This post is sponsored by Hoover but the review is 100% my own. Thanks to Hoover for sponsoring this post and hosting this giveaway! Be sure to read to the end to enter the giveaway!
Since becoming a dog owner almost 13 years ago (ahhh how is my “first born” almost 13!?), I have had to accept that my floors will never stay clean for any length of time. Adding a second dog into the dynamic increased the love, fun AND mess in my house! I vacuum my floors pretty much every single day (and get a full canister of hair and dirt) and clean my hardwoods several times a week with a spray mop.

I can confidently say that they are worth the mess they create. <3
Now that Finn is mobile and crawling around on the floors and rugs, my floor cleaning has gone next level. Sweet Finn is super familiar with the vacuum being run and usually tries to squawk and talk louder than the noise of the vacuum. (He does this with the blender too…haha.)

And now he has a new machine to watch mommy clean with…our Hoover Carpet Cleaner! You might remember that I made a trip to Home Depot a couple of months ago to buy a carpet cleaner. While vacuuming and mopping does the trick for the hardwoods, I wanted a way to give my rugs a deeper clean since Finn AND the dogs are all over them every day. I came home with the Hoover PowerDash Pet Compact Carpet Cleaner and deemed it “the best $99 I had spent in a long time.”

The team at Hoover recently reached out and offered to send me their full-sized SmartWash+ to try and I can honestly say that carpet cleaning is a new hobby of mine. But seriously, does anyone else find vacuuming and carpet cleaning to be immensely gratifying? It is not a chore I dislike doing! (Now if only I could feel the same way about laundry.)

Some of the things that I appreciate about the Hoover SmartWash+ include:
- It is incredibly easy to assemble. I had it out of the box, put together and ready to go in under two minutes. As someone who is “assembly challenged,” this was a pleasant surprise!
- Very simple to use. As easy as vacuuming! (for real) Push forward to clean, pull back to dry.
- Built-in drying feature. The drying happens through the SmartWash’s Auto Dry feature that delivers powerful extraction with HeatForce.
Out of the box, the SmartWash+ includes a 2-in-1 antimicrobial pet tool, a sample bottle of cleaning solution, an 8 ft. hose and an accessory storage bag.
A few things I want to show you about the SmartWash+.

First, it has a one gallon water tank on the front, as well as the dirty water tank.

Second, the solution tank is located on the back. The water, solution and dirty water tanks are all easy to install and remove.

Hoover offers a variety of cleaning solutions and recommends use of their products for maximum cleaning results. For the photos you’ll see below, I used the Expert Grade solution.
This machine has an Auto Mix feature that precisely mixes and dispenses the correct amount of solution for optimal cleaning. You don’t have to do anything!

Third, the dry only button! I love having the option to keep running the dry cycle without having any more water or cleaner come through. The dry only setting works really well and my rugs felt almost 100% dry after cleaning them.

This area rug takes a serious beating. It’s in the kitchen and the kitchen table sits on top of it. It also gets a lot of foot traffic from the dogs coming in and out of the back door.

The SmartWash+ does a great job getting mud out of the carpet that the dogs track in and now food that Finn drops from his high chair. It uses FlexForce™ PowerBrushes to gently remove deep dirt, debris and pet messes.

I am a little embarrassed to show you that this was the water in the dirty water tank after cleaning just this one area rug! There was legit dirt in the bottom of the tank, despite my daily vacuuming.

Moving on. The massive area rug in my den takes a beating. The dogs and Finn are constantly on it playing and it tends to go from light gray to “greige” very quickly. Before on the left, after on the right.

Here is a close up of the difference mid-clean. This is both ick and amazing all at the same time.
The Hoover SmartWash+ Automatic Carpet Cleaner is simple to use and very effective. I have no doubt that mine will get a TON of use between the dogs and Finn. I know that very soon Finn will start contributing to the messes a little more.

I’m thrilled to share that the team at Hoover is giving away one SmartWash+ to a reader!
If you’d like to enter for a chance to win, simply leave a comment below sharing one of your craziest floor cleaning experiences, or should I say challenges. I’m sure y’all have some good stories for me. You can also just tell me why you need this carpet cleaner in your life!
Giveaway closes on Friday, April 5 at midnight EST. Limit one entry per person. U.S. residents only.
Before I moved into my current rental, the former tenant let me know she had cleaned the carpets by renting a cleaner and using TIDE. What?! Lol.
I LOVE vacuuming and cleaning carpets. It is so gratifying to see the clean carpets. I have a little boy, so needless to say, this would get put to good use!
I have a 3 yr old dog that sheds like crazy…all. the. time! So I’m always cleaning, sweeping and vacuuming! He ruined a rug when he was a puppy, marking his spot, so it went into the trash. Now, I caught him marking his spot again, in my kitchen…3 times! It’s just gross! ? So I think he’s going to get a crate soon! It’s my last resort!
My golden was a better dog that I had for almost 16 yrs. Toward the end of her life…she had cancer on her leg, she couldn’t hold it. I came home and saw my bathroom rug all bunched up! She went to the bathroom near the toilet on the bathroom scatter rug and tried to hide it afterwards! ?
Omgosh Jen! Finn is getting so big all of a sudden! Of course I haven’t been on the internet for a couple of months! My phone died, the 2nd one, so I needed a better phone and provider…change email. I would get a phone and the signal was bad! I’m still not sure if this is great either! ?
I hope u and Finn have a great weekend coming up! Yay for Spring! ??????
This is gross but trying to get kid puke out of the crevices in between the wood planks in our flooring ???
2 labradoodles, a 3 yr old, and a 1 yr old all spend time playing on the carpet. No amount of vacuuming leaves me feeling satisfied that they are clean!!!
With a kid and a one dog I definitely feel you on the carpet struggles. We have a split level and the stairs, which are carpeted, are right inside our entry. They constantly look grungy no matter how often we vacuum.
We brought home 2 kitties from the shelter recently and they had ringworm.
It was a daily battle for MONTHS treating them, keeping everything clean, and constantly cleaning floors and area rugs! The upside was that my house was never more clean!
My daughter is going to be crawling soon, so my challenge is making sure the floor is actually clean! Your before and after photos make me question how clean mine are….
This device would SAVE.MY.LIFE if I had one! Between two active little boys, a messy husband, and a dog, our carpets are a mess! I’ve legit spent a solid hour on one room just trying to get it to look good. Would LOVE to give this a shot!
I could definitely use this for my crazy Puggle. She has a secret ability to somehow get into my pantry. Last time it happened there was flour, powdered sugar, rice, and dried pasta all over my living room carpet. It was like a white bomb had exploded in my house! :/
I had a Golden at the time I had my first baby also. Between the dog hair and the baby spit-up I eventually gave up and threw out every area rug I owned! Both my kids learned to crawl around on hardwoods lol. With new products like this, I’d be tempted to add rugs back in!
We’ve had our German Shepherd Max just over a year now and I can honestly say I think he would put this machine to the test! Between shedding and any accidental mud messes he leaves this would be a huge help around our house!
After the winter we’ve had in Minnesota our entry way carpet is definitely a little salty. We have been trying to vacuum up the mess but unfortunately the carpets haven’t gone back to their original luster … looking for the right vacuum cleaner to fix our entry way!
When I moved out of my first apartment, I tried getting a few spots out using some 409 all purpose cleaner…what I didn’t realize was that I had accidentally purchased the 409+Bleach solution so my carpet was covered in bleach spots. It definitely has made me look twice when purchasing cleaners.
I own THE most messy 4 year old lab! I love her to death, but my carpet takes a SERIOUS beating! No amount of vacuuming seems to do the trick and I really need a carpet cleaner. I almost went out and bought one when you did your last post and could really really use one!
Well we just had to throw out our dining room carpet after our 12 year old dog had diarrhea for over a week… fun times. We have 2 other rugs in the house (and carpet in our babies play room!) so this would get a lot of use!
My husband and I volunteer for a group that mentors and provides support for kiddos in foster care. They come over and we hang out, chat, play sports and board games and ALWAYS without fail someone drops pizza or whatever other snack and the carpet gets less than pristine to say the least haha. This would definitely help us out ?
Your post couldn’t have come at a better time! I volunteered to watch a friend’s two dogs and a cat for a week. Add my own dog to the mix, and I will be in serious need of carpet cleaning by the end of this week!
I am clumsy and forever dropping food and creating messes for myself!
About a week before I had our baby, we rented a steam cleaner. I was so excited about how clean I was able to get the carpets/rugs in the house, especially the newly completed nursery. The next day was a Monday, so I left and went to work. When I came home I kept smelling something but just assumed it had something to do with the cleaner. I took the dog on a walk and when we came back, the smell was worse, so I started looking around. Turns out, Milly, our golden retriever, had puked all over the downstairs rug in the living room and has massive diarrhea all over the nursery carpet. Worst. Thing. Ever. ( especially at 37 weeks pregnant!)
I need this in my life! Just moved into a new home and scared to get new rugs because of all the mainetance of keeping them clean for two crawlers…but this vac would so help the situation!!
I have three cats who insist on throwing up on the rugs instead of the hardwood or tile. I swear they do this on purpose! Could really use this cleaner!! Haha
So, I really don’t have a crazy carpet story, but I know there is one in my future and that’s why I would LOVE to win! I have a 4 month old baby girl who is just dying to start crawling and I know that I’ll want to give her lots of clean carpets to do it on….both clean from dirt we track in and from baby spit-up and drool!
I have 2 very large dogs and one of them, a Newfoundland, loves to “swim” in his water bowl. My floors look like it rained inside my house!! I now put towels down near his water stand bit have to mop more. ? So is the life with dogs….
