Happy Friday! My boy is 10 weeks old today!

This might be my favorite photo of him yet. Look at that lip!
I thought I’d mark this milestone by sharing some of my favorite moments from the last week.
Life with Finn at 10 Weeks

Sunday morning outside time with his fur sisters. I’m cracking up over Finn’s grin in this picture while the girls look so serious. Speaking of Finn grinning, he seems to really enjoy having toys right in his line of sight now and is much more entertained by his bouncy seat and activity gyms now.

Long walks in the neighborhood. When we are in Charlotte we walk at least an hour a day around the neighborhood. Walks are typically in the evenings and then we come home and do bath time and feeding routine. Sometimes we walk in the mornings if it’s cool enough. This was a four-mile morning stroll!

Gently used clothing shopping at Kid to Kid. I know that Finn could care less but I was a little tired of seeing him in the same PJs and outfits for the three-month size. I wanted to order some super cute baby boy clothes online but……budget. I just couldn’t justify the cost for something he’d wear for a few weeks. I decided to check a kid’s consignment store, Kid to Kid. I got about eight pieces for $20 and it was all super gently used. Some of the items even had original tags still on them.

These shark PJs were one of my favorite finds. I can’t even take it.

Another visit to Florida. We have our travel groove down and Finn was great on the flight down to Florida. (You can read my infant travel tips in this post.) He’s started loving to hold on to his Wubanubs and sometimes the actual paci isn’t what makes it into his mouth. Whatever works!
Side note: check out his eyes here. They were blue when he was born but there is a big fleck of brown in his right eye now and I feel like his iris is looking hazel-ish. I think his eyes are going to change to brown. Did your baby’s eyes change color? If so, when?

Finn’s first dip in the ocean. My mom and I went to the beach yesterday and we dipped Finn’s feet in the water for the first time. (It was like 2 seconds!) WAS.NOT.A.FAN.

He doesn’t like being cold so I’m blaming it on that. He’s also still really little. We will 100% turn him into a beach baby in due time.

For now, this is how Finn prefers to spend his beach days.

Or chilling in mommy’s lap in the shade.

Watching TV. I was hanging out with my family and watching The Food Network Star and holding Finn after feeding him. I looked down at him and saw that he was totally entranced by the TV. Uh oh! I guess that starts young! I can’t blame him for wanting to watch this show…Manny is hysterical!

Walks in the Ergo. Thank god for the Ergo. When Finn is really worked up it’s one of the only things that will effectively calm him down. We were out walking with the Ergo at midnight a couple of nights ago and then after dinner last night. I don’t know if it’s the full moon or a leap or what (gas was also involved) but Finn had a rough 24 hours. Here’s hoping today is a little better.
The fussy times are hard but still among favorite moments of being a mom. I love how much this little guy is teaching me about priorities, patience, surrender and love. He’s pretty amazing and I’m grateful for every single second of the last 10 weeks with him.
He is adorable, so happy for you. I have two boys, 2.5 and 5 months and while I’m exhausted most of the time I just remind myself how cute they are and try to enjoy them! My oldest’ eyes turned hazel at about a year, my youngest are blue now but think they will end up darker like his dad and brother’s.
Thanks Megan! And it sounds like you have such a good attitude about this phase of life! Thank you for sharing about the eye color. I’m super interested to see what color Finn’s end up being.
He is so adorable! Those beach pics are super cute.
Thank you!
I have 4 babes (almond 6, 4, 2.5 and 6 weeks). All were born blue eyed. My oldest stayed blue/green. My middle 2 are brown/hazel. My youngest is still sporting the baby blues and we cant figure out if they’ll change or not. The others changed around the 9 month mark but the blue eyed babe had super blue eyes by 6mo
Regina – this is so interesting! Thank you for sharing! And I love how all of your babes are 2 years apart in age!
Such a handsome boy! You both look great. It looks like you both are happy and healthy.
Thanks for sharing?
Thank you Sylvie! We are really finding our groove together.
Love Kid to Kid! My sons are 6.5, and we still shop there, but their selection of items is particularly awesome in sizes 2T and less, in my experience, because kids grow out of their clothes so quickly the first two years that there isn’t time to wear them out before they no longer fit!
Regarding eye color, I have twin boys. One twin’s eyes stayed blue (they are actually a slightly lighter blue now than when he was a baby). The other twin’s eyes are now brown but started turning a little darker within the first year of life and didn’t settle on their current color until he was close to age 3: they were kinda hazel-colored for quite a while before they settled on brown.
Yes to Kid to Kid being great for this age where they aren’t super rough on clothes (other than spitting up all over them all the time!).
Thank you for sharing about the eye color. That is so interesting how it was different for each boy!
You are simply a beautiful Mom. Love.
You are simply a beautiful friend. Love you. xx
Kid to kid is so awesome! I love shopping there! In my opinion I’d rather buy used for the bulk of my child’s clothing especially since she was so prone to spit up and since she outgrew things constantly.
In my community there are a few giant children’s consignment events where there’s an entire gymnasium filled with gently used clothing and toys. Perhaps they have similar events in your community.
I so agree with you on the used clothing! We also have some of those big consignment events and I need to check them out this year!
I love all of these updates! Finn is just so adorable! (And so are the pups)
Have a great weekend!!
Thank you Rachel! I hope you’ve had a great weekend as well!
Totally agree, those shark PJ’s are the adorable!
He just melts my heart in them. <3
Finn’s expressions are so great!! That lip! His cute smile! His “what the heck is this” beach face!! ???
One thing I try to remember and be grateful for when my baby is fussy is just that I get to be his soothing mama and source of comfort. It’s a true privilege!
Also my son has brown eyes and they turned brown within a few days – they were super dark grey at birth though, never blue.
Aw, thank you! The expressions are so much fun at this stage!
I couldn’t agree with you more about the privilege of being able to soothe your baby. It is really special.
I have four and all four have blue eyes, never changed other than getting lighter. But their dad and I have blue, so genetics!
You’re doing great, momma. Parenting is savage and beautiful and you’ve grabbed it with both hands.
Oh very interesting! Thank you for sharing.
And I appreciate the encouragement. I am all in and we are figuring it out. <3
Jen, I’m so very happy that Finn brings such light into your life. You two look so natural together.
That photo of the pups looking so serious and Finn smiling away is such a great moment!
Thank you Joy. He’s a huge blessing and has been such a great teacher already in his short 10 weeks of life.
He is so adorable! Those beach pics are super cute………