Hey! Thanks so much for your amazing comments on my wedding planning post.I have read all of them and I am in the process of responding. I feel like I a) got some great ideas and advice and b) got to know some of you! When the sharing isn’t so one-sided it makes me happy because I feel more connected to who’s reading. So thank you for taking a moment out of your day to comment and share!
I write a recent eats post about once a week where I give a holistic view of what I ate for the week for breakfast, lunch and dinner but rarely do I show everything I eat in the span of one day. I get a lot of questions about snacking and my pre- and post-workout nutrition so hopefully this will give you a better idea of what an actual day of eating looks like for me.

I typically eat breakfast between 7 and 8 a.m. On this day I was very undecided on what I wanted to have for breakfast so I ate probably the equivalent of one serving of this pumpkin spice granola from Whole Foods while surveying the kitchen.

I ended up going with two eggs scrambled with Kerrygold salted butter, grapes and figs and a pumpkin muffin with about a tablespoon of almond butter. I also had a cup of black coffee with collagen powder.
I met a friend for a run/walk at 11:30. We covered four miles. Three running, one total walking. The only thing I missed taking a picture of this day was about 10 Trader Joe’s honey wheat pretzel sticks that I ate when I got home from my run. I was hungry but also wanting to shower before I ate lunch so I took the bag into the bathroom with me (haha) and finished it off while I got cleaned up.
Lunch around 1:15 p.m. was a Cedar’s spinach wrap with dijon mustard, mayonnaise, avocado, turkey, two slices of salami, white cheddar cheese and spinach. I heated/pressed it in a skillet and served it with a sliced pear. Oh, I also dipped it in Primal Kitchen ranch dressing. I have no idea where the desire to add salami to my wrap came from but I bought some at the grocery after my run when I was running in to grab a few other things.

At 4 p.m. I had a cashew cookie Larabar and a plain GTs kombucha. (Side note, this was my first time trying the original, it’s not flavored like the others, and I liked it!)

This is the scene in our house every single night. Some sort of chips and hummus or salsa while prepping lunch. Usually hummus. I love so many brands and flavors but this Roots mango sriracha is definitely up there on the list of faves.

Dinner was chili topped with avocado and plain full-fat greek yogurt, kale salad and corn bread. I used this corn bread recipe and it was really good (there is a lot of butter in it so…..). I shared my chili recipe on Instagram last night. Head over there to check it out. It’s my dad’s go-to recipe and it’s super basic and easy. You can have it prepped and simmering away in less than 15 mins.

I cook, Tanner sends me to the couch while he cleans and then brings me chocolate when he comes to join me. It’s not a bad setup we have going. I think this Endangered Species dark chocolate with caramel sea salt is my favorite bar at the moment (we always have several).
And other than a bunch of water, that wraps it up!
Answer this:
- favorite chocolate bar brand/flavor?
- favorite hummus brand/flavor?
- favorite bar brand/flavor?
I don’t eat chocolate bars but my favorite hummus is Hope Spicy Avocado. Kale Pesto is a close second. My current bar fave is RX pumpkin spice with almond butter spread on it.
1. Oreo chocolate bar?! I love dark chocolate, but that Oreo bar with the oreo filling inside milk chocolate with little specks of the cookie mixed in…GOOD stuff.
2. The siracha hummus from Trader Joes. It is super spicy and good. I think you would like it! Sometimes I mix it with the roasted red pepper hummus from Trader Joes as well, which is thick and smooth.
3. Lara bar Cookie Dough.
(with respect to your wedding update, I think you are doing just fine. No pressure or rush. When an idea hits both of you, then it will be the right time. Yall seem to compliment each other really well, and that makes me very happy for you, especially in light of your past, it inspires me that we can find love again)
For number 3, I LOVE RX Bars!
As far as the hummus, do you ever get nervous eating it? I feel like hummus is quite often recalled due to people getting sick from it. For that reason, I try to make my own, but sometimes get lazy. When I make my own though, I do a basil pesto one that’s delicious.
As far as dark chocolate, I like Trader Joe’s dark chocolate caramel and sea salt bars. So good!
My current favorite chocolate bar is Theo dark chocolate salted toffee. I love the Endangered Species bars too! The dark chocolate with cacao nibs is really good.
I LOVE Whole Foods brand lemon hummus. I’ve tried so many brands and this is my absolute favorite. Their Greek hummus is also great.
For bars, I love larabars chocolate chip cookie dough and chocolate chip peanut. The RX chocolate sea salt is really good too. Any excuse to eat chocolate, right?
Roasted Garlic hummus! Terrible for your breathe, but it is so amazing. I want it on sandwiches, as a dip, or with just about anything.
For a brief period, Sabra had a smoked paprika hummus that was magnificent. I wish they’d bring it back! When I’m feeling adventurous now, I buy the Lantana spicy yellow lentil hummus. My husband thinks it’s “not really hummus”, but it’s delicious either way!
1. i like endangered species bars, but i gotta confess i love old school milk chocolate dove promises.
2. im not a hummus fan but i do love chips and guac or salsa
3. i was on a kick for a while and loved nugo choc mint bars but the last few packs i got were hard as a rock. i also like several variety of lara bars. i just got some RX bars and have to try them. For those of you that eat them…are they supposed to be hard ? i ordered mine online and several varieties came and seem like rock hard, especially the berry one ?
The texture of Rx bars seems to be remarkably inconsistent. Sometimes I get ones that are really hard, sometimes I get ones that are way too sticky and chewy. At least in my anecdotal experience, this is true across flavors. It makes me suspect that their ingredient ratios aren’t exactly the same from batch to batch.
I think the inconsistency in the texture is due to natural variations in the moisture content of dates. RX bars are DELICIOUS imo!
Chocolove peppermint is my favorite, or anything from Lake Champlain Chocolate
Any hummus that is spicy
Peanut butter chocolate chip Perfect Food bars. It’s like eating cookie dough!
That sandwich looks soooo good! And you just reminded me that I have some Endangered Species chocolate in my freezer I need to take into!
Favorite chocolate is Trader Joes Organic Dark Chocolate Truffle bar. Creamy and dark and amazing.
Favorite hummus WAS Trader Joes original recipe but they discontinued it. I have been on the hunt for something similar since but haven’t found anything quite as good.
Favorite bar is Perfect Bar in Almond Coconut. It is truly the best bar I’ve had in my life. Some of their other flavors are a bit too sweet or too dry/crumbly, but this one is 100% perfection in my book.
Rxbar- chocolate sea salt, peanut butter, pumpkin spice
Epic bars! Chicken siracha and bacon
Plain culinaria hummus
I used to really be into Luna bars, but did a switch and now do Lara Bars. I get them in the big boxes at Trader Joes… I really like the peanut butter & chocolate.