One of the members of Metro CrossFit is a blogger and Paleo chef. Meet Heather Connell of Multiply Delicious!
I blogged about and gave away a copy of her e-cookbook back in February and today I’m here to tell you about her new print cookbook, Paleo Sweets & Treats: Seasonally Inspired Desserts that Let You Have Your Cake and Your Paleo Lifestyle, Too.

Heather was kind enough to have a the publisher send me a copy of the cookbook and I was so excited when it arrived in the mail last week. As most of you know while I do not follow a strict Paleo diet, I do enjoy incorporating it Paleo meals into my rotation on a regular basis and I have had fun this year playing around with some Paleo baking. My Paleo banana bread is one of my proudest kitchen accomplishments of late!
I am so impressed by Heather’s cookbook and want to make all the treats in it! This cookbook shows you how to bake seasonally using natural products that work with the Paleo lifestyle. Heather developed, tested, wrote and photographed every recipe in the book.

The photos above give you a taste of some of the deliciousness you’ll find in Paleo Sweets & Treats. Looks as good as “regular” dessert, right???
I couldn’t wait to try one of the recipes for myself. I decided to bake the Chocolate Cakie Cookies because I had all the ingredients on hand and they’re one of Heather’s all-time favorites and loved by her friends and family.
These cookies are not only Paleo but also vegan and gluten free! They feature a mix of bananas, almond butter, cocoa powder, almond flour and dark chocolate chips to yield a very fudgy, rich and cake-like cookie that is kind of like a hybrid cookie/brownie.
They are simple to prepare and I love the short ingredient list. These cookies are very “cakie” so I took Heather’s advice and stored them in the fridge after cooling. I enjoyed one for dessert last night and just one was enough to satisfy me since they are so rich with the cocoa and almond butter and flour. The banana flavor is noticeable but it’s not like you’re eating a banana cookie.
I’m posting the recipe below but I’m also giving away a copy of Heather’s new cookbook! Simply leave a comment on this post telling me why you want the book and I’ll pick a winner at random on Friday. One entry per person. U.S. residents only. If you do not win the giveaway you can purchase a copy on Amazon for just $15!
Paleo Dark Chocolate Cakie Cookies
(Recipe source Paleo Sweets & Treats)
1 cup ripe bananas, mashed (about 2)
2 tablespoons almond butter
3 1/2 teaspoons cacao powder
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1 1/4 cup almond flour
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips/chunks
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, set aside.
In a large bowl, mash bananas using a hand mixer. Add almond butter, cacao powder, vanilla, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt and mix to combine using hand mixer. Add almond flour to bowl and mix everything until well mixed. Stir in chocolate chips/chunks into batter until well incorporated.
Scoop even scoops using a ice cream/cookie scoop and place on prepared baking sheet. Bake cookies for 15 minutes or until cookies are slightly golden on tops and bottom.
Yield: 10-12 cookies
*Note from Heather: Cookies are even better the next day. Due to their “cake” like texture I prefer to keep them in the refrigerator so they stay fresh longer, but they probably won’t last too long.
I have many food allergies. This book would allow me to have dessert again!
Having Celiac Disease I have to eat a Paleo-esque diet anyways so this cookbook looks fabulous! Thanks!
I’ve made your banana bread recipe twice and it has lasted 2 days in our house! Our family has been eating much healthier over the past 3 months, and I would love to try some yummy, healthy desserts!
I have had a lot of trouble with paleo-style baking. I would love to have a cookbook of inspiration to help me get better at it!
I love trying new vegan and gluten free recipes, would love to learn more about Paleo treats!
My son follows a paleo diet and is always interested in new foods. I would love to have more recipes to prepare things when he visits.
Oooh, I love cookbooks and would LOVE to add one to my cookbook collection! I would love to try these cookies as well. Yum
I would LOVE to win this cookbook! I collect cookbooks so this would be a wonderful addition. Baking is so relaxing for me and with two grandsons I seem to do a lot of it!
I would love to have this book so I could share more paleo recipes with our patients at our chiropractic office! We have appreciation days and it’s great to come with new recipes!
I’m always looking for creative ways to make healthier desserts! This cookbook would be an awesome addition to my kitchen.
I follow a clean paleo-esque diet but haven’t dove into the paleo desserts yet. Would love to try some out & share with the members at my box!
Everyone at my crossfit gym is doing paleo and this will help me learn some great new paleo recipes!
I’d love this cookbook because those amazing recipes would be perfect for the holidays!
I’m a little nervous about Paleo so need some help exploring recipes!!
This cookbook would totally motivate me to bake more!
I would absolutely love to get this book! I’m sugar-detoxing at the moment, but plan to start eating primal (paleo + dairy) once I’m through with these three weeks. Paleo food seems so nutritious yet indulgent at the same time, and this book looks absolutely awesome.
