Well, I sustained my first CrossFit injury last night…but it was totally my fault for not paying attention.

The rig was crowded and I was so amped up to start the WOD that I didn’t even pay attention to where I set myself up to do my pullups, which were the first movement of the WOD. As soon as the timer went off I went hard for my first kipping pullup and proceded to slam my forehead into the high bar. Basically, had I faced myself the other direction, this never would have happened. I was totally embarrassed because the entire class stopped when they heard my head thud against the bar. In a daze I said, “I’m okay, I’m okay…I still want to workout.” And then I came to my senses and watched everyone else restart the WOD while I slumped against the wall with ice on my goose egg. I’m fairly certain that I had a very mild concussion.
I required supervision for a few hours last night when I got home to make sure that I didn’t get dizzy or pass out.

Dinner while I was being babysat was fish tacos with all kinds of good fixings like salsa verde, a hot pepper mix, avocados a cilantro sour cream and cheese. The fish was fried to perfection and I forgot how much I love fish tacos. Summertime…please get here STAT! Refried black beans with sour cream and cheese on the side.
Clearly, ice cream was required for recovery efforts. Strawberry ice cream with strawberries and chocolate sauce.
I’m happy to report that I’m fine. I slept for like 9 hours last night and woke up with a bit of a lingering headache today but the swelling is down. I worked from home today because I couldn’t mentally handle the idea of sitting in my office at the gym with constant beats pounding.
One of the biggest stigmas about CrossFit is that it injures people. I want to point out that I’ve been CrossFitting for a year and this is my first real injury and it was totally a result of my own irresponsibility and lack of awareness. CrossFit gets a bad rap for injuries but it totally depends on the gym. I am so lucky to be a part of a CrossFit culture where we focus on form and safety over everything else. The daily programming that our Director of CrossFit sends out to our coaches includes scaling for all ability levels. Our coaches are super focused on teaching proper form in every class…we even make vetrans review form over and over. I am REALLY proud to say that Metro CrossFit is a very low injury box.

I never really ate breakfast this morning. I had a few bites of this and a few bites of that but for lunch I made a random salad using what I had in the fridge. Mixed greens, tomatoes, smoked salmon, artichokes, spinach penne pasta and feta yogurt dressing.

While I worked from home I made a batch of cookies to give away for Valentine’s treats. Stay tuned for more details on these delicious peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies.

I have been craving red meat for the last week so tonight I had perfectly cooked, perfectly seasoned London broil with roasted sweet potatoes and spinach salad with strawberries, mushrooms, mandrain oranges, walnuts, feta and balsamic. I savored every bite of this meal.
Help me make a decision! I am going to order a bathing suit from Victoria’s Secret (the kind without underwire that are more friendly to smaller sizes) and I can’t decide what color combo to go with. I love the blue and the teal.