Looks awesome! With two kiddos and a dog there is always something to be cleaned:) it’s usually a mystery! My favorite carpet story comes from a friend of mine- she had just gotten a new roomba and a new puppy. She left the puppy at home and turned the roomba on. Puppy pooped, Roomba cleaned. The Roomba/puppy poop trail was just as bad as you can imagine! The more you know
I was attempting to take a jar of sauce out of the pantry and it slipped out of my hand and splattered EVERYWHERE. I am talking shards and chunks of glass and chunky tomato sauce spread everywhere on the floor, walls, ceiling, doors. It was a disaster. All I could do was cry laugh and I think I am going to be finding specks of sauce for years
I moved back home for a short stint after I finished my degree and was looking for a job. Same time my little sister moved to Australia and left me and my new roommate Flori (my mom) her new teenage cat. Now Mama Flori already had two cats – Minty who I’m convinced will live forever and Mr. Kitty who is not as old as Minty but is kind of a grandpa type, grouchy and fussy but can be very sweet. All of these kitties have had um digestive issues resulting in cat waste in one form or another all over my mom’s gorgeous house, mostly some really beautiful carpets. Normally I’d bow to my mom as the authority on cleaning but we got into it over how to properly clean all these cat messes. Let it dry, don’t let it dry, which products to use, what would hurt/protect the carpet. This feud went on the entire time I was there – the better part of a year! We learned a lot about cleaning floors but not sure either of us will admit the other one is doing it right haha! My mom is a sweet angel for dealing with all of us, cat siblings included!
I’d love to have one of these vaccuums for my new house! As you said, I’d rather vaccuum than do laundry/dishes anyday! I am also hoping that we get a dog soon and I will be keeping this on my radar when that happens!
I typically rent a carpet cleaner from the store but this would be much more convenient. With a dog and a toddler, I’m always cleaning!
Within 2 days of buying our house, our lower level flooded (we purchased an older home that had been flipped). It was 9pm, our bathroom was flooding, and I just told my husband “we will laugh at this one day”. Needless to say, he rushed to Home Depot to buy a shop vac and we immediately rented a carpet cleaner. Thankfully we saved the carpet but it was quite the house warming!
Our oldest got his diaper off one day and sat/scooted around on the edge of our rug where the fringe is. It was not a clean diaper. I cut a lot of fringe off that rug.
I would love to win this Hoover SmartWash + because our last Hoover (ten years old!) just died. My husband would lend it out all the time so I feel like that Hoover carpet cleaner really was used more than a million times in those ten years.
I have a 110 lb bull mastiff, 2 young boys, and red clay dirt in the back yard! I’m also a vacuum every day person because DOG HAIR!
I have the most adorable labradoodle ever…..but apparently she missed out on the “non-shedding” gene because her hair is EVERYWHERE!! I need this cleaner in my life!
I was the first tenant ever in a brand new apartment. The bedroom had gorgeous white carpets. My first morning (a Sunday) I made a smoothie with cherries and strawberries, and brought it back to bed so I could read and drink my smoothie.
Guess how long it took for it to end up all of that gorgeous white rug?!! My relaxing morning turned into quite the scrub fest
I have 2 dogs and a cat- every cleaning experience is an adventure!
No crazy experiences yet but I have a 5 month old so I am getting that same urge to clean the floors all of the time and he isn’t even crawling yet!
I love the instant gratification of a much needed vacuum and I get a lot of it with a cat that leaves fur everywhere. Would love to try the Hoover!
Ah I need this so bad! Between my 11 month old, my dog and my guests (who seem to spill beverages every time!) I’m desperate for a cleaner like this!!
Between my giant 70 pound puppy and all of the little ones that visit my house, my carpets get filthy! Oh, and it’s springtime which brings in so much extra dirt!
Between my two little ones and black lab, my carpets are looking more brown than beige these days ?
When my twins were about two, they threw a costco sized applesauce down our carpeted basement stairs (over a gate). The lid popped off and it was from ceilings to walls to carpet on 2 stories. I swear we were finding applesauce for the next 2 years!
I don’t have a crazy floor cleaning experience… yet. but that’s why I think I should double down and have this hoover carpet cleaner ready!!!
Our house’s previous owners had a dog who trashed the carpets… now with our kiddo adding food/body fluids/dirt to the mess, this would be so helpful!
I love the before and after pictures! I love how gratifying it is to vacuum too:) I have a 2 year old who is obsessed with vacuums, so I’d have a little helper with the carpet cleaner. With another baby on the way, we are long overdue for cleaning our rugs. Our kitchen rug is a mess too – I’ve considered throwing it out, but I bet a good cleaning would do the trick!
I would love one of these! I have two kids and a dog so….
And yes, its a very gratifying chore. I love immediate, noticeable results. (Why can’t running be like that??)
I think just moving into our current home was one crazy moving experience. The former owner had lived in the house for 50 years and could no longer take care of it. I remember some horrifying wall scrubbing, and the moment I realized that the kitchen floor designs were NOT that color in the creases…. that was dirt. :X
Hard times, lol. Anyway, I’m a neat freak for sure and I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO WIN THIS.
She has been EVERYWHERE with my husband and I in our traveling life – our first child of course! We are not ready to replace the carpet in the new home – but I would feel SO MUCH BETTER if we could clean the carpet from the previous owners and keep it clean with our daily use in the home. I feel we would have very similar reactions to clean carpets! This would be wonderful addition to our home!!
Recently moved into our first home with our newborn baby, 3 year old girl and our beloved 10 year old black lab
When our dog was a puppy, she caught giardia and let me just say I hope other dog owners haven’t had to experience that. Our bedroom carpet took a hard beating after those few nights ??
I would love love love this carpet cleaner. I have toddler twins and a lab! I am constantly cleaning my carpets and floors. This would help so much!
Let’s just say that when I was giving my 8 month old some “open air butt time” when she had a bad diaper rash a few weeks ago, that she did the biggest and most awful #2 I’ve ever seen on my carpet
I cleaned it as well as I could, but this thing would change our lives I’m sure!!
I still have my Hoover carpet cleaner from 11 years ago and while it works great I can only imagine how nice an upgrade to this model would make my carpets sparkle! We recarpeted our entire house last year and with two dogs this new Hoover would be an amazing addition to our house!
I’m bringing my golden retriever puppy home in 3 weeks and and know this would be a huuuuge help and much appreciated by my sister, who I love with! ?
One thanksgiving my daughter was like the exorcist throwing up – and she really likes cranberry sauce, so you can picture the color. It was her first time throwing up, she was 14 so she had no idea what was happening and didn’t know to get herself to the bathroom. She was in her bedroom and has really light carpet….
We love having our carpets cleaned but I hate how it’s always wet afterward. Maybe the dry feature would come in handy.
I have a 95lb goldendoodle who is terrified of the vacuum and once came close to chewing through the cord…while I was vacuuming!!
I don’t really have anything crazy but I have 2 kids. One just turned 1 but when he was a baby and had acid reflex and often spit up on the floor. I can only imagine how gross our carpet is.
Would love this since our dog loves to get messy!
I had an apartment, and the week I was going to move out, I dropped a jar of spaghetti sauce in the kitchen that exploded all the way to the carpeted dining room. It looked like a murder had taken place! Bye bye deposit! Lol.
I NEED this. We have 2 large furry dogs also, one of which loves rolling in the dirt then coming inside to roll on our rugs!
We went from having bare hardwoods to rugs galore after having baby Piper! (8m ?? From birthing class and Charter culdesac!) and man alive those things do get dirty with a baby and puppy! Nothing too crazy yet but love a good blowout “stamping” the carpet now that she rolls and crawls everywhere if I don’t notice right away so am actually in the market for something like this!
We recently moved from a house with almost no carpet, to a house with almost ALL carpet. We have 2 older dogs who get hair and dirt everywhere. We’ve been in the market for a good carpet cleaner, but I just haven’t pulled the trigger yet. That one looks great!
Aging dogs and accidents. That’s all I’ll say:-)
I have a 14 year old puppy who is having more accidents than usual. I’ve been spending time on my hands and knees scrubbing carpet cleaner and thinking about getting the whole house professionally cleaned. I hadn’t even thought about getting a cleaner – this looks great!
When I was expecting, we rented an industrial floor cleaner to deep clean the carpets before baby came. My pup sleeps under my bed, despite not really fitting, so I needed to clean under there too, but it was near impossible to lift that heavy machine over the bed rails and keep moving it between the support rails. Sounds like this Hoover would make that task much simpler! I was so determined to have every inch of the floors clean, though (when was my baby ever going to crawl under the bed??). Also, where did you get the gray rug in your before/after pic? I adore it!
I have a baby the same age as Finn. She always wants to be in the floor. We also have a lab who sheds so much. I would love a good carpet cleaner. Thank you for the giveaway!!
I have a Newfoundland “grand dog” that often comes to visit, and rig cleaning goes to a whole new level when he stays in our home!! The drool, the drips, the dirt!!!! He like a dripping dust mop shuffling all through our home! Good thing he’s. Sweetheart, because the cleaning is nonstop!!
I moved into my house about 4 years ago and still haven’t gotten around to cleaning the carpets that have been well worn from the previous owner. There are some dark spots in this beige colored carpet that I try not to think about because they were not put there by us! Plus all the spots we have added. My two year has grown up crawling all over this house. It would be SO GREAT to make a clean start and be able to clean the grime on a regular basis!!
2 dogs, 2 cats and a teenager! It’s always fun to clean around here!
My biggest floor challenge is under the kitchen table. I swear I have to sweep it three times a day! Kids…
This machine would be perfect for me!!! Our house has half carpet and I swear our dog seeks out the carpet anytime he needs to puke!! Which makes everyone in my family head for the hills claiming “they will puke” if they have to clean it up! So, that leaves me. Yep, dog puke cleaner. I’m so sick of spot cleaning my carpets. They need a good deep-down clean! This Hoover looks like the bomb!!!!! I’d really appreciate some clean carpets…and just maybe I can train the family to use it too!! Wishful thinking. XO
I have 7 kids, a dog and a husband and vacuuming is my hobby. I usually break at least 1 a year from over use. I would love to try the carpet cleaner it would be a dream.!
I have a short haired Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix. His favorite past-time is running the length of our fence which covers him in dirt that he immediately transfers to our carpet. He also sheds so much that I’m not sure how he has any hair left!
Where did you get that beautiful rug that is under your table? Gorgeous!! I have been looking for something like this.
Living in a rental apartment is TOUGH to keep things look sparkly. I have the hardest times with my floor – both carpet and linoleum. I swear, the amount of vacuuming I do barely makes a difference!
I need this terribly as a fellow Golden owner! It is an uphill battle…
Though my worst carpet cleaning experience dates to high school, spilled a bottle of nail polish on my white carpet the day of my senior prom! My mom handled the brunt of it…
Ahh, I have so many! Between my golden retriever and my nearly 1-year-old, our poor rugs take a beating. Most recently, I had my hands full with my daughter when our golden retriever Micah greeted me at the back door after taking a dip in the pond in our back yard. She was so incredibly muddy, and there wasn’t much I could do with my hands full. I just had to let her inside and guide her to the bathroom, hoping she’d make as little damage on her way as possible. ??
