Hi! It’s a pretty big Monday for Peanut Butter Runner. Today is my two-year anniversary of blogging on PBR. I started blogging over four years ago on my (now very neglected) food/recipe blog, Bakin’ and Eggs. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been involved in blog world for so long. It’s a pretty cool thing to be a part of. I have made so many connections with like-minded bloggers from all over the country and the world. In addition to feeling personally connected to many of these bloggers, I am also incredibly inspired by them. It’s so cool to follow other people’s journeys…whether they be in food, life, fitness…and to share knowledge and experiences. A big thank you to all of my fellow bloggers who follow the blog.
I also have to say thank you to the readers of this blog. Whether you started with me in the early days or have stumbled upon my blog along the way, I appreciate each and every one of you. The thing that makes blogging worthwhile is the ability to connect with readers. I love receiving your comments, emails (even though sometimes it takes me too long to respond! ;)), tweets and facebook messages. It seriously makes all of the time and effort that I put into the blog worthwhile when I get to answer questions about everything from running to yoga to overnight oats to career changes…and everything in between! And hearing your stories about how you’ve conquered your first 5K, braved your first yoga class or tried a new food for the first time is really fun.
It’s been a pretty monumental year for me with more change than I have ever experienced before in my life. This time last year I had just finished yoga teacher training and was still in the working in advertising and trying to figure out how exactly I could pull off a transition to following my passion and pursuing fitness full-time.

Well, here I am one year later and everything about how I live my life and how I work is different. I started teaching yoga last April, passed my personal trainer certification in August and left advertising in September. I started out with a mix of jobs teaching yoga and training clients all over town before finally accepting a position at Metro Fitness Club as general manager. I love that my new role offers more stability and the opportunity for me to learn the business side of the fitness industry while still allowing me flexibility and to do the things I love, teaching classes and training clients.
Now for the fun part of the post! As a thank you for being amazing readers, it’s giveaway time! It’s been a while since I’ve done a giveaway so I think this is a fitting occasion. Here’s what I’m sending the winner.

1) Meditations from the Mat by Rolf Gates – whether you are a yogi or not, I this book contains some valuable life lessons and perspective. It’s set up in the form of short daily readings that you ideally read every day for a year but I just kind of pick and choose based on what I “need” at the moment. I have leaned heavily on it since receiving it serval months ago and often read passages from it to my classes.
2) A CD DJ’d by yours truly with a selection of my most favorite workout/running tunes.
3) A Lululemon Slipless Headband in the color of your choice.
4) Justin’s Maple Almond Butter – because I’m just obsessed and so many of you have asked about it.

5) And it wouldn’t be a PBR giveaway without a batch of Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Bars or another baked good of your choice. Just let me know what you want!
You can enter one of two ways. Option one is to tell me one thing that’s changed in your life over the past year. Anything from job to family to health…whatever! Option two is to give me a topic idea for something you want to see on PBR…anything you’d be interested in reading about in a future post.
Giveaway open to U.S. residents only and you have until midnight on Wednesday to enter.
Have a great week and thank you, thank you, thank you for reading!
This past year I became pregnant, which is something I was told I would never be able to do on my own. I am now five months pregnant, feeling great, still running, and having a healthy little girl.
I love your blog because it is real, and I thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life, you are an inspiration!
Still loving my daily dose of PeanutButterRunner! It’s been wonderful to follow you through this past year of transformation. My suggestion for a post for the coming year would be this – If I wanted to lose weight and keep it off, what is ONE thing that I could change about my diet that would help me toward this goal? No sweets? Less caffeine? No bread? Thanks, Jen!
My husband and I got married in July, which has changed everything about my life. We didn’t live together before we got married, so things look much different now than they did a year ago. It’s been wonderful!
What an awesome giveaway!
Not in the past year…but coming up very, VERY (ah!) soon I will be going back to school to become a teacher! Scary but exciting.
