I love days spent at my grandmother’s house. There’s nothing to do and nowhere to be and plenty of time for chatting, magazine reading, running, dog playtime and cooking.

I started my morning with a run. Next time I visit I am going to do a “scenes from my run” tour of Milledgeville so that you all can see the small town in Georgia where I have spent so much of my life. It’s always so nostalgic to run here. I ran six very slow (like 9:45 pace slow) miles. It was hot and humid but I felt really great for the entire run.

I was very sweaty and smelly after my run and immediately hopped in the shower. I emerged to find my grandmother playing on Facebook. I have mentioned this before but she reads my blog every day, is on Facebook and follows me on Twitter. Pretty sweet, huh?

Oh and she wears Toms. I was visiting earlier this year and she tried on my Toms and wore them around for a while. The next thing I knew she had ordered a pair online.

My dad got in around 5 p.m. and both dogs were thrilled to see him. (My dad splits his time between Florida and Georgia right now because of work…it’s a complicated situation that I won’t go into detail about!) I had already called him on his drive back and told him what we were going to have for dinner. I’ll do another post tomorrow with food and some recipes. We ate good!

I baked an apple crisp but this was not even the highlight of dinner. Everything we made was so good. And this is what visiting my grandmother looks like…no makeup, no hair driers or flat irons. It’s lovely.

We were hanging out in my grandmother’s den after dinner. She always keeps photos under the glass on the coffee table and my cousin recently updated all of the photos. I was checking them out when I spotted this.

My grandmother at age three with their family golden retriever, Bob. I have never seen this picture before and never knew that my grandmother grew up with a golden. Made me smile!
Hope your weekend has been full of moments that made you smile. I’m heading back to Charlotte early tomorrow but with a lighter heart and renewed energy.
It looks like you had such a relaxing visit with your Mema and Dad. It was so great to see the pictures, I miss and love them both so much. You are a lucky girl Jen Eddins!!
fran – i was thrilled to receive this comment from you. i know that they miss you too and i hope we can all see each other sooner rather than later. i do feel so lucky to have such an amazing family!
I love that feeling of visiting with grandparents…it’s like a breath of fresh air! Hope you have a great week
it totally is! definitely puts things in perspective!
great times! nothing like feeling totally at peace at your grandmother’s house. so glad you had a great weekend.
I love how Sullie is such a photo ham.
Your hair looks great. Cute top too!
sullie loves the camera. she knows how to work it!
thank you!
So sweet! I went to visit my grandparents this weekend as well. I love being able to go and visit them when I can. Fun fact, you know I went to UGA like you did (except I’m STILL there; working on my 3rd degree, lol), but I went to GCSU in Milledgeville for the first two years of college. Small world!
so even more fun fact…i went to GCSU my freshman year…and cheered there before transferring to UGA!
Your Grams is adorable! I love that she is on FB, so hip!
I’ve never met your grandmother… yet, I love her! I hope I can be that cool in 40 more years. =)
me too!
You grandmother is the coolest! She wears Toms and is on twitter! Enough said!
i know!!!!!
it’s interesting how speed is all relative. if i ran 6 miles at a 9:45 pace i would feel like a speed demon!
it’s so true! so many things in fitness (well and in life) are so relative. it doesn’t mean it’s right/wrong or good/bad…it’s about what feels good and challenging for the person and their body!
There is nothing better than spending time with grandmothers. I always feel secure and put back together when I visit mine.
i know, it’s such an amazing feeling!
Grandparents really do bring a sense of calm and nostalgia. It is so refreshing to almost be transported to a different time. I really hope you feel refreshed and ready to go! By the way, you’re hair is so cute wavy!
thank you! hard for me to embrace it but i like having the option of wearing it that way.
i feel so lucky for the time i get to spend with my grandmother!
Hi Jen, This is a random question, but what is your favorite Avett Brothers album? I have five free song downloads and I wanted to try them, but they have so many songs and I have no idea where to start! I know you have mentioned them several times, so I thought maybe you could help
you should wait until the new album comes out in a couple of weeks and download it. it’s great!
Pretty runs in your family.
Feel free to bring some of that apple crisp back to CLT!
thank you! that is so sweet!
So glad you had a great weekend with your grandmother! My grandma has tried to join Facebook twice, but it hasn’t worked out, lol. And it’s super impressive your grandma is on Twitter–what a social media butterfly!
aw, maybe your grandmother needs a tutorial!
I’ve spent some great time in Milledgeville! Love it there. I’m from a small town in South Georgia so going home has always been about relaxing, visiting, nice runs and eating well – because you are right, there’s not much else going on! So glad you still go visit – it’s a special time.
i kind of like just not having any options of things to do. it’s nice to feel like you don’t constantly have to be doing something!
grandmothers are just one of life’s great treasures. I’m glad you make the effort to spend time with yours. and how great to see your dad! Complicated work situations – we have one of those too.
i feel so very lucky for the relationship i have with my grandmother. we have always been so close.
How great that you were able to get away & visit family. The food looks excellent (as always) & I think wavy hair is a nice look for you (I say EMBRACE it! ;P).
i’m trying to embrace it! good days and bad days!
My grandma is also a technology wiz! She is constantly sending me articles and telling me all the latest news. Those Tom’s are adorable on her!
that is so cute! love those tech-savvy grandmothers!
Oh please post the Apple Crisp recipe – that looked sooooo good!!! That looks like such a yummy one too!! ; ))