I have been on cloud nine since since leaving Studio B Power Yoga on Sunday afternoon. It was an INCREDIBLE weekend of yoga, connection and growth.

Also incredible was being reunited with this guy when I got home. I swear to you it felt like he had changed so much in the three days since I had seen him. How is that possible?
I spent my weekend in central Pennsylvania leading yoga classes and workshops.

I landed at 4:30p on Friday, grabbed my bags and my rental car and headed straight to Ethos Fitness to teach a power yoga master class. I connected with their studio owner when I was in PA in January and she invited me to teach a class at her studio when I returned. It was such a lovely way to kick off my weekend and I hope to return to this studio in the future!

I popped into Chipotle on my way to the hotel to grab dinner. I had a hybrid rice/salad bowl with black beans, sour cream, shredded pork, corn and guac. Chipotle was not my first or second or third choice for dinner but kind of my only option. It was surprisingly delicious and I ate my whole bowl.

I was up early on Saturday morning. My boobs woke me up at 6:30a because I needed to pump. Haha. I pumped, meditated, went for a 3 mile run and got coffee and breakfast at Starbucks. All of this happened before 8:30a. Who am I?
Two fun things about Hershey are 1) the town sometimes smells like chocolate and 2) the light poles are Hershey’s Kisses.
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Saturday was incredible. I taught a master class at 9:30a followed by backbend and arm balance workshops.

One fun thing about my weekend was that my friend and photographer Wanda Koch joined me to shoot some of my classes/workshops. She has family in the area and invited me to hang out with them on Saturday night.

Her brother restores antique arcade games and I got to tour his workshop and game rooms. WOW. It was truly amazing.

I got to try/play out some of his antique games, including this Fortune Teller. When I say that he restores these games, he truly builds them back to their original state from disrepair and from the inside out. He fixes everything from the internal workings to the external art. It’s incredible!

Our next stop was dinner. I had a salad and pizza at Cork and Fork. It was all super delicious.
I arrived back at my hotel room around 10 p.m. ready to pass out! I made a playlist for class the next morning and headed to bed.

Sunday morning started with pumping, meditation and breakfast.

Followed by my last two classes at Studio B. I taught their 9:15a power yoga class and then an inversions workshop.

I FINALLY GOT TO MEET THIS GIRL! Ya’ll, Claire and I have been connected via blogging and social media and golden retrievers for YEARS! It was the most wonderful thing to finally get to meet her in person. <3

I made a suuuuuper quick stop into Chocolate World on my way to the airport. I asked the locals if the Hershey’s chocolate was REALLY better in Hershey and they assured me that it was. They said it was super fresh and delicious so I had to try it. I literally sprinted into the building, grabbed a bunch of chocolate, paid and left. Very important priorities.

UNTIL NEXT TIME! <3 I will be back!
And if you want to join Studio B Owner Brittany (far left in this photo) and I for a yoga and fitness retreat in Jamaica this summer, sign up now! Last chance to lock in our low group rates!
That is all for tonight. I am so grateful to do the work that I do. Please let me know if you are interested in having me travel to your city for a workshops. And don’t forget that I have two 200-hour teacher trainings coming up in 2019.
What is your favorite arcade game? I have always been a huge fan of skee-ball and pin ball.
Backbends, arm balances or inversions? Which one would you most like to work on? Or do you most need to work on?
Favorite kind of chocolate candy?
Your son is adorable!!
My all-time favorite arcade game is Pac-Man, but I like pinball, too.
I don’t do yoga routinely, but I really should: my hips are always super tight from sitting too much all day at work, and I feel a lot calmer when I do yoga regularly. I’m not good at backbends, arm balances or inversions.
I don’t know that I could pick a favorite chocolate candy. On the cheaper end, I really like both Reese’s peanut butter cups and snickers. On the higher end, I enjoy any dark chocolate with sea salt, caramel or nuts.
How did your son do when you left him for three days? I have a boy the same age and my husband and I want to go on a mini staycation, but I’m not sure if I can handle leaving him with his grandparents for a full weekend. It’s probably all in my head though!!
Your life is so cool! All that yoga and running you do is so awesome! Also, those Hershey kiss lights in the town are so adorable lol. I have never seen anything like that before. Thanks for sharing, hope you are having a great day.
Thanks for sharing your weekend!
Not to be a total buzzkill, but Hershey’s has some ethical issues. They source their cocoa from farms in Western Africa that routinely employ child labor (moreover, child labor practices routinely involve kidnapping and enslavement, so “child labor” is a bit of a whitewashed term). I encourage everyone to look for “fair trade certified” or “rainforest certified” chocolate, which ensures that both humanity and our environment are being treated respectfully.
Just food for thought! I learned of this recently and it has caused me to make some changes in my purchasing practices.
Thank you so much for always sunny and positive posts! May I ask how you are handling feeding Finn when away for a weekend? I am always struggling to pre-pump enough milk for even 1-2 days away from my 5-months little one.
Hey Jen! Wanda’s brother’s arcade restoration looks so cool. I work at CNN and we have a dept called Great Big Story that reports on unique, interesting stories and people all over the world. Wanda’s brother seems like he could be an interesting feature, and I’d love to suggest him. Would you be able to get his contact info?
Here’s the GBS YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/greatbigstory.
Sending you an email!