This is by far by favorite blog! I’ve had quite a year also. I quite my job as a lawyer in NYC because I hated it and hated living there so much. I moved back home to MA and am still trying to find another position here. Everyone thought I was either crazy or brave (or both) to quite my job without another one lined up but I had to do it for my own sanity and health. I’m still really scared but I hope some good things are headed my way.
Congratulations on two years of writing a great blog!!!
One thing that changed my life this year was getting married to the love of my life on 7/15/11!
Hi Jen,
Congrats on your two-year blog anniversary! That is quite an accomplishment. I stumbled upon your blog months ago, and am always informed by your various posts about fitness, food, and more.
I recently joined a gym, and have started to take classes such as Power Pump, Total Body Conditioning, and Cardio Kickboxing. However, I’m not sure if I’m eating the right snack before and after to properly fuel my body. My appetite has also increased, and I don’t want to start overeating as a result of my increase in exercising. I was wondering if you could cover in a future blog post about what are the best snacks before working out and after.
Happy blog birthday!
The biggest change for me this past year was being laid off from my job. It’s been about 6 months and I still haven’t found a new full-time gig yet. I’ve been doing a bit of freelance stuff from home, but it’s been a huge adjustment being a stay at home wife essentially. It’s not something I’d want to do permanently, but it’s taught me to let go and that you can’t always count on your life plans working out and you need to sit back, relax, and ride the waves of life.
In the last year I have decided to start running more….first half in a couple weeks. I also moved out of my parents house
Congrats on two years Jen! This past year, I became a marathoner, and it’s become a hobby that I love spending each and every day working on. I also started my blog in this past year and became acquainted with the wonderful world of the fitness/HL blogging community. They all (including PBR!) make each day a little better, and I love constantly being inspired by stories and words.
Congratulations, Jen, on handling so much change with such grace – and for sharing it with us.
It’s been a year of change for me, too … it would probably be easier to say what *hasn’t* changed! I am in a new country, having left behind a corporate role, selling my home, and making a completely new start here in California. It’s awesome, and terrifying, and exciting, and risky, and so much more. Watching you come through the other side? Helps. So much. Thank you.
I have had quite the transitional year! I graduated college in May, took an internship in NYC, and am now living in Austin, Tx! I would love to see you post on eating for fuel now that you have such an active lifestyle with fitness being your job in comparison to working in advertising. I work at a PR company so I’d love to hear how your eating habits have changed/evolved.
I moved into my own apartment in August. Living alone has been hard but it’s getting easier. I am proud that I have survived a huge fear of mine. Congrats on another year love reading about your adventures!
Congratulations on two years! I’d love to see a post on how you balance your personal/family life with your busy schedule. It seems like you are able to do it all and I’d love to know how!
Planning a wedding has been my big change for the year! I actually haven’t loved it as much as a feel I should, but I’m trying to choose joy knowing that it is a once in a lifetime event!
I have become a mom in the past year. My little boy has rocked our world upside down for the (way) better! I cannot imagine life without my little guy!
Becoming pregnant is hands down what has changed my life, in such a wonderful way. It’s made me think about everything differently from nutrition an exercise to priorities and relationships. What a blessing!
I recently found your blog and am in love! I was so happy to find someone else who loves every type of fitness and works to find balance between all of them. I’m obsessed with body pump, spinning, running, and now have gotten into yoga and interested in cross fit. Thanks for sharing your life with us – your experience of balancing a healthy diet plus exercise is so motivating. My one thing that has changed in the past year is putting myself first. I used to always wait for others to want to run with me, but once I started training for a half marathon by myself last spring, I’ve felt like the sky is the limits and have adventured into spinning, strength training and pushing my body! Happy 2 year blog birthday!
Since moving to Savannah last spring I picked up running, got engaged and married, and now falling in love P90X. This past year has been wonderful and I’m so thankful.
