Good morning, happy Sunday and happy Mother’s Day. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. feeling pretty rested so I decided to get up and begin my day. I sat outside in meditation for a bit and now I’m enjoying my morning coffee.

Since you’re hearing from me this morning, clearly I still haven’t gone into labor. I’m sitting at 40 weeks, 5 days right now but I’m still feeling pretty chill and relaxed about everything. I haven’t really felt anything that’s made me think that labor is imminent but I know that could change at any moment.
I really did think that baby boy would be here for Mother’s Day this year. It would be a great surprise if he does decide to come today but I’m not holding my breath for it!
So speaking of Mother’s Day…I woke up with some thoughts about it on my heart. I think Mother’s Day is another one of those holidays that can be somewhat overwhelming in general, and especially on social media, for so many reasons.

Last year Mother’s Day was a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me. I traveled to Florida to spend it with my mom as it was her first Mother’s Day since my brother’s passing. It was important for me to be there with her. I can only imagine how she must have been feeling.
Also, I was over a year into my own journey of trying to conceive and feeling a range of emotions about not being a mother, not being pregnant and questioning whether it would happen for me.
Last week I saw this graphic on Mari Andrew’s account on Instagram and I thought it was so beautifully inclusive of the various Mother’s Day scenarios that can be somewhat isolating or emotionally difficult.

I guess I just wanted to say to you guys today that I am thinking of you no matter what this Mother’s Day looks like for you. While it is definitely a more celebratory Mother’s Day for me this year, I will never forget what last year’s felt like.

And of course I have to give a big shout out and happy Mother’s Day to all of my fellow fur mamas! These sweet things make us mamas too! I can’t tell you how many times I have thought to myself, “I can so handle this kid thing” while cleaning golden retriever butts when they have upset stomachs (golden feathers + runny poop = no fun at all). I know it’s not the same but it’s been pretty good practice. Haha.
I don’t have much on the agenda for the rest of the day. I couldn’t travel to be with my mom and grandmother this Mother’s Day because, you know! It’s crazy to think this will be my last Sunday without a child. By next Sunday he’ll either be here or I will be in labor. My induction date is Saturday night if he hasn’t come on his own before then.
Wishing all of my mama readers out there the happiest Mother’s Day but I am holding so much love and space for anyone who might be struggling on this Mother’s Day as well.
This is a very kind post! Thanks! It is a weird day for me. Two strangers have wished me a Happy Mother’s Day. The first time I admitted to not having kids and got “the look” and well as “well, do you have pets?”. The second time I just said “thanks! You too!”. I didn’t meet my husband until my 30’s and we’ve moved three times since we married. I have never felt that I MUST have kids and while I was open to the possibility, my husband just isn’t. My 40th birthday is coming next February, and I’ve decided to make peace that being a mother wasn’t in the cards for me. Yet friends, family, and random strangers can certainly make me feel judged and less than about it. Oh well. I help save lives every day professionally and I have two dogs that are my furry kids in my heart. I’m enough and so is everyone else. We don’t have to all live the same lives!
Thinking of you and your baby boy!
Thanks for the share Sarah. I have several friends who have decided not to have children and they have shared similar experiences with others. I can only imagine that is so weird and invasive to deal with, especially on Mother’s Day. I think there is a LOT to be said for having a fulfilling career and home life and not “needing” children to complete the picture. I think it’s actually harder to stay true to your own personal truth rather than jumping in the mainstream of what everyone else is doing.
Gosh, Sarah, I wish that I knew you! We have had very similar experiences from what you shared here. And Jen, this comment is super-late, but thank you so much for acknowledging all of those different situations and life circumstances. Sometimes life doesn’t give you what you think you want, but it turns out to be exactly what you need.
Saw that graphic today as well and I loved it. So thoughtful!
It’s beautiful!
I’ve been living away from my family for a decade now. Sometimes in all the hustle and bustle of life, I miss those annoying hugs of her’s.
Wish you all the best Jen in your journey as a new mother. Your baby boy is really lucky to have you by his side!
Thank you so much Madhu!
Happy Mother’s Day to you, Jen!!!
Thanks Tracy!
Happy Mother’s Day to you and the baby boy you’ll get to meet very very soon!! Thank you for the graphic – it rings true in some capacity for every woman.
Thank you Nicki and yes, that graphic is just the best.
Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you have been celebrated and loved today. You deserve the very best.
Thank you so much Lisa. <3
i know this is a virtual space, we don’t get a full look into any blogger’s life, etc…but honestly, you seem like the most genuine, thoughtful, kind person, Jen! you are going to be a great mother <3
Thank you so much Adrianna. This comment just made my morning. <3