I hadn’t seen my family since Christmas so I thought Mother’s Day was the perfect occasion to book a trip to visit.

I arrived on Friday evening around 6 p.m. just as a big storm was moving out.

My dad picked me up from the airport while my mom prepped one of my favorite dinners that she makes, pounded chicken breasts with a white wine, lemon and butter sauce. We had rice and roasted cauliflower on the side.
I stayed with my grandmother on this visit so I went back to her place and we watched a couple of episodes of House Hunters before calling it an early night.

I woke up around 6:30 a.m. on Saturday feeling energetic and ready to go. (This is mostly thanks to a one hour time difference so it was 7:30 to my body.) I decided to go for a quick run before it got too hot. Despite the fact that I was on the road at 7:30 a.m., I still sweated like crazy through my four-mile run thanks to the humidity.

After I got showered up, my dad and I drove into Destin to do a Whole Foods trip for my grandmother. She loves when I go to Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods and pick up a bunch of different stuff for her to try. Side note…I finally picked up some of the Siete grain-free tortilla chips that everyone has been going crazy over because they were on sale. The verdict is that they kind of taste like nothing. I was not impressed.

All packed up. It was super fun to pick out so much random stuff! My grandmother loved it.

While we were out my dad was kind enough to wait for me while I popped into H&M. After my morning run I went to get dressed and realized that in my rush to pack, I totally neglected to bring anything but workout clothes and PJs. OOPS! I did the fastest shopping spree ever and bought a few pairs of new shorts, a few tank tops and a dress.

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with my family. The weather was pretty on and off cloudy and windy so I decided not to go out to the pool or beach. We ate lunch and then I ran some errands with my mom, read my book, took a nap and caught up on some work stuff.

We went out to dinner on Saturday night at Boshamps and as expected, the restaurants were extra packed so we had an hour wait. I wore this new floral chiffon dress that I picked up earlier in the day at H&M. I can wear these neutral Tom’s wedges with almost anything. They are a great summer shoe.

It was a lovely evening and when we were finally seated the sun was setting. The night took a bit of an interesting turn from here. First, the waiter carded me when I ordered a glass of wine and I didn’t have my ID with me. Despite my parents assuring him that I was indeed 33, he was not having it. My dad ended up ordering the wine for me and then sliding it my way. Haha. I am totally flattered by this whole exchange.

My mom and I shared the cornmeal fried oysters to start and they were so, so delicious. After we finished our appetizers, there was a woman walking right behind us that fainted a few times and was falling down so I leapt out of my chair to help because her poor husband just kept trying to drag her back up on her feet. He had no idea what to do. She seemed to be okay once she came to and the paramedics did come but she refused treatment. I told you it was an interesting dinner!

By the time that my food came I was a little worked up and not very hungry. I ordered blackened grouper over grits with a corn, tomato and okra maque choux. It was delicious and I ate all the grits and veggies but brought about half of my fish home.

My grandmother decided not to come to dinner with us (she was glad she didn’t once she heard we waited an hour along with the fainting story) and when I arrived home I found her watching a QVC beauty special. She said there was absolutely nothing else on and she somehow ended up watching this. To my surprise I quickly got sucked in and spent the next hour glued to the special and laughing with her. I googled all of the products they were selling and read her the reviews.
We did make our very first QVC purchase when they did a special on the Clarisonic Mia 2. I’ve been wanting one and QVC had an awesome deal on it along with a foundation brush so my grandmother ordered it for my upcoming birthday. It arrived to me in Charlotte yesterday and I already love it. More to come on that soon!
This post is getting a little long and I need to get ready to go teach so I’ll wrap up part two of my weekend later today. My Y2 Strength class is doing a “Squat-pocalypse” workout today that they’re sure to love. I taught it to my evening class last night and it was a good one!
Craziest thing that’s ever happened while you were at a restaurant?
Have you ever ordered anything from QVC?
Don’t you just love it when you “forget” things and have to go shopping!
Ha ha.. love it! You deserve some “real” clothes!
Crazy story about the woman at dinner… was she drunk?
Isn’t that ridiculous about being carded? I couldn’t get in a bar the other weekend because I was ID’d and didn’t have it… and I’m in my thirties. They finally felt bad for me and let me in.
Will you share the squat workout? I’d love to see! I love it when you do the videos to show each movement, too, instead of just typing them out! Just a thought
I wish I could take your class in person!
Yes, it was very convenient and in all fairness, I really needed some summer shorts!
The lady definitely didn’t seem drunk. I hope she was okay.
Yes, hope to share the squat workout soon and I’ll try for video.
Love your dress Jen!
Thank you so much!
I completely agree on the Sieste chips! I waited and waited until WF put them on sale then was so disappointed. I much prefer the crunch and saltiness of corn chips. I don’t understand the hype!!
That dress is so cute on you! Glad you had a good trip.
Thank you so much Julie!
unfortunately I have fainted in restaurants so I can relate to that lady! ugh, terrible thing to witness and quite terrible to experience lol. I’m glad you had a nice weekend!
Oh no, I’m sorry this has happened to you. I’ve only ever fainted once and it was terrible! And it was at home and not out in public. I can imagine it is so much worse when you’re out on many levels.
Wow that is quite the trip! Hopefully the eventful evening was balanced out with some relaxing time with family. I guess luckily most of my restaurant outings have been pretty boring. Well, except the one time I was at an Easter buffet and the omelet station caught on fire. We had to wait outside for them to put us out, but we brought our mimosas with us so all was well
Haha, laughing over that omelet story. And I like your priorities with the mimosas!
My mom actually fainted at a restaurant a few weeks ago and the paramedics came and took her to the hospital. Turned out she had ruptured her spleen and was bleeding internally! She had surgery and is recovering now. I hope that fainting woman is okay!!
Oh my goodness! That is terrifying. I’m glad your mom is recovering. I hope the woman is okay too. You just never know what might be behind these kinds of things.
Jen! You should totally try the Nacho flavor of the Siete chips – so much better than the original and lime! Believe me – I was in the same boat where I was like “meh” about the chips until I tried the Nacho flavor
If they’re on sale, I will try them.
Thank you for the recommendation!
Ooh, good reminder to check out H&M for summery dresses. Btw, your arms are badass woman. I’ve always admired them.
And Tom’s wedges are the best, just got another pair for summer
You can’t beat H&M’s prices. Especially if you don’t wear dresses very often during the summer.
Thank you for the kind compliment!
my kids and I love to watch QVC…we have never ordered but get sucked in all the time
glad i’m not alone!
Since I used to work in a restaurant for many years, I’ve definitely seen some crazy things. You probably don’t even want to know! Lol! The stories of you and your grandmother are so cute. I only met one of my grandmothers and only once. I wish I knew her better. Btw, I’m hoping to make it to Destin sometime soon. I’ll have to hit you up for some tips. I’ve never been!
PS I desperately need to go shopping! If you ever need a shopping buddy in Charlotte, let me know!