I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and it has since become my favorite blog to show up in my Reader! I recently started running and being more mindful of my health in general, and I love your guidance because it is realistic and honest. Plus, I live in Birmingham so I feel like we are connected
I honestly have not seen much change over the last year, but I am preparing myself for change currently. I am stuck in a job that makes me miserable, and have been weighing my options of whether or not I should leave. Giving up the comfort of a regular paycheck is scary, but your stories are very encouraging to me! Running and eating well are all well and good, but if you’re mentally not well then it doesn’t really mean much, does it?
I’ve been reading your blog faithfully for the past 6 months, and although I rarely comment, I love it! Congrats on 2 years! I can relate to many things you’ve posted and enjoy reading about the food you make too! I’ve changed over the past year in that I’ve become a stronger person, wife and mom by becoming a stronger runner. I started believing in myself more and have met some of my race goals, but to me it’s more about the growth along the journey and finding my true self on the road and bringing it home in my personal life. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
In the past year I have moved from NJ to GA for a new nursing job, got engaged, got married, got pregnant, had twin boys, and just bought a new house………to say it was a big year is a huge understatement!!!
What changed for me this year was graduating from grad school, and entering the work world–in a hospital and nursing home.
Congrats on blogging for 4 years! what an accomplishment.
One thing that has changed my life in the past year happened today! Completing my first 10k!
Congrats on two years! What an accomplishment! This past year was a year of BIG changes for me! I got married and had a baby! My beautiful baby girl is the best thing that ever happened to me and we are rolling with all the change she brings. Love reading your blog
Yay for two years!! Congratulations on another blogiversary *and* the big, exciting, and new things that have taken shape for you over the last year. For me, the biggest thing that’s changed this last year has been the realization of being more able-bodied than ever. I know that sounds weird, but let me explain (don’t worry, the abridged version). I was in a car accident a little over three years ago right at the peak of my physical strength (I was running lots, climbing harder than ever and maintaining a daily yoga practice). After the accident I spent the next year and a half doing physical therapy and wondering if I would ever move the way I used to. This has been the first year that I’ve started doing all those things again with a new mental place. I feel enlivened and grateful.
I decided to get married. Pretty big.
Congratulations on two years of PBR blogging! Something that has changed for me in the past year is the addition of a four-legged furry friend in my life. I adopted my pug, Kubrick, last year and he has been one of the best things to ever happen to me. He makes me laugh, lies next to me when I’ve had a bad day, and is the most joyful, funny creature I’ve ever encountered. I know how much you love Sullie & thought you’d appreciate this.
Congrats on two years! Your blog and your committment to health while maintaining such a busy schedule is very inspiring!! One thing that has changed in my life in the past year is my career. Although I am in the same job, I have taken on more responsibilities at work, which has made me realize the importance of juggling family, friends, my health, and my sanity! I also got a new puppy this year, which has brought a lot of joy into my life!
ive transferred schools and started pursuing a career in dietetics! what a great giveaway, love your blog!
This year I turned 30 (that’s an accomplishment, right?? haha). But seriously, I started a job that has the potential to become my career. It is with a great company, and is allowing me to achieve success within my field that I had not had before.
Congratulations on the anniversary. I’m a relatively new reader but I absolutely love your site. I’m always inspired when I leave it. Something that’s changed my life in the last year…. There isn’t one date I can pinpoint but in this past year I’ve really made an effort to cut out processed foods from our diet and really focus on natural foods. It’s been so much fun experimenting in the kitchen and really learning how to be a cook… I’d love to see more posts on how to manage staying healthy with having a social life. I do great during the week but seem to always blow my healthy eats when I go out with friends. Any tips would be much appreciated.
Congratulations on the anniversary!
One thing I’d love to read about is how to get my body more defined. I’ve been working out 5 to 6 times a week for almost three years now and during these years have really made a commitment to fitness and eating healthy and being as strong as I can be. I do a mixture of running, yoga, aerobics, and strength training…yet, I can’t seem to get the definition that I want in my body (like you have). Your arms are beyond enviable and while I certainly am not lifting as heavy weights as you are (or as often), I’d still love to know how to get some kind of definition.
Thanks for the chance to win! The giveaway sounds fabulous.
