While my weekend was very low-key, I found myself pretty worn out by bedtime after chasing this little cutie around all day.
Now that Finn has discovered standing, it’s ALL he wants to do.

You name it, he was into it!

I also have a photo of Finn hanging off the side of the (closed) toilet naked but I’ll spare you from that one. On a related note, if you have any tips on how to get a baby to sit down in the tub…I’m all ears. I cannot keep this guy on his bottom!
Backing up to Friday!

Friday was rainy and gloomy so we finally ventured out of the house that afternoon to run to Target and Trader Joe’s. It was my first time experiencing Target’s new layout and I am a fan! I also bought myself these flowers at Trader Joe’s and they are making me very happy.
My right ear had been bothering me on and off all week and as the day went on Friday, I started to feel really bad. When we got home from Trader Joe’s, I quickly unloaded the groceries and googled urgent care locations as I nursed Finn. It was 6p at this point and my plan was to do dinner, bath and bedtime but my ear was killing me and I was so nervous that it would get even worse overnight.
Luckily, I found a brand new Novant Urgent Care center (like it was there very first day in business) just a few miles down the road and I was able to hold my place in line online. This ended up being a huge blessing and saved me over an hour of wait time once I arrived. I was able to get in and out in under 30 minutes and the doctor told me ear was “red like fire.” Haha. He prescribed me some drops and I had to go to two different pharmacies because the first one didn’t have them in stock.
Finn was a TROOPER through all of this and didn’t meltdown, thank goodness. We got home around 8p, ate leftover chicken and rice casserole, took a quick shower together and he went straight to sleep. I am grateful every day for his go with the flow attitude. <3

Saturday morning breakfast was banana oat bread, scrambled eggs, blueberries and a sumo mandarin.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out around the house and doing house things. We also stopped by to see a friend and her son and hung outside with them for a bit.
On our way home I stopped by Home Depot and got some flowers and herbs. I planted them when we got home. My front porch looks bright and cheery and I’ve got my herbs going in the backyard.

One herb that I did not have to replant this year was parsley! My parsley stayed alive all winter and currently looks like this. I don’t think I’ve ever grown something green so successfully in my entire life.
On Saturday evening we took a walk with the pups and then I cooked myself dinner after Finn went down.

We had a morning playdate on Sunday with Finn’s sweet friend Chloe. She’s a few months older than Finn and I adore her.

And Finn loved trying out her toys. I think we’ll definitely be getting him a little chair of his own and I am also thinking about getting one of these foam play mats. Two of my friends have them and I really like them. I’d like to create some sort of dedicated play area/corner for Finn somewhere in my house.
We stayed home the rest of Sunday. I spent a ton of time this weekend cleaning, organizing and throwing out. I also did some baking and cooking on Sunday.

And this is how we ended our weekend!
Any bath time tips to get a baby to sit down!?
Favorite toys/gear for the 12-18 month mark?
Have you done any spring planting yet?
P.S. The winner of the Hoover giveaway is Janelle! She won by random number generator but her story was worth sharing here!!! Safe to say she is a good candidate for the SmartWash+!

Finn is just the cutest!! I actually did a little bit of spring planting the other day with some flowers. I used to be a big garden person, but it really is a high maintenance job. I found out that I was not as dedicated to it as I should have been lol. Thanks for sharing, glad you had a great weekend!
We had the same bathtub standing issue with my almost 2 year old when he was about a year old. Fortunately, like everything else, it was a phase, and he now sits happily. I found two tactics marginally effective: 1. distraction- I would leave the water running (think fast bath) to distract him, and 2. “first, then” for bath toys (e.g. first sit, then toy). If he stood, I’d repeat. Honestly, it was extremely frustrating because I was so worried about him slipping, but this too shall pass! Good luck!
I agree! My one year old went through this phase and now at almost two he understands he has to sit on his bottom. For months, every time he stood up, I just put him back on his bum and told him “we sit down in the tub.”
The standing is a phase! We went through it a few months ago – it didn’t last long for us. Bath toys helped, as did those grippy mats for the bathtub – less sliding.
Exactly what the moms above said: distract with toys and wait out the phase
Finn is a major cutie! My boy’s fave toy at the 12-18 month is the V-Tech Sit to Stand Learning Walker. I love it too because it is adorable to see him happily pushing it around our home.
I think every baby goes through the standing in the bath phase. I would clean my daughter as soon as we put her in the tub. Then if she stood up, I would sit her back down and tell her “no standing.” If she did it again, the bath was over. It would make her SO mad, but after a few nights of that, she got the point and sat down. In the meantime, if you don’t already have one of those cute spout covers, order one on Amazon ASAP to avoid any major head bangs.
I have a 10 month old and we use a chair that suction cups to the bottom of the tub. A was given it by a friend and don’t know the brand. He loves it! He plays with his bath toys while I clean him up. I’m sure amazon has sometime
The photo of Finn staring into the washing machine is precious!
I definitely suggest a bath mat, we actually got it bc my husband nearly slipped in the tub but now it’s nice to have for my daughter. Usually she stands up when she’s all done, but it helps to distract them by splashing the water so they’ll want to do the same! It’s messy, but they can’t splash if they are standing up! We also have some bath toys for her to play with.
We have this little seat that suctions to the tub. We are in the “all I want to do is stand” phase too and it is exhausting!
OMG – your winner definitely deserves to win that carpet cleaner. What a story!