I hope that your Friday is off to a nice start. I finally arrived back in Charlotte last night just in time to dash from the airport to the studio to teach my 5 p.m. strength class. And let me tell you, after not picking up a weight for a week…I am feeling it this morning!

On the day that I was to return to Charlotte, we got around 3-4 inches of snow which led to multiple flight delays and cancelations. I ended up getting home just a day later than planned which was no big deal.

I will always say yes to another day with my family and with these views.

Although it was REALLY cold in Florida while I was visiting. It got down around 20 degrees the last two nights I was there. Couple that with beach wind and BRRRRR! It was cold but the water was insanely calm and blue and the beach was so quiet that it made for a very serene experience.

The previous photo was taken outside of the The Donut Hole, which I requested for lunch on what I thought was my last day in Florida. I’d end up staying another day. I had a corned beef sandwich with melted jack cheese and sauerkraut.

When I got home from lunch my grandmother teased me that I had fed baby boy well at lunch. We both agreed that the bump grew!

It was actually a blessing to stay another day because it gave me a little more time to rest and try to get over the month-long cold that I’ve been dealing with. As I mentioned in my 24 week update, I finally started taking antibiotics and I think I needed them because I started feeling better almost immediately after doing so. The doctor said I definitely had another upper respiratory infection and thought I also either had or was on the verge of an ear infection. The only downside of taking the antibiotics is that they aren’t making my stomach feel super great.
I also knew I was feeling bad because I didn’t workout for six days and had pretty much no desire to do so! Rest is 100% what I needed.

And to end this post on a sad note, we said goodbye to Arnie this week. This tough little guy hung on for a lot longer than anyone thought he would but had reached a point where he was miserable and his quality of life had really declined. He spent most of his days in his crate sleeping and often sounded like he was crying out in pain while he was in there. He was also deaf and blind and was losing the function of his back legs.

Tanner has had Arnie since he was a puppy so they’ve been together for over 16 years. It wasn’t an easy thing for him to do to decide to put him down and it’s something he’s been wrestling with for over six months.

