I have received so many questions about what direction I’m going with my career post-maternity leave. Great question and I’ve been working very hard behind the scenes on figuring it out! I’m excited to share some details with you today.

This Friday will mark 12 weeks of maternity leave, although I haven’t taken a full leave from working. I have kept my blog going almost daily since Finn’s birth for two reasons. First, I didn’t really have a choice from a financial standpoint. Second, it was enjoyable to document this time of life. My blog has been a huge blessing during maternity leave for the flexibility it offers in when I can get the work done as well as the connection it has created during a time where I’ve needed and valued support from other women and moms.
I received about six weeks of maternity leave from the studio for the marketing work that I did, but not the teaching. During the first four weeks I was still doing some work from home.
I am grateful for the leave that I have been able to take. Even though I’ve worked a little through it, I truly felt like I could focus on Finn and soak up his newborn days. While I shared that some of the days have been long and lonely, I wouldn’t trade this time we’ve had together for anything.
I also think it’s been very healthy for me to take a break from working so much. For the last 10 years or so I have consistently worked seven days a week and let a lot of my personal life get wrapped up in work. I have done a lot of thinking about my working habits/schedule as well as my desires for my personal life. I miss the days of weekend getaways, going to see concerts, trying new restaurants, etc. While I know these things aren’t going to happen right away with a baby, I definitely want to set the intention to get there again. Moving forward I am seeking more balance and space when it comes to work and life.
This can be difficult to do when you are self-employed and really enjoy your work but Finn has given me so much perspective in his short 11 weeks of life!

I’m shifting my focus for right now to online platforms, teacher trainings and out of town workshops and retreats. Here’s what I’ve got lined up.
I am a presenter for Wanderlust 108 events in Toronto and Cincinnati. I’ll be acting as the run lead and getting everyone warmed up for the 5K and then running it with them! The Toronto event is September 15 and Cincinnati is October 6. If any of you live in those areas, I’d love for you to attend and to meet up with you guys!
I am BEYOND thrilled to share that I’m leading a 200-hour power yoga teacher training in Kingsport, Tennessee at Vida Hot Yoga. We begin on September 28! If you live anywhere within driving distance and are interested in completing yoga teacher training, please consider joining us!
The training takes place over the course of eight immersive weekends. I’m very grateful that the studio owner is also a mom and a lifelong resident of Kingsport. I’ll be bringing Finn with me and they will be assisting me with childcare in a way that I will still be able to see and breastfeed Finn throughout the training weekends.
You can find all of the details on the training on Vida’s website and you are also more than welcome to email me for more information or with questions.
Last year I visited Studio B Power Yoga in Harrisburg, PA to teach a weekend workshop. In early 2019 I will be returning to lead one of their 200-hour teacher training weekends at their new Hershey, PA location. I’ll travel back a couple months later to lead another weekend workshop that will be open to the public.
I’m partnering with the owner of Studio B Power Yoga to lead a fitness and yoga retreat in Riviera Maya, Mexico next June. It will be five nights of fitness, yoga, sweat, sand and FUN! Stay tuned for dates, pricing and more info on how to register!
Finally, I’m working with my website developer to build an online yoga platform where I will offer streaming classes on a subscription basis. There will be everything from power flow to deep stretch to prenatal yoga classes and they will range in length from 10 to 60 minutes. Look for more details on how to join soon. We’re planning to launch this fall!

My workflow moving forward will look much different than it did previously. I will continue to focus on writing blog content most days of the week. I’ll start scheduling 3-4 days per month to go to a studio to film classes for the online platform. The post-filming editing required for that will be time consuming but I’m so excited to get back to teaching! I’ll also be working on writing the manual for our 200-hour and getting all of my ducks in a row for training.
I’ll continue to look for opportunities to schedule weekend workshops and other trainings…so let me know if you want me to come to your local studio and I’ll reach out to the studio owners!
