Let me start off by saying I am SO inspired by the goals that you want to achieve in the next 300 days. Keep them coming, please! I’m going to do a round up tomorrow when I post the giveaway winner. You guys are doing AMAZING things!
I hope everyone has had a happy Easter! I started my day with a personal practice before teaching a 90 minute hot class. It was a beautiful morning. I practiced ashtanga with the door open, birds were chirping and a cool breeze was blowing in. The students in my hot class were awesome today. Sunlight was streaming in the windows and the vibe in the room was wonderful. I am so grateful to have this studio to practice and teach.
After class I came home to put the finishing touches on my contribution to our Easter lunch.

Macaroni and cheese! Featuring a mix of white cheddar and emmentaler cheese and topped with breadcrumbs. Yum!
We had an Easter celebration at my in law’s – egg hunting and a feast!

We kicked off the festivities with mimosas while we watched the little ones egg hunt.

And then moved inside for our Easter lunch.

My mother in law always does a great job with festive decor.

We had a great spread – roasted lamb, ham, roasted new potatoes, English peas, deviled eggs, mac and cheese, salad, asparagus and biscuits.

My plate + more salad.

And of course, dessert. Carrot cake and raspberry almond tart. I LOVE carrot cake. It’s a toss up whether carrot or strawberry cake is my most favorite!
So I have to admit that I struggle a little bit with holiday eating. I really, really dislike eating a large meal in the middle of the afternoon. I like lunch food for lunch and a larger meal with dinner food for dinner. When I eat a big meal like this in the middle of the day, it really throws me off. I’m sitting here blogging at 9:45 p.m. and I’m not hungry but feel like I should eat something. Does anyone else struggle with this or am I just crazy?
Updated to add that I decided to have a toasted bagel thin. One half with pb and honey and the other with almond butter and jam. When in doubt, turn to nut butter!
Hope you have a great start to the week! Don’t forget to enter the Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Bar giveaway!
totally agree with you on the mid-day lunch..i have heard the phrase: “”Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, sub like a pauper” but i prefer a medium bfast, small lunch, large dinner! otherwise i want to nap in the middle of the day!
Your morning yoga sounds so so soo amazing
I wish I had something that beautiful to start my day off with!
i am so grateful for it. i know how lucky i am to have it!
Looks like you had a wonderful Easter!
This year it was a lunch cookout at the in-laws and by the time 6 pm rolled around, I was still full! I eventually had some leftovers for dinner, but I definitely agree with big lunches throwing you off.
Your Easter looks amazing!! That mac+cheese looks to DIE for- I haven’t had that in SOOO long!! I’ve actually never had carrot cake…must try it!!
And I’m the same with holiday eating, big lunches don’t work for me!
emma – you have to try carrot cake! it is so awesome with cream cheese frosting.
Your mac ‘n cheese dish looks so delicious. I wish we had that on our Easter table! Not that I should complain, we had a tasty spread. I definitely prefer my big meal at night, too. Last night I had a light salad for a late dinner because I felt like I needed to eat something, but I didn’t know what. Somehow, a large lunch always leaves me feeling overly full.
isn’t it the worst feeling when you feel like you should eat but you don’t really want to and don’t know what to eat!? a salad sounds perfect for those occasions!
I am the same way. I really prefer a larger meal + dessert for dinner. This past Thanksgiving we had a mid day linner
and dessert for dinner. I kind of liked how we timed it. I also don’t like eating dessert when I’m full because I really want to enjoy it.
i think i could go along with dessert for dinner!
I can’t eat a big lunch either. I prefer to snack at lunch and then have a bigger dinner. So many people at work will eat things like meatloaf for lunch (or whatever the special is in the cafe that day)! Honestly, it makes me stomach turn ;(
i know!!! i can’t even believe some of the stuff that gets reheated for lunch at work. i am not huge on leftovers to start with but if i do eat them it’s usually for dinner.
Tell your Mother-in-Law that centerpiece is the CUTEST!
thanks! i will definitely tell her that the blog world appreciated it. she’ll be excited!
I never realize how set in my eating ways I am until I’m with family for the weekend. I really like my schedule and struggle when the options I like aren’t available and the timing is all off!
brittany – i am also extremely set in my ways. i’m a very scheduled eater and agree that i get a little off my game when timing is off and i don’t like the options (although i try to be flexible to a point…).
Totally feel you re: holiday eating throwing you off. I despise eating a heavy meal in the middle of the day. It just weighs me down and makes me want to curl up and nap when normally I’d be really active during the day. I’m normally very in tune with my body as far as hunger/ satiety goes but a uncharacteristically large and heavy holiday meal really throws me off. Looks like you made a good choice at the end of the day by listening to your body…and eating nut butter
meghan – i agree that the large meal in the middle of the day totally throws off the mind/body eating connection. i just feel wrong for the rest of the afternoon. i much prefer holiday meals that start around 4 or 5 versus 1 or 2. at least that way i can justify calling it dinner!
I’m the same way with eating bigger meals in the middle of the day, it totally throws me off!!!
I feel the same way about large mid-day meals – eating too much makes me sleepy and unmotivated to do anything, so I stay away from large meals until dinner.
That carrot cake looks phenomenal!
ugh i’m the same way–whenever i go out to lunch for work or have a big holiday meal for lunch, i feel gross! hate that!
natalie – i also don’t love going out for big work lunches because it always ends up being more than i would eat normally and makes me feel kind of ick for the afternoon at my desk.
I am the same way! After Easter lunch at my grandmother’s I just felt really heavy and weird. I have a hard time with large mid-day meals. I feel like I need to sleep it off sometimes, but I’m a bad napper.
kelly – i am a horrible napper too!
I’m the same way! I hate eating a big lunch! I like to eat a big dinner. Although, I know alot of it has to do with wanting to same all my calories for dessert after dinner. I probably eat more calories in dessert after dinner than I do at bfast or lunch. I wish I could just eat and not worry about my next meal. I don’t like being super full. I do the whole eat like a king, servant, phesant, backwards. The whole eating intuitively is something I’ve never been good at my whole life.
vanessa – you are not alone with dessert love! i think intuitive eating is just something that we all continue to work towards every day. it’s not easy!
Eating big meals in the middle of the day is sort of weird to me too- I was hungry again at like 8:00 so I didn’t know what to eat a big meal or a snack? Looks like you had a wonderful Easter!