Wow guys! Thank you SO much for your interest in the Better Butter giveaway (remember you have until Sunday to enter). Marina, the founder of the company, was so blown away by your positive comments that she wants to offer everyone 20% off their purchase. Simply enter PBRunner at checkout. Order away!
Now, we have some catching up to do! Backing up to Thursday evening…I taught BodyPump after work. I am loving the packed classes we’ve had since the new year. Last night I decided to step up my game and be a better role model. I went up on my weights on almost everything. It was tough and I am sore today but it was totally worth it! I love strength training!
I stayed after class to get some cardio in. I ran a speedy two miles on the treadmill. The first mile working down from a 9:00 to 8:00 pace and the second mile working down from an 8:00 to 7:15 pace. Even though it was a quick workout, I was dripping sweat. I love to really push it when I’m on the treadmill.
I came home and made one of our all-time favorite dinners.

Seared Tuna with Wasabi Aioli. We’ve been making this dinner for years now and it never disappoints! Mixed Asian veggies and rice on the side.
The road conditions were finally favorable enough this morning for a pre-work yoga practice. I have missed early morning yoga sooo much this week. I sweated, twisted and warriored the week away…next to Nicole! Today was her birthday! Love that she started it with an awesome yoga class.
Breakfast was overnight oats at my desk and I topped them with a spoonful of both Honey Nut Banana and Maple Pumpkin Better Butter. Brandon topped his with the Nutty Chocolate Chip and loved it!
I packed lunch to eat at my desk today.

Mixed greens topped with carrots, almonds, goat cheese, dried cranberries and a veggie burger. Dressed with a drizzle of balsamic and olive oil and I added some pear slices to the salad at my desk. A slice of Great Harvest Whole Grain Goodness and a cookie on the side.
We had plans this evening to celebrate my sister in law’s birthday with the family.

As usual, we had quite the feast! I started out by admiring the cake!

My mother in law made this (roses and all)! She is so talented. It was not only beautiful but also insanely delicious!
The birthday girl had a fun dinner request – chicken and spinach crepes.

I had two spinach crepes and sauteed sugar snap peas. We also had a salad on the side.

I loved this dinner but let’s be honest here…what I was really waiting for was dessert.

There are no words. Chocolate cake + red wine. Does it get better than that on a Friday night?
An annoying car situation threatened the relaxed mood of the evening…

…when we were ready to leave and discovered that I had a flat. We were planning on taking my car to Charleston tomorrow (I even got an oil change today!) but it’s looking like a no go now. I think we’re just going to take Brandon’s car and deal with this when we get home. I have Monday off of work so I’m not stressing.
Off to Charleston in the morning! We lived in Charleston for a year after college and got married there so it’s full of happy memories for us. Looking forward to our quick trip!
Hope your weekend is off to a great start! Where is your happy place?
Boo to the flat tire
I had one of those a few weeks ago and it totally ruined my day!
ahh flat tires are such a bugger!! yummy crepes though- savory crepes are so good!
Aw, boo to the flat tire. But I hope you have a wonderful trip to Charleston!
That cake does look insanely delicious.
My happy place is definitely San Francisco! Have fun in Charleston!
Just stumbled upon your blog and I love it!
Charleston sounds idyllic! I hope you’ll have pics… and my happy place is probably the west coast of BC: massive trees, mountains, *and* the ocean? Fab!
Ugh this ice situation is such a headache! I hope you’re having a fantastic getaway in Charleston!
Lots of birthdays this month!! Sorry about the tire, that is such a drag. My tire blew out on Christmas Even while I was driving to my parents. Never a convenient nonoccurence.