This is all going to be a lot of work but it’s work that I feel passionately about and that allows me the freedom and flexibility to spend the majority of my time taking care of Finn. I’m going to have to be creative about getting it all done, and setting those work/life boundaries that I am looking for, but I know I can figure it out.
Thanks for following along!
So excited for you, Jen! That all sounds like a perfect schedule for a working mama, and you deserve time to dedicate towards your family. I personally would love it if you could offer a workshop in the Triangle region, and even better if it could be focused on post partum work like healing your core and post c-section yoga considerations. There are a ton of studios in the area, but I tend to practice most often at Blue Point Yoga Studio in Durham. Cheers!
Hi from Kingsport, Tennessee! I’m a long time reader who was so surprised to see my town in this post!! I can’t do the training program but I hope you enjoy your tune here!!!
Exciting plans! I love the idea of the online yoga classes. I’d give anything to take a prenatal class from you. I’m due the end of October so fingers crossed that I’ll be able to squeeze in one or two! Thanks for sharing your plans, and I enjoy reading all of your posts.
And postnatal classes!
So excited to hear this news…I’ve been a long time follower. Dropped off for a while being wrapped up in my own business that I just closed, but recently checked in and was both heartbroken and happy for you for all that’s happening. Needless to say, I’ve been rooting you on from Raleigh and this post made me thrilled beyond measure. Keep doing your thing. So many people out there love and support you and you continue to inspire regardless of what’s happening in your life. Thats a true leader. <3
So happy to read about all these exciting opportunities for you! I know you will find he right balance and provide an amazing life for your family!
Your new work flow sounds perfect. How exciting to start afresh.
Let me know if you need a very experienced Nana to come to Hershey PA the weekend you’re there to hold that precious boy nonstop ?
Oh Jennifer I am so proud of you for making a work path that suits both yours and Finns needs. It’s not as easy as you make it look. I would love to be able to operate my own business, blog or both. I simply don’t have the guts. You can do anything. Kisses to you and Finn. God Bless.
So excited for you and all you have planned. Excited about the online yoga. Just started using u-tube to learn about yoga. Very beginner but you have to start some where. Best wishes for you and Fin!
Congratulations on everything you have ahead of you! I don’t even know you but I feel so proud of you!!!
So excited for all your upcoming opportunities! I’ve been following your blog for oh goodness maybe 7 years now (?!?!) if not more – and watching you go from training for MCM to CrossFit to yoga – you have certainly been all over the place and on the go! So glad you’ve been able to take a step back and enjoy your time “off”. I cannot wait to see what your future holds for you!
I love hearing this, mostly because Finn will grow up seeing his mother making moves, being her own boss, and just going after it. What a great example to show him! I’ll be following along from my own barre studio here in Chapel Hill!
You are such an inspiration! You give me the courage to think that I could make life what works for me instead of trying to mold my desires into society’s expectations.
I’m excited to hear about the online yoga platform! I’ve been doing a lot of home fitness videos now that I don’t have a gym membership and the one thing I miss is yoga. Will definitely be interested in signing up, if the pricing fits in my budget.
I am so excited for your online classes! I’ll be a subscriber for sure.
You are an inspiring career woman – keep up the great work (and rest and play.)
So many exciting things in the works for you! I am so happy for you and wishing you nothing but the best as you enter this new phase of your career.
Please keep me posted on your online subscription! I’ve loved taking classes from you and having you streaming to my living room sounds amazing! Congrats on the new adventures!!!!
So exciting!! I live somewhat close to Cincinnati so I will see you there!!
What a great transition for you back into teaching!! These all sound like incredible opportunities for you especially the flexibility they provide with Finn
Good luck and thanks for sharing!
Wow, what great and inspiring work you will be doing! I am excited to hear more about the online platform! Ill keep my eyes peeled!
What?!?! Online streaming yoga classes, you say? Go ahead and sign me right up! ?. I am a stay-at-home mom of 3 and also work part-time at home, so about 80% of my yoga practice occurs my living room because oftentimes studio classes don’t fit in my schedule. I love streaming classes to follow along with, and am very excited that you will be launching your own platform!