CONGRATS on 2 years to a great blog and making some pretty awesome changes in your life this past year! In the last year, I left a corporate gym to start my own Personal Training business. It’s scary and stressful, but it is so rewarding to be your own boss, and have such a wonderful connection with my clients. Very grateful that I am able to pursue my passions!
Happy blog anniversary! I’ve been a reader since the early PBR days and have loved seeing your transformation. It is very inspiring. I suppose the greatest transformation for me the past year was adding CrossFit to my fitness routine. It has changed me in so many positive ways and I’m so grateful for the group I train with. For future posts…. I love reading about your CF adventures so anything related to that!
The biggest change for me this year was becoming a mom. My son is a terrific little baby and has absolutely rocked my world in the best way possible!
I’d like to see a post on working out and stress/adrenal glands. When is it helpful to work out and when are you doing more harm than good?
I graduated college and decided to move from my beloved NYC to my boyfriend’s hometown of Los Angeles (we met in college and he stayed with me in New York for two years after he graduated. When I graduated it seemed about time for a new adventure haha). After a rough few months of living with his parents and being jobless, we now have an amazing apartment and I’m settling in to my first “real person” job! It’s not perfect, but it’s a great starting point and after nearly a year, I’m finally starting to get adjusted to the weirdness that is LA!
Also, congrats on two years! I’ve been reading for almost the full two years, although I rarely comment. I seriously love reading about your life every day and you really give me a lot of inspiration!
The biggest change for me this year is my career. I graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering & worked for 8 years as a consultant before going back to school to get a master’s degree & teaching license. I finish my student teaching internship tomorrow & hope to find a full-time teaching position for the fall!
I’m graduating college! This year is bringing incredible change, and while it is scary, I’m also so happy!
Scheduling 30 minutes of “me” time into my day EVERYDAY has reduced my stress levels and made me an overall happier person!
This year I too made a big professional move by leaving my job in Hospitality Management to pursue my personal training and group fitness instructing career. I am also planning on relocating to San Francisco by the end of the year to continue my dance training and completing my life coaching certification. Many other changes have and will be be happening soon in my personal life as well, so it seems as though change is in the air! Congratulations on all of your wonderful growth and accomplishments and thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us, we are equally blessed to have your beautiful energy and presence in our lives! xoxo
In the past year I have fallen in love…. with a healthy lifestyle, a boy, and my soon-to-be nursing career
Id love to see a post on your go-to workouts when you don’t feel like working out. Do you usually turn to cardio? cross fit? circuit training?
Congrats on 2 years!
It’s been a big year for me, I got engaged! On your three year anniversary of this blog I’ll be weeks away from my wedding, yay!
Happy two years PBR!
I would love for you to post more of your workouts. I already belong to the Y, and I would love to join Metro, especially since I work a few blocks away. The only problem is that I am a teacher so both memberships don’t really fit in to my budget right now. I always feel motivated to complete the workouts you post, no matter if it’s Crossfit or a circuit you made up yourself!
Highlights from the past year: a cross-country move with my husband, opened our own chiropractic office, ran a marathon
I quit my job and moved across the country. A pretty faithful decision, but has turned out amazing!!
Ah thanks so much Jen! This year I graduated and became a working woman. The transition has been hard but I love it :).
I decided to take control of my life and finally, get fit. Four months, 12 pounds, 6 inches and a world of happiness later I’m still going, but will never finish being healthy.
This past year I started my Masters in Medical Science to be a physician assistant! Both figuring out what I wanted to do with my life and going back to school were huge changes. The last year my life has revolved around studying and next year my life will revolve around clinical rotations… I am beyond excited for what lies ahead!
I am leaving my teaching job, and heading into the business world for the first time! Very similar to what you did and just taking the risk to see if I will be happier doing something new, challenging, and different
I got a job with Bank of America as a recruiting coordinator, and I start June 18. Bye bye summer vacation for me…but hopefully hello happier working girl!!
I joined my local Y and started adding strength training along with my cardio workouts! I also started making working out a priority, and the gym really became a place that I craved when I started skipping days.