I love trying new paleo recipes, especially sweet treats!
Looks like a good cookbook! Can’t wait to try the recipe!
I have to eat gluten- and dairy-free anyway so paleo recipes are great for me. Plus, they typically have simpler ingredients than other gf recipes!
I have been looking for paleo dessert recipes!
I would love to have this cookbook. I have been attempting paleo for autoimmune reasons and would love to be able to include dessert. I just love your blog.
I’m always looking for tasty dessert ideas that aren’t just junk calories, and I think this book would help me find some great new standbys!
I’ve been eating 90% Paleo for a few years now; it’s definitely how my body feels best. However, I am an avid baker and the hardest (or let’s say, the 10%) that’s the trickiest is giving up baked goods and treats. I try countless recipes I find on pinterest and on blogs, but I’m always left thinking, “This would be so much better with actual sugar/flour/chocolate/etc.”. Plus, my 6th grader has gone gluten-free in an effort to help her Hashimoto’s and we’re on a constant search to make things that taste delicious but are gluten free. And not junk, of course!
YUM! I’d love to receive this book and learn all about desserts-Paleo style. I’ve been having trouble navigating recipes I’ve found but this looks like an easy way to get started.
Wow, those chocolate cookies look delicious! I’d love a copy because you can never have too many gluten free (and Paleo) baking recipes.
I can’t wait to try those cookies and any of the other recipes In the cookbook!
Hi. I have been dealing with major digestive issues and recently went on a fairly strict diet – this recipe you posted could work on my diet and I’m telling you I have been really feeling deprived so thank you for posting this I would love the cook book – especially if it combines eating health with anything baked or sweet!
thanks !
Hey Jen- I have honestly just started getting into the Paleo lifestyle and eating habits, so this cookbook would totally help a sister out! You have really inspired me with your healthy lifestyle and how you balance everything out, not making one particular area of focus more important than another. Thanks for sharing your heart!
I originally started reading Multiply Delicious b/c of your blog Jen. We were implementing a Primal lifestyle at that point, so it was wonderful to find a “treat” blog for those once-in-a-blue-moon cheat day (and one that was in my general area, we are living in Columbia, SC)!!
But it would be really great to recycle the “book” I created of print-out recipes and replace it with a real book :o) Thanks for the opportunity!!
I’d love to try this cookbook! I’m dairy and gluten sensitive so I feel like many of the recipes would be good for me to try given my dietary restrictions. Thanks, Jen!
The pictures in this book look awesome. I’m going to try and bake these cookies tonight.
I would enjoy this cookbook for many different reasons . I’m a mother of two boys, and am always trying to find new healthy recipes for my family. I find that my kids are very pick eaters so I’m looking in all different directions for wonderful healthily ideas..
I am developing a passion for cooking/baking. I’m inspired by finding and experimenting with new ingredients. It’s always great to have a cookbook to turn to with healthy, wholesome recipes. I’d love a copy!
The cookbook looks fantastic! The recipes would be perfect when you want something sweet without the added sugars.
Due to some newly diagnosed food allergies, my sister has gone paleo. I’d like to give this book to her to show her all the deliciousness that is still available to her!
Would love some healthier dessert recipes!
Always looking for recipe inspiration!
Love any sort of recipe inspiration! Many of my friends are paleo- now I have some options for how to support their lifestyle!
I would love this cookbook. I actually just started looking at the Paleo way of eating yesterday. I am in need of cleaning up my eating so I can feel better and get healthy. This cookbook looks like it can help me.
i have a major sweet tooth, so i usually bake my own treats if i have them in the house…just to at least make sure i’m not consuming too much fake stuff. these ingredients look great!
Love paleo and am always looking for new good recipes
As a busy mom of two young boys, I’m always trying to find healthy treats to make for them and avoid the store bought junk. This book would help a ton!
We are having digestive issues at our house and have been exploring alternative diet options…I have been so reluctant to “go Paleo” or any other fad diet but health issues are making some changes from our already extremely healthy diet necessary. This would open a few doors and make it feel like less of a sacrifice!
I have been following Heather’s blog for about a year now and her recipes are OUTSTANDING! I would love to have her cookbook instead of dragging my laptop into my kitchen every time I want to prepare one of her masterpieces.
I would love to win this book for my kids – we are a paleo eating family, and sometimes they miss having the kind of treats that their friends have. This book would definitely help me bridge that gap!
Eating a paleo style diet has helped our family stay much healthier. I’d love to have some sweet treats to add to our menu occassionally.
I am new to this paleo way of eating and I would love to be able to incorporate some sweets as well and not feel bad about it!
This would be an awesome book to have!
I would love to learn some new Paleo recipes!
Those cookies sound great! I would love to have the cookbook to make similar paleo recipes.
I’m lactose-, casein-, and gluten-intolerant so I love eating paleo desserts! This book looks incredible!