A few weeks ago, I was playing fetch with my dog and had a glass of red wine on the table… you see where this is going! I threw his toy, knocked over the glass and it spilled on the beige carpet! Of course, I didn’t have any carpet cleaner on hand so I googled it and saw shaving cream helps get it out? I tried it, and it actually did! Needless to say, the room smelled a little funny for a day or so!
We are struggling to grow grass in our backyard, and we have a golden Retriever who loves to run around in our mud field! Her paws get so muddy that keeping the rugs clean is impossible! This would be a big help.
You would think that having had three dogs that my craziest story would be dog related… but no. In college I needed a one-semester rental before studying abroad and found a furnished walk-out basement apartment that seemed like it would work. I had toured and things seemed fine, until I moved in and discovered that it was horrifyingly filthy. Literal piles of fine, Sahara-like dust under every rug. My dad came and helped with his carpet cleaner, and the water was *black* with dirt for the first five or so passes/rinses. We got it passable eventually, but I will never forget how skeeved I was… and I’m still borrowing that carpet cleaner from my parents over a decade later
I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I finally had my own!
I have an almost 2 year old and a cat. As you know cats can throw up quite a bit. Well, apparently my son causes the cat to have major anxiety and now the cat throws up as soon as the baby starts coming towards him. And with a house that is mostly tile, how does the cat always find the carpet to throw up on????
I have a black lab that sheds like crazy! He also has claimed the rug as his bed even though he has a bed. It’s a constant battle.
A 4 year old and a 9 month old, both are all over the floor!! Almost every meal something is spilled. Or they “play” cooking on the floor! The other day my 4 year old mixed real tomatoes and potatoes to create dinner needless to say there were crushed tomatoes all over my kitchen floor!
We have an old, hamidown carpet cleaner that leaks EVERYWHERE. So needless to say, I only begrudgingly use it when absolutely necessary. With a new little one on the way and my “nesting” starting up already, I am in dire need of this! We have 2 cats, 1 crazy dog, and a 5yo that tracks EVERYTHING into the house. No floor goes un-vacuumed but as you can see, vacuuming only takes off the surface dirt and hair. This carpet cleaner would be a saving grace for our family! Looks amazing and easy to use!
Once I threw up off my bed onto my carpeted floor . That was hands down the worst mess I have ever tried to clean up! YUCK!!!!!
Let’s just say this would have come in handy last night, when my dog’s propensity for eating trash that she finds on our walks caught up with her.
Thanks Jen! These replies are cracking me up.
With a dog and 2 cats in our home, pets cause the most carpet issues for us.
This looks like a godsend! I have only one furry child, but he is a Maine Coon and goodness does his hair get everywhere! Not only that, but hairballs are a constant happening, given all his hair. I just moved into my first home and the second level is carpeted – let’s just say that my cat has christened every single bedroom up there already. But… gotta love pets!!
At one point, we had a toddler, a baby, a lab, and a messy husband in our house so our carpets were disgusting. Our lab has since passed but somehow our rugs are still covered in dirt and food crumbs.
We definitely need this! Between three kids who are creating projects all the time and our sweet labradoodle, our carpets need a good cleaning!
Knock on wood, I actually don’t have a crazy story! I do have a dog though and hope to have kids one day, so this would definitely come in handy
We have a small 6.5 pound yorki-poo who we *thought* never ever peed on carpet. Wellll…. we have a part of our carpeted basement that we rarely use and our tiny dog only produces tiny amounts of pee, so we didn’t notice for a lonnnng time that she was actually taking little pee breaks in one corner of our basement (insert face palm emoji). I FREAKED OUT when I realized there were tiny pee marks all over the place! So gross! I immediately bought a cheap carpet cleaner from Target that immediately broke. I have since tried multiple methods of cleaning and have somewhat cleaned it up, but we are desperate for a new working carpet cleaner!
I literally scrub my bathroom floor grout with a toothbrush. My arms burn so bad by the time I finish.
Between 2 young boys, 2 dogs and a husband, clean floors are a short lived thing in my house
A dog (Siberian Husky = shed monster) and a toddler (food always being thrown on the floor) means I am constantly *trying* to keep up with cleaning my floors. This would be SO helpful!
Thanks for the great post about cleaning equipment that actually do a good job! We are boxer lovers. On March 10, we said goodbye to our beloved boxer, Ali. He was 13, and we had rescued him when he was 2 1/2. We still have our other dear boxer rescue, Samson, who is 11. Samson is our fifth boxer, so needless to say over the years, we have cleaned, sprayed, vacuumed and shampooed countless times! Our next home will have minimal carpet, but always have boxers running around!!
When we put in hardwood floors in our house, I probably started vacuuming several times a week if not every day for little touch up spots and bring out the big vacuum at least once a week. My dog has golden yellow fur as well and shed a ton and her hair collects along the wall everywhere! We finally got a robot vacuum and it’s been the greatest thing ever! It doesn’t work well over carpet, but luckily our house is all hardwood and a large rug. I still need to use my big vacuum for a deep clean, but it’s nice to have a clean floor for my daughter to crawl around on. I would love to use the hoover steam clean on my rug though, between muddy paws and my husband eating over the coffee table and spilling food, there’s lots of stains that need a deep clean! My daughter has a fascination with the vacuum, she likes to watch it but is also scared and runs over to me and clings on. This stage is just the cutest!
A 4 month old, a Springer Spaniel puppy, and a muddy yard that seems to track its way in our home more often than i’d prefer! my rugs and carpets need this TLC quick!
Oooh this would be a LIFESAVER. We also have a dog and not only does she not wipe her paws upon entering the house, she also has a VERY sensitive stomach. I feel like once a week I have to clean up throw up! Add a very increasingly mobile baby boy and my carpets need some SERIOUS TLC.
At least I am building up Finn’s immune system? Right? LOL
Just bought a house & rented a steam cleaner for the rugs. It worked so well that I was just researching ‘carpet cleaners’. I would love to have this on hand to clean up after my toddler & cat!
Between my sweet cockapoo Sophie who sometimes loses her mind and relieves herself on our off-white carpet in the dining room, and my husband who constantly has to be reminded to leave his shoes outside after he’s been working in the (muddy) yard, our carpet could definitely use a regular deep clean! We have a steam cleaner that is a different brand, and it leaves a lot to be desired!
Deep cleaning carpets is one of my all-time satisfying home chores, too (albeit, hard labor). Dirty carpets gross me out so I love to dump that dirty water tank down the drain!
One time I wanted surprise my hubby with homemade Buffalo wings. In my rush to finish before he arrived home, I spilled the entire pot of hot sauce on our dining room carpet. I quickly grabbed my steam cleaner and was able to remove the stain completely! That was over 13 years ago…time for a new cleaner!!!! (hint, hint)
I’ve wasted too much money on buying rug after rug…I need a cleaner rather than having to buy a new rug every year.
I just bought a house that has carpeting on the 2nd floor. It’s not trendy but I like the coziness. However, I also have two cats and one is a puker. Cat #2 “helps” me find and clean it most nights (disgusting, I know). The worst was when their flea medication gave them uncontrollable diarrhea.
Cats are gross.
My Australian Shepherd Pup sheds like no other!! Plus my fiances still can’t the hang of wiping his feet off before coming into the house. Would seriously love this vaccum in my life. Putting it on the wedding registry if I don’t win
Thanks for the awesome review Jen!
I used to have a small portable carpet vac that I used to clean my couch and the seats of my car. I loved it! (Although I was always rather appalled at how dirty my car was, upon seeing all that dirty water.) Alas, it died on me a year or so ago and I’ve never gotten around to replacing it. (I can only imagine how filthy my car must be now after a year of not shampooing the seats, haha.) The craziest floor cleaning experience I have had, though, actually does not involve a cleaning utensil. Without making the story too long, I will just say that one of my dogs had chronic stomach issues, so we were constantly having to clean the carpet. One day I simply got fed up with it and instead of cleaning it up, just ripped up all the carpet and had hardwood down within the week. Our current house has all hardwood floors but we have several large area rugs that–what with two kids and a dog–I’m sure would benefit from a deep clean!
My crazy floor cleaning story luckily for me happened in a vacation rental house haha. My 9 month old projectile vomited all over my poor husbands back, the bed, and the floor. I honestly don’t know where it all came from and she was totally fine before and after that random incident. But while my hubby showered I tried to strip the bed and sop up the floor while tending to my poor kiddo. Our floors at home take a beating too. My girl is now 20 months, we have two 40 pound hound mix pups, and twins on the way! So I don’t see the messes stopping any time soon!
My craziest carpet cleaning story unfortunately could not have been fixed with this awesome sounding carpet cleaner that I would love to win, but it’s a doozy so I’ll share anyway! One Christmas morning, my dog decided to eat an entire stick of butter off the counter, wrapper and all. We left her for the day instead of bringing her to my parents house (a mistake in hindsight), and of course she got sick on the wall to wall carpet. Which she then ate, including a chunk of carpet. Oh dogs….can’t live with them, can’t live without them!!
between the dog hair and baby spit up this thing would save my LIFE.
I would love this for our two cats ….. one likes to eat grass and leave us little surprises on the carpet :/ I also find cleaning floors insanely satisfying!
This looks amazing! Would be great for my house. Thank you!
Our golden retriever did not take well to having another sibling when we brought our second baby home, and she showed us by having repeated accidents (of the #2 variety) on the rugs. Several of my nights were spent waking up to feed our newborn, going downstairs to find and clean another accident, trying to get a tiny bit of sleep, repeat. With two small kids and an 85 lb dog with a TON of fur, I need this cleaner in my life!
I have two Dobermans and would LOVE this Hoover! It’s a constant cleaning of paw prints with Georgia red dirt. One of my dogs once had terrible diarrhea on a 9×12 rug in my bedroom which i tried and tried to clean. Finally I just decided to cut the large spot out of the rug and place that part under my bed!
With 2 dogs, a 10-month-old baby, and a lot of carpet, I could definitely use this vacuum cleaner in my life!