On a non-fitness related note, I started taking out time to hang out with my younger sister and talk to her about how her day was
Congrats on the two-year anniversary!
Congratulations on two years! I’m so glad I found your blog!
I would love to see more posts about your meal planning/ grocery shopping and how you plan for variety without waste. The problem I have with living alone is that I feel like I eat the same meals/snacks for several days in a row because I need to use up food before it goes bad, so I lack variety. I’d love to hear suggestions!
Congratulations on the two year anniversary!
Hmm…my biggest changes are finishing my first Masters (which doesn’t feel very big because I’m still working on the second one) and deciding to move to San Francisco following completion of my second degree (this May!). I’ll be ending the long-distance part of my relationship and moving in with my long-term boyfriend which is a very welcome change.
Happy blogiversary! A lot has changed over the year for me as well. I started blogging, transferred schools, and am transferring again!
Happy Anniversary! My big change this year was that after 5 years of teaching kindergarten, I added grad school to the mix and oh my what a busy year it has been! As a runner, I love reading for workout ideas (which I am currently looking for a gym with group exercise classes being inspired by all that you’ve written) and healthy meals (we love green smoothies at our house!)
Congratulations!! My biggest change was finding out my husband and I have to move a hop-skip-and-a-jump across the river to New Jersey from our lovely Pennsylvania. So we’ve started house hunting because now we’re ready to buy, and I feel like a real adult! Scary!
I started counting calories and started adding exercise in my life and have lost 20 pounds!
Hi Jen – I’ve just recently started following your blog and I LOVE it! Especially all the puppy pics
One thing that has changed in my life this year is that I’ve decided to pursue a career as a Physician’s Assistant. Trying to fit in classes along with normal life has been tough!
Congratulations Jen! That is so nice of you to do a giveaway for your readers! I graduated with my Masters and started a new job. My boyfriend would like more posts about Sullie
One thing that has changed in my life over the last year is getting into and deciding on which law school to attend. I will be graduating in May, moving to another state, and beginning law school in the fall. Let the new set of adventures begin!
congratulations Jen – I think I’ve been a reader for about 18 of the last 24 months. What’s changed my life in the past year? You probably wanted positive things, but the biggest change for me was losing my mom last fall. She had only a short illness, and was 2 weeks short of her 89th birthday, and had in fact never had a major illness. For that I am so grateful. It’s just that the world seems a different place without one of the most wonderful people I know.
I love your blog and find it an inspiration.
I just love your blog! I haven’t been reading terribly long (6 months?) but I really enjoy your recipes and workouts! Very inspiring!
Anyway, the biggest change in my life this year has been transitioning to a full-time job (I had been working several part-time jobs after I was laid off a year and a half ago) and it’s been wonderful and stable and such a change! Also moving in with my wonderful boyfriend — all good changes this year!
Running has really changed my life this year. I’ve been running for almost 3 years now, but within the past year I’ve run one full marathon and am about 4 weeks out from my second. I love the satisfaction that training gives me. It’s made me a stronger person both mentally and physically. Happy blogiversary!
Happy Anny Jen! I am trying yet again to win those PB Chocolate Chip bars!
The biggest change in my life over the past year (6 months) was our move to Cleveland. It has impactedly nearly every area of my life but they have been mostly all good changes!
The most life changing thing ever happened this past year-after I graduated from grad school, I had no direction despite thinking once I got my MA I would get a job and know exactly what I wanted to do-WRONG! I packed a backpack with 2 tee shirts, 2 pairs of underwear, 2 shorts, and food in a bear canister and hiked the John Muir Trail in CA with my little brother (have never done anything like that-stripped myself of material possessions). I came out of that with a clear head and realized the important things in life-totally changed my outlook on health (physical and mental) and how we dont need material goods to be happy!!
I love your blog! I got married this past year so that has been a great change for me.
happy blog anniversary! one thing that has changed my life this year, more than anything, is my yoga practice and I’m really grateful for the part you have played in that. I am inspired by your story as a blogger and as one of your yoga students- bravo! Here’s to many more great things from PBR!
i switched my major from accounting to english education. it was a major move of money vs. love and i am so happy!
