Good morning! You may want to put your sunglasses on because I’m about to share some bright shoes with you!
Several weeks ago I posted about my new Brooks Ravenna running shoes. Well, I’m happy to report that I’m still running in them and they’re working out great.

I also received another pair of shoes from Off Broadway Shoes…the ASICS GT-1000 PR in the Christina Applegate Right Action for Women Limited Edition.

These shoes are PINK and as you might guess this is a special version of the GT-1000 PR for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. ASICS has partnered with Christina Applegate’s Right Action for Women to help provide screening assistance to women who are at increased risk for breast cancer.
For every pair of these shoes sold in October 2014, ASICS America will donate $10 to the charity with a guaranteed minimum donation of $100,000 and up to $150,000.

I love that the shoes come with two sets of laces, a satin lace and a regular lace. If you love all things pink and supporting breast cancer awareness, you can find these limited edition shoes in Off Broadway stores or on their website. And they’re on sale for $89.99!
My closet is full of a variety of athletic shoes…I have my running shoes, my CrossFit shoes, my casual “wear to the gym to train clients” shoes, etc. I like to wear my running shoes strictly for running as much as possible so it’s nice to have different options. Much better than the days of high heels!
Now for last week’s workouts!

I visited CrossFit Fort Walton Beach while I was visiting my parents and I LOVED the gym. It was super spacious, the coaching was extremely knowledgable and everyone was SO friendly and welcoming. I loved it so much I ended up staying for 2 hours…over the course of which I worked on my clean, squatted with an atlas stone for the first time (a gigantic boulder), did chest to bar pull ups (unassisted!!!!) and PRd my back squat. It was a good day in the gym!

I took advantage of the flat roads at the beach and knocked out my tempo run on a breezy, cool evening. My training plan called for 5 miles with 3 at a 7:32 pace. My Garmin was dead as a doornail so I used the RunKeeper app on my iPhone for the first time. I really need some sort of timing/pace device for these tempo runs and I really liked the RunKeeper app because you can set it to give you audio updates at certain mileage and time intervals about your distance and pace. It was nice to have that instead of looking down at my watch.
The splits…
Mile 1: 7:49
Mile 2: 7:14
Mile 3: 7:30
Mile 4: 7:22
Mile 5: 8:37 (cool down)
This run REALLY challenged me. It was great.
3 mile EASY run + 45 minutes of hot yoga
My body was needing it!
3 mile EASY run + strength
4 sets of 10 bodyweight deadlifts and 10 single arm rows (each arm) with a 25# dumbbell
10 mile long run

I usually get up and knock out my long run around 6:30 a.m. on Saturday before I teach yoga but I was subbing an earlier class so I would have had to get up and be on the road by 5:30 a.m. and I was just not feeling that. So I ended up doing my long run around noon but since the weather is so nice now it was great! Temp was in the low 70s, no humidity and lots of sunshine. I covered 10 miles at an average 8:32 pace.
Today will be YOGA because my IT bands and hips were singing me a song last night in bed…it went a little something like “please stretch meeeeeeeee.”
Do you wear your running shoes only for running or for other workouts/errands/around town too? Would you rock bright pink shoes? And what’s your favorite running app?
Off Broadway Shoes provided me with these shoes but I received no compensation for this post. Spreading the good word about breast cancer awareness support.
I DO rock bright pink shoes! I am currently running in a pair of Mizuno Sayonaras that desperately need to be replaced. That’s probably because I went hiking in them this summer! I usually take better care of my running shoes.
I love Asics and pink happens to be my favorite colors, so needless to say I LOVE your new sneakers! I admire that you’re able to run after a day of weight training – especially, cross fit, which I imagine could leave your muscle super sore. After an tough weight session, I’m happy if I can simply walk the next day! Have a great Sunday
Love those shoes! I am nuts when it comes to my running shoes so I reserve my running pair for just running and then have separate pairs for walking around/nonrunning.
I think you’re a pretty darn fast runner, that’s what I think!
You ran on Okaloosa Island! Isn’t it gorgeous? We were there on Friday on the beach near the Destin side. Love those pink shoes…I’d totally wear them!
Love these shoes! What an awesome workout at the crossfit in FL! Congrats on the unassisted chest to bar pullups! That’s an accomplishment
The weather here has been great – love to see your running updates, they are so encouraging! Hope you enjoyed yoga today!
love my asics, they’re mint green and I only wear them for running. Would totally wear the pink ones! Just bought another pair for winter running and while I can wait for snow and cold, I’m super excited to try them out! :0).
So speedy!!! Must be the pink shoes…love them! They are so cute!
I’m just like you…I keep my running sneakers just for running. My other sneakers are for casual wear and among those sneakers are a pair of bright pink Asics (from last year) and they have neon yellow laces. I LOVE them because they’re so bright and colorful. Your new ones are so pretty!
I use 1 pair for running though if I go to the store after I don’t change. Then once they are “done” w being running shoes I demote them to more casual wear or walking on my lunch hour shoes. Final demotion is yard work / painting shoes. I think I should probably get different shoes for bootcamp and non running activities but not sure what the differences are I should look for. I have heard that boot camp can stretch out ur running shoes because of the side to side motion. I have such a hard time funding good shoes for my feet I usually just stick to them. I guess I’m not sure what to look for in a cross training shoe? Do u just trust the labeling at the store? Mayb a post on shoes ???
Since I feel like I live in my running shoes, I like them to be bright! I have a few pairs that I rotate between. I need to throw some out though and get a new pair…That tempo run looked TOUGH, but you rocked it. Enjoy the rest of your evening!
those pink shoes are dabombdotcom! great price too. how do i convince my husband that i need them? lol.
I love everything pink and LOVE these shoes!!