I’m so excited to share that we are enjoying a sunny Saturday morning in FLORIDA!

We canceled our fall and holiday trips due to COVID precautions. While I am so relieved that we did because Finn and I both ended up getting COVID during that time and it was just the right thing to do, we missed everyone so much. Now that both of my parents and my grandmother are now fully vaccinated, Finn and I had COVID recently and case numbers are stabilizing, we all felt comfortable scheduling a visit.
I understand that some people might not be ready to travel yet and I respect each individual and family’s decision to do what is best for them.

Finn was SO excited to go on a trip to Florida to see Meme, P-Paw and Mema. After breakfast on Friday morning he went upstairs and when I popped my head in his room to check on him he told me he was “packing.” He was piling all of his favorite toys, books and bedding into the corner of his bed. It was very cute.

Before we left we squeezed in a quick stroller run. I have been so out of the running groove lately and I would like to get back to running 3x/week. The spring weather is very helpful! Overall, I had a good week of workouts this week.
Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday were total rest days due to recovering from filming workouts for Fit Revolution and being in yoga teacher training. The rest of the week looked like this…
Monday: 60-minute hot power yoga
Tuesday: Taught a 60-minute strength/HIIT class
Wednesday: 3.5 mile run
Thursday: 3.7 mile walk
Friday: 3.4 mile stroller run
Not sure what today will look like…maybe just chasing Finn around on the beach, a walk or short run. Tomorrow will either be a run or a yoga practice with one of my favorite teachers in this area whom I haven’t practiced with in a year!

Finn was very much looking forward to getting to Mema’s house to play with toys. Of course she ordered some new things for him so he’s been in his glory checking them out.
Finn is also loving these new tie-dye shark pajamas that we ordered from Gap. They’re on sale right now for $17 and they’re super soft. He was outgrowing his PJs so I ordered a few new sets of 3T PJs.

