This post is sponsored by Zappos.
I received the following message from a client recently and I wanted to write a post about it ever since because I know she’s not alone.
“I need inspiration. Here is how I feel about running: I used to LOVE it, now it scares me. I don’t know what to wear anymore to not be too hot or too cold, I am terrified of taking a walk break because people ‘see’ me out for a run, I don’t know how far I can go and still get back to my car. I feel guilty because I can’t take my dog anymore because she’s too old. Help. I love your blog and need a boost. I thought if I feel like this, others may as well?”

If you’re a runner odds are that you have found yourself in a rut with running at some point. There are many things that lead to ruts…injuries, demanding schedules, new routines, self-doubt, boredom, health issues, life changes and much, much more. Regardless of the thing (or combination of things) that got you into a rut, it’s a frustrating and demotivating place to find yourself and it can be really hard to pull yourself out.
I have shared many stories on my blog in the past about the up and down relationship that I’ve had with running during the almost 20 years that I’ve been doing it. I’ve definitely had my fair share of ruts and and times where I questioned why I even bothered with running when it caused me so much frustration and heartache.

But every time I’ve pulled myself out of these ruts and found my way back into my running shoes and out onto the road, it’s been worth it one thousand times over. It’s not always easy to start over, but the reward of reconnecting to running and how it makes me feel is worth the work.
I wanted to share tips for breaking yourself out of a running rut. It’s my hope that this post a) helps anyone in a running rut feel less alone and b) gives you actionable steps making your way out of it when you are ready.

The single most meaningful piece of advice that I have to offer is to meet yourself where you are today, and just start with that. If you focus on how much fitness or speed you’ve lost, you likely aren’t going to feel very empowered or motivated. If you dwell in a space of questioning everything and doubting your ability, you’re going to feel stuck. I get the guilt piece of it…it shows up in so many ways from leaving your dogs behind to taking time away from our kids to choosing a run over a lunch date with a friend…but y’all…our feeling good and strong and clear in body and mind is one of the greatest gifts that we can give our friends, family and furry loved ones.
Where you are today is enough and all the strength you need to take those first steps is within you.
One of the first things that I do when working with new clients in the fitness space is have them identify their why. When you have a big picture clarity about why you want to make a change, it can help when the day-to-day is tough or feels like a grind. Identifying WHY you run and what you love about how it makes you feel can help you get through those hard and uncomfortable runs when you are coming out of a rut.
Just this week I was chatting with a running partner while we were on a run about how she feels that she’s stuck at a certain speed and is having difficulty breaking a 5K time that she wants to hit. Even though she can run 3.1 miles like it’s nothing, I asked if she had considered actually TRAINING to race a 5K….following a specific plan, doing speed work and choosing a goal race.
Sometimes knowing that you’re spending 6, 8, 12 weeks following a set plan and working towards a goal can offer the consistency that you need to break out of a rut and get back into a good groove.
I really want to stress that goals don’t have to be about running faster or a crazy amount of miles! I have found a lot of freedom in running for fun and not focusing so much on time but it can still be motivating to set goals within that.
Speaking of running buddies, ask a friend to help you get out of your rut. This can work in a few different ways. I’m a big fan of accountability partners. Share your desire to get out of your rut and back on the road with a friend and ask them to follow up with you at regular intervals to check your progress and cheer you on. You can also recruit a friend in joining you for standing run dates or training for a specific race. Joining running groups can be a fun way to feel a sense of community and support as well.
On a lighter note, I don’t know about y’all but a new pair of running shoes or a new running outfit gets me pretty excited to get out and take them for a test run! I recently ordered a new pair of ASICS Gel-Nimbus 22 from Zappos and I have had them on my feet every day since they arrived!