I want to win this book because I love her blog!!!
I love finding new ways to eat dessert and not “break the bank”. Healthy can be delicious, too! I would love to try the recipes in this book. It’s right up my alley!
I would love to have recipes like this in my backpocket! I’m making these cookies as soon as I can get my hands on some almond flour.
I love cooking/baking paleo style and would love new ideas! Those cookies look amazing!
While I don’t CrossFit at a box anymore, I still follow CrossFit very closely and therefore am always curious to explore new Paleo recipes! This cookbook looks great.
I love the fact that it is a seasonal baking book. I’m trying to eat as seasonal as I can but when it comes to treats and baked goods, I could use a bit more inspiration. Plus I find that some paleo cookbooks can be a bit heavy on natural sweeteners (especially raw desserts). I’d be glad to find more fruit-sweetened recipes as the one above.
I’m not a big baker and would enjoy having a book with some “healthier” options.
I am considering going Paleo as the next step in my journey to a healthier life. But I love to bake. So if I could combine the two, it could totally work!
I love baking and I’d like to learn how to cook more without grains!! Those cookies look great.
All those pictures look amazinggggg! I used to eat a more paleo diet and need to get back on track!
I’ve been doing Crossfit for 6 months and know I need to eat healthier to take my performance to the next level. These recipes would be great!
In an effort to not only eat “low calorie” meals, I’ve been looking for recipes that also promote nutrient rich, whole foods for my family. I’m really interested in the Paleo concept, and this cookbook sounds like just the right tool to get it going! Thanks for sharing!
My husband and I follow the Paleo diet 80% of the time and he has a killer sweet tooth. I would love to have more dessert options to add to our rotation!
I have been trying to eat better and more whole foods – less processed! This cookbook would be a great dessert option.
Would love to give Heather’s recipes a try! I’ve been enjoying her sneak peek emails. Looks delish!
I have to be gluten free due to celiac and have been trying to eat more grain free which is up the paleo alley. I would love a paleo cookbook to help w holiday baking ideas!
I’ve been Paleo for awhile, but have yet to find a good paleo treat cookbook! Would love to try this out!
My boyfriend and I have a major sweet tooth and we love to cook together! This would be the perfect addition to satisfy our addiction while maintaining the Paleo lifestyle!
I love cooking and baking in healthier and cleaner ways. I would love to have this cookbook to further improve on that and enjoy nutritious treats as a family.
For someone who loves sweets and struggles with trying to stay healthy while incorporating Paleo this book would be an amazing resources. It would allow me the freedom of choice while still staying healthy and not beating myself up about a sweet treat.
I’d love to pass it on to my girlfriend who’s a baker!
i am so interested in this cookbook! i would love to win!!
I’ve been getting into a more paleo-esque diet recently, but I have a huge sweet tooth so I would love to try these desserts!
I am very curious about the Paleo diet. One of the things that holds me back from trying it is my LOVE of sweets. This cookbook would be a great way to encourage me to give the Paleo diet a try without losing my sweets.
I love to cook and bake and am always looking for ways to make healthy treats using real foods!
This would be awesome!
i went paleo a few months ago and its hard not to be able to bake…this would be such a joy. tasty treats made from real food, my son would be so happy!
I would like to win this book because I’m trying to transition my kids to paleo and it would be nice to have some paleo versions of familiar treats to help make it easier for them (and me!).
I would love a copy of the book because my box is prepping for a paleo challenge! It would be so helpful!
I follow the paleo diet and would loooove to have this cookbook in my collection to help curve my sweet tooth. =)
I have tried several paleo desserts and quite frankly, couldnt make myself eat them. And I eat anything!! I’d LOVE a tried, true, and tested paleo cookbook instead of piecing together recipes that just plain ol’ dont work out!!
I started Paleo in Jan for my eczema and it has helped tremendously. I feel better overall with clean eating but this strict lifestyle is difficult to maintain 24/7 and treats make it just a bit easier. I have always been more of a dessert person and going paleo has not been easy but with this book, I won’t have to sneak my husbands “bad” treats but could make healthier desserts for the 2 of us!!
I am not a very good baker, and I cannot stand the idea of making treats loaded with sugar!-so this would be a great way for me to actually bake something for my husband!
I love to bake so it would be great to win!
Having celiac and type 1 diabetes, the Paleo diet and these natural desserts would be perfect to satisfy my sweet tooth!
Oooh! The short ingredient list intrigues me purely for the fact that nearly EVERY TIME I bake with obscure ingredients I ruin the entire recipe!
I’m always looking for new dessert ideas!
Oh yum! I love “healthified” treats, so this seems right up my alley :).
I just started on the Specific Carb Diet (SCD) to try to get my digestive issues under control, but I plan to transition to paleo as soon as possible. Those dark chocolate cookies look SO GOOD!!