This boy…

Will be 16 months old tomorrow (Wednesday, the 18th)! I wanted to document a day in the life at this amazing age because it is so much fun (and a lot of work). Finn is the perfect blend of sweet and cuddly along with busy and independent. I try hard to support both sides of this spectrum and just let him be as much as I can.
So here’s our day…

5:15a – Finn woke up crying. I gave him some time to settle on his own but he needed some comforting. When I walked into his nursery he was standing on the side of the crib wailing. That always makes me extra sad and glad I decided to go in. I nursed him, rocked him and put him back down.
5:45a – at this point I was wide awake so decided to get up.

I made coffee, baked a loaf of pumpkin banana bread and got two hours of work done on the computer! I answered emails, respond to blog comments, worked on campaign metrics for brands, made a playlist for my class that morning and planned for class.

8a – Breakfast. Cottage cheese scrambled eggs, pumpkin banana bread and grapes.
I could not believe that Finn wasn’t up yet! He ended up sleeping until I went in his room at 8:30a to check on him. He woke up in a great mood! He’s usually up around 6:30-7a. I think preschool has been tough on him (in the best way…he seems to love it)…and he’s needing extra rest to adjust to his new activity level and schedule.

8:30a – Finn wakes up and we read a few books and cuddled. I fed him breakfast right at 9a.
9:10a- My babysitter arrived and I left immediately to go teach my 9:30a Strong class at VIBE5. She usually arrives around 9a but got stuck in traffic. This put me in quite a jam and I didn’t arrive to teach class until right at 9:30 as it was time to start. I can work with that for yoga classes but it’s hard for strength classes because you need time to get everyone set up and ready to go. I called the studio on the way there to give them a head’s up. Luckily, class ended up going well and everyone had a great experience. One of the studio owners took my class so that always makes me extra motivated…and nervous!
9:30a – Teach Strong VIBE5.
10:50a – arrive home from teaching. Shoot this workout in my driveway while babysitter is still with Finn. I posted a lunge and upper body workout on Instagram today that was based on the workout we did in class. It was a good one!
11:15a – babysitter left and I took a shower with the help of Finn opening and closing the shower door a million times. He thought it was hilarious to stick his face in.
11:30a – get dressed and dry my hair while Finn empties the contents of my bathroom drawers.
Noon – make Finn’s lunch. Grilled cheese on Dave’s Killer white done right with organic white cheddar and cooked in butter. Grapes on the side.

12:30p – I looked like I had jumped in a swimming pool after teaching Strong and was still hot after showering and dressing. All I wanted was something cold, light and nutritious for lunch. I settled on a smoothie bowl with cherries, strawberries, blueberries, figs, spinach, protein powder, almond milk, a medjool date, peanut butter and plain greek yogurt.
I also ate half of Finn’s grilled cheese and some leftover banana bread from the morning.
1:15p – I put Finn down for a nap…and ended up falling asleep myself in his glider for about 20 minutes. This never happens but gosh, I was super tired. I transferred Finn to his cab and then got up to do some work.
I posted the workout you see above on Instagram. Would you believe it takes me well over an hour between shooting, editing video, formatting and writing to get these types of posts live?
2:30p – Finn wakes up crying but I know he’s not ready to get up. I let him cry for a bit but he’s not letting up. I go in and rock him and he immediately falls back asleep. I let him sleep like that for about 30 more minutes while I answer DMs and respond to comments on my phone.
3p – he’s ready to get up for good.

4p – I give Finn as snack and then we head out to BJs to stock up on some baby gear. I am working with them on a campaign. It’s been a long time since I belonged to a membership/discount club and this experience made me miss it! I used to LOVE going to Sam’s with my parents and grandmother. Finn was totally enamored by the giant dragon inflatable.

5:30p – Virginia came over to meet us for a walk after we got home from BJs. We strolled up to the park so that Finn could run around and play. We’d just had a quick rain shower so Finn got extra dirty and messy at the park. We walked back on the trails and greenway covering abut 3 miles total.
6:45p – I fed Finn dinner – salmon, peas and hummus on toasted sourdough. After dinner we took a shower together. I usually give him a bath and then shower separately but we were both covered in dirt and sweat from our time at the park. I was so gross that I didn’t want to get him clean and then hold him being so dirty myself.
7:30p – got Finn down for the night by reading, nursing and rocking.

8:15p – make my dinner. Leftover salmon over quinoa with feta, hummus and sautéed spinach. Answer work emails while I eat in, as well as texts from friends.
9p – get in bed to write this post while watching reruns of Schitt’s Creek. I eat half of a dark chocolate bar filled with strawberry.
10p- lights out and I’ll read from my Kindle until falling asleep (which usually doesn’t take long.)
That’s the end. <3 Thanks to my work situation and the fact that I share Finn with his dad, no two days are ever the same. This day was awesome because I got to spend a ton of time “mom-ing.” Many days do not look anything like this. I am grateful for the flexibility my schedule allows…like I worked all weekend but got to spend a lot of time with Finn on a Tuesday.
The end!
Where can I find the recipe for that pumpkin banana bread??
I need some of that.
With my little guy being about half a month younger than Finn, I always love reading these posts! You’re such an amazing mama <3
You are such a wonderful and patient mom! I totally remember showering and having the contents of the bathroom emptied out:) I didn’t really mind, but I have to say, now that I have a teen and tween, I don’t miss that! It’s so much work!!
I wasn’t always as patient as you are and you are such an inspiration. Thank you. And I love the way Finn and Zoe are so close:) xoxoxo
That’s a beautiful day. Thank you for sharing and enjoy the memory of it always.
I just can’t get enough of all that cuteness! I love seeing your workouts, recipes and hearing about your travels too! I’m not a Mom or in that phase of life, but his little face just melts my heart – he’s so precious! Treasure it, it goes by so fast, believe me!