I am so on the fence about mixing colors but I’m not opposed to ordering two bottoms and one top. And I did try this bottom on in the store and I really like the fit and coverage. Let me know what you think!
Omg your poor head!!! I hope you feel better! And go with all teal- that will look so good on you
I think all teal, too!
I hope your bump/bruise heals up soon! Ice cream hopefully sped up the healing process ;-). I love the teal top and yellow striped bottom swimsuit combination, but then again I always mix and match.
teal and black!
I say teal swimsuit plus the black bottom. A) They’ll look good. B) You’ll be able to mix and match this year’s swimsuits with next year’s/last year’s since they’re solid colors, and black is easy to match.
Ouch! Feel better. I say teal top and the black and teal bottoms.
Teal top and black and teal bottoms for sure. That looks so painful it’s making my head hurt just looking at it!
Poor thang! If it makes you feel better, I tripped on a treadmill and busted both my knees yesterday – luckily no one saw it!
Also – I hit my head last year, and the swelling slowly ran down my face – I looked a bit mutated for about a week and did not go to work or out of the house for that matter! Hope your recovery is QUICK and that does not happen!
I still can’t believe we haven’t officially met in person yet! Virtual xoxo.
oh my gosh! falling on the treadmill is the WORST! i’m glad no one saw though!
wow, your head bump sounds terrible. mine has gone down and i’m just left with a little gash but nothing too bad.
would love to meet up sometime!
Ok let’s make it happen – I’ll send you an email.
Teal/black! I have royal blue with black and love the bold top.
Hope you feel better!
Teal/yellow stripe!
Can’t wait for the cookie recipe!
Oh my gosh I hope you feel better soon!!!!! Teal and black
#1 bottom and #3 for the top.
Hope you feel better! I love the aqua top that is pictured with the yellow striped bottom and the matching aqua bottom. Very on trend!
Ah, so sorry about your head. That sucks!
Your salad looks fantastic for just being ‘thrown’ together. It always takes me forever to figure out what I want. As far as the bathing suit is concerned…I purchased the matching teal last year from VS (same kind) and LOVE IT!! I also like the yellow thrown in the mix just to be different. Plus it is super cute. Over the past year I have picked up a couple other style tops/colored bottoms that can all be mixed and matched which make going to the beach more fun.
thanks! sometimes i’m like, “am i really putting this all together” but it usually turns out well.
i may just buy a few of them and mix and match.
Oh my gosh, Jen- OUCH!! That looks so painful. I hope you heal quickly.
I’ve been in a steak mood lately, too. I had it twice last weekend and it was sooooo good!
thanks, brittany. and crazy about the red meat. it’s one of those cravings that i go with because i figure that when i actually do crave it my body must really need it since i want it so rarely.
Get the first one! I love the black and teal. Sexy and colorful! I have been craving red meat too and I’m actually making a steak tonight as well. Thanks for reminding me, I need to defrost it. Glad you are okay and yes summer needs to come ASAP!!!!
All teal plus add in the black bottom! You may already have another top that can go with the black bottom and/or the teal bottom. I do love the yellow bottom but it’s not as veratile. I just started to mix/match and it was great! “New” bathing suit for every day!
i may just buy three of them and switch around. getting excited!
I’ll be yet another vote for the black bottoms. I wore my black bottoms almost exclusively last year even though I also had green bottoms that could go with my other tops. I don’t know why.. I just gravitated toward those!
Your thrown-together-lunches-from-whatever-is-in-the-fridge always look SO good!
i like black on bottom too! simple and doesn’t draw too much attention!
Rest up!! And be easy on yourself. I love the yellow striped combo. I’m all about mixing and matching–go for it!!
Teal and black. I have two pair of those bottoms. Love them!!!
Get them all and mix and match! Hope your head feels better! -xo!!
i think i will!
I literally have that exact first bikini combo….the blue bandeau and those black bottoms. This will be the 3rd season I have had them and I still love them! They look great together and I mix and match those bottoms (and sometimes the top) with everything…I am a big fan of mismatched tops/bottoms. Try it, you’ll like it!
i think i will mix it up! thanks for the feedback. i’m so partial to that blue color. love it!
I love the yellow striped bottom with the blue top! I say order a couple of those bottoms. Also, have you checked out Target yet? They have some great ones in this year!! I found a bunch for the trip I just went on that I love
I’m fighting my first Crossfit injury/roadblock…. my right hip. I can’t do squats of any kind without my leg buckling inward (overhead squats are the worst). It’s hurts even just sitting here. Very frustrating! I hope your head feels better soon!
i haven’t checked target yet. i’ll stop by this weekend. thanks for the head’s up!
girl, i understand hip pain. i’ve been dealing with pain in my right hip since mile 16 of the marine corps marathon over two years ago. what’s going on with yours?
It’s been bothering me a little for a couple months now – I thought it was running, but now I’m not sure? The past couple weeks it’s gotten bad… to the point it bothers me when I’m trying to sleep. It feels like I constantly need to stretch it out or massage it, but that doesn’t help. When we had to do OH Squats the other day, I realized I couldn’t even come close to 90 degrees and it killed… it sucks!