Gosh, saying goodbye to pets is one of the hardest things to do and my heart breaks for Tanner and Arnie both. The house is so quiet without his pug snorts and snores.
I’m back to my normal work schedule today. I’m teaching two classes and it’s a teacher training weekend. I also see my OB today so always good to check in on baby boy. He’s turned into quite the wild man in my belly and moves all the time now which is so much more comforting than when I’d just wonder, “are you okay in there?” and count down the days between appointments. Hoping for a good check-up today.
Have a good day everyone and stay warm!
I’m so sorry for the loss of Arnie. I think you guys did the right thing. Take comfort in the fact that he is now at peace. We have two rescue dogs and I dread the day we have to make a decision like you did. However, I think about all the fun memories we have to cherish and that will live on in our hearts and I’m comforted. Give your golden girls extra long hugs today xo
Thanks Michelle. And I know. It’s hard to have senior dogs and to think about losing them and having to make those tough calls. <3
So sorry about Arnie! I had to put my 15 year old boston terrier down this summer and it was the hardest thing in the world. We ended up getting a new puppy 4 days later because we couldn’t take the quietness!
I’m so sorry to hear about your boston terrier. It is the worst thing to have to do. And I can understand not wanting to have an empty house. When you get used to having dogs around, it’s just SO weird not to have them. Their presence is so special.
I’m so sorry for the loss of Arnie. Losing a member of the family is so hard. Hugs to you both!
Glad the meds are helping! It’s been a nasty winter for illness this year. Rest up and stay warm. So glad it’s going to warm up this weekend!
Thank you Lauren. It’s the worst.
And yes, it seems everyone is sick and that the bug stays around for a long time. I’m also loving this warmer weather!
New reader!!
So sorry to hear about your adorable pug, it’s always tough to say goodbye. I’m also very jealous of the snow…. just wind and rain in England!
Welcome! And thank you for the condolences.
We don’t get much snow here – usually 1-2 snows per winter and they’re a big deal!
I’m so very sorry about Arnie! My Mom is still distraught 5 years later after putting down our family dog as he was basically one of her “children”. It is so so hard but dogs are so full of love for us humans during their short lives! Focus on that!! Arnie is no longer in pain <3
Yes, they so become a part of your family and it’s so difficult to lose them. <3
First things first I’ve been reading your blog for 4 or so years now and only a couple weeks ago realized your grandma lives in the Destin area. went there for the first time in July for my bachelorette party and loveedd it!!
Secondly I’m so sorry to hear about Arnie. I’ve had my fur baby for 12 years and she has been diagnosed with cancer. The past 7 weeks have been very very hard. Can’t imagine what it would be like if I’d gotten 16 years with her. She is my little shadow and knowing she won’t be around very much longer breaks my heart. My love goes out to you and Tanner.
Hi Melissa – thanks so much for reading for so long!
Yes, my grandmother and my parents live in the Destin area. My parents retired there and my grandmother followed a few years later. It’s a beautiful place for sure.
I’m so so so sorry to hear about your dog’s cancer diagnosis. I am sending you two so much love and so many prayers. <3
I am so sorry to hear about Arnie – it is incredibly difficult to lose a pet regardless of the circumstances. Love to you and Tanner xx
Thank you so much Vicki. <3
I’m so sorry to hear about Arnie but it absolutely sounds like the right decision…not that it makes it any easier to lose one of your fur babies. Sending so much love to you, Tanner, Sullie & Zoey xxxx
Thank you Georgina. And yes, it’s the WORST decision to have to make, no matter whether it’s the “right” thing. So hard.
I’m so sorry about Arnie, you and Tanner especially must be so sad. Sending you lots love, I know how hard it can be.
Yes, Tanner and Arnie had many years together. Tough for him, for sure. It’s a terrible decision to have to make no matter the circumstances.
Sending hugs ?
Thanks Katie.
Hi from Seattle! I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now, but this is my first time commenting. Congratulations on your baby boy!
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss of Arnie. This post brought tears to my eyes as I had to make the same decision for Henry, my Jack Russell, last August. He was a rescue and estimated to be 14-15 years old. Even though Arnie had a good long life, it doesn’t make the decision any easier. Hugs to all of you as you go through this difficult situation.
P.S. I’m glad you are feeling better on the antibiotic!
Hi Marie! Thanks so much for taking a moment to leave a comment. I appreciate you reading and always love to connect!
I’m so sorry to hear that you had to go through this same decision-making process. It’s nearly impossible to do and hurts so much.
So sad about Arnie. RIP sweet man ?
Thank you Dana.
Thinking of you and Tanner with the loss of Arnie. 16 years is a LIFETIME! I mean, the changes Arnie saw Tanner and now you through in those years… incredible. The unspoken love and companionship of a dog is unmatched. So sorry, friend!
Well said. Our pets represent the passing of time in such deep and meaningful ways.
So sorry about Arnie. My parents had to put our childhood Westie down last fall. It’s so hard to say goodbye. Peace to you and Tanner and your Goldens as you all mourn him.
Thanks Sarah. It is SO hard to say goodbye to pets.
I’m so sorry about Arnie friend. Hugs to you both.
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better! You’re the cutest pregnant woman!!!!
Thank you Teri!
So sorry to hear about Arnie! We had to put down our senior chihuahua last year and the decision making process was so hard, but when it was over we knew we had done the best thing for him.
On an unrelated and less important note, tried your turmeric chicken noodle soup tonight and it was amazing! I’m getting over a sinus/ear infection and it hit the spot. Always love your recipes.
Hey Jess – yes, the decision is nearly impossible to make. I’m sorry you had to go through that too.
I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed the soup and thanks for the nice words about my recipes. I need to get more of them up!
So Sorry to hear about sweet little Arnie! I had to make the tough decision myself a couple of years ago, and I can still cry about it. They are so much apart of our families. Poor Tanner especially. Take care and take comfort in the sweet pug memories you have!
Thanks Tracy. And yes, it’s such a heartbreaking decision to make. Yes, I felt worst for Tanner…he had two pugs and they both lived 14+ and this was the second one he put down in the last few years.
I am so sorry to read about Arnie. He is smiling down on you both! Hugs to you and Tanner!
Thanks Lisa. <3
I have 3 senior dogs. I hope I can give them a comfortable goodbye like you did with Arnie.
Dogs bring so much joy to our lives!
Twenty degrees in Florida! I didn’t even know if ever got that cold there! That is a nice winter day for us here in MT, but I wouldn’t be happy with that in Florida.
I can’t imagine that being a nice winter day! I definitely have southern blood!
Having senior dogs is a beautiful and hard thing. Prayers to your pack. <3