These shoes are super comfortable. I have worn them for a run, a long walk and for hanging out around the house. Here are some of the features of the ASICS Gel-Nimbus 22.
- The ASICS Gel-Nimbus 22 is a neutral running shoe designed to deliver soft cushioning and a more responsive stride.
- The updates to the Gel-Nimbus for the 22 model focus on softness with bigger sections of GEL technology cushioning and FLYTEFOAM Propel technology under the heel. If you like a cushioned feel to your running shoes, these shoes are for you!
- Roomy toe box and a breathable mesh upper.
- These shoes are designed absorb shock and impact to support you in spending more time on your feet.

There are so many reasons that I love shopping for shoes at Zappos but did you know that they offer a 30-day unlimited guarantee with all running shoes!? You have 30 days to try out your new running shoes and if you decide that they’re not for you…you can send them back! That is awesome!
I’m a Zappos VIP Member and get amazing benefits like:
- Free next day business shipping with no minimum purchase.
- Rapid refunds when returning items. The refund is issued as soon as UPS scans the package.
- I earn one point for every $1 spent and can redeem points for VIP Codes. And being a Prime member, I earn an extra one point on every $1 spent through linking my Amazon Prime membership.
- I get 5 points per day for just logging into Zappos and 10 points for leaving reviews on items that I’ve purchased.

If you’re trying to get yourself out of a running rut, or just in the market for new running shoes, you have nothing to lose in trying the ASICS Gel-Nimbus 22! You can order them through Zappos, get free one day shipping and send them back after a test run if they don’t work for you. (But I think you’ll love them.) They also come in a very pretty rose gold color too!
Have you ever been in a running rut? What did if feel like? How did you get out of it?
What’s the most challenging thing for you when it comes to running consistently?
Do you like a cushioned feel with running shoes?
All photos Deeana Kourtney Photography.
I think everyone goes through a rut in some way or another. I’ve definitely been in a rut myself. I find it hard to not compare myself with my past self as well as find it hard to get back into the routine when it feels hard. But I try to think of it as training to get back to that speed or faster and mostly just be happy that I made it out for a run. When restarting, I try not to look at my time but instead focus on how many times I make it out there despite the time or distance. Something is always better than nothing.
The most challenging thing is time especially after baby and work. I used to work remote and could run in the morning and just shower later or run at lunch time, but now I have an office to go to. After work is hard since my daughter (who is 1.5 weeks younger than Finn) wants to play and winter is here in full force, so sometimes it’s too cold to go out with her. Another thing is my dog. She just had TPLO surgery earlier this week, but before hand she couldn’t really run but still walked, so I couldn’t fit both a morning and afternoon walk in addition to a run. I’m hoping that once she’s fully recovered she can come on short runs with me again.
Cushioned shoes are nice, but they always leave me with blisters on long runs, so I find that neutral lightweight shoes are best for me. I’m very prone to blisters unfortunately.
My running ruts come from mental fatigue. I picked up the Deena Kastor book “Let Your Mind Run” which has tons of helpful tips on things to think about to have a good run. I highly recommend it!
Im in a running rut right now as well. ive had injuries off and on since June of 2017. Its been so frustrating !!! Just when i think im good something else has happened and the last almost 1 yr ive been in and out of PT “is it my back/is it my hip” type of thing. and we dont even want to go there on how expensive PT, doctors, tests, etc are !!!
For me the worst part is the mental stress of the frustration of not being able to do something i want to do and my body not “cooperating”. I also struggle with finding the time to run, work in other fitness activities like yoga, work 50 hrs per week, do all the modalities/stretching/etc to keep my body in running shape, etc. i miss the days when i could just throw on my shoes go outside and run for 30 mins. i guess i could also replace that sentence with…i miss my 25 year old body
When i had a rut not due to injury, new music, clothes, or scenery helped me. i also would take time away from running a bit in the winter and found it did me good to “miss it”. thanks for the post !!!!
I needed to read this today, so thank you! I am in a running rut because of a huge life change (my son moved out of the house), so I am looking for a new routine. Appreciate your wisdom!
I love reading your blog and hearing about all of your adventures, ups and downs. It is authentic. I am sorry you get judged. I just love seeing how other people maneuver this crazy thing called life. We can all learn from one another. Thank you for sharing all that you do.