I’m handing out candy to trick or treaters while I write this post and I have to say that hearing all the kids squeal, “DOGGGGGIEEEESSS!” when they walk up to our house is pretty much the cutest thing ever. All three of them are standing at the glass door watching all the Halloween fun. This is a pretty exciting Monday night for these pups!

I hope you’ve all had a fun time celebrating Halloween. Our big costume party was on Saturday night so today has been pretty chill. All of our public schools had teacher workdays today so the kids were out of school. I stopped by Harris Teeter this afternoon to get Halloween candy and they were out of EVERYTHING! They were actually stocking Christmas candy while I was there. I swear the parking lot was crazier than Thanksgiving shopping. I ended up at Family Dollar where I got a great deal on the good stuff…Reese’s, Snickers, Butterfinger, M&Ms and Starburst.
I’ve actually got to go run off and teach at 7:15, although I’m sure it will be a skeletal crew (pun intended).
Before I go, here are some scenes from the weekend!

Friday night was SUPER low-key since we were taking a new client management software live for the studio. Tanner was on the phone with customer support until 11 p.m. and I was up at 5 a.m. on Saturday because I was so stressed about getting an email out to our clients with the right info for converting their accounts. It’s been a crazy few days but will be worth it in the long run.

I broke to make a quick dinner from random stuff in the fridge. Burgers with Sriracha aioli in kale leaves, roasted brussels sprouts and roasted sweet potatoes.

After my early wake-up call on Saturday, I got back in bed around 6:30 and slept until about 7:45. I woke up and ate chia pudding for breakfast. Zoey looks so guilty (slash miserable) here because she ate HALF of it while I walked into another room! I spoke rather sternly to her (caught her in the act) and she proceeded to lay like this for the next 30 minutes. She looks sorry, right?

It was a step back week for my training so I planned to run 8-9 on Saturday. I got a bit of a late start AND overshot my distance. I found myself three miles away from the studio at 10:45 and I was scheduled to teach at 11:15. I had planned to run home but ran straight to the studio to teach instead. I arrived at 11:07 at 10 miles on the dot and had to buy a new tank top to teach in. Class was great!

I had no clean clothes or flip flops with me so I took Tanner’s car home from the studio barefoot to go shower and change.

I met him back at the studio for lunch at Namastay Kitchen where I had a salad topped with salmon. We brainstormed Halloween costumes while we ate and went to the costume store after to pick out costumes.

I requested a stop by Sunflour on the way home so I could get cupcakes and an iced coffee.

I sat with my feet up for a couple of hours and worked on updating recipes on my blog. It was so nice to just sit and relax.

A little later it was time to get ready for our Halloween party at Y2. I went on a little baking spree before it and made salted fudge brownies, pumpkin chocolate chip bars and rice krispie treats.

Tanner was a fireman and I was a dalmatian. (I am totally wearing Lulu shorts under this outfit. Why does everything Halloween have to be so short and tight?)

We had a really great turnout and everyone got really dressed up so that was fun. Here is the group that was tapped for our costume contest!

I met a friend for a run on Sunday morning. We knocked out a little over 5.5. I made Tanner and I this breakfast after.

Sullie helped me do laundry. Ever since she was a puppy she has loved to get comfy on dirty clothes. And with both us teaching hot yoga and working out, they are REALLY icky. Dogs are so funny. We had a boston terrier growing up that slept in the laundry basket in the laundry room.

I loved my Sunday. It felt so relaxed and nice. I ran with a friend, hung out with Tanner, made a big pot of spaghetti sauce, did laundry, worked on a project, taught one class and then went over to Tanner’s brother and sister-in-law’s for dinner. We had baked salmon with lemon and dill and a quinoa salad. It was so awesome to catch up with them.

And when I got home I had peppermint tea and some sweet potatoes with almond butter. I had a case of “RUNGRY” on Sunday!
Tell me about your Halloween. Did you dress up or go to any parties? Did you have any trick or treaters?
Does your dog like dirty clothes?
Don’t forget to check out my Spooky Sprint and Climb Treadmill Workout and my BOO Bodyweight Workout!
I’m glad you had an awesome weekend ?
I didn’t go to any parties this year, but I did wear a costume to work! And Bailey always seems to manage to find my clean laundry (when it’s piled up and ready for folding) and plop himself right on top of them. So cute!
I think Zoey looks sorry :-))) or pathetic. :-)) DOGS!!! haha!
You guys look amazing in your outfits… although it’s crazy how all outfits happen to be short. I have a few of those that def need shorts under them.
We had a low key weekend this time. Went to a masquerade Saturday and handed out candy last night.
We got zero trick-or-treaters this year.
I think we were the only house on our block with candy (everyone’s houses looked dark), so the kids didn’t bother coming down the street. Plus it was a school night, so maybe they cut it short earlier than usual.
We had planned on putting the candy on the porch so our dog wouldn’t flip out every time the doorbell rang. She loves kids, but always has to bark at the doorbell, plus she’s big and a little scary-looking, no need to frighten the kiddos! But my husband decided that he wanted to show off his Star Trek costume, I think he was really bummed that the doorbell never rang! I didn’t dress up at all.
Oh, and I made those pumpkin chocolate chip bars this weekend, they are sooo good! I had to bring most of them to work so we wouldn’t eat them all!
What an awesome weekend! and your dogs are so adorable! <3
Thank you! They’re so super sweet and fun!