Happy Sunday. I hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend. Mine has been very non-eventful, as was the entire last week. After Monday’s hospital visit, I decided it best to take a bit of a step back on…everything. I spent a LOT of time around the house and walking the dogs. I’m just getting back into the groove of workouts and teaching.
Today I have five quick photos from the weekend along with your February Workout Playlist.

Celebrating National Pizza Day (totally a day I can get into right now) + watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics on Friday night.

4 miles on Saturday morning in some of my favorite conditions…overcast, cool and misty. My last mile was an 8:38! Those numbers don’t show up too often here lately.

Virginia stopped by to bring Zoey a new green ball (I’ll have to tell you the story of GB someday soon) and snapped this picture of Sullie waiting on me to get back from my run. Virginia said she didn’t move the whole time I was gone. MY ANGEL! <3

8 a.m. on a Sunday is THE BEST time to go to Trader Joe’s. I got a front row parking spot, everything was fully stocked and the store wasn’t crowded.

Baby boy was doing a gymnastics routine in my belly last night. He was all over the place. He was active most of the day yesterday but around 11-midnight he was doing all sorts of crazy stuff in there and even woke me up at 3 a.m. because he was moving around so much. Also, my belly button starts as an innie when I wake up and is an outie by the end of the day. 85 days to go.
I’m a little delayed in getting this out to you but here it is!
I’ve pulled together 2.5 hours of motivating music to get you through your upcoming workouts and runs. Here’s the link to the playlist on Spotify. I hope you like it!
Did you celebrate National Pizza Day?
Did you run this weekend? If so, how far and how’d it feel?
Current favorite workout song?
Too funny – I’d been craving pizza earlier this weekend despite not knowing it was national pizza day – now we may have to order Pizza Peel (seeing that takeout box made me crave it, LOL).
I totally didn’t know it was National Pizza Day. I would have celebrated for sure.
That photo of Sullie at the door waiting for your return is EVERYTHING. What a sweetie.
My current favorite workout song is a few years old, but it always gets me pumped up…Black Widow by Iggy Azeala.
Hey hey!
I just moved to the area a couple months ago but have been loving your blogs for years!
Just wondering if you have any good recommendations for places in the area to get longer runs in? I actually enjoy neighborhood running as well as trails. I know you have a runner Facebook group but I don’t have Facebook at this time.
Any quick recommendations would be so helpful! Thank you! Cheers to Pizza 🙂