Hi from Charlotte. I arrived home last night around 7 p.m. after spending the last five days with my grandmother in Florida. I’m going to share an overview of my visit today but before I do, I thought it would be fun to tell you how I spilled the beans to her about my pregnancy. A few of you have asked!
She knew we had been trying for a while but my grandmother is one of those who doesn’t really pry for info unless I share. She knew that we had a surgery scheduled but I can’t even remember if we told her dates or specifics.

Anyway, remember when I went to Florida back in September for a quick weekend visit? My mom had been in Charlotte the week prior and I decided to fly back with her for the weekend. The main reason for this was because at my very first “pregnancy check” appointment, my doctor tried to use a portable ultrasound to see if the sac was in the right place and to detect a heartbeat and while he could see an embryo in the sac, he couldn’t get a heartbeat. He said, “we’ll stay optimistic and schedule you for a re-check in 10 days” and also explained that the rate of miscarriage was around 25% with early pregnancies. To say I was freaking out was an understatement.
I decided to go to Florida for the weekend just to surround myself with family and try to take my mind off of the baby situation. I ultimately decided not to tell my grandmother at that point that I was pregnant although my mom and dad knew. I wanted to wait for that heartbeat before I told her, although I knew in my heart I would have told her either way. It was so difficult to wait!

Fast forward to my 8 week dating scan and we heard that heartbeat. I was measuring 7 weeks and 6 days. At this point I wanted to tell my grandmother so I called a local florist in Fort Walton Beach that I love and asked if she could help me with a special flower delivery.
Y’all, I cried alllll the way through that phone conversation with the florist. It was insane. I ended up asking her to create a bouquet of pink and blue flowers with a note that said, “Pink or blue, we’ll know by Christmas. Baby coming May 2018! We love you, Jen and Tanner.”
My grandmother called me right after she received the flowers and I was still such a stressball at this point because I was told at my dating scan that I had a subchorionic hematoma but that’s a story for another day. I cried all the way through that conversation too and my grandmother told me to relax and be happy and that it would all work out. Oh grandmothers. <3
So needless to say she was super happy to see me this visit and to see a little belly growing!

I flew out on Saturday afternoon after teaching my 11:15 a.m. class. I grabbed lunch at the airport which was nothing to write home about.

Just an hour and a half later I was arriving in Florida at the Destin-Fort Walton Beach Airport (VPS). It is the most chill airport ever…this was the scene when I walked out of the terminal to meet my Uber. The driver is the sole car you see driving towards the terminal here!

My parents usually pick me up from the airport but since they are away, Uber was an easy option. About 20 minutes later I got to my grandmother’s condo. We sat on the balcony and caught up as the sun was setting.

I pulled some homemade spaghetti sauce out of the freezer for dinner. We enjoyed it with some crusty bread and I had ice cream for dessert.

My days were pretty standard and started with oatmeal. I got on such an oatmeal kick there and ate it all four mornings. Check out Instagram for the recipe and the secret ingredient that I added!

After a couple hours of computer work I worked out before lunch. I ran outside two days, went to yoga one day and ran treadmill intervals and lifted one day.

The first day I was there I made a salmon salad with canned salmon, plain greek yogurt, mayo, relish and dried cranberries. I ate some combo of it most days for lunch. I was on quite a cottage cheese kick too while I was there! I love dipping crackers into cottage cheese.

Salad + salmon salad crackers.

The first two nights that I was there the sunset was beautiful. The second two nights it was very cloudy but still made for a dramatic sky.

On this night I went for a long sunset walk on the beach.

After sunset (which is so early – around 5p this time of year), I got started on dinner. It was a fun time of day for us because I would cook and my grandmother would sit at the kitchen bar and keep me company.

We had a spinach frittata and avocado toast one night. Simple frittata recipe is on Instagram.

The most AMAZING grouper parmesan another night. I stopped by a local fish market to pick up freshly caught Florida grouper and oh my goodness, it was melt in your mouth good.

I served it with roasted potatoes and brussels sprouts.

