Hello beautiful people. Happy Friday.
I am here to fully own my failure to launch. Remember how I announced my 21 Day Positive + Present Challenge a couple of weeks ago? It was supposed to start on May 20 and I didn’t launch it.
This is exactly WHY we need a positivity and presence challenge….because it’s so easy to get sucked into the swirl of your daily grind. Just yesterday I was listening to a podcast where the guest was speaking about how important it is that we have daily practices of yoga or meditation or mindfulness or breathing. He was explaining how these daily practices basically “reprogram” our brains so that we are able to stay in, or more quickly get to, a state of positivity/presence/peace/love when things are stressful or hard. It’s sort of similar to how you have to train consistently in order to successfully complete a challenging or hard event like a marathon. In this instance, you’re building your mental muscles. Does that make any sense at all?
SO…tomorrow is June 1 so I’m starting tomorrow! I hope some of you already have and if you haven’t that you’ll consider joining me. I also think this can be an ongoing thing whenever you need a positivity and presence reset.
A few things to share this morning before I sign off to have fun with Finn today.

I haven’t felt so busy with work since before I had a baby. I’m teaching a ton right now (13 classes last week, 8 this week, 11 next week), leading Charlotte Yoga’s teacher training, gearing up for my next training with VIDA Hot Yoga and running my blog and online work.
I know that my “work” isn’t traditional or corporate but it is work. I work hard at it and I’m grateful for it. It’s been a tremendous blessing to not only be able to support myself and my son fully as a single parent but also to have the flexibility of being self-employed and managing my own schedule.
When it comes to my online work, I put a lot of time and energy into providing value through the content that I share on my blog. I try to mix lifestyle and day-to-day life with things like workouts, recipes, yoga flows, product reviews, meal ideas, etc.

I appreciate the feedback and support you shared last week when I mentioned the recent uptick sponsored posts on my blog and Instagram. Later today I’ll be posting my last sponsored blog post for a while. The frequency with which I have been posting sponsorships will not be the new norm but it’s my promise to you that when I do create sponsored content that it’s always my intention to provide the same value and experience that you would get from a non-sponsored post.
So get excited about seeing the baked oatmeal recipe that you see in the photo above!

I want to give you an update on the girls. First, my Sullie. She’s doing well. Her energy levels are definitely lower but she’s still eating, wanting to go on short walks and coming upstairs with us at night to sleep. Today marks one month since her diagnosis. On that day, I thought I would lose her the same weekend. Never, ever in one million years did I ever dream she’d make it another month. I feel blessed for this time we’ve had. I am still cooking every single one of her meals and catering to her every need and want. She is a QUEEN!

Maybe you noticed in the last photo that Zoey was looking sharp? She enjoyed a spa day this week and got a big haircut. I hate to chop her feathers but she hadn’t had a thorough grooming since October and the chop was necessary. I do want to stress that I do not and never have shaved my goldens during the summer. I don’t believe in it. Please do reading and research before you decide to do it.

Kinda obsessed with my one year old!
It seems like he grows and changes every single day. This week I walked into the den to find him calmly sitting and watching Good Morning America. Current favorites include…
- The girls. He and Zoey are developing a fast friendship and it is very sweet. He loves Sullie too but I have to really watch him with her and make sure he’s super gentle.
- Dropping his food from the high chair to the floor. Every.Single.Meal.
- Nursing. Not so sure how this weaning process is going to go down.
- “Sorting” things. He loves to pull things out of drawers, move toys from one place to another, sit in the middle of laundry piles and throw the clothes all over, etc.
- Talking. His baby language cracks me up. He really gets going sometimes.
- Being outside.
- I could keep going all day…
While I am loving this stage, it’s also quite challenging. He is into EVERYTHING! Just this morning he was pushing his high chair across the floor and stepped in the dog’s water bowl while doing so and then the whole thing spilled on the floor and he crawled through it. Yesterday he was trying to eat potting soil from a house plant. (It’s a non-toxic plant FYI).
That covers it for this Friday! I’ll be back with that baked oatmeal recipe for your weekend baking pleasure. For now, off to adventure with Finn.
Who’s joining my 21 day challenge? Starting TOMORROW!?
What content do you find to be most valuable on my site? What can I do more of?
What are your plans for the weekend?
Awww, sweet Sullie! We are going through something similar with our older cat, his health took a sharp turn last week and we thought we might lose him. He pulled through, but we know our time with him is limited so it is all about making him happy and comfortable for as long as we can. It’s such a hard decision to make as a pet parent!
I always enjoy posts about your yoga teaching, I am actually starting a teaching gig next week and am so excited!
Looking forward to seeing that recipe!
I love everything about your blog. I always like to see strength workouts (full body) so maybe more of those.
I always say the newborn baby stage is easy compared to once they are mobile – that’s when the real work begins
I love all of your content whether it be sponsored or not! I do not think the sponsored content is a turn off by any means — it all seems to be very on brand, and I enjoy reading it as well. My favorite posts are the meal ideas and quick workouts that I use to supplement running and spin classes. I especially enjoyed a core-focused one you posted on Instagram. Thank you for all of your thoughtful and hard work!!
Love all of your content and updates! So happy you’ve all enjoyed the past few weeks too. I’m in for positivity ??
Such a sweet post. Glad to hear both you and Finn are doing well, along with the doggos. Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend, thanks for sharing.
So glad Sullie is continuing to do well <3 I really love your workout posts, particularly strength training at home! It's always nice to mix it up when I don't have time to do something out of the house.