What have you done to help yours?
i haven’t really found anything that’s helped other than occasional deep massage and chiropractic adjustments. i need to go to the doctor and actually find out what’s wrong with it but i’m scared to know and my health insurance is horrible so i’ve just been in “maintenance mode” with it. sucks because i can’t really run long distances anymore and yoga really bothers it sometimes so i’ve had to back off of how deep i get in my hips in some poses.
I hope your head feels better! I like the all teal bathing suit. I think that color would look great on you!
I’m sorry you got hurt! That looks so painful.
I think the all teal bathing suit is the way to go. I think it would look great with your coloring. There’s something about mismatched bathing suits that just seem wrong to me.
i know, i’ve tried it a few times but i always gravitate towards matching.
Hope you’re feeling better! I like the all teal one, maybe get the yellow striped bottoms as well if you’re feeling frisky!
IN LOVE with the teal top and yellow striped bottoms!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t go wrong with a mismatched suit.
Bless your heart! That looks painful
All the suits are adorable. I vote teal and yellow striped bottoms because that’s totally out of the box of what I would normally pick. It just looks fun!
I hope you’re head feels better soon. I’ve dropped a bar on my head during BodyPump before and it didn’t bother me as much as embarass me so I feel your pain. I love the teal and yellow combo, very Summery!
You’re poor head-so glad you’re okay though! I have a CF scar of glory. Two times now I have managed to have my shin meet the edge of a box. I have a solid 1.5-2inch scar on my shin. Of course each time was right around the same spot, so I have permanent scar tissue.
I happen to think it’s pretty bad ass though.
One of the reasons, I have yet to try Crossfit is because I heard they don’t focus on form. It’s all about time. I may have to rethink that and look around for ones who do it correctly as well as correct those who have wrong form. I would much rather have correct form and a slow time knowing that I am doing it correctly and getting all the benefit out of it.
poor thing. workout injuries are the worst. last year a teenage boy left the treadmill running (on like 8.0) and got off and left. not paying attention, i saw an open treadmill and hopped on. got a serious burn on my leg, and ego: shattered. hang in there! ice cream always helps.
ouch! Wow I bet that hurt. Glad you’re ok, and happy valentines day!
Ouch!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!
One of the trainers at my gym is also a crossfit trainer. The other day he was showing me a kipping pullup and did the EXACT same thing. I was terrified for him…he almost passed out.
Hope you feel better :-/
i like option 1 and option 3 ! for soem reason i like matching tops and bottoms OR i like a print top and a solid bottom. hope you feel better soon. dont do to much to soon.
i like the teal/black combo the best!
I really like the combo in the middle and ouch your poor head!
OUCH! I’m glad you are ok, that looks like it hurt really bad. I like the teal swim suit
I have those bottoms- love. I like all the color combos you show- I know… no help at all! I’d prob say the all teal combo and then the black bottoms, but because I am practical. But I love the yellow.
Oh my goodness! You have quite the bruise going on there! I’m so glad it wasn’t any worse, though, and that you were still fairly functional the next day. I once hit myself in the nose with my bar during a clean-and-press in Body Pump…I wasn’t severely hurt or anything, but it was super embarrassing, caused my nose to bleed, and left a very prominent bruise right across the bridge of my nose. Gah! Smart choice on the ice cream for recovery!
I really like the blue top + black bottoms. It’s always great to have more neutral swimsuit bottoms around to mix and match with colorful/patterned tops!
Teal ! The color compliments everyone !
My vote is for the two bottoms and the teal top
This is my favorite top & bottom combo at VS. I have it in so many different colors and patterns. Absolutely love the blue top. It also looks great with the purple punch and cabana green bottom!
I am so sorry to hear about your head!! OUCH :/ I hope it heals quickly! As for the cookies…yum! I think you should get the first option, teal top with black bottoms…but they are all cute! :)Happy Valentine’s!
teal and yellow!
Ouch! I tripped once and strained my ankle while teaching….I tried to shake it off but was embarrassed!
Honestly, target is my favorite for mix and match bikinis, and you can try them on! I love the teal!
I love the teal with yellow or teal with teal! Such a great color!
Ouch! Hope you are feeling better! I busted my lip at the Y last summer. Grabbed what I thought was a slam ball but instead grabbed the medicine ball. It slammed right up into my chin and my teeth and lip connected. Lots of blood, big swollen lip for days. Fortunately not too many people saw me. The worst of it is, I have a slam ball at home and should have known better!!
I think you would make all of those swimsuits look good
But the teal with the striped bottom (yellow) is my favorite. I just recently started to get into crossfit to build my endurance. I am an infantry soldier in the Army. I was also interested in getting into yoga, because I have some of the worst flexibility EVER!!! Any begginer stretches/poses you recommend? Also do you use the “zone” diet? (30/30/40 split) – Adam