I don’t know if you’re ready for this wild and crazy weekend recap that I have for you today. I am totally kidding. It was super quiet but totally perfect.
I was just reflecting with my grandmother last week about how much less lonely I feel. Over the summer, the weekends seemed to stretch out endlessly and I felt like I had to have some sort of get together with a friend or plan each day to just make it through. I remember one Sunday I had plans to walk with a friend around 6:30 in the evening and just praying so hard that she wouldn’t cancel (she didn’t) and how much that walk lifted my spirits. This comes from a girl who previously would have been secretly relieved if plans were canceled most of the time.
Fast forward six months and I can honestly say that I am enjoying the alone time and relishing this time where it’s just the two of us.
A friend shared this quote on Instagram a few days ago and it’s from one of my favorite daily meditation books EVER, Journey to the Heart.

My pieces certainly still aren’t “together” quite yet in regards to everything from career to relationships but I am finally in the space where I have peace with the not knowing, waiting, stillness and trust. I hope this quote helps some of you who are also in a time of transition during this holiday season.
Okay, the weekend. <3

A lot of this. We spend countless hours on the floor rolling around, playing and hanging out. Finn has been thisclose to crawling for several weeks now and I’m just waiting for him to take off. He gets up to all fours and rocks back and forth. He just needs to figure out how to coordinate those limbs!

On Saturday morning I took Finn to a swim lesson. You can’t tell by this face (he was tired and waterlogged!) but he loved it! It was a 30-minute “tadpole” lesson mostly designed to get babies under one comfortable with the water. The pool is super warm and relaxing and he enjoyed floating around and playing. I even submerged him about 10 times and he didn’t cough, choke or cry once!
Needless to say, nap time was in order when we got home.

Finn took a long nap and then Dorie came over. We ventured out to the Girl Tribe Pop Up and shopped around there for a while.

Back at home, Finn took another nap while I wrapped presents for the little girl that I did Christmas for and then we dropped those gifts off. We went for a little evening stroll to take in the neighborhood Christmas lights. I was cracking up at Finn the whole time. He kept kicking off the blanket, his socks, his mittens and his hat was falling off his head.

Saturday night looked like Mrs. Maisel and this.

We didn’t do much on Sunday. We went out for a run around noon. It was GORGEOUS outside! 60 and sunny.
I also had a meeting with the owners of VIDA Hot Yoga about upcoming trainings and collaborations. Stay tuned for 2019 teacher training dates!!!

Sunday ended with lots of snuggles of the golden and baby variety.
I’m subbing two classes at the Y today so I’m off to teach my first one! It’s Athletic Conditioning and then tonight will be Total Strength.
Have a great day!
Was your weekend quiet or busy? Which do you prefer?
I’m always struck by how much Finn’s eyes light up when you are the one taking the picture. And when he is in a carrier he always has his hands on your chest as if to say ‘MY mama ‘. That little guy is clearly smitten with his mommy
i love this comment and totally agree!!! you can absolutely see his love for you in the pics you share of your sweet boy! <3
Aw, thank you so much Ashley and Julie!
I love this sweet boy more than I can ever express in words.
That book is my FAVORITE! My yoga teacher told me about it the day I filed for divorce and 3 years later it’s gotten so much love! Love reflecting on the messages!
I’m so happy to hear that you have also enjoyed this book. It’s been such a gift in my life.
Hi Jen, I bet the “tadpole” swimming lesson were sweet to watch and be a part of. A good idea for Mommy and Finn time.
Yes, I was in the pool with him so it was a sweet experience for us both!
Did you go to Aquatots?? I just called to get info for the one on providence! I’ve been trying to find things to do to get us out of the house and have been thinking I’d try it with my 6 month old!? Sounds like a success!
Yes, I did! Definitely check it out. I’m also going to try music classes and story time at the library for babies.