My craziest carpet cleaning experience was coming home from a morning away to my books and YTT manual ripped up on the floor, the carpet torn away from the baseboards, and my very excited dog waiting to show me what she had been up to while I was gone, haha. A little (and expensive) reminder that things are just things
Seems like a great solution to my dull 20 yr plus old linoleum and worn carpets which could definitely need a deep clean and sprucing up!
Knocked a mostly-full 5lb tub of protein powder onto the wood floor — after vacuuming and mopping (and then mopping again because the water made it sticky) I was still finding it weeks later on baseboards 10 feet away from where it fell!
My kids are 8 and 11 now, but I’m still trying to get out stains from when they were younger!! Also, they sometimes forget to take off their muddy shoes and walk on the carpet.
I have 2 boys (ages 2.5 and 4.5), 2 dogs, and a husband who has recently taken up painting. There is always all manner of dirt, dust, fur, and paint spatters in our area rugs despite our best efforts!
Getting cat throw up out of the carpet!!!
My cat had been having some tummy troubles for a while. One day Set the Roomba running downstairs while I was upstairs. Started catching a whiff of cat poop. Ran downstairs to find the cat had pooped on the floor and Roomba had smeared it EVERYWHERE! I was pregnant at the time and had to scrub the hardwood and rugs on my hands and knees and scrape cat poop out of every crevice of the Roomba. It was a nightmare! Having a Hoover carpet cleaner would have made that much easier to clean up!
I just purchased a blacklight to find pet stains in my house because there was a smell I couldn’t locate. I have now located that stain and many more so a carpet cleaner would be super handy right now!
2 young kids, 2 cats-one with a sensitive stomach (need I say more?!?) and a house full of carpet. Would LOVE to win this!
When my kiddos were 2 and 3 they got into the powder and dumped it all over my daughters room ~ Her bed, dresser, carpet, everything was covered. Six years later and I am still cleaning it from the corners of the room!
I have 4 children so this would be a wonderful gift!
My dog opened up a cut on his tail then proceeded to wag it all around the house while we were gone.. When we came back there was blood splattered EVERYWHERE and it was like a murder scene!
It is officially “mud” season in New Mexico and along with the hairiest giant white dog on the planet (with muddy paws), this vacuum would get some serious use at my house!
Three kids and two dogs – need I say more?! I will, just in case – I’ve recently moved to beautiful British Columbia and am surrounded by amazing mountain trails, so I’ve started trail running with my younger pup (black labradoodle named Archie, 1yo). The mud and dirt that comes home on that doodle fur is no joke! My old dude (black lab, Bob, 12yo) is beyond his running years but still enjoys his strolls, and sheds black hair with the best of them. Fingers crossed!
Perfect timing, as we are on the hunt for a carpet cleaner, too! I have the same rug in my living room that you have in the kitchen. With two furbabies inside, it definitely needs a good cleaning! My lab always seems to vomit on the rug instead of the wood floors, where it would be so much easier to clean up. So, we need a Hoover to the rescue!
Just the other day actually … my poor dog had an upset stomach (I will spare the lovely details) and let’s just say, cleaning my two cream-colored area rugs was less than fun. Oye! My pup is lucky he’s cute.
We so need this! Biggest challenge is having two dogs (one who loves to eat sticks and then give them back to us on the carpet) and a baby who thinks spitting up is a fun game.
Wow! That looks like an awesome machine! And it doesn’t look too heavy or cumbersome to use, which so many are!
We could definitely use this as me have kids and a dog too. Most of the rugs get so dirty we end up buying new ones, yikes! – would rather be able to get them really clean again and not add to the landfill!
My dog has had some serious GI issues for the past 6 months. We have tried medications, probiotics, changing food, etc. Needless to say, our area rugs are taking a beating. One day he threw up 3 times in 30 minutes. Our carpet cleaner wasn’t working as well as it had in the past so we tried renting one for HT. DISASTER. First, it had NEVER been cleaned. The thing was completely disgusting. It was filled with dirt and dirty water. It also destroyed our area rug and did not get out the stain. It is a disaster.
I recently borrowed a carpet cleaner to do my stairs and I am obsessed! I spent two hours doing it! I definitely need my own carpet cleaner now
I have two dogs and two little boys, so my house is constantly disgusting.
Really crossing my fingers for this one!
My dog has IBD so she gets sick on the regular and she seems to always go for the carpet! ?
I would love to not have to worry about hand scrubbing anymore!
Wow I’d love the chance to win this! As a fellow Golden dog owner and mom to two babies, we also have serious messes around our house. My most memorable mess story was a recent case of stomach flu that my 3 year old and 12 month old had. It was awful and I’ll leave the details to myself, but the rug…. ugg! Would love to win this! ??
I have 3 little boys!!! This A carpet cleaner would be life changing!
This looks like a fabulous machine!! I was just thinking over the weekend that I needed to do a full deep clean of my carpets since it’s been 1.5 years since we moved into our house. I used to be every 6 months I’d carpet clean – but now that I’m in a house the square footage is my excuse to push it off. I will say it is disgustingly gratifying when I pour out the dirty water to see how clean my carpets are after having a dog! I will say the worse carpet cleaning challenges is when my dog throws up the yellow bile and it’s soooo hard to get the stain out. I typically use my little green machine to do that.
Oh man, I need this in my life bad!!! I have 4 dogs AND a toddler… I’m sure my dirty water would look 100x’s worse then what you had haha. I can say one of my worst cleaning experiences was actually from my son. He was probably only a few months old when he was sitting on my lap and TOTALLY blew out his diaper, leaving it dripping down my leg and all over the carpet. I was in shock and all i could do was laugh at the situation but that was not a fun thing to clean up!!
The worst experience by far was when I came home from work and my new-ish adopted dog had eaten a bunch of xylitol gum and proceeded to vomit everywhere! It was like a crime scene; there was so much throw up. If you’ve watched Santa Clarita Diet when Shelia throws up; it was basically like that.
A quick trip to the emergency vet, and thankfully he was fine.
We could definitely use this carpet cleaner! My 1 year old is super mobile and I notice his hands are often dirty after crawling around
Having both young boys and dogs myself, I’ve had many. Probably the most memorable was when I found that one of my sons had somehow dropped half of a grape Popsicle under our sectional. Unfortunately, it had been drying there for weeks or months before I discovered it. Yuck.
I love that you titled this “my new hobby”
Cleaning = my biggest stress-reliever. A Hoover smart wash could take me places!
I have two German Shepherds and by god do I love them…enough to have dog hair on every surface. I’ve pretty much gotten used to it as a part of life haha. A legit carpet cleaner has been on my wish list for forever!
I need this because I have a senior cat. He doesn’t groom himself as well as he used to.
Nothing crazy but with white cats, my house is always full of fluff, and my floors have taken a beating from the hair and the occasional cat throw-up. Would love this to try and get my floors to finally feel clean again!
I literally mopped 3 times in a 24 hour span this weekend. Let’s just say my dogs love flowerbeds and mud. Oy!
chocolate milk with finger nail polish lol the adventure.
The last time I moved, the movers tracked the mud from the alley in which they’d parked all over the carpet of the apartment I was leaving! The smell was horrific. We had subletters moving in the next day, so I had to call in an emergency carpet steaming service.
Won’t get into details but cleaning toddler poop off a beige carpet is no fun.
I already own a Hoover Carpet cleaner but I would love the one featured for the Dry Only option alone!
A few weeks ago, I was home with my son in the evening after work. I had just fed him, and my husband wasn’t home. The baby started getting fussy and spit up on our dining room area rug (and me, of course), and about 10 seconds later I heard one of our dogs from the living room and she promptly barfed on the rug in there. Of course, I had no available hands so trying to get all that cleaned up was interesting, to say the least, ha! I need one of these machines in a bad way!
This looks so cool! We have two Aussies and between them and our two year old – our floors are filthy! We have a spot bot, but have been debating investing in something much bigger to help combat the mess.
This is a giveaway I can get behind! Between baby + dog, our carpets could use the help!
We have two sweet dogs who love to eat their treats in the middle of the living room rug, so it always feels a little crumby. Of course, the rest of the house would benefit from a cleaner but that rug jumped into my mind immediately.
We have two kids so there are all manner of bodily fluids on our rug that we have to clean regularly!
I have a son who is 2 weeks older than Finn, and our current vacuum just broke!
My two year old son snuck the blueberries off the counter while my husband was making a smoothie…he then proceeded to smash them into our gray carpet ?. That sure made for a fun cleanup!
Three little boys and 1 large hairy dog. Need I say more???
Dog vomit all the way! Would love this.
Growing up, my mom would spill her red wine on the beige carpet in the living room often, we were always rushing to get it cleaned up before my dad would see! =P
I’m a new dog mom to a 5 month old puppy and I can’t believe how much fur can come from a 12 pound dog!!! Not to mention the pee and poo that comes from the joys of potty training a stubborn little pug. You’re right, they’re so worth it though <3 The carpet cleaner looks awesome!
I have 3 kids and 2 dogs so carpet cleanliness is a full time job. My daughter has begged and I agreed to add a bunny to the brood. OMG…. that is causing me the most work and it is even litter trained. Please help!
My baby chases after the vacuum like it is a game! I am always afraid I’m going to get to close to her, but she giggles and squeaks and crawls to catch up with it. Her big sister, a 7 year old kitty, does just the opposite and runs for the hills!
I have two dogs and a 10 week old baby boy. Needless to say, I’m always vacuuming and cleaning! We just got new carpet installed, and I’d like to keep it clean for baby.
We’ve had it all – doggy bathroom breaks on the new nursery area rug to that first sick baby spitup incident in the family room! Nothing feels better than getting the carpets clean – would love to be able to do it myself vs call the professionals all the time.
My sister is pregnant with her second little girl and she has two dogs. Her birthday is in two weeks and I can’t tell you how incredible of a gift this would be for her!
So….. we rescued two black chihuahuas six years ago and our home has never been the same. Having had a black lab we figured the shedding could not be nearly as bad with these tiny terrors! Yes, terrors. It started out by looking at the county rescue site since our kids wanted a dog- and somehow decided on a chihuahua. So, as luck would have it, there was one named Bella beauty. My husband went to check her out and called to tell me that there were two dogs. Not one. And he got them both! You see, in the picture it looked like one dog and we figured first and middle name. Bella. Beauty. Only it was Bella AND Beauty.
His heart could not leave one behind as they literally stay snuggled like little curled together hamsters.