And the final night I was there I made a big pot of white chicken chili. I know this pot doesn’t look very white but I got a little heavy handed with the chili powder. There are no tomatoes in it though. Recipe is here.

I also made some skillet cornbread.

My grandmother always has great magazines around her house and once I spotted a recipe in Oprah magazine for cranberry pistachio white chocolate bars, I knew I had to make them. My grandmother shelled the pistachios while I prepped the batter.

All done! (and yum!)

Evenings were hanging out on the couch watching House Hunters or Christmas movies and chatting or playing Scrabble.

Gah, I love Scrabble so much!

My grandmother set me up with some good in-flight entertainment. She saved two crosswords for me from the newspaper and HGTV magazine. I also had my copy of The Alice Network.

Home sweet goldens.
So grateful for this time with my grandmother. <3
How did you tell your family about your pregnancy? Did you tell them right away or wait a while? I told my parents less than 2 hours after getting a positive test, haha.
Favorite thing to do (or that you did) with your grandmother?
Have you done any holiday baking yet?
What a great visit! I am loving hearing about your pregnancy! I am pregnant too–one and a half weeks behind you, actually! I also had a subchorionic hematoma, which made early pregnancy so scary. Glad things worked out for both of us!
I told my sister when i got the positive and my parents at 6 weeks when I was dying of morning sickness and needed medicine while my husband was out of town Lol lovely!
Also- just wanted to say to really treasure and enjoy these moments because although cliche it all goes by so fast. My little boy turns one next month and I’m sitting here wondering where it all went. The first few months felt like a blur with sleep deprivation. It is such a fun ride though and a blessing to become a mom!♥️
I love reading these stories, such a beautiful visit! I still visit my grandmother often despite being so far away and our favorite thing to do is go to brunch and a matinee show! It’s the perfect time of togetherness. Excited to continue following your journey, so happy for you and Tanner!
I had a subchorionic hematoma as well. Mine didn’t show up on an ultrasound, I just started bleeding at around 13 weeks. We discovered it was a subchorionic hematoma when I went to the ER. It was super scary, but thankfully everything turned out fine! I had to take it easy for a few weeks until it got smaller, but the upside to that was that I had an US every 2 weeks, so I really got to see our baby grow! It cleared up and I went on to have a regular delivery.
I told my parents right before I was 8 weeks and had two good ultrasounds. My mom’s response was “oh I kinda figured.” Only because she knew when my iui treatment was and with the failed ones I told her immediately they didn’t work. But I couldn’t lie and tell her this one didn’t work. She’s of course thrilled and my MIL cried because they know the struggle we went through.
Love that you get to spend so much 1:1 time with your grandmother. Having such a big family, when we are together, we are ALL together (which is still the best)! I love to cook with my Grandparents. They argue over who cooks better of this or that dish. So funny, but my way of showing love is through food – especially if I’m making very old family recipes!
I told my Grandparents and Aunts, etc. that we are preg at Thanksgiving which was so fun! We took a video because my Grandmother has the best reactions to good news!
This post just warms my heart. There is just something SO special about Grandmothers. Happy you were able to spend such sweet time with yours!
What a special time in your life and so lovely that you get to cherish it with your grandmother!! As someone who didn’t know my grandparents too well (they lived on another continent) and they have all since passed away, you are very lucky
Also how you told her is super sweet! Yay for family!
I am 8 weeks and just had my first ultrasound. I really wanted to wait until Christmas to surprise my parents but we were supposed to go to the Caribbean next week for my dad’s birthday. Sunday night I realized that the CDC is advising pregnant women to stay away because of Zika. So I had to break the news that I wouldn’t be on the family trip but that I am pregnant. It was kind of awkward and rushed, but they are really happy as it is sinking in and they got a refund for me and my husband so I am happy about that. I still get to surprise my grandmother the way I wanted to, as long as my 12 week appointment goes well.
I told my parents on my Dad’s birthday (they were out of town so I had to wait a WHOLE WEEK!) by wrapping a onesie as his birthday gift.
I had to choose a gender-neutral one, so he didn’t automatically realize it was a onesie. He just sat there staring at it, confused. My Mom, however, caught on right away and freaked out/hugged me.