Congrats on 2 years! I just started reading PBR and am loving it! You have inspired me to exercise more! I would love to hear about how you worked in exercise when you were at a desk job.
Congratulations on reaching the two year mark, and here’s to many more milestones!
The biggest thing that has changed my life in the last year is easy – I quit a stable job and moved away from a town I loved to pursue an MFA in creative writing, which has been a long-time dream of mine. My life is 100% different from what it was last April, and I am continually grateful and amazed at the way things have worked out.
One thing that has definitely changed my life this year is my renewed dedication to recovery from my ED and allowing others to help me in my progress. I am so fiercely independent that I usually refuse any help but seeing how my loved ones truly care about me and want me to be healthy has made me determined to beat this. c:
Congratulations on hitting the two year mark!
I changed jobs in the past year. I moved from a very unhealthy work environment to one that was much better. The change provided me with a lot more free time to do things that I love, in addition to being a much better work environment.
Congrats!! A big change for me in the past year is picking up yoga – I started the year with a new years resolution to get back into yoga and finished the year doing the 62 day challenge at Y2. I have a long way to go to get where I want to be with yoga, but I’m addicted!
Congrats on 2 years, Jen!! I love your blog! The biggest change I experienced last year was that I started running. I was struggling to find some sort of exercise that I could stick with and so in July I started running. I thought I was going to collapse and die on my first day after I ran 3/4 of a mile! Running changed so much for me…I became healthier, I became happier, I found a sport I’m passionate about, I trained for and ran my first half marathon, and I experienced the satisfaction one can only get from setting a huge lofty goal and then achieving it! I also went through a miscarriage last year and running was and still is a big part of my emotional recovery. So running itself was a big change for me, but it led to so many other smaller changes as well and has pretty much revamped my whole lifestyle and outlook!
My life is hugely different from a year ago! I finished my Masters, got married, moved to Hawaii, re-joined the working world, and the biggest difference, had my husband leave on a 12 month deployment. It’s been a huge adjustment to be back to working while living alone out here, so far from family and friends. But I’ve made the most of it by, thanks to the inspiration from blogs like yours, training for and running my first half marathon!
I know it’s more relevant to your past, but I’d like to see posts on balancing work, fitness, and social life. I’m gone about 12 hours a day for work + commute and fitting in a workout takes all the willpower in the world, and also doesn’t leave any time to do stuff with friends. This was even harder before my husband left bc I wanted evenings with him, so I’d workout before work (at the gym bc I have to be up long before sunrise since work starts at 7:30), and by the time I got home from the 13-14 hour day, I had no energy to enjoy the evenings. Tips on “fitting it all in” would be great!
I had a baby! That’s a pretty big change
Congrats on two years!
Congratulations on two years!!! I truly enjoy reading your blog, so thank you!
A year ago around this time I was focusing on getting back into school. Now a crazy year later and I am set to graduate from my university this December! Never thought the day would come.
I love seeing your posts on balance, whether it’s between a work life or social life or overall health. Also, I loved workout videos that you have shown in the past!
I got accepted into college! yay senior:) and i would love to see a yoga video or crossfit style workout!
Congrats! I started my first full time job this year, which has definitely been different and fun! Thanks for the giveaway
I don’t even remember how I first stumbled upon your blog, but it’s been over a year since I started and I have been so inspired by your leaps I faith and transformation! I was at a school I hated then finally made the decision to transfer (even trough it meant losing my full ride!) and finishing nursing school in Nashville. Best decision! I’m so lucky to have such a supportive family throughout the transition and I’ve made so many new friends. I love it!
You are so awesome Jen! I stumbled upon your blog last summer and reading your blog posts is one of the highlights of my day! I really enjoy it and started doing yoga because of you!