Here we are more than six years later and it’s been quite a journey. It is sooooo much hair but the main thing is that they were not potty/ poop trainable due to being traumatized wherever they came from. They have potties and pooped many more times than we could ever count. We are constantly foraging and keep trying. Now they’re getting older though so we are used to it. Ironically we own a flooring and carpet store so should be our own best customers but we choose to keep cleaning!!!
Now I know why
Parents never let me have a dog in the house!
Would love to try
This Hoover smart wash?
Lisa ?
*entry for Deborah Libby
I would be so grateful to win the Hoover cleaner! I would use it to clean my daughter’s floor for her 6 month old!(she works full time, volunteers for 4 running groups including girls in the run, Baltimore road runners, leaders of church middle school youth group ) and is graduating from graduate school. Plus I teach 2nd grade and my classroom carpet is more than 15 years old and filthy! My husband is retired so we have limited resources. I promise to use the tool to help people in my life. Grateful always!
Hello! I run a full time housekeeping business & am a mom to be (in Aug!). I see all kinds of interesting things on the job. From the family with 4 kids, to the messy bachelor to…my personal favorite….the house with 5 Golden Retrievers! If I win this Hoover, it is not going anywhere near my clients homes, but rather for my own enjoyment in my home!
Thank you I am such a fan!!:)
I need this so badly! I have 2 dogs a Westie, and a rescue. The rescue has issues he wont eat alone so he carries all his food onto the carpet and spits it out then eats it. My Westie has separation issues, he was a puppy when my son went away to college. Everytime he comes to visit he pees on all his stuff! Then he marks everywhere he’s been. Needless to say trying to clean this up is a nightmare. Then when my son leaves he gets so upset that he gets diarrhea so of course it’s on my carpet! Also they never get sick on the tile floor its always the carpet! This would be a great addition to my cleaning needs.
I would love one of these. Worst carpet: someone made the mistake of giving the dog an uncooked sausage that was a little past it’s prime. It was a rough day while we were gone at work and resulted in the trashing of a shag area rug from Ikea. Cleaning a regular carpet is bad enough, cleaning a shag was not happening.
I have 3 boys and white rugs!!! I need this carpet cleaner in my life!!
There was a period of time I was doing a ton of dogsitting, and one of my sweet little clients broke into my kitchen storage area, ate a ton of chocolate, vomited and pooped everywhere on my cute chevron rug, and then got rushed to the emergency vet to the tune of $350 (of my own money) to have his stomach pumped of chocolate. THE END
I moved into a new house. The very nice, very large living room area rug was delivered on a Saturday. Two days later I found my litttle Lemon Dog ?? Chewing a very large, black Sharpie marker right in the middle of the carpet. A 2 inch round spot had saturated the carpet. I spent HOURS blotting and scraping. Dogs.. can’t live with them.. can’t live without them. Same for the kiddos… a lemon Dog plus 3 kiddos makes for dirty carpets. All.the.time. Plus my kids are just gross! Truth!
Oh man. We would LOVE this carpet cleaner… here’s my “experience” for ya! Last April, our fur baby, Luna was diagnosed with another mast cell cancer tumor and had immediate surgery. She’d had this before, so we thought we were prepared until she had a reaction afterward that caused constant. diarrhea. for. a. week. We literally covered our first floor wall to wall in puppy pads, but the damage was still done. Fast forward to last week- we found out she has another one and will have surgery again later this month….. so may as well prepare, right?!
This sounds like a great vacuum! I typically go for Dyson vacuums but will definitely have to try this one out after that one goes bad! Thanks for sharing, hope you are having a great day.
I’ll spare you the yuck details ??but let’s just say trying to clean up the kids throw up while also trying to wrangle the dogs (because the dogs want to eat the throw up!!!?) makes for a caaaraazy mess
When we moved into our last rental, the carpets were disgusting. It literally felt like someone had poured grease mixed with some other sticky substance into the carpet. We spent two days cleaning the carpets with a rental cleaner so that they would be better before our furniture arrived!
Two dogs and a baby…you know the deal! One dog thinks she’s part pig and loves to wallow in the mud and dirt, then is proud of herself as she prances back inside in all her muddy glory!
We have a new golden retriever puppy (Lucy) and a 4 year old Golden retriever (Penny) plus three growing boys. Our rug is constantly taking a beating. I think we could use this rug cleaner
Cleaning carpets is so satisfying. It just feels so good to see the carpet all sparkly and clean after it’s gotten a good scrub!
I have 2 cats and a dog who shed like crazy, plus my own hair falls out at an alarming pace so I can only imagine how amazing it would be to have this Hoover help me clean the floors. Not to mention the extra cleaning needed when the animals eat something they shouldn’t and specifically throw up on the area rugs even though there’s plenty of tile in our house. Ugh, gotta love the animals <3
When i was in high school i had a party when my parents were out of town. Beer was spilled on the floors so i cleaned the floors with dish detergent. Needless to say I was busted when my parents came home. Now many many years later I’d love to be able to make up for that and have a bomb carpet cleaner for the family!
I am living in my first carpeted apartment! Need some new tools!
This cleaner would come in so handy for our household. Between a husband who comes home from work(owns a lawn service) the amount of grass and dirt stuck to your pants is amazing, my daughter who raises lambs for 4h and always manages to bring in the sand, poop, and wool into the house and tracked everywhere is delightful to clean. The 3 dogs and living in the sand makes my house a mess all the time. My carpets and area rugs take such a beating.
Let’s just say that we’ve hopped on the white rug bandwagon and it’s been a constant game of clean-up ever since!
Golden retriever + tiny human mom over here too. Solidarity, sister. The mess is real! I legit have a callous on my hand from our Vacuum? I would love this! Can I also ask what spray mop you use?!
Our three year old consumes a special diet that includes turmeric… turmeric and beige/white carpet do NOT mix!
When we got our dog Lulu the best tip I received was to keep an old rag near the back door and to wipe her paws every time she came in. We do that to this day! It helps tremendously with any dirt. She is a low shed dog which also helps a lot too!
We have a dog and a toddler so dirt, spills, slobber and other unmentionables end up on our floor and carpet! We have a hand-me-down carpet cleaner but it does not do the job. Something like this looks way easier to use and works 100x better!
About a month ago I bought a an area rug from Home Goods to go under our kitchen table. This is the first area rug we’ve ever had in our kitchen since we have a three-year-old hound dog, a five-year-old son and a six-year-old daughter. I wasn’t sure if I liked the rug but I was headed out of town on a Friday morning and didn’t have time to return it before I left. When I returned home Sunday night I noticed there were two big stains on it. I asked my husband what happened and he said our sweet dog puked on it. This is the first and only time the dog has ever puked in our house and of course he did it on a brand new rug I was planning on returning. I looked at my husband and said oh well I guess we’ll keep the rug. I’m glad we did because I decided I actually love the rug but I can’t help but notice the lingering stains that I tried to get out by scrubbing them on my hands and knees with laundry detergent. I have a feeling this Hoover vacuum will knock them out on the first try. Love your blog and appreciate the transparent reviews!
2 dogs. 2 cats. 2 kids. I NEED this!
My toddler spilled a whole pint of blueberries just as my goldendoodle came tearing around the corner and squashed them. I need this carpet cleaner in my life!
sigh… definitely the time I pulled an apple pie out of the oven, which was on a baking sheet in case there was any bubble-over action… and the pyrex pie plate got off balance, and the whole thing ended up on the floor!
… just as our extended family was pulling in the driveway for christmas dinner….
I feel like my carpet stories are similar to most everyone else’s. But I would love to have this because I took over the rental house as is 15 years ago when we moved in and the carpet is at least over 30 + years old. So this would be awesome. Also I’d rent a cleaner from Harris Teeter but it kind of grosses me out what they might have cleaned before I get it?
We had a cat who peed around the perimeter of the dining room for some reason. I still smell it years later, though apparently I’m the only one who can- I developed a super sense of smell whilst pregnant, but only for yuck smells.
This machine sounds amazing! So many gross carpet stories between a toddler,baby and a dog haha
We have a “mini golden” named Savannah. She’s half golden/half chow. When we first got her and we’re potty training, I asked my sweet husband to watch her while I showered. I got out of the shower and she had gone #2 ALL OVER out large jute living room rug which was nearly impossible to clean. We still have it…needless to say I NEED this Hoover in my life.
Love seeing sweet Sullie and Zoey! ♥️
Oh my gosh – I need this! My cat has decided to show her distaste for us bringing home our baby by peeing on the carpet ?
I will forever be looking for something to get dried up play doh out of all my rugs… my kids track that stuff everywhere! While I so much prefer the mess + creativity over a perfect house, this carpet and rug cleaner would be AMAZING!
A baby boy who loves to pee on everything! And I stupidly bought a white carpet before having him…. Live and learn. This looks amazing!
Yep dogs and two cats! The war on animal hair is nonstop. But worth it.
I have two long haired cats and a dog. Enough said!
I haven’t really had anything crazy, but I’ve sure had to clean up a lot of pee raising two littles and going through potty training?
This thing looks awesome!!!
Carpet in our movie room has seen slumber parties, movie snack food, 2 cats, and tons of kiddos (arts and crafts anyone?). It’s certainly a challenge to keep clean….but we sure do have fun
I have a dog and a newly (army)crawling baby as well! I can only imagine how dirty our carpet/rugs really are. This looks like a great tool to keep things clean!
This is SO gross, it I’ll never forget it…when our first daughter was about 8 months old one of our dogs got incredibly sick. He was giving us all the signs that he was about to throw up, so I leapt up and tried to encourage him to come outside before he threw up on the carpet. This ended in him throwing up – while trying to get outside – and there was just a 20 foot trail of it from one end of the house all the way to the front door. Poor guy! Turns out, that’s what you get for eating 7 pacifiers and then needing emergency surgery!
Kids…. need I say more?
3 boys and a puppy! I need this thing!! ?
I am in the midst of my worst carpet nightmare. One of my dogs threw up all over my new rug two weeks ago, and try as I might, I cannot get the smell out. It’s awful. I am desperate to get it fully clean and this might be my saving grace!
Add in another dog, a three-year-old, and a 10-month-old, and well, it’s probably due a good cleaning anyway.