Sounds like you have a lot of awesome opportunities on your horizon! Very happy for you Jen!
My babysitter lives in Kingsport, TN! I hope you enjoy your time there. Try to ignore the stench Eastman Chemical Company :’D
Hooray!! I look forward to taking your online classes! :). Good for you!
OHEMGEEEEE I can’t wait for your online classes! That will workout so well for someone who works in a hospital very early in the morning to late at night when all the classss are filled up or closed. Yippee! Will be signing up!
Love all these things. So inspiring to see the direction that a life of yoga and fitness can take a determined woman. You continue to inspire me here. Can’t wait to see how this grows for you. Rock on ?
All so exciting! I love that you’ll be doing streaming classes! ?
Yeeeey for online classes! What a treat to do yoga with you at home ?? Looking forward!
You are such a powerhouse, Jen. Well done.
I am not a runner but live in Ohio and now I want to go to Wanderlust just to meet you!
Love that you can create a work/life balance that works for you. You (and Finn) deserve it!
How exciting, Jen! All of this sounds perfect for you and Finn, what a wonderful way to have a work life balance with him. Also, I love that you can bring him to Tenn with you – he’ll have so many admirers!
That all sounds amazing good for you Jen!! I will definitely try your online classes in the winter and recommend them to friends.
Try to give yourself as much grace as possible as you return to more out of the house work. It will be satisfying but a huge transition. I know you’ll rock it.
Thank you Jenny! I am thrilled!
I would appreciate you trying the platform and sharing. Thank you.
And such a great reminder on the grace…trying to have that every step of the way.
Congratulations on all of your amazing opportunities!!!!!
That yoga and fitness retreat sounds fantastic!
Thanks Tara! So wonderful to hear from you! CONGRATS on the new house project!
This is so exciting! I have stayed at home with my daughter since she was born 20 months ago. I had to stop working 20 weeks into pregnancy because of lots of complications and haven’t gone back yet. I have an interview on Monday and I’m so nervous! I hope your transition back into working more is smooth! Best of luck to you!
What a blessing Lisa. I know you’ve treasured that time with her. And I’m glad you were able to have bring her into this world after the complications you experienced. I can only imagine how scary that must have been. Good luck on your interview!
Very excited for you and all you have lined up!! Congrats! Super excited about the online classes – that will be awesome! Go Jen!!
Thank you Kristy!
You’ve focused so much on others through yoga, your job, and your personal life. This sounds like an awesome new opportunity to focus on you and enjoy the little things like having a weekend! I think some bright times are ahead, Jen xoxo
Aw, thanks Christina!
I pray brighter days await. <3
Excellent! So happy you have created a lifestyle/career going forward that reflects your interests and is flexible enough for you to fully enjoy being Finn’s mom.
Thank you Tracy, I feel so grateful for the freedom to be able to do this.
Sounds like you have some exciting things lined up!
Thanks! I am thrilled!
Sounds like you have some really great things lined up for the future! I’m happy for you, and hope everything goes well! If you ever come to NY/NJ, I would love to take a class with you
Hopefully I can make it up there!
I’m so happy you’ve gotten to spend this extra time with Finn! I know when I went back to work (at 5 weeks
) I was a mess!!! It has taken me a long time to be ok with the fact that I have to work right now. But with your work situation, you are so so lucky and I’m glad you didn’t have to fully go back right away. As for the Wanderlust event in Cinncinati, that is like 45 minutes from me! I might have to look into that and come say hi 
Gosh, I can imagine that was emotional Nikki. I feel grateful to have had this time with him! I hope I can see you in Cincinnati!
Looking forward to trying those online classes! Congrats on all the upcoming opportunities. You’re killing it!
Thank you Allison!
