I’m popping in today with a killer bodyweight glute and ab workout for you guys. One round of it takes eight minutes and burns like crazy! It’s perfect for when you’re short on time or as an add-on to another workout. You can also do multiple rounds of it and turn it into its own full workout!
Some of the exercises in this workout target core, some activate and strengthen the glutes and some do both at the same time because I’m efficient like that!
Here are the exercises in the workout as well as the time intervals for each. You can save this graphic to your phone or your Pinterest. Here’s a link to all of my workout graphics on Pinterest as a helpful resource for you. You can also visit my workouts page.
And here is a video demo of each exercise because I know how helpful that is! Just a reminder that I share workouts like this regularly on Instagram. I try to post some of them here too but not all of them make it onto my blog.
I was compelled to share this workout on my blog today after an appointment with Dr. Bradberry yesterday to work on my hip. I shared with him that I had been having more pain than normal over the last few weeks with the caveat that I hadn’t even been working out as much as I normally do. He said that my reduced workouts probably actually contributed to my current flair because a) I’m sitting a ton, b) I’m not getting as much blood flow to my muscles because I’m not moving as much and c) I haven’t been keeping up with my glute strengthening work.
I told him that running has been bothering my hip more than anything and that’s usually what bothers it the least (well, other than walking). He said that makes a lot of sense because I’ve been running more since I love fall running and not keeping up with my strength or mobility work like I should.
What would I do without him? 🙂 He gave me a thorough work over and I’m feeling much better and also motivated to get back to regular strength training and rolling.
As always, let me know if you have any questions and I love hearing your feedback if you try the workout.
Do you include maintenance work like foam rolling, PT exercises, glute activation, etc into your regular routine? If so, when do you make time for them in your day?
Do you see any kind of PT or chiropractor regularly or get regular massages?