OMG. I am so oversharing right now but my butt hasn’t been this sore from a workout since I did my first RX pistol (one leg squat) WOD earlier this year. I knew as soon as I finished this really unique and sneaky challenging workout yesterday that I had to share it with you. It’s an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) workout of a ton of overhead plate walking lunges along with short runs, shuffles and jumps. When I saw this workout I thought it would be easy but I was so wrong.
At first glance this workout looks like a lot to keep track of but after the first few minutes you get in the groove. That said, the first few minutes are the most challenging and it gets easier as you go. I think your legs just become numb to what you’re doing.
I’m super sore today not only in my glutes but also in my abs. I can only imagine it’s from holding the plate overhead as you lunge and how much stability that requires from your core. Many of you have asked me for more workouts you can do at home/in the gym/with minimal equipment/etc and this is a great one. You could use a dumbbell overhead, a gallon of water or no weight and just use bodyweight and it would be a great workout!
I made a video demoing one round of the workout so you could get an idea of the flow of it. You want to move at a steady pace. Word to the wise…the broad jumps are pretty terrible!
As always, feedback and questions are welcome. Enjoy!
I love this! I need to get outside and give this a try before the cold weather really gets here. At first glance it doesn’t look too bad, but I can imagine as the time goes on the 15 lb plate starts to feel way heavier. Great demo!
Crossfit and Running Question:
Hi Jen – After following your blog for a LONG time I finally got into crossfit, yoga and now have started running. I’m building up my distance now and finally got to 12km in an hour – I want to keep going further but there is one problem holding me back. I get ridiculously hungry when I run and I found that instead of losing a steady amount of weight and toning up that I’ve come to a dead halt because of this. When I was doing crossfit everyday and walking 5km it was easier to keep my appetite under control. I’m a very healthy eater but it seems now I just need more of everything. Any advice would be great!
Dervla, just chiming in here since you asked… In my experience (as well as my friends), the increased appetite definitely settles down a bit, even if it doesn’t go completely away. Every time I amp up my fitness routine for whatever I’m training for, I’m a bottomless pit for a week or two. I just make sure I’m getting my calories from healthy meals and snacks and plenty of protein and fiber. Obviously you can’t eat with reckless abandon, but if you are working out more, you do need more calories to fuel those longer runs.
Thanks Meaghan – I upped the crossfit and played down the running which has helped a lot!
I love this so much ! once my leg has heeled some I will definitely be giving this a try! thanks for sharing!
This looks killer! I’m going to do this one ASAP! Thanks for sharing!
I cannot wait to try this one. I love all lower body workouts. I’ve been doing P90x for about 4 years now (love!) I enjoy running and biking as well. This workout will fit nicely into what I am already doing. I will give it a try today! Thank you! Off topic, do you get your power y tanks hemmed? Mine fit longer than yours. I like the length of yours on you better. Mine completely cover my butt, which looks silly, but other than that I love the tank.
Overshare here too, but neverending lunges kill my butt as well! Looks like an awesome workout.
lunges burn so good!!
YESSS! Another workout to try. Thank you!
YESSS! Another workout to try. Thank you!
It’s now pinned and ready to go.
I may have to use this next week for my boot campers and myself…I don’t think that you are over sharing at all…When your butt is that sore from a workout I think it is 100% okay to share…Have a beautiful weekend! XOXO
Looks like a fantastic workout. I’m feeling pretty sore right now from a ton of pullups and squats. Oooaf.
Just did it. I’m at the beach and it’s raining. I’m being a baby and didntwant to run in it. Did five rounds & I’m already sore. I used a horseshoe game pack for the plate. I feel really out of shape – which is why I will do this again. So different than running. Thank you!
Just did this morning @ the gym.. holy moly it was tough. Thanks Jen!
Did this workout this morning! Used a 14 lb dynamex ball overhead and subbed chest-to-ground burpee broad jumps in for the regular broad jumps. Waiting for the soreness to hit
oh burpee broad jumps are my nemesis! sounds like awesome substitutions…and challenging!