I am so excited for you, Jen!! I am so glad you have found a way to keep doing the work you love while having more time to spend with your sweet son. It will be so fun to travel to different cities and meet new people while following your passion! I’m also so excited for your online yoga classes and will definitely be subscribing
Thanks Megan, yes I’m so excited about the opportunity to connect with more people and to spread my wings outside of Charlotte!
So excited for you and the adventures ahead!
Thank you Lindsey!
Congratulations on all your new opportunities! I’m so excited for the online yoga program!
Thanks Amy!
I’m so excited for the online classes!!!
Me too!
Yay so happy for you!! Can’t wait to hear more about the Mexico retreat!
Thank you! I hope you can join us!
Wow, good for you! This all sounds so incredible. I’m glad you are able to do something you love. I’m excited for you on this new path!
Thank you Shoshana! I feel grateful.
I’m excited for all this new stuff in your near future! You’re such an awesome yoga teacher and it’s great that you’re finding new and versatile ways to work while also being a mom. I look forwarded to hearing more about the online platforms.
I am afraid to I ask…but does mean you won’t be back to Y2 in the foreseeable future?
So looking forward to the online classes!
Thanks Teresa!
I’m so happy for you that your going to do what makes you feel happy Jen! In other words, Finn will even be a happier baby bc you won’t be stress out having to leave him every day going to work. I wish you the best of luck in your new adventures and I know you will be successful!
Thank you! And yes, I feel SO lucky that I have work that allows me flexibility to be with Finn. It’s truly a blessing.
HERSHEY!!!!!!!! Wow, I’m so excited you’re coming to Pennsylvania!!! I’ve been following you for a few years and I am so excited!!
Yes! Stay tuned for dates!
This all sounds wonderful and exciting. Best of luck with all your projects! I think that an on-line yoga subscription program is fantastic. I would definitely try it. I found that once I had kids, and as a working parent, it is almost impossible to do yoga at the studio. The timing never quite works out. It is wonderful that you are able to bring your baby to some of these engagements as well! If you have reliable childcare, you will move mountains
Hi Irina – thank you so much for the good wishes and encouragement! I hear you on finding time to get to a studio. I can’t even imagine how a fitness class would fit into my schedule at the moment…there is just so much to juggle. I see a lot of short neighborhood runs, home practices and driveway workouts coming in the future!
But wait, NYC isn’t on the list?! (Yet!) I’m so excited for you. So many yogis and yogis-to-be will be lucky to have you guide them.
Emily – NYC would be a dream! I’d love to teach in the city and I’d love to see you there! xx
I am excited for your new work opportunities!
I think a pumping while traveling post will be on its way at some point. Be sure to take care of yourself first during any travels. In turn you will take care of Finn!
Gosh, I am already so stressed about that!
Wow good for you. you are so lucky to have chosen a career which allows for so much flexibility. not suggesting you are not working hard at it, just that its a blessing to have chosen something that allows for it. i have pretty much chose a career with no real flexibility, but who thinks like that when they are 18 or 20 or even 25 ? certainly i didnt. i’m ok with it but i do get a little envious when i see posts like this. im sure the travel and meeting new people will really be a pick me up for your spirits in general. love to see women making their way in the world !!!
So excited to try your online platform! Best wishes to you and Finn!
Jen – could you please incorporate classes designed for postpartum mamas? As a mama to two, it’s a bit harder getting out to a studio now, so an online class (or postpartum series) would be great!
Hi Jen
I’ve been following you for years and I live in the Toronto area. Sadly I am on vacation in Florida when you will be here in Toronto. I would have loved to have met you as I have enjoyed your recipes, fitness routines and general insights into life. Maybe that June yoga retreat for me….
I’m hoping you’ll do a future post about what an online yoga platform is or what your vision for that is. And how that differs from some of the content that is already out there. Is it like a community studio but online? Or does it navigate you through the content and help you build a program or challenges, etc?
Jen, we would love to host you at MBody Yoga in Jacksonville, FL!!! I’ve been reading your blog for years and not only did you inspire me to take my first yoga class, you inspired me to do teacher training. Def reach out to our new owner!