Four weeks ago today I left my career in advertising and announced my decision to pursue fitness full-time. When I walked out of my office for the last time I felt exhilarated but also a little scared. Here is a look at how things are going at the one month mark.
I’m feeling…
Happy. Work doesn’t feel like work when you spend all day doing something that you love. I truly enjoy every single class and every single training session. Life is good.
Grateful. I feel an extreme amount of gratitude for so many things. For the support of my friends, family, students and the Charlotte fitness community. For the opportunity to make a career out of doing something that I love so much. For amazing supervisors/mentors at my various places of employment. For my husband who has encouraged me every step of the way.
Lucky. Every day I ask myself, “Is this real life?” It took a lot of hard work and long hours to get to this point but I feel unbelievably blessed that it has become a reality.
Supported. I don’t think I’ve gone a single day without someone asking me how things are going with the career change. To realize that people genuinely want to see you succeed and want to do what they can to help make that happen is incredible.
I’m surprised…
By how busy I am. Honestly, I thought that I would have a lot of down time in the beginning. I envisioned a couple weeks where I could get my house completely clean and organized and get a ton of things done that have been pushed to the back burner (car inspections, car registration drama, 401k transfers, closet clean outs, etc). Um, that has SO not been the case. My days have been busy and the weeks are flying by.
That I kind of miss “getting dressed.” Don’t get me wrong. It is really nice not to have to get dressed up for work every day but I now go days at a time without even putting jeans on. Take this week for example. I haven’t had jeans on since Sunday. I live in Lululemon. It’s not unusual for me to take 2-3 showers every day and to go through 2-3 outfits. I have been trying to at least blow dry my hair and put on makeup every day.
By opportunities that have come my way. The universe is funny. I fought this change for a long time and “swam against the current ” with one foot in two worlds until I was almost at my breaking point. As soon as I let go and took the leap of faith, opportunities came pouring in. Things have a way of working out.
I’m looking forward to…
A more firm schedule. My schedule has been pretty crazy. Especially Tuesdays. I’m running all over town on that day. One of the best pieces of advice I got when I started this new journey was to try to create a schedule for myself and stick to it. Carve out blocks of time that I will spend in different locations. For example, Monday mornings might be devoted to personal training clients at the gym while Wednesday mornings will be spent at Y2 teaching. I want to be able to look at the week and know where I will be and when I can schedule things. I know it will take time to get there but that’s my intention.
More personal training. This month has been really heavy on the yoga. I’ve been teaching a ton of classes and privates. I’m looking forward to building up the personal training side of things so that it feels a bit more balanced.
Blog upgrades. Guess what? PBR is getting a major overhaul. We’re shooting to get the new design up next week. Hang with me if there is any funkiness during the transition. And Bakin’ and Eggs is moving over to its own server too! I’m seriously committing to posting several recipes each week. I’m loving having more time to spend in the kitchen.
So there you have it. All in all, life is so good and I am ridiculously happy. I truly appreciate your support and kind words over the past month!
Congratulations! It’s so good to hear that you love how things are working out. I am at the point in my life on deciding whether to major in something health and fitness related. I completely agree with doing something you love. I need to keep that in mind to remind me to go with my passions!
thanks brittany – i feel really lucky that i can make a career out of doing something that i love so much. it just totally 100% feels like the RIGHT thing and that is incredible!
Jen, you’re an inspiration!
thank you!
I agree – you are an inspiration!! Congratulations again and I am so glad to hear that things are working out!!
leeann – thank you so much. i really appreciate your comment! i am really happy that things are working out too! it was a pretty scary jump.
thanks for posting this jen. so inspiring. i’m hoping one day (soon) i can take that leap too!
thank you kristy. i am excited to follow your path too!
Has it already been a month?? Congratulations!! When I first read your blog I immediately thought, you should do this professionally and I was so psyched to hear you that you took this step towards a career in fitness and health. Jaqueline is so right, you are an inspiration. One PBR post is enough to make me wanna run and be active
Wishing you all the best for the path you’ve chosen!!
nikkie – i know! it’s hard to believe that it’s already been a month. it is such an amazing feeling to love my “job” (that doesn’t even feel like a job) so much!
Congratulations Jen! Can’t wait to see the new layout
thanks sherri! i’m so ready to get it implemented. it’s about time!
It’s always wonderful to see people take a risk, do what they love & help others in the process. That’s truly the definition of success. And what great motivation & encouragement your story is for others! Kudos & congrats on living your dream Jen!
ally – thanks so much for the congrats. i feel incredibly lucky for this opportunity and the most rewarding part is definitely the ability to help others feel better.
Proud of you Jen ;)! I hope you will be able to achieve the perfect balance–and still have the time for yourself that you need! TT seems like ages ago but also like yesterday, right? What an awesome group and so fun to stay in touch and watch each other change and grow :). Go girl!
ann – thanks so much for your sweet comment. gosh, were we ever lucky for the amazing teacher training group we had. love every single one of you and so amazed by the things that everyone is doing.
I can’t believe it’s been a month! really glad it’s going well for you.
thanks trish!
SO happy to hear that everything is working out! When you do what you love it is impossible to not be overjoyed!
thank you jess! and yes, it’s amazing! it doesn’t even feel like work and that is such a great feeling!
I love this post and so happy to hear that you are doing awesome wih the transition one month later! I knew you would do great things & I’m so excited to see what else you will do. Opportunities are endless. You have such a gift!! Congrats on a hugely successful first month. See you soon!!
Love that!! Isn’t it amazing to see things work out? I always find things happen that way too. Can definitely feel through the post how happy you are.
Jen- so excited to hear things are working out well for you! It’s so inspiring; I love following your journey.
Hi, Jen!
I discovered your blog not too long ago and have been so interested in following your new journey…I am a graphic designer by day with some things to get settled before I can make any big changes/moves, but I look forward to one day (hopefully in the near future, next year or so) being able to make a career out of my freelance illustration business as well as becoming certified as a fitness instructor…as of now, I am especially into power and vinyasa yoga, Pilates, BodyCombat/Flow/Pump. Children’s books and fitness are my two biggest passions and I am determined to make them my careers. Your story has and continues to be very inspiring and I absolutely enjoy reading your blog on a regular basis. It is truly important to 100% love what you do, all the while changing the world for the better through what you do (even if just affecting a few people)…amazing. You serve as a great inspiration for me to keep doin’ what I’m doin’, and to keep on pursuing what I ultimately would love to do, wherever it may take me.
I am a p.e. teacher, so I never get to dress-up for work either. I actually do not like it at all. Growing up, I loved dressing up and getting ready for the day, so I really miss being able to do that now! I know most people would love to be able to wear their “sweats” to work but not me.
Just wanted to congratulate you on your transition! It’s amazing how the path of peace finds you when you open yourself up to the direction life has been pulling you in instead of “swimming upstream”.
Best of luck in all your new endeavors!
Jessica Hooks
Certified Wellness Coach
Just Focus Massage and Wellness