My eats have definitely been all over the place this week as I worked to plan meals and snacks that were kid-friendly along with having lots of treats and sweets around the house (my mom and I share a serious love…).
I feel like I’ve had some mini revelations about the things I’ve always heard my mom friends and readers talk about when it comes to diet/food challenges. For example, I can totally see how easy it is to pick off of your kid’s plates and finish the food they don’t eat. Also, there were nights that I thought I’d make one thing for them and something else for myself and I ended up eating kid food because it was the end of the day, I was tired and ready to sit down!
Regardless, it was a delicious week of eats and these days I really don’t stress about what I’m eating. I find that it all just seems to work out in the end.

I didn’t take any photos of my breakfast but I made a smoothie every day after making the girls their breakfast. They usually had something like a waffle with a scrambled egg or cereal or a “toad in the hole.”

Lunch was pretty standard for me and mostly salad bowls. This one has arugula, couscous, beets, turkey, tomatoes and avocado with Tessemae’s creamy ranch.

Lunch out with my mom at Amelie’s. I had a salad with crispy prosciutto, mango, jimica and a passionfruit dressing. A raspberry macaron for dessert.

Lunch bowl with arugula, brown rice, easy refrigerator pickles, avocado, pine nuts, tomatoes and Tessemae’s creamy ranch. (<– having a moment with Tessemae’s ranch dressings this summer.)

Jaidyn ate lunch at camp since hers was a full day but Kilynn ate lunch at home. Most days she wanted a PB&J and the girl LOVES avocado so she usually ate a quarter to a half every day.

Sunday night dinner was tahini marinated grilled chicken thighs and drumsticks with couscous and roasted broccoli. The girls ate the chicken and I made them Annie’s mac and cheese instead of couscous and corn on the cob instead of broccoli.

Monday was hot dog night. We had Applegate organic uncured beef hot dogs with roasted potatoes and sautéed squash and Vidalia onions. I had ketchup, spicy mustard and sauerkraut on my hot dog.

On Monday night I also made a peach and cherry crisp with an oatmeal cookie topping that was to die for. I am crisp over cobbler every day!

Taco Tuesday! This was the girls favorite meal of the week for sure. I did ground turkey and ground beef and a topping bar. They both ate two! Cilantro lime rice and black beans on the side and they ate all of that too.

On Wednesday night my mom and I went out to dinner and left Tanner on dinner duty with the girls. He fed them leftover taco meat with Annie’s mac and cheese along with green beans, which they loved. We went to Luca Modern Italian Kitchen where we shared this delicious appetizer of a fried green tomato where they scooped out the insides and then stuffed the fried “shell” with a mix of the tomato insides, basil, cucumber, olives and a creamy cheese similar to burrata. It was so good.

We also shared these savory crepes for appetizer. They were filled with ham and a soft cheese. So rich and yummy!

For my entree I had the seared scallops over an herb risotto with grilled corn and purple cauliflower. It was an extremely generous portion and tasted amazing.

We shared this zabaglione with peaches and pears for dessert but I took one bite and didn’t care for it. There was a really strong star anise flavor and it just wasn’t my thing. My mom loved it though!

Finally, on Thursday night I made the girls chicken tenders, rice and fresh corn. I ended up making a random bowl of sweet potato, beets, avocado, sautéed spinach and chicken tenders with some honey mustard that I’d made for the girls to dip their chicken tenders in. Can’t say this was the best thing I ate over the course of the week.
Okay, heading off to enjoy my last full day with the girls. We are doing kid’s yoga at the studio, brunch, Discovery Place, splash park and a pool party. Full day!
Moms…talk to me about eating with small children. What’s your strategy? What are your challenges?
What did you guys eat this week?
I have a very busy 9 month old and finding time to eat and for it to be semi nutritious is a struggle! Breakfast is always a smoothie (love your recipes!), I eat a rushed lunch of leftovers while he naps (my goal is to squeeze in a workout, shower, chores, supper prep, and school work….I usually only get two of this accomplished), and he goes to bed at 7pm, so I eat after he is in bed. If I’ve prepped supper or have leftovers I’ll have that, but half the time I haven’t, and supper is a random bowl (again, I get my inspiration from your posts!) or cereal ?
That road in a hole looks so good! I can’t even imagine what it’s like cooking for kids. I don’t generally like cooked fruit but I agree about crisp over cobbler. For me it’s the topping giving it another texture that makes me like it more.
Oh, kids and food. With a 2.5 and 4 year old, meals are a total crapshoot. I used to do a lot of separate meals for the kids vs. us, but after working a full day, picking them up from daycare, doing bath and bedtime, I was often way too tired to make another meal…so we ate out waaaay too often. Now, I generally make one meal for everyone that incorporates at least one thing I know they like and the kids choose how much of it they want to eat. But yes, it’s tough to resist eating off of their plates sometimes if they don’t eat much and it’s something I really like.
Sounds like it’s been a wonderful visit – hope you had a great last full day!!
Eating with kids—I’m so bad at it! My kids are 4, 2, and 2 months and i stay home with them. I do not make separate meals (but I’ve always fed them this way), so they eat mild curries and they love tofu and blue cheese. But it is a huge challenge! My life: I’ll plan to make a smoothie, but someone needs a diaper change, and now they’ve spilled milk everywhere, oh and now they are fighting, oh, time for lunch and I’m exhausted so we will all have chicken nuggets. But, I try to have healthy snacks for them and for me and to sit down with them to eat. Really, I feel successful if I get in my 5-a-day and don’t binge on ice cream after bed!
my son was always a good eater and not picky so for a while I could make us the same thing or at the very least, only make grilled cheese, pasta or chicken nuggets some nights too lol. once I went meatless, it got more complicated as now I forever have two things going most nights. it’s fine though, I am used to it! and oh, I end up picking the vegetables from my son’s plate lol
Meal with mom looks delicious!
Yes, cobbler kind of annoys me, almost like a pie that just “wasn’t.”