Lots of highlights to cover from the last couple days. I took a little break from the blog to spend time with friends and family. It’s been so nice to have all this time off and stay in Charlotte. I have really enjoyed our long weekend!
Get ready for a photo-heavy post…here we go!
THANKSGIVING (started the day with a Turkey Trot!)
Pictured: my post-turkey trot lunch, our annual family picture (minus Sullie because she was at home :(), the table, the spread and my first turkey-free Thanksgiving meal – I didn’t miss it one bit
Unpictured: the ridiculous dessert spread (my mother in law made enough pies for us all to take one home), my cute nieces in matching Thanksgiving dresses, the wine (it flowed), my homemade yeast rolls
Pictured: a Soy Joy Tea Misto from Starbucks (my new love and only$2.50), box seats for the Charlotte Bobcats came, the only veggie burger in Time Warner Cable Arena, birthday bowling with friends (celebrating my TWO strikes to end the game and carry my team to victory), late night birthday celebrations continue with half-yards at Sir Ed’s (I did not partake – I was driving!)
Unpictured: a blissful morning yoga practice with one of my favorite instructors, Suzanne, at Charlotte Yoga (I will take yoga over shopping any day!), visiting Brandon’s grandmother, a stop by lululemon to chat with Meg and Mimi and finally get a pair of the Brisk Run Gloves that I blogged about in my Cold Weather Running post, countless gutter balls during our night of bowling, tons of laughter
Pictured: a big, comforting bowl of banana oatmeal topped with peanut butter and jelly, Thanksgiving leftovers lunch, a clean house, beer bread, friends and family gathered in the kitchen, vegetarian chili and salad
Unpictured: surviving 90 minutes of superflow at Y2 on four hours of sleep, another Joy Tea Misto, cheering the Bulldogs on to victory over Georgia Tech
Long run, hot yoga, working a bit (boo) and possibly getting our Christmas tree!
Hope you’ve all enjoyed your weekend!
Happy Thanksgiving! Looks like you had lots of fun welcoming the holiday season.
Happy Thanksgiving (a little late)!
Hi Jen,I always love how you post so many photos that show your fun activities. I did have one question about one photo in particular. The sweet potatoes that were part of your T-day dinner- would you mind sharing that recipe?? They look so good!! Do they have marshmallows in them?I was trying to figure out the ingredients but I’m sure I’ve missed several. Thanks if you’re able to share it.
What a cute family photo! Btw – your dishes are from Vietri aren’t they? I have light blue ones, but I’m still piecing my collection together and hopefully getting some more for Christmas.