Finn and I had a holly jolly weekend and I can’t believe we’re just two weeks out from Christmas. Personally, I’m trying to focus on enjoying the whole of the holiday season and and not put all the emphasis on the actual day. I like making the time between Thanksgiving and New Years fun and festive with activities sprinkled in throughout. It makes co-parenting through the holidays a little easier to navigate. I am beyond grateful that Finn is loved so well and gets really special holiday celebrations with both families – but there will always be a part of me that misses him on the holidays that he’s with his dad.
I think we made the most of this last full weekend we had together before Christmas – and here’s a look at what we did!

Finn had school on Friday. I picked him up at 1p and we hung out at home until a 4p sunset mini shoot with Erin. Our session was just 15 minutes but we got some really special shots.
After the shoot we took an epic trip to Walmart where Finn scored a rare toy he’s been on the lookout for and I shopped for Christmas pajamas and decorations for a race we were running the next morning.

Back at home I got both of us fed, Finn to bed and started a puzzle. I always get in the mood to do them this time of year!

I asked Finn if he wanted to run a race this weekend where we would wear our pajamas and he said, “oh sure mama!” We had the BEST time running the Move For Jenn Pajamas All Day 10K.
The mission of the Move For Jenn Foundation is to offer grants in the form of activewear prosthetics to those who have suffered the loss of a limb to sarcoma or other affiliated diseases. Since most activewear prosthetics are not covered by insurance, the foundation bridges the financial gap to allow amputees to get back to the physical activities they enjoyed prior to amputation.
I was in tears before the race started hearing Jenn speak about her story and do a live prosthetic donation at the race to a woman who was just finishing chemo and had gone through an amputation. She has a goal to run Chicago.
Finn and I had a great race. He loved hopping out of the stroller to run a few times (better believe I timed that for the hills
) and it’s officially his new favorite thing to run across the finish and get our medal.
This race is SO family-friendly and with a petting zoo, kid’s activities and loads of bouncy things. Finn had a blast after the race! We will be back to run Pajamas All Day next year in support of this amazing local organization!
Chip time: 59:14 and I pushed Finn in the Cybex Avi running stroller.

We hung out and enjoyed the post-race festivities for about an hour before coming home to shower and have lunch. I promised Finn a post-race donut but our favorite shop was sold out so we ended up at Ben & Jerry’s instead. After our ice cream date, we snuggled on the couch and watched Frozen until it was time to head out for our next adventure.

Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens does a really phenomenal job with their annual Holidays at the Garden lights display. I booked tickets for Finn and I for the 5p entry and we arrived around 5:30p.

We spent a little over an hour wandering around the lights. This was our second visit – the last time we were here was in 2020 when Finn was just two and we were wearing masks!

The only mistake we made was trying to eat dinner from the food trucks. They were trying so hard but just completely overwhelmed by the crowds. We waited forever for our food and it was just okay. Next time we’ll eat before or after and just enjoy the lights!

Add Holidays at the Gardens to your Charlotte-area holiday bucket list!
It rained ALL.DAY.LONG. on Sunday and it was the BEST.THING.EVER. I cannot tell you how much I needed a rainy, low-key day at home.

We stayed in our PJs until noon and then got dressed and tackled this Peanuts gingerbread house kit that we got at Walmart on Friday. Finn was so patient and good with it! While I can’t say that decorating is our strong suit, we had a great time and that’s all that matters.

We also baked gingerbread cookies with a maple eggnog glaze. Yum, yum. First Christmas cookies of the season!

The most exciting news of Sunday is that Finn finally lost that loose tooth he’s had for weeks. He walked into the kitchen holding it and said, “look, my tooth came out!” I asked of how and he said, “I pulled it out.” Go Finn. He spent the rest of the day telling me, “your boy’s going to be rich” haha.

When I say it poured rain all day I mean it poured down rain all day long. It was a perfect movie day so I got tickets for us to see a late afternoon showing of Trolls Band Together. We both enjoyed the movie and Finn literally danced his way out of the theater.
We had dinner once we arrived home and then Finn was beyond pumped to put his tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy. How magical it is seeing life – and holidays – through a child’s eyes.
I am so lucky to be this kiddo’s mama. He adds an immeasurable amount of joy to my life whether it be the every day seemingly mundane things or the big holiday things.
Are you more “celebrate all season long” or “go big on Christmas Eve/Day?”
Favorite holiday events out of the house?
Favorite holiday cookie recipe?
I am 36 weeks pregnant and weirdly I don’t feel like it’s Christmas time yet. I guess I’ll feel it on the 24th? Lol
my favourite cookies are chocolate amaretti cookies (gluten free) and with powered sugar they look more like it’s Christmas time