A photo heavy look at the last couple of days of friends, food and ice cream.

Late night dinner of cheese, crackers, fruit, meats and wine on Friday after the acro yoga workshop. I’m having this again for dinner tonight! I am fairly certain that I could live off of cheese and meat plates.

We had our summer staff party for the yoga studio on Saturday night so I whipped up a couple of things to share. First was this lentil, quinoa and chick pea dish with cucumbers, feta, olives and tomatoes. I wanted to make a vegetarian and gluten free option because you know, I was catering to a yogi crowd!

I couldn’t resist also sharing something sweet so I made my most favorite crowd pleasing peanut butter, chocolate, coconut oat balls. These things are ridiculous!

My dinner plate at the party + a ton of samples from the dessert table.

I taught “yoga church” on Sunday morning. I always try to focus the class on some pose or intention/thought/mantra and on Sunday it was half moon pose and the idea of opposing energies of grounding and uplifting. I included a lot of half moons in both the warm up and the standing flow and gave them tons of options to work on in half moon. Brunch after yoga was a big salad with mixed greens, goat cheese, beets, avocado, pecans, green apples and a cherry vinaigrette.

I got myself back to the studio to practice on Sunday afternoon (I had a pretty yoga intensive weekend, huh?). I usually never take the Sunday afternoon class because I feel like I need an afternoon to chill, lay by the pool, run errands, etc. but the weather has been so cloudy and rainy that going to yoga instead has felt nice. Post-yoga green smoothie with mango, banana, spinach and almond milk.
In addition to yoga my Sunday also included two naps (seriously) and a walk with the pup where we got caught in the rain a mile away from home. We waited it out for 30 minutes under someone’s porch. The rain finally slowed down a bit and we ventured back.
I actually loved our rainy walk. It was so relaxing. I think we were both pretty happy when we arrived home soaked.

Sunday dinner was the leftover quinoa, lentil, chick pea mix with sauteed spinach and lemon chicken breast.

And last but certainly NOT least….Sunday was National Ice Cream Day so I had to celebrate with Salted Caramel Gelato from Whole Foods. YUM!
Did anyone else celebrate National Ice Cream Day!?
Do you have these recipes on your blog? lentil, quinoa and chick pea dish and the peanut butter, chocolate, coconut oat balls. They both sound delicious!
i do not but i will get them posted!
I had no idea there was a national ice cream day. All the food pics here look really delicious, I’m getting really hungry just looking at them now.
Sounds like a busy but great weekend.
We had a “Yoga Church” class at my old studio and it was always a really fun class to go to. Reminds you that there’s such much more behind coming to your mat every day to practice!
That gelato looks amazing… I need to find it at Whole Foods next time I’m there!
Oh my! I don’t believe I missed national ice cream day!
Thos peanut butter, chocolate oat balls look so good – as do all your eats
Oh my! I don’t believe I missed national ice cream day!
Those peanut butter, chocolate oat balls look so good – as do all your eats
I second the request for the recipes please! I would love to make them, they look and sound awesome.
i’m on it!
Hi Jen! I’m curious how you get your smoothies to look so green? Even if I put in a ton of spinach, I feel like mine come out more of a muddy dark green than anything else. Do you have a special blender (like a Vitamix) or just a basic? Thanks
hey christina – they are only that green when i don’t use strawberries or blueberries. if i use those they’re either brownish or purple. i also use a good amount of almond milk/coconut milk so i think that lightens up the green a bit. i just have a standard kitchen aid blender but i give the smoothies a good 2 minutes on different cycles to really get them blended nicely.
Adorable pic of you and the pup! I had no idea it was national ice cream day
salted caramel gelato sounds like the best way to celebration nat’l ice cream day =]
Another request for the recipes please. They both look and sound delicious!
on it!
Those peanut butter, chocolate, coconut oat balls look amazing! Can you share the recipe? Thanks!!!
yes! soon!