I need this in my life! Craziest carpet cleaning challenge was a stomach bug for both my dogs at the same time. I have no idea what they managed to eat on their walk (and they were fine after!), but OY…I’ll spare you details!
hi Jen. I remember my daughter vomiting orange juice all over the family room rug. What a mess! It took multiple scrubs before the smell and orange colored stains were out of the rug. This Hoover machine looks easy to use!
I have 3 kids plus a dog! Life is crazy messy at times. I remember one time my hubby and I went out and came home to find our babysitter and my daughter cleaning up nail polish off the carpet! My poor daughter was so scared that I was going to be angry but she was only 4!
This would be an amazing thing to have! Fingers crossed!
I WOULD love to have a carpet cleaner ?
We have two senior dogs, one of which has to be watched constantly as he will confuse thicker pile carpet with grass and leave a little surprise. Sweet babies!
We have an (almost) 10 year old yellow lab in our house, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to clean our rugs and carpet….from every day messes to those upset stomach accidents. Even with the constant vacuuming and spot cleaning, it’s still not enough to be able to completely stay on top of it. I currently have a compact spot cleaner, but would LOVE to own this Hoover machine to help with all messes, big and small – especially since we are adding a 2nd tiny human to our clan THIS week!! ?
HI Jen!
I need this carpet cleaner in my life for dog and life mess. I am also opening a local barre studio and would love to keep it as spick and span as possible!
I would love to win this!!
I have a collie mix and dog sit a friend’s golden regularly and they play NONSTOP! Needless to say, there’s quite the layer of fur after each visit
Over the years, there have been vomit, poop, and pee incidents when my dog was a puppy, but the worst offender was mold that had started growing under a tv stand. As embarrassing as it is, I didn’t know until it came time to move! I definitely paid professionals for that carpet cleaning.
I have 3 little boys and 2 cats, I need a major carpet cleaning! Being able to clean on my own one room at a time would be amazing as having my whole house “unwalkable” for 8+ hours after a professional carpet cleaning is just not possible with little kids. I would love to try this out
I have a toddler that spills a lot!!
Oh man-here we go-last summer, my husband got the stomach bug. He didn’t quite make it to the bathroom-he puked all over the rug-and my then 11month old son! Needless to say, I made him rent a rug cleaner when he was feeling a little better-I wish we had owned one then!
I have a four year old who has had two different bouts with stomach flu this month. I have done my best to spot clean, but I would greatly benefit from taking it to the next level with an actual carpet cleaner.
My husband and I did a deep clean of our house in preparation for the arrival of our daughter earlier this year, including having our carpets professionally cleaned. Not one week later my water broke and got all over our freshly cleaned carpet. Needless to say we had to do some spot cleaning after that lol. Now that we have a little one (and a dog) I know we would use this all the time!
Ugh – puppy diarrhea. I have 3 spots on my carpet that I can’t get out from this. We currently have 2 dogs in the house (the puppy that isn’t a puppy anymore and a new puppy) so there seems to always be something to clean up.
Also, two young kids and a husband that seems to forget to take his boots off!
Hi! My husband and I love to hike and our dog always comes along. He loves to roll around on our rugs afterwards. We could definitely use this!!
With one dog and two kids and the fact that we live in a very wooded area…things are always getting tracked in! This carpet cleaner would get a workout in my house!
I have three kids and a dog, all bedroom with carpet. This would be a lifesaver for our frequent messes!
This is an amazing giveaway! Ever since I read your post about purchasing your carpet cleaning I’ve been wanting to purchase my own. With two little girls constantly spilling or walking in the house with dirty shoes I’m all about having a cleaner on hand. Hiring a carpet cleaning service is such an ordeal.
Sounds awesome! I’d love to have one of these because my dogs think our dining room is their bathroom. Not all the time, but randomly which is worse because we rarely go in there and sometimes messes are not found immediately?
We had a major flooding this year caused by a small pipe that broke during our vacation week. The whole floor was totally destroyed by the water accumulation, including the carpets. Our entire basement was flooded and the water had infiltrated the ceiling.
Needless to say we now take good care of our brand new wood floors and new carpets!
My carpet is in dire need of help and this sounds like the perfect solution- years of kids family and fun – need I say more? Help!
Ah this is so amazing! 75% of my floor space is carpeting and they need a TOTAL sprucing!
A few months ago, I was changing my son’s diaper (he was about the age Finn is now) when I realized the diaper stash was empty. I set him on the floor so I could grab a new box. When I turned back around, he had pooped on his carpet! Twice.
3 dogs and a 16 month old, my floors are never clean. We used to have a different brand carpet cleaner but didn’t replace it after it died. I was considering the one you previously wrote about but this one seems awesome with the dry feature. Cleaning carpets/area rugs is always disgusting and satisfying at the same time lol. Side note what spray mop do you use for the hardwoods?
Potty training two kids and dealing with a dog who was sick left me in the fetal position one weekend. I have never scrubbed or vacuumed more then that!! Oh and my hubby was out of town for this excitement!!
We are alike in so many ways :-). I can’t get enough of cleaning floors although they never seem clean with a yellow lab, a toddler and a six month old in the house. This weekend the toddler lovingly delivered dadas coffee to him, spilling it the whole way. So we will need to figure out that coffee stain!
With two kids and a messy husband this vacuum would save my life! It’s impossible to keep crumbs, dust and other random bits of ickiness off our rugs. Would love to win this!!!
Dog accidents are terrible to clean up without a steam cleaner — the carpet would be gross. I would love to win the SmartWash+ and look forward to stain-free, fresh carpets with it.
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I soooo need this! 11 year old Newfoundland w/bladder issues! Love Hoover products, I used to have one but it quit on me a few years back, been renting a cleaner when necessary. I have been in the market for one of these for a while now but havent pulled the trigger yet!
No crazy stories, but my carpet has plenty of battle scars…spilled spaghetti, coffee, and hot wax from a turned oven candle!
With one large dog, and adding a puppy this summer means lots of floor cleaning. I have area rugs all over my house, and well, I’ve never washed them. I scrub my white tile kitchen (also my main entry) weekly, so I don’t even want to know how dirty my rugs/carpet are…despite sweeping several times per week! I get it!
We have two cats and a dog so needless to say our floors are a work in progress. Our one cat gets sick a lot and it’s a huge pain to clean. He’s on medication but some weeks are better than others.
My crazy carpet story happened when I thought I was going to kill a black widow spider but instead when I hit her with the broom I popped her full belly open and shot a zillion baby black
widow spiders all around my family room.!! At
the time I lived in a non carpeted apartment and did not own a vaccine cleaner so this vacuume/ SmartWash would have been a God send! First to suck the babies up then to wash that yucky bug feeling out of my apartment!!
Well, this isn’t a carpet story, but it is a cleaning story. My 16 year old dog is getting very tired and worn out, and while sleeping on the couch he peed where he was laying so I had to clean my couch at 6:15 in the morning. No bueno
Here’s my carpet cleaning challenge. I went through a period of time when I constantly used essential oils on the bottom of my feet. It took a few weeks to notice my master bedroom carpet now has permanent small circles of stain. I have vacuumed many times, and even rented one of those carpet cleaners that you get at the grocery store. The spots went away for a few days, but then gradually came back.
I need some major carpet cleaning bc my 5 month old spits up over my should EVERY. DAY. The joys of motherhood!!!
I need some major carpet cleaning bc my 5 month old spits up over my shoulder EVERY. DAY. The joys of motherhood!!!
Dog+Baby+New House = Necessity!
I have a toddler, a baby, and a dog! Needless to say, the rug situation is intense. I could definitely use this haha.
When we first got our golden retriever puppy, Jeter, he was racing around the house and all of a sudden stops mid run and poops on the floor … couldn’t help but laugh ?
2 kids under 3, a cat and a husband…needing say more?! We soooo need a carpet cleaner! ?
A 2 year old Beagle who thinks every dog toy is an opportunity to kill and dismember as fast as possible. Also, replacing the living room rug every year gets expensive when she thinks it’s a giant pp pad.?
We have an 18 month old golden retriever and she is the absolute best!! BUT sweeping and vacuuming the tumbleweeds of dog hair have been the bane of my existence??
We need this stat in our lives! I currently have a 20 month old (and another on the way in August) who is very allergic to many environmental allergens. We are constantly cleaning up and wiping down, I think this vacuum would help ALOT get rid of the pollen we have in Nc. We have been outside a lot but it tracks in a lot of allergens.
I neeeed this for the dirty paw prints that always appear on my area rug, despite my constant efforts to wipe them down before my Cooper (black lab mix) comes in the house. Also because the carpets in our upstairs are old and could really use a good cleaning!
Three German Shepherds mean my floors need good deep cleaning!! Our pups are awesome but one of them got into a plant on our new rug and then threw up what she ate — yep, needed a good cleaner like this!
I have 2 dogs and 2 kids-I think you know my cleaning challenges. Here in the Midwest it is currently MUDDY! That is a daily issue with my floors.
The hardest carpet cleaning experience so far has been cleaning up throw up after one of my dogs…such a struggle, especially when it happened in the middle of the night.
The reason I need this in my life is because I have 2 large dogs, a two year old, and another babe due in September. You can imagine how my future could potentially look if any one of these kiddos decides to have an accident!
3 kids, 2 labs, one with epilepsy. My sweet dogs seizures take a toll on our rugs. He is worth it tho – but this vaccum looks like it would be far suprerior to my current hand scrubbing
My 4 year old brittany spaniel is blowing his winter coat everywhere! This would be a lifesaver to keep the carpets clean for my 10 month old baby boy!
My husband makes home made wine and we had it in our wine rack. We went on our honeymoon and came back to the wine exploded all over our carpet! It looked like someone had been murdered with the wine splattered all over.
Last summer we re-did our backyard patio. This left the backyard unusable for about a week. This made my 9 year old dog so mad, that she decided to use our living room as her bathroom! Unfortunately it took us a few days to catch on that she was doing it. Needless to say, I am still working on getting out the stains and winning this carpet cleaner would be so wonderful!!! I just brought my newborn son home from the hospital and also have a 3 year old son…lets just say this carpet cleaner would get a lot of use
Our dirt comes from the landscaping and deck repair my husband is doing…one plank at s time it should be done in six years hahaha. Sawdust and pollen and dirt everywhere. And we go from area rug to hardwood so I’m interested in the wet/dry feature. Great photos!
Between a Labrador, two adults, and a toddler, our floors take a beating! The worst is when I see the dog hair all over my daughters pjs even after I’ve vacuumed. Arg!
