where I worked on everything from social media to member emails to staff payroll

5:30-6 p.m. – break to do the CrossFit WOD which was 15-12-9 of heavy deadlifts and chest to bar pull ups. I wouldn’t say that deadlifts are one of my favorite lifts and I usually totally baby the weight and stick around 75-95# in WODs but since the point of this WOD was to go slow and heavy, I decided to push myself. I worked up to 125# on my bar and felt really good about my form for every rep. My hamstrings are sore today so I know I did them right! I finished the workout in a little over 15 minutes.
6-6:30 p.m. – back at my desk to answer emails
6:30-7:30 p.m. – teach power yoga at Metro
7:45 p.m. – leave the gym and head home (for the first time since I left at 5:45 a.m.!!!!)

8-9 p.m. – pour a glass of wine, prep dinner (spaghetti sauce was made Sunday but had to bake the spaghetti squash), work on some PBR stuff, clean kitchen and do dishes, photograph and eat dinner. This dinner was AMAZING. I made the spaghetti sauce from scratch using local beef and Italian sausage from the farmers market. I’ve been making this spaghetti sauce recipe for years and I need to share it. This was my first time serving it over spaghetti squash and I loved it for a lower carb option!
9-10 p.m. – answer text messages, PBR stuff, write Metro CrossFit blog and update social media channels for Metro CrossFit while Mad Men is on in the background
10 p.m. – computer off, more Mad Men
11 p.m. – lights out!
I just want to note that Tuesday is typically my longest day of the week since I start with a PT client at 6 a.m. and don’t finish until 7:30 p.m. In general I have tried to cut back on these marathon days in favor of more sleep and work/life balance. Working in the fitness industry kind of forces you to have a non-traditional schedule due to the face that most people come to the gym before, after work and on the weekends…it’s pretty quiet during the day. So it’s important for me to be here during those busier times. I appreciate the flexibility in my schedule but sometimes it feels like I’m always “on” but it’s not so bad when you love going into work every day! I’m also extremely fortunate that my work activities are varied and include everything from teaching to training to social media to payroll. It keeps me super engaged and I don’t get burned out as easily!
One more thing to note…I spent less time on PBR Tuesday than normal because I wrote the post scheduled to go live on Tuesday on Monday night. I wanted to get a second post up but ran out of time and energy!
I’m exhausted just reading this post. That sounds like one LONG day! Your work sounds like a lot of fun though, as you get to incorporate your passions into almost every hour of the day.
Hope today isn’t as busy. & nice job on the deadlifts!
I don’t know how you do it… Your energy level amazes me.
i couldn’t do it if i didn’t have the downtime at my desk. i need that quiet to reset!
I was going to say the same thing… the Starbucks must help though. LOL
I wish I could get ready faster but I find having to “dress” up for the office takes time, along with packing my lunch.
I have a spaghetti squash in my fridge begging to be ate so please share your sauce recipe soon
I really enjoyed this day in the life recap! It definitely sounds like work is ALWAYS going for you but it’s nice that you can also fit in workouts and stuff around your work schedule. It sounds like you have a fairly good balance going too!
yes, it is so nice to be able to take a break to run errands or attend a yoga class in the middle of the day. i feel so lucky for that flexibility!
What did you do when you worked in Advertising!? Do you miss it?
i worked in account management for about 5 years. i loved it when i was doing it and can’t imagine a different “real world” job but haven’t looked back since i switched to fitness full time. i do miss getting dressed for work and looking cute in professional clothes sometimes though!
Love day in the life. . . so interested to see what other people’s days look like. Thanks for sharing! And I love that you are continually looking at work/life balance, because I think that is key!
Wow what a day you had! I am amazed at how great you are at eating well and getting your workouts in even with a busy busy schedule!
always – #1 priority and it’s one of the ways that i “ground” myself when i’m busy. i can’t do the cereal for dinner thing. i need real food!
Wow, totes impressed! That dinner looks esp good.
I also need to ask, how many changes of clothes do you bring, if any? Still impressed.
oh girl, i change clothes like three times a day and shower at multiple locations. i carry a bag with me at all times with flip flops, two pairs of sneakers, socks and at least 3-4 changes of clothes. i restock the bag every day or two. it also has toiletries, tooth brush and hair care stuff too!
wow, what a day! yes, i love spaghetti squash as a “noodle.” so good!
You’re amazing! Hope today is a bit more restful for you!
i’m tired just reading about your day
I love reading posts like this now and then. It’s definith cool to seethe comparison too! Ill have to go back and read some of your older posts to learn about your transition from corporate world to fitness. Very inspiring.
Our schedules are all over the place as are we! Long days that leave me sometimes so exhausted at night, but I love what I do and it is just the way the fitness schedule goes. No one day is the same, some longer than others, but I always feel like we are running around not normal.
Hope you are relaxing tonight! XOXO
Holy smokes…and I thought my day was long and brutal. So thankful that you still teach yoga after that lonnnng day!
Ps. Very much appreciate the link to skinny jeans…looking for a perfect pair for Fall and boots! Not that I need more jeans, but I can’t help myself.
Wow. This is a long day. As a teacher and personal trainer, I totally feel your “on” thoughts. I love it but it is exhausting!