Once my Dad realized what was happening he buried his face in my neck and cried. Still one of my best prego memories.
This is such a sweet post, grandparents really are the best!
We waited for a few days until we were able to go home (1.5 hours away) and surprise our parents in person! We gave them each a bottle of champagne with a homemade label that said “Time to celebrate! Baby Mansell is set to arrive April 2018!”. My sweet MIL didn’t clue in for awhile but then was SO happy and my parents read it and both started crying. They are all so excited for us! We had two nieces born in May of 2017 and we haven’t confirmed yet but I think there will be another little girl joining the clan come April
I also had a SCH. I bled at 6 weeks, just a few months after a miscarriage, so I completely understand how you felt. All turned out ok and we will meet our baby in just a few days!! So excited.
That is so nice that you got to spend some quality time with your grandmother. What a special bond you two share!
I had subchorionic hematomas with both of my pregnancies and I ended up with super healthy babies thankfully. Sending you healthy baby vibes, because I know how stressful any kind of complication can feel!
I told my husband 2 Days after confirming, immediate family at 22 weeks at a joint birthday party for the future grandparents, and friends/coworkers at 25. Pretty sure my swimming buddies knew immediately because I was the brunt of a lot of beer gut jokes starting around 10 weeks, but everyone was polite and didn’t flat out ask.
I am 19 weeks and had/have a SCH as well. It was still there on my last scan at 12 weeks, but smaller, so the hope is that it will just slowly shrink! I understand the extra stress it can cause!
No baby stories to share but wanted to comment on the lump in my throat over this post about time w/ your Mema. I just love the connection you two have. I never really got that close with either grandmother so I feel a little sad when I read these, but so happy for you that you have this time with her. Enjoy every minute!!! xoxo
Thank you Kat. She is super special to me for so many different reasons. I never met my grandparents on my mom’s side because they died before I was born. I was the oldest grandchild on my dad’s side and my grandmother and I have spent so, so much time together. Both when my grandfather was alive and after, I would go stay at her house any chance I could get and we’ve traveled together a lot too. I just love her so much.
This is beautiful, Jen. I miss my grandmother so much, and this made me cry. So happy for you.
Hi Michelle – grandmothers are just the best. I am sorry that you are missing yours and I’m sending you a lot of love. I have always really cherished and appreciated my relationship with my grandmother because my mom’s parents died young and I never got to meet them. And then my grandfather passed away when I was in 4th grade so it’s been just me and her for a long time. <3
Oh my goodness, Jen. That flower delivery to your grandmother announcing your pregnancy is SO SWEET! I love the relationship you have with her. And I love that you were able to show her your bump this past week. How special!!
I hope you continue to feel great!
Thank you so much Joy. I am super grateful to have her and all her love in my life and to be able to share this time with her. <3
This is such a sweet post. Would love your salmon salad recipe — sounds yummy!
Thanks Liz! I don’t really use a recipe. I just kind of mix a little of all those things together until it tastes good and is a consistency that I like!
Your posts about your grandmother make me miss mine. She passed in early 2015 and I announced my pregnancy right after (I hung a cross stitch she made above the changing table in my daughter’s room). Sigh. My other grandma has Alzheimer’s.
I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother passing before your daughter’s birth and that your other grandmother has Alzheimers. I know that must be so hard and emotional on your family. Sending you a lot of love and prayers and I love the cross stitch in your daughter’s room. <3
Looks super fun! Beautiful flowers. I bet she lives your cooking! You need one of the scrabble boards w plastic grid that lock the tiles in place!
Yes we do, maybe a good Christmas gift idea for her!
this post made me so sad! i miss my Mima every single day. she’s been gone for 5 years now and it never really gets easier, especially this time of year. christmas was her favorite. but i know she’s looking out for me.
that said, i love that you were able to spend time w/ your g-ma and how you told her! so sweet and adorable
I am so sorry that you lost your grandmother and I know what you mean about it not getting easier. My grandmother is my only living grandparent and has been for over 20 years. I truly cherish the time that we spend together and all the memories that we have made. Love to you this holiday season. <3