Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you’re having a beautiful day and that you enjoy a sweet treat at some point today.

I kicked off my Valentine’s Day by teaching a yoga class at Charlotte Yoga. I made sure to pull out all of my pink for the occasion. My message to my class was a simple one – making sure we tell the people who are important to us that we love them, allowing ourselves to receive that same love and using the practice to help us strengthen all of those loving connections. <3
I think I’m finally going to be back to my regular teaching schedule and I’m really looking forward to it. The owner of the studio and the entire teacher team has been so incredibly supportive as I’ve needed coverage for my classes so much over the last few months. I am grateful and looking forward to repaying as much of that kindness as I can.
If you’re in Charlotte and want to come practice with me, these are my normal teaching times:
Mondays at 10:45a
Tuesdays at 4:30p
Wednesdays at 9:30a
Thursdays at 10:45a
If you’re NOT in Charlotte, the classes are available to livestream on Zoom. All are hot power yoga.
I have two fun stories from class today…
The first is that I had a couple in my class and they were new to yoga. I went to check in with them about halfway through class and while they admitted they were a little lost, they said they were having a great time and would definitely be back. They said it was the first of several dates they were having for Valentine’s Day. I loved that.
The second is that I had one of my regular students come up to me today after class and tell me that he took his first yoga class EIGHT YEARS AGO on Valentine’s Day…and that class was with me!
It makes my heart so happy to be able to share this practice with people.

I got Finn a little Valentine after I finished teaching. His favorite thumbprint cookies and a couple of cake balls (that I’m hoping he may share with me) from Suarez, his favorite candy – Reese’s, a balloon and some water beads. Simple but he loved it!
The rest of our Valentine’s Day will include a trip to the chiropractor (lots to fill you in on – I herniated a disk in my back last week and it’s terrible), making Valentine’s for Finn’s classmates for tomorrow (he doesn’t have school on Mondays) and cooking scallops for dinner. Yum!

I had Finn with me again this past weekend so that was a treat! His dad is away on a trip and we’ve been switching some days with everything that’s been going on with my mom. The weather was amazing in Charlotte Thursday-Saturday. Sunny and high 60s/low 70s so we spent a lot of time outside.
On Friday morning we did swim lessons and then a trip to Squirrel Lake Park.

And on Saturday we did a long walk in the morning and then met a friend to play at Park Road Park in the afternoon.

We had a post-park ice cream date at Ben & Jerry’s. It was such a great day.

It was gray and considerably cooler on Sunday so we had one of our lazy at home days. Virginia did come over to go on a walk with us but other than that we vegged out and did lots of snuggling.

Finn took this picture of Zoey with my phone and I thought it was a cute profile shot of her. The dogs are getting groomed this week and it’s much needed!

I skipped the Super Bowl in favor of watching “And Just Like That.” I don’t know why I was just not in a Super Bowl mood this year but I didn’t even watch the halftime show. I am pleased that LA won because former UGA quarterback Matthew Stafford just started as quarterback for the Rams after 12 seasons with the Detroit Lions. He has a pretty inspirational story and I’m always pleased to see former Bulldogs do big things in the NFL.

I made a great Sunday dinner of chicken tortilla soup and salad. I just ate leftovers for lunch while writing this post and it was even better today!
Time to get showered and dressed to head to Greenapple Sports to work on my back. I’ll be spending a lot of time there this week. I’ll write a separate post about my back in the next couple of days. I also have big updates on my mom to share!
Sending BIG LOVE to all of you!
Are you celebrating Valentine’s? Any special traditions?
Favorite Valentine’s meals or treats?
Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did you like the halftime show? From what I’ve seen on social media, people seemed to really love it!
Have you watched And Just Like That? Thoughts?
Hi Jen. Continued prayers for your mom (and for you and your dad!). I would love to take my first yoga class with you (we live in S Charlotte) but I’m afraid I’d be like that couple, completely lost lol. Thank you for posting the names of the two parks you visited. We’re always looking for new spots to explore! I did watch And Just Like That and enjoyed it. It got a lot of bad reviews but it brought me back to watching the old seasons/movies so it was fun and nostalgic. ?