Nine and a half hours of sleep last night! Success. I know that they say you can’t make up sleep by sleeping in but it sure does make me feel a million times better. I woke up around 8:30 a.m. but enjoyed the comfort of bed and catnapped until about 9:30.
I was famished when I got up and experiencing serious hunger pangs. I headed straight to the kitchen to make breafkast and coffee.

I had toasted rosemary sourdough with sharp cheddar, strawberries, vegetarian sausage and an egg. I ended up piling the “sausage” and egg on my toast and eating it kind of like an open faced sandwich.
I was really back and forth about running. My body was saying “no thank you” and my mind was saying “do it, you’re running a marathon in THREE WEEKS!” I’ll give you one guess about the decision I made…sometimes you just have to put mind over matter and DO IT.

Once I got out there it was surprisingly easy. My body is finally feeling semi back to normal after last week’s 20 miler. 10.5 miles in 1:33:18. An 8:53 pace. Whoo! I will be running 16 next weekend, 8 the next and then race day. Hard to believe!
Le splits…(First three miles with Sullie – she is a little slower than me and got a tired on the last mile! )
Mile 1 – 8:59
Mile 2 – 9:04
Mile 3 – 9:14
Mile 4 – 8:38
Mile 5 – 8:45
Mile 6 – 8:49
Mile 7 – 8:43
Mile 8 – 8:55
Mile 9 – 8:51
Mile 10 – 8:49
Last .5 – 8:58
And then I spent a good amount of time in down dog trying to stretch my tight calves.

They need to get with it. No more of this annoying tightness, please!
No rest for the weary. I had to teach a group strength class at 3 p.m. so I quickly showered and refueled.

I was craving Greek yogurt so I assembled the following: plain nonfat Greek yogurt, diced banana, leftover apple compote, granola, chia seeds and almond butter. So good and refreshing.
My class went really well this afternoon but I am really feeling the effects of teaching two strength training classes, a 90 minute yoga practice and a 10-mile long run in two days right now. There are not even words to describe how sore my chest is from the insane amount of flies that I taught over the weekend. And I have to teach BodyPump in the morning…fun times! (Really, not complaining. I LOVE teaching! I’m just sore and whiny right now!)
I was so hungry for dinner tonight. Lots of activity over the weekend = huge appetite.

My mother in law sent food home with Brandon so I incorporated some of that in my dinner. Leftover Chicken and Dumplings (the recipe is posted on Bakin’ and Eggs!), a biscuit, green beans, carrot and a potato with a dollop of Greek yogurt. I ate everything but the potato. I just wasn’t feeling it with all the other deliciousness on my plate. I will be hitting up the dessert tonight too!
It’s been a great weekend. I’m feeling refreshed, happy and ready to tackle another week!