Happy Thanksgiving Eve! I’m sure you are all busy cooking, traveling or spending time with family but I just wanted to give you a quick update since I wasn’t able to post yesterday. We were called in for last minute babysitting duty for our nieces. Despite my mile-long to do list, I couldn’t say no to spending time with these sweet girls.

It was quite a night. We fed, diapered, played, bathed and read books. All I have to say is thank goodness that Brandon and I tag teamed babysitting duty! We broke for a quick dinner of take-out Chinese.

I had the vegetable delight which wasn’t exactly delightful but got the job done. I was disappointed that the restaurant didn’t offer brown rice but I got over it because I was starving.
I was determined to get my Thanksgiving grocery shopping done yesterday so I made a late night trip to the store after babystitting. I didn’t make it to bed until well after midnight. Way past my bedtime!
And here is a picture of yesterday’s lunch just because I think it’s pretty and it was delicious.

Open faced sandwich with mashed avocado, sprouts, spinach, a veggie burger and cheddar cheese on Great Harvest Honey Whole Wheat.
Moving on to today’s lunch…

Hummus, spinach, tomato, sprouts and cheddar on Great Harvest Stuffing Bread. Yes, you read that right.

I stopped by Great Harvest on my way home for lunch to pick up some Cinnamon Chip bread for the weekend. Unfortunately, they were sold out but I was talked into buying Pumpkin Spice instead (left) and Stuffing Bread for sandwiches. The bread is made with onions, celery and herbs and actually tastes like stuffing. Brandon and I both gave it two thumbs up at lunch today!
Our office closed at 3:30 p.m. today so I was able to get home and get to cooking!

Don’t judge my ensemble. I spent the afternoon making sweet potato casserole and brown sugar apple cheesecake.
Here’s what I’m contributing to Thanksgiving this year…
- Sweet Potato Casserole
- Green Beans with Caramelized Onions and Almonds
- Cranberry Orange Sauce or Cranberry Apple Sauce
- Honey Yeast Rolls
- Brown Sugar Apple Cheesecake with Caramel Sauce

I have very high hopes for this cheesecake!
And I’m off to Butterball Bootcamp at my yoga studio and then meeting Brandon and some other friends for pizza. Need to carb load for tomorrow’s turkey trot!
Have a fabulous night! Enjoy the holiday!
Jen, your nieces are adorable! And so are you in that kitchen pic!
You should be proud you’ve managed to do all of your groceries so “early” — I’m thinking about doing mine tomorrow morning! *sigh* And I still haven’t figured yet most of what I’ll be cooking (that’s my task this evening) except for a cranberry-mandarin-pecan-brandy sauce which I love.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
I LuV those booties!! Oh, and I want to move in. All you can eat yummies? Yeah, I’m in!
Stuffing bread?! Hello lover LOL! That sounds so stinking good, I see a trip to Great Harvest in my future.
Happy Thanksgiving