It’s a big Saturday full of good things!
#1. It’s September 1.
September brings not only the start of a new month but a whole new season. I find this to be a great time to stop and evaluate where you are and what direction you want to head in.
#2. It’s Gameday!
It’s the first Saturday of college football season. I can’t believe it’s already here! GO DAWGS! I hear we’re ranked pre-season #6 or something like that. Pretty sweet!
#3. Visitors
My friend Miriam (of Bellaspire) is coming to visit today. She’s trying CrossFit for first time! She sent me this video of her cute puppy Baker waiting for the “oink, oink” command to eat. Love it!
What are you excited about on this Saturday? What college football team are you cheering on?
Have a safe and happy long weekend!
Excited for my weekly trip to the farmers’ market (despite the yucky weather), grateful for the long weekend to catch up on homework and chores, and cheering for IU, of course, since I’m a student there!
sounds perfect to me!
You mean there are teams other than our wonderful DAWGS?????
love it!
Go Dogs!
Game day! Roll Tide
Go Dawgs! Sic ’em! Can’t believe it’s already football season again!
never been a huge college football fan. probably because none of the schools I went to ever had a team. and i’ve always felt weird cheering for a team that I have no connection to. hrmm. maybe i’ll try and change that this year. suggestions?
it is so addicting if you go to a football school. your weekends revolve around it all fall. i’m biased but i say SEC schools! we all have amazing football traditions!
I’m excited that I ran 14 miles this morning and am feeling good. And I’m very excited that Whole Foods is less then a mile from my house.!
that is amazing. congrats on the long run! i made my maiden voyage to whole foods yesterday and it was everything i dreamed it would be!
DId my first baseline for cross fit this morning.
I finally get it.
I left there feeling the old athlete inside of me who pushes herself to her absolute limit. Loving it! Happy Saturday everyone
i’m so excited that you enjoyed crossfit and that it pulled that inner athlete out of you!
Loved our workout and lunch date. You are the sweetest! Can’t wait for your Winston visit!
i am excited too! can’t wait to visit you!!!
Oink, oink! Love it.
Virginia Beach Rock N Roll Half Sunday morning
yay! how did it go!?
Clemson! I love college football, it is one of the reasons fall is the best season!
I’m so happy it’s September, it’s the start of my favorite time of year!!! I’m heading to the farmer’s market for the first honeycrisp apples of the season and enjoying our last day at the campground until April.
honeycrisp apples are my favorite! hope camping was fun!
Based on where I live, I’m technically a Hawkeye fan, but I’m really not a football person. And I look terrible in gold and black.
Your Fitzgerald quote made my day, in a way that you can’t imagine (well, actually, I think you can). Sometimes it’s so hard to give yourself permission to start over, especially when it feels like all you do is keep starting over because you just aren’t getting to where you want. So thank you.
candice – i am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the fitzgerald quote. i totally get the whole “permission” thing. as hard as it can be at times, we have to keep moving forward and growing to be truly happy and fulfilled.
i LOVE that quote. I’m pretty sure it just made my day.
thanks for sharing! looks like you’ve been having some awesome family time lately too.