I took advantage of my weekend off of yoga teacher training and the beautiful weather to get my first long(ish) run in since the half marathon in December on Sunday. I can’t even believe how little I have been running since 2011 rolled around but my yoga practice has grown tremendously so I’m going with it. That said, it felt really, really good to strap on my Garmin and Fuel Belt yesterday and hit the road.

The icing on the cake was that I was able to run in shorts and a short-sleeved shirt for the first time in months. I cannot wait for longer days and warmer temperatures!!!! I was pleased that I was easily able to knock out eight miles despite my lack of running recently.

I maintained just under a 9-minute mile pace. Sullie joined me for the first three miles and I finished the last five on my own. The run felt so good and I felt a million times better afterwards. I had all of this pent-up running energy that I just had to get out. While I am totally devoted to yoga teacher training right now and loving it, I’m ready to start training for something after I’m done!
When I got home I had to quickly shower and refuel before prepping for our Super Bowl party.

Spinach, ice cubes, half of a frozen banana, soymilk and a scoop of Brandon’s recovery protein powder. I haven’t had a green smoothie in a long time and this was delicious. I need to add these back into the rotation when it gets warmer.
Brandon’s family came over to watch the Super Bowl.

We had a great food spread and a gigantic bucket of beers.

I can honestly say that I wasn’t super into the game this year but it was nice to catch up with Brandon’s family. I’ve missed all the recent get togethers due to teacher training so I loved spending time everyone…especially my cute nieces.
Despite my limited beer intake, it was still hard to get up for BodyPump this morning. I was surprised to discover that we had a nice crowd and ended up totally enjoying the workout once I got going. That seems to always be the case when I think I’m not feeling morning workouts.
Lunch today.

Mashed avocado, roasted red pepper hummus, artichoke hearts, cucumber, spinach and feta on a bagel thin. This was just alright. I was really digging cucumbers on my sandwiches last fall but today it didn’t do much for me.
That’s okay because I had this to distract me.

Could this dog get any cuter?
After a crazy afternoon at work, I had a fun evening planned.

Some of my favorite workout friends and BodyPump class members joined me at lululemon for a design meeting. We discussed what we liked about our workout clothes, what we wish we could change and general trends in workout wear. I love that lululemon is all about creating their designs based on feedback from athletes. It was great hearing everyone’s input tonight. It’s always so fun to get a group of workout-minded friends together!
I whipped up an easy dinner when we got home.

When Jenna recently posted about Spaghetti Carbonara I was reminded that I hadn’t made it in quite a while. I originally blogged about this dish on Bakin’ and Eggs during my 68 Days of Gourmet project as this is one of editor Ruth Reichl’s favorite easy weeknight dinners. This was so, so good and is definitely going back on the “easy go-to dinner” rotation.
Whew…that was a lot. Bed time. I have a ton of reading to get done for this weekend’s teacher training.
Great run
Congrats on your run! I can’t wait myself to start running again – I’m getting my knee checked… hopefully it’ll all be good
Hoping that you hear good news on your knee!!!
Great run! I love that you have been able to stay well-rounded through teacher training, still having time for things like runs and BodyPump.
Shorts and a short-sleeved shirt?! I’m so jealous! Great run!
is that brandon sitting on the floor? he looks thrilled to be there.
great run, btw! i’m hoping to get my times down a bit for the upcoming bridge run. are y’all going? it’s a great, fun, easy run! hope all is well ~
Yes, Brandon came but he actually did have quite a bit of good info to contribute!
No Bridge Run for me this year. That will be my last weekend of yoga teacher training!!!
Good luck with your training!
I had so much fun at lululemon. Thanks for inviting me! What a great concept and company. Look forward to coming to one of your yoga classes one day
I’m so jealous that you were running in shorts and a t…I am CRAVING warmer weather big time!!
I am so with you on itching for longer runs in the sun! Since Thunder Road I have become a whimp and avoided the cold. I took advantage of Sunday and ran a long one too and it felt amazing! Glad you had a good one
I have also struggled with motivation to run in the dark cold since Thunder Road. I am SO ready for daylight savings time and warm spring days!
Still can’t believe you got to run in shorts and a tee!! But awesome run!
That party looks like FUN! And Sadie is SOOO adorable!
What a great run! I’m so jealous you are out in shorts and a t-shirt!!!!
Great job on the run! That’s amazing you were able to knock out 8 miles no problem. I cannot wait for the longer, lighter days either. Spring is next month
I have to admit that I was a little sore on Monday and Tuesday after the run. It’s amazing how fast eight miles can go from maintenance miles to a long run!
welcome back longish runs! Glad the weather was great! is it me or does that green monster look way delicious!!

it was sooo good. i don’t crave smoothies in the winter so this was a nice treat after my run. i predict many more as the weather starts to warm!
I can’t wait for warmer weather too! I miss running outside.