Hi! I hope y’all had a great weekend. I spent my weekend at the beach in Isle of Palms for our Core Desire Yoga retreat. It was such an amazing weekend. Full recap to come tomorrow.
Thanks much for your support in my announcement that I’m going to tackle 13.1 yet again. After taking a four-year hiatus from long-distance running (mostly due to injury, frustration and generally being “over it”), it’s been fun to get back into it again…on my own terms. Read about how how I fell back in love with running (along with links to my running history) in this post, The New Rules of Running.
I also LOVED reading about all of the races you guys are training for this fall. I was especially pumped to hear from those of you training for Marine Corps. That was my last marathon (maybe ever?) and it holds such a special place in my heart. Please keep me posted on all of your race finishes and accomplishments this fall!

I ran 18.2 miles this week and it was one of those magical running weeks where they all felt really good. I can’t tell you how refreshing it has been to be running 100% pain-free while being stronger and faster than ever. Maybe this getting older and wiser is a good thing.
Here’s my workout recap for the week!
Hot yoga
2 mile treadmill + strength
1 mile at 8:40 to warm up
1 mile speed starting at 7:30 pace working down to 6:15
4 rounds:
15 back squats (75#)
10 pull ups (band assisted)
15 kettlebell swings
10 push ups
4.5 mile run
3.7 mile run + stand up paddle boarding
I spent the weekend at Wild Dunes Resort leading our Core Desire Yoga retreat. Our sessions started at 7:30 a.m. each morning and I was leading the morning yoga. If I wanted to move my body it meant an early wake up call. I hit the road at 6:30 a.m. and ran almost 4 miles with the sunrise. It was your typical beach run…humid and SO sweaty! Gotta love those flat roads though.
Later that day we did 1.5 hours of stand up paddle boarding. We did a long paddle into a headwind to get to our yoga spot and did a short class before paddling back. It was the most paddle boarding I’ve ever done at one time and pretty challenging!
8 mile run
Since I committed last week to running a half in 47 days…I needed to get into long run mode ASAP! I was itching to do something active after our road trip back from Isle of Palms. I ran 6.5 miles with my fiance and I chatted his ear off about our weekend retreat and then ran another 1.5 on my own. We kept the pace slow (like 9:45-10) and I felt like I could have kept running forever. It was also 65 degrees, gray and drizzling and it felt amazing. It was a perfect long run!
(Edited to add…a 9:45-10 pace is slow for me NOW. I spent many, many years running slower. When I ran my first half marathon 10 years ago, my pace was 10:10. It’s only in the last few years that I’ve gotten significantly faster.)
Side note…follow me on Snap Chat for more quick looks and commentary on weekly workouts. You can find me @jendecurtins.
Tell me about your weekend workouts! Any fellow long runners? Anyone race?
I love when running feels great. Kind of a magical feeling (sounds weird to type though). Glad you had a great week!
Hey there this is one of your Truliant girls! Saw you running one of those days on Montford with your man! Y’all were looking great!
Stuck on 9:45 being super slow.
I am so sorry! I totally see where how I wrote that wasn’t the kindest way. I added a note to the post. I ran a 9:45-10 pace for many, many, many years and there is nothing at all wrong with that. Please forgive! <3
Oh not at all! I thought it was funny.
I felt like such an a-hole! Thank you for finding humor in it!
That’s fantastic that you’ve gotten so much faster! I’ve been doing a lot of speed work and seeing it pay off, so I hope that one day I’ll call a 9:45 a slower pace! Training for NYCM and Houston! Good luck on your upcoming half!
Good job on your workouts and training runs! I’m just finishing up my marathon training for my first marathon ever on October 18…yikes! I honestly can’t wait
I’ll have to find you on snapchat!! I just got it too!
Crazy how much running ebbs and flows eh? I can so relate to that. Glad you’re in a sweet spot right now – so nice! Looking forward to training updates for the half and love how you’re approaching it. I think I often pass up racing opportunities because I feel like I have to go “all-out” in my training and on race day which I am SO not always in the mood for. But you’re making me realize that races can be raced for FUN.
Sounds like a wonderful week! I’m just starting my marathon taper and I wish things felt easy, but I’m tired! Hoping it all pays off in the end
It’s so inspiring to read how your yoga and weight focus has eventually led to being a faster, healthier runner!
Looking forward to hearing about Isle of Palms!
i ran a leg in a relay for a marathon on saturday. its my 3rd time doing it and i like it. its a way to be part of the marathon atmosphere but not run 13 or 26 miles ! my run itself was not good but i finished and a sore ankle held up ok so that was a win for me ! good luck on your race !
For me, running is always grueling – no matter how short the distance. Something clicked for me when I was training for a half-marathon earlier this year, and I enjoyed the challenge (most of the time…). But, I ended my 1/2 with terrible pain in my knee that was fully blown IT band syndrome. I had to put my running on hold and focused on core strength training and flexibility. I’m now considering stepping my toes back in the “running” water and I want to make sure I don’t injure myself again. Any suggestions? Any “beginner’s guide” to running that you suggest to make sure I am building a strong foundation? Thanks!
How Fun!!! I’m working on planning a fitness retreat right now with 2 other trainers and I cannot wait. I just love the idea of combining fitness with a vacation!