We are here for five nights so we have a nice long visit to enjoy! The weather is supposed to be gorgeous for the duration of our stay…high 60s and sunny. I haven’t see the water this clear in a very long time. You can see to the bottom all the way out to the sandbar. It’s so pretty. While it won’t be ocean swimming weather, we will definitely spend a lot of time outside and on the beach. The back pool is heated so I’m sure we will end up taking a few dips.
Truthfully, I wouldn’t care if it was cold and rainy. I am just so grateful and happy to be here and to be together. <3
Wishing you all a great weekend.
If you were separated from family due to COVID, have you seen your family recently or do you have plans to see them soon? What are your deciding factors?
Is there a workout that you would like to include more of in your mix this spring? Also, I haven’t forgotten the workout mix templates that I promised you!
Favorite place to get toddler/kid PJs?
Haven’t seen my family in about 15 months so I am finally taking my 2.5 year old to visit them next week. We waited because no one was vaccinated and being military I have not been allowed to travel for a while. Now that I have the vaccine and so does most of my family and in laws we decided it felt like a safe time to go. Fingers crossed for two long days of cross country flying alone with a toddler!
Hi Jody – gosh, I can’t imagine what it’s been like to go 15 months without seeing your family. Especially with a 2.5 year old and how much they grow and change. I am so glad that you have been vaccinated and are planning a visit. I will be sending you ALL of the good travel energy. I know it’s stressful to travel solo with a toddler!
Sara’s Prints for kid pajamas!!! Love these because they are NOT tight!
Oh thank you! I’ve never heard of this and I’m off to research now!
I’m so so happy that you are there!!! My mom is also visiting us here in Charlotte for the first time in over a year! I have such a different appreciation now! xoxo Sending you lots of love.
In Canada only people 75 and older have been vaccinated. I have seen my mother outside all winter long (-15 celcius walks ) and no other family members except for a few minutes outside too. Restos and gyms are still closed and we were masks at the school I work to. Life is hard. The only reason is because our country stoped producing vaccines in the 90s and sold to Americans all our supplies to be self sufficient in vaccine production … there was no panic back then… so our vaccines deliveries have been delayed. Such a mess.
Many healthcare workers are now vaccinated. Most Canadians will be vaccinated by September. Yes it is hard to mask always and have strict social distancing rules but because we did our COVID numbers and deaths are far, far less than the US. We should be proud of that. We can’t control what the government did in the 90s but we can control how we live right now. I am grateful to live in Canada. Many countries have been unable to vaccinate even one person.
I hope things improve on the vaccine front for Canadians. That is something to be grateful for here in the US, that we do manufacture vaccines. It has been tough and stressful to deal with the contentiousness around covid mitigation measures. I wish you both the very best.
Oh Laurence, I so appreciate you sharing so honestly about your experience. I cannot imagine the stress that you are under and what this last year has been like for you. I am inspired by your strength and resilience.
Yes- to echo Jen, it isn’t just age so don’t lose hope! It’s really ramping up based on what I’ve seen in healthcare. I’m in my 30s and I received my first dose a few weeks ago. And I’m in Allied Health working in a hospital (not even ICU or Emergency). I know many people (healthcare or not) who have had a dose or been scheduled by now. It’s coming fast.
If it weren’t for two hurricanes hitting where my parents live, I wouldn’t have seen them in the fall. They have traveled to the city and state I live in for a few day trips and we visited outside. Now that we are all vaccinated I feel ok visiting them for a few days during spring break. As a teacher, I try to stick to a small group of people when not at work.
As for workouts mixes: I’d love a mix of yoga/pilates.
Hi Elisa – oh gosh, what a year it sounds like your parents had. I am so sorry to hear that they were impacted by two hurricanes on top of COVID. How stressful. It’s great to hear that you are all vaccinated now and that you will be able to spend time together during spring break. Thank you for all that you do as a teacher. I know it’s been an unprecedented time for you with a lot added to your plate. <3
Wonderful for you and Finn !!! So glad you are there enjoying time together, family is the most important
Thank you Katie! So grateful for the time we had with my family!
I would love a strength and HIIT combo that can be done at home with just dumbbells!
I love creating workouts like this and post them regularly! There are a lot on the “workout” section of my site and on IG. I’ll be posting more soon!
So happy that you and Finn are able to visit your family! There is really nothing more soothing than the ocean, and I imagine it’s even more so when you’re there with your family after being away so long
Thanks Megan, I’m so grateful that we were able to make the trip down to Florida. And you’re right, just being near the ocean is so calming and grounding!
So great that your family is vaccinated and you are able to see them!!! I’m hoping to be vaccinated in the next couple of months. I so appreciate ppl who acted responsibly, and kept away from those who are most vulnerable.
Thank you Trish, I am so grateful that they are. It’s such a relief. We enjoyed seeing each other and are relieved we won’t have to go so long again. <3 I hope you get vaccinated soon!
I’m glad you and Finn are able to visit your family! It’s hard for everyone, but it seems especially worse for the little ones who can’t really understand all of this. I haven’t seen my family since December 2019. I’m in Seattle, my parents and most of my family is in KY / OH, and the others are still far enough that it would require a plane flight. My parents got their first shot last week and I’m eligible starting 3/17. However, there are 3 variants of concern that are circulating in WA that the vaccines may not be effective against, so not sure how much better I’m actually going to feel about the situation once vaccinated. None of us really feel comfortable flying yet, and I think that will take a while. We’re still on work from home with no return date yet, so it seems that it doesn’t make sense that it’s safe to fly if it’s not safe to go back to the office. My parent’s 40th anniversary was last year, my Dad’s 65th birthday is this month, and my 40th birthday is in July, so it’s been rough as we can’t celebrate any of those milestones together in person.
Hey Marie – I was really sad to read this. I am sorry that you’ve been separated from your family for so long and that you’re missing celebrating these milestones together. I hope that something shifts in a positive direction soon that allows you to be reunited. <3