I have a dog and two young kids! Most annoying carpet issue is my dog dragging his butt across it! Ew! I vacuum almost every day and would love this machine!
I need this in my life!! My carpet cleaner just broke! I foster dogs through a local agency and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to clean my carpet because of a puppy accident.
We just had our third baby and she’s the second baby to be a puker. It never fails- if you feed her, she’s going to puke on my carpet. ? When my babies are grown I’ll miss everything about them EXCEPT the puking
Well, we just brought home our 8 week old Golden, JoJo, last night so I’ll get back to you on our craziest story!!
Jen I used to take your strength training class at the Y and miss it so much! Anyway, I moved back to Pittsburgh PA 5 weeks ago with my chi/min pin mix to move in with my boyfriend. It has been just me and the dog (Hazen) for the last six years and needless to say he’s not taking the transition as well as we’d hoped. He has already ruined two 5×7 rugs in our living room and dining room. I spent hours trying to scrub the rugs attempting to get the many pee stains out with no luck. I think the more I scrub the more the rugs stink ?? . It’s amazing the mess a 5lb dog can make.
Yes I need this!! New puppy peed on our carpet and I need it clean again bc my kids play all over it! Your before and after pics are amazing!
10 month old, 3 year old and a 7 year old lab. LOTS of floor cleaning. Probably the best of many is the full size blueberry yogurt. Rented a nasty RugDoctor and that was actually worse than the yogurt I think. A carpet cleaner would be so WONDERFUL!
I would love this carpet cleaner! I have three young children that I homeschool and we are always in and out of our house getting dirt and leaves everywhere and craft supplies from all of the art projects. I feel so guilty letting my baby (exact same age as Finn!) crawling around on such a dirty floor!
All I have to say is: slime making. They steal my food coloring and get it everywhere!
Have a four month old AND a one month old. Gearing up for many years of dirty floors!!
I have two labs and my in laws visit often and bring their two labs, too! I run my roomba every day and also vacuum/mop and never seem to catch up! I feel like my floors need a deep clean constantly!
Grossest issue was when my oldest pup got a stomach virus and pooped in our bedroom (with carpet) multiple times while I was at work all day. That was a fun mess (and smell) to come home to!
I could definitely use this!! I have a cat who ONLY puked on the rugs, never on the hardwood or tile. Your review was very helpful!
My father owned a carpet cleaning business growing up so I am slightly obsessed with cleaning my carpets. I used to spend my summers and weekends working with him so oddly enough carpet cleaning is one of my favorite activities and I find it sentimental. I learned so much from him and from the experience I will always be thankful for it. I appreciate a really good carpet cleaner, escprcially one that can clean like a professional one. I would love to have this carpet cleaner to keep my house clean from my 2 year old Weimaraner who loves to go from the yard to the living room and our cat who sometimes likes to eat plastic and then throw it up on the carpet, not the hard wood floor right next to it.
I have 2 teenage boys and two inside dogs and have to clean carpet often! Would love a new machine!!!
My dining room (only eat in room of my house) is carpet. Carpet combined with a baby learning to eat has been horrifying. I’m down on my knees half of his mealtimes wiping up after thrown food. Oh the joys of parenthood.
I need this with my 3 kids!
I have a 3 year old, 8 year old, a dog, 2 cats and a boyfriend who works on the beach so I’m constantly cleaning up crumbs, dirt, sand, hair, hairballs, slobber spots from my boxer, etc. I could really use a new vacuum/ carpet cleaner to help with all the messes of daily life!
Oh my goodness-my almost one year old had a really bad diaper rash this week, so I thought letting her “air it out” would be beneficial. I’m still trying to get the stain out of the carpet. ?mama needs some help!
While caring for my newborn, unbeknownst to me she blew out her diaper in her crib. Moving her to the changing table I dribbled poo in a nice little line all across the rug (and in my slippers). Tried to clean it with oxiclean and I left a long bleached out line right through the middle of the rug. ?
Dogs, baby barf, dropped food, red wine, the list goes on!
We have a cocker that she’s like crazy plus my hair gets everywhere!! We have a 7 week old so keep the floor spotless is key!! Not to mention the diaper less blowout she had with dad the other day that required so much carpet cleaning ?
Omg I just added a white lab puppy to my 3 yr old chocolate lab talk about hair and potty training puppies!!!! Ohhh my send me a carpet cleaner fast!!
It all started with indian food on a tv dinner table! You can imagine, a tip of the table ended in the most vibrant (and delicious) yellow curry splattered all over our carpet. Haha. I didn’t know or if I should be more sad about our carpet, or not being able to enjoy the food!
2 kids and 2 dogs, enough said about needing this! ?
My craziest carpet story…So, we live in the woods and have two dogs. One day they ran away for a large majority of the day, but they returned that evening. However, they rolled around on the living room rug where people sometimes sat, or even folded laundry. Everyone in the family except for two people got terrible poison oak and obviously the carpet had to be cleaned (among other things). It was a tough situation. I would love to have this vacuum! It would help not only to keep the house clean for an active family and hopefully prevent further poison oak incidents.
My family needs the new Hoover carpet cleaner desperately. We’re a family of 4 with a busy teenage daughter and 8 year old English bulldog. I vacuum so often I feel I do it in my sleep. A new reliable carpet cleaner will really make our rental 2019 ready.
My husband and I live in a condo in Atlanta with our two big dogs (yes we are crazy!). Our one dog, Chutney, has a tendency to eat things he should (including dog poop ?)…hence sometimes he chooses to run over to our carpet to expel the these lovely snacks. Our other dog, Mango, is a Great Pyrenees so her big white fur holds on to pretty much everything and anything. Sometimes I find pine straw/leaves on her tail days later, so I can only imagine the amount of dirt buried in our carpets. Two dog life is no joke, I don’t know how you do it with Finn added into the mix! We would love to put this Hoover to good use
3 kids, a dog and a visitor dog several times a week = huge mess potential and I would love a new cleaning machine ? I totally agree with you with the gratification of vacuuming and carpet cleaning. It is so satisfying to see what a difference it makes!
I have a 4 year old and 2 Weimaraners and need this desperately! One of my Weimaraners is almost 15 and some times has accidents on the carport. Between the dogs and the kid, it would get so much use!
I have two very sweet female golden retrievers but the hair is enough to make me go crazy!!! I have a 9 month old daughter who is on the move now and I cringe when I look down and see all the hair on her. I vacuum everyday but have been wanting to step up my mopping and carpet cleaning game for a while now!! Thanks for the opportunity and for the reviews on the Hoover!
The struggle is real to keep our carpets clean! We have a three-year-old, a golden, and a lab. So.much.dirt!!! And dog hair!! Lol
I would love this! I have a poodle who doesn’t shed but drags in all kinds of sand and dirt
My cats abide by the “eat, play, barf” mantra a LOT! And I have a two year old. My carpets are overdue for some love. ?
Blakely Gray is obsessed with the “vah-kum” and we do this chore daily. I need this because of a little lady that weighs less than 20 pounds but has an affinity for throwing food and sticky hands.
I have two kids, 1 and 5, that’s more than enough reason to need a carpet cleaner hahaha.
We have a 13 year old dog who still sheds at the most alarming rate imagainable! ?? we joke that we don’t even understand how she still has a full coat of hair! We just moved to a new house and our big goal is to stay on top of dog hair and cleanliness. This vacuum looks amazing!
Two toddlers!
I’ve recently learned I don’t think I ever learned how to vacuum properly. So, I’ve been in my apartment for 5 years and you can guess how my carpets look! Even after a good good vacuum I feel like if just never looks clean. One of the top reasons I want to move out is because of these carpets. It would be much easier to just get one of these guys!
Our carpets have taken such a beating with 2 kids and a puppy… we have an old carpet cleaner that now just spits out more dirty water and makes the carpets look worse than before! And, living in Wisconsin, we get salt/sand dragged from the snow… a carpet cleaner would be perfect to keep up with all the mud that comes with spring! ???
My challenge is keeping my floors clean with three big hairy dogs . Cleaning is never ending ! My 8 month old daughter is about to start crawling so having this in my life would be awesome!!
This winter has been so wet here in the south! My backyard was a total mud pit for months and my two big dogs would come in covered in mud…poor things ?. We have been using our old wet vac but it’s not really getting the job done anymore. Now with a baby about to crawl we need to do something to make everything less brown.
Try scrubbing chili out of a white carpet!! I did it! Victory!
I’m a mom of two boys… need I say more?!
Meal time always results in food all over my floor. I typically find foodin odd places on my floor all of the time. For some reason veggies I find the most. I have been waiting to buy a new rug for under my dinning until after the boys grow out of this messy food phase. Maybe I wouldn’t need to with this vacuum!
We fostered a dog that my cats HATED. He was harmless but always chased them. They were scared to get to their litter box briefly, and peed in a corner. I’m at my wits end and am ready to pull up the carpet. I could REALLY use this.
My dog will ONLY puke on the carpet. He’ll purposely run to the rug to throw up like he needs a soft, plush surface to be sick!
Last summer on the day before we were about to leave for vacation we came home to our dog having soiled every single rug in our house. In the basement, kid’s bedroom, master bedroom, living room, play room, kitchen, entryway, you name it ?. She must have eaten something bad bc she never has accidents. it was…..not fun!
Two dogs and a cat… need I say more ? I feel like keeping my carpets clean is like a part time job.
Dogs and babies and toddlers! Dog hair mixed with crumbs and milk splashes…need something strong!!
I rescue animals (currently have 5 in my house!) and i need a good vacuum more than anything!!!! Two of the cats have special needs, one is blind, one has thyroid issues so she throws up 4-5x a week. Hair everywhere and you can imagine all else.
Nothing comes between saving a precious animal’s life for me but i need all the help i can get keeping my rugs clean and healthy for our family!! ????????
No specific story but every day with an 8 month old and a puppy is an adventure as you well know!
Oh boy my poor carpet. We are fostering a dog that is undergoing heart worm treatment. Part of his treatment is being in steroids. Apparently this makes them drink and pee A LOT. LIKE A LOT. This usually perfectly potty trained dog had an accident his first week with us and good lord it was like a river. Totally worth it to help out this guy but wow. It was a travesty. Haha. Now that I tried to spot clean that part of our carpet, im aware of how bad the carpets are with a dog and two very hairy cats. Lol my home would definitely benefit from a regular carpet cleaning.
I got my sweet 6 year old niece nail polish and nail designs for Christmas! We painted our nails and had a blast! Later the boys were playing outside and adults prepping food as she played inside. Little to say, she “played” Wirht the orange nail polish that went all over my white and grey rug (I have no kids)! An amazing carpet cleaner was needed as my mom spend hrs with nail polish remover & hairspray! Need this cleaner!!!
Oh my I definitely need one of these! I have two kiddos and two cats ? my daughter is 8 months old and still spits up a lot, so at the end of some days I just have circles of spit up that I quickly cleaned throughout the day. Then when they go to bed I go back and spot clean them more… it’s such a hassle!!
I had a lab/terrier/jackrabbit?!? mix who shedded like NO OTHER. I would have tumbleweeds rolling across my floor every day! She unfortunately passed unexpectedly, but of course we got a white golden retriever puppy 2 weeks later ?
She also sheds a ton and I cannot keep up!! The carpet never seems to get clean with my vacuum and I can’t imagine what I’ll do once we have kids! ? This Hoover looks amazing!!
Oh and forgot to mention the puppy ONLY likes to teetee on the carpet ??
I have 6 month old twins who are becoming more mobile by the minute! As a result, I’m obsessive about how clean my floors are – I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m one of those crazy people that vacuums every day!?
Oh man definitely in need of one of these!! We have a precious mini dachshund who likes to get into trouble and a one month old! The other day I was feeding the baby on the couch and heard our dog puking… I had realized he had gotten a hold of one of the baby’s dirty diapers
it was bright yellow and all !
I have a 120lb, long haired dog and we live in Georgia. What does that have to do with it? Georgia red clay. Thanks to our sweet pup, Larry, who likes to sleep directly on the cool red clay, all of our floors and carpets have a nice red “glow” to them. It would be fantastic to be reminded what color my carpets really are
My two stepchildren, two dogs and husband have taken a beating on my rugs! Now I’m pregnant with my first child and thinking about replacing my carpets because I can never get my carpets clean! Between vomit (dog and human unfortunately), slime, glitter, and mud, my carpet certainly tells many stories!
My husband surprised me with Duke basketball tickets for Christmas one year. So we drove to Durham from Charlotte, watched the national championship team destroy Clemson, and drove home. Before we even opened the door we could smell a disaster inside. Our lab had explosive diarrhea EVERYwhere — including on our white-ish carpet. We were gone for a max of 8 hours and had a pet sitter stop In to feed and let them out but this happened sometime in the hours after the sitter left and we got home.
To make matters worse, our older dog tried to help clean up ??? and then vomited everywhere.
They’re now 12 and 15 and I’d like to say we no longer have to deal with that shit (pun intended) but we do — and now have a toddler too.
*wouldn’t trade my fur babies for anything though but sure could use a steam cleaner every now and then!
I would LOVE one of these! My dad and I actually rented a steam cleaner last weekend to clean my parents carpeted stairs…trying to lug that big thing up and down the stairs while the other cleaned was a challenge!!
I have a 1 year old German Shepherd that sheds about a small dog a day. She’s already ruined an expensive rug – I ruined it trying to clean it
Recently bought a new house and the previous owners had pets. Our carpets could definitely use some help!!
Oh do I have a story… last January, I did a Whole30. On January 31st, I went out with a bunch of friends and my fiance to celebrate one of their birthdays, but it was also my lat day of Whole30 and so I went a little wild. Pizza, all kinds of apps, wine, espresso martinis, vodka, beer… you name it. Needless to say…. I got sick. Vomitted right there in the restaurant bathroom, something I haven’t done sine college!! That week, our sweet poor doggy had a stomach bug or something and could not control her bowels. The poor thing was SO ashamed when we got home – she had left basically landmines of diarrhea all over our living room carpet. I was in no state to clean anything, so my poor fiance was stuck cleaning up a million spots of poop as well as help me get into bed and hold my hair back over the toilet. He had also had quite a few drinks, so he did his best to clean everything up and put baking soda piles on each of the poop spots. I have dont this in the past as a way to absorb whatever was left after cleaning, and he did it in an effort to replicate what I do… buttttt his method basically ended up making a cleaner-poop-baking soda paste. I woke up the next morning to landmines of poop paste all over our carpet. We don’t have a carpet cleaner like the Hoover you have here…. so lots of patience and elbow grease was used to clean up. Anyway – we could REALLY use this giveaway prize!!
Well, I don’t have any particularly good carpet cleaning stories, but I CAN tell you that I have 3 kids (and a cat!) and the entire 2nd floor of my home is carpet. If that’s not reason enough to need this Hoover carpet cleaner, than I don’t know what is! ?
When we moved into our new house, we went to Keystone shortly after for the day. We came home to the basement steps FULL of diahrrea piles from our Golden Retriever, and a sweet smell that wanted through the house. Took a couple passes of a rented carpet cleaner but it all came out! And, Molly doesn’t get rawhide candy canes anymore ?
Hello!! With a 3 year old, a newly walking 1 year old and a black lab our carpet are disgusting. I would so appreciate this. Favorite cleaning memory: family having stomach flu. Enough said?
I, too, fight the dog and baby cleaning struggle. I have had a carpet cleaner on my wish list for a long time, so it would be amazing to win one :).
Just this week my dog stole some raw eggs in their shells and carefully took them to my living room rug for her snack. You can imagine the time I’m having trying to clean dried raw egg yolk out of the carpet! This would be just the thing!
I have an 8 year old Sheltie and 3 furry cats (plus a 2 year old child and one on the way) ha! I feel like my life revolves around cleaning and our carpets have always been one of the hardest to get under control! I’ve been thinking about something like the this for a while – it would be a HUGE help!
Baby poop…..enough said…
I need this because I have a child that is a pro-puker. It would be so fabulous to have this one hand when she pulls a puke out of nowhere ?
After a blueberry pancake brunch a friend looked down and realized she had a blueberry in her sneaker. There were blueberry prints all over the light colored carpet. LOL.
My four year old daughter dropped a strawberry slush on our tile this past weekend! I was relieved when I saw it was on the tile but to my dismay it had also splattered 8 stairs up our carpeted staircases. I could really use this Hoover carpet cleaner in my life!
Ooooooo I want one of these! Will spare the details but still dealing with a puke stain on our carpet that is over a year old ?
Life became SO much dirtier when I adopted a dog a few years ago! Why does no one prepare you for the amount of hair, and dirt and mud and crap!!??
Made protein ice cream (what some call protein fluff). Volume is GREAT when you are hungry…unless you eat it in bed and dump the entire bowl on the carpet :\ Still haven’t gotten it all out yet!
The worst is when one of the dogs comes in after stepping in a tiny bit of fresh poop and you don’t realize it until you see a few poop prints on the carpet! Ughhh. That’s always a “I only have myself to blame for not checking paws because I just cleaned up the yard” situation but it doesn’t make it any better.
We have 4 young boys AND a dog and our vacuum just bit the dust. Man could we use this! I once spent a solid hour vacuuming our basement {complete with bike and scooter dirt, kids snack crumbs and dog hair}, getting ever frustrated that it still looked like dirt to realize I never switched the vacuum from hose to floor and essentially spent an entire naptime just pushing around a vacuum ?
I need a carpet cleaner in my life because I just had a baby and the though of them crawling around on these rugs terrifies me!
Cleaning floors is sooo satisfying to me ? we just bought our first home and neeeed to clean the carpets but have nothing to do it with! I was seriously just thinking about needing a carpet cleaner this week.
Earlier this week when my pup got sick on the carpet AND the couch ?
My daughter decided to walk across a rainbow ink pad and then ‘decorate’ the carpet with her footprints. It took me hours to scrub out the ink, it was also brand new carpet. Needless to say there are no more ink pads in our house.
We foster dogs and could definitely use this!
I have a toddler who likes to snack and cannot sit still…need I say more? The amount of snacks ground into, spilled and eaten straight from the rug means that I cannot keep up with the cleaning of it. Hopefully a brand new rug cleaner would entice me to clean then rugs more frequently!
With three kids I am afraid to see what that vac water would look like after cleaning them!
I have two dogs, a toddler, and a crawling baby so it is so hard to keep my tile/carpets clean!!
My dogs love to roll around in the dirt outside and storm in so that’s a constant battle! Would absolutely love one of these
With two kids, two cats, and a dog this carpet cleaner would be amazing!
With an Australian cattle dog/ shepherd mix, im constantly chasing hair balls around our hardwood floors. And when I do some yoga on the carpet, I inevitably find more hair hidden in there than what meets the eye from 5 ft up! ?
I have a wonderful almost 14 year old black lab who started having IBS/colitis issues three years ago. I have cleaned up countless messes (from both ends). A carpet cleaner would be a lifesaver!
Oh boy, this would be life-saving! I recently rescued a puppy…and then decided to also start fostering dogs and needless to say, the house is certainly getting the brunt of it. I can’t imagine how much easier this would make me life!
I bought a rug with LOTS of designs to hide stains because with a dog and two toddlers…let’s just say clean carpets don’t last long here! We’ve had a nail polish fiasco and vomit happen this week alone. ?
I’m in the process of moving and was talking to a friend of mine about how to clean my rugs so they’re fresh for the new house. I also have two dogs and a one year old and sometimes I feel like I’m going to lose my mind trying to keep up with the floors! She said she invested in the Hoover cleaner, so it’s a funny coincidence that your doing this giveaway. I would love an amazing carpet cleaner to help with a fresh start!
Ever since I got a kitten last year, my floor cleaning has reached a new level. I feel like I’m cleaning hair, litter, and cat food all the time now. She’s so with it though
Do you think it could clean rugs on top of hard wood floors? Or would it damage the wood?
The worst carpet cleaning event I experienced was my son’s aquatic frog tank falling over & dumping onto our brand new carpet. I might have said a few curse words and then cried.
Most memorable experience is when we were cleaning our carpets after moving out of our rental–we steam cleaned them several times over and the water came out BLACK every time! (black lab puppy + husband who works in Parks&Rec= dirty carpets). Another time we were moving out of a rental and our vacuum cleaner died in the middle of cleaning the empty apartment
We are about to move into our first home (which is fully carpeted) and looking to get a new carpet cleaner so that we can keep them in good condition as long as possible!