Congrats on two years. The one thing about my life that has changed since last year is that I have transferred to Eastern Illinois University and switched majors. The one thing I would like to see on your blog more of is anything geared towards college students. Maybe some yoga moves for relaxation or something? or some study and brain food? 
In the past year I’ve started teaching yoga and ran my first marathon alongside my mom and sister. Lots of fitness happenings to be happy about.
Oohhhh hope I win!:) LOVE your blog. In the past year…1) I got married and 2) I got involved with fostering dogs. Thanks!!
My life has changed by deciding (with your help and advice) to take Yoga Teacher Training! It has been amazing and I feel so blessed that I am experiencing such a transformation and passion!!
Happy Birthday PBR! I’ve been following for exactly one year and your blog is awesome!!
This was a big year for me. I got married, quit my job, changed careers, became a Body Pump instructor, turned 30, and started being a lot nicer to myself.
Happy blogiversary! It has been great watching you grow and follow your passion over the past year!
I just gave birth to my second son so over the last 9 months I have been growing him. I am now looking forward to recovering and returning to the gym. I’d love a blog post on starting out and starting over as I slacked on exercise during pregnancy due to lots going on including buying a new home and rushing to get it ready for baby. Also a post on fitting in exercise and shirt effective workouts like crossfire would be awesome for a busy mom like me. Thanks!
Congratulations on two years!!! I hope my blog can see that milestone too!
This past year I started a new job that gives me a much bigger part in the company. The raise didn’t hurt either
After years of wondering what the appeal of running could possibly be, I actually decided to try it myself and this past weekend I just finished my first half-marathon! Never say never…I love running now and that’s a very big change in the past year!
Congrats on 2 years! I found your blog just after (sadly) moving away from the beautiful Queen City, and I have total Charlotte-envy but good memories of all the wonderful eats, yoga, and workouts I had there. Something that has changed in the last year is finally finding a wonderful job similar to my job in charlotte, but in Maryland with my husband. I am now a full time clinical exercise physiologist, and It’s great to be able to heal sick patients with exercise everyday
One thing that’s changed in the past year? Just in the past four months, I dropped out of grad school and broke up with someone, haha!
This year I changed my college major pretty dramatically and I could not be happier with the switch!
Running has changed my life is so many ways!! I have grown physically, mentally, and socially throughout my running journey!! I love it and I pray that it will continue to be a passion of mine!! Happy Birthday to PBR!!! I look forward to reading each day!!
Within the last few months we purchased a house and are very excited!
This past year BIG things have happened…. I started blogging, I became a better runner and I moved an hour away from my comfort zone. Most importantly I started following your blog and I have to say, you are such an inspiration and seem like such a nice, genuine person. Thanks for having an awesome blog
Happy two yrs and hopefully many, many more! Love your blog!
Many things have changed over this past year, the most exciting being that we are expecting our 2nd daughter this summer!
I moved across the country all by myself to take a job! Scary, but that’s why it was so impactful!
Congrats on two years! I love reading your blog, and really enjoy the content that you post. As someone who also likes to combine strength and yoga, I’d love it if you could do a post addressing how you balance the two. After I’ve done a strength workout, I’m sometimes too tight for yoga, and if I know I’m going to a yoga class, I’m more reluctant to do strength beforehand.
This year I gave birth to my third child, lived in three different states, and my husband has held three different jobs (all in the same company though!!)
My life has changed dramatically! I’ve become a more dedicated runner & I’m moving into the city with my bf!
Congratulations on your two year blog anniversary. I look forward to reading your blog every day. I would love to see you feature some strength training workouts that us readers can try out at home. I’m pretty sure we all want to know how we can get sculpted arms just like yours. I am so envious of them!
I started a new job where I can work upwards of 80 hours a week…It is busy and intense and I love it! It has also been quite the challenge to maintain my healthy, active lifestyle.
One thing that’s changed this past year is that I got a new job that I start next week!!
I decided to change my career path! After graduating from college, struggling to find a job with my degree for the past year and feeling uncertain if it was even the right choice for me I decided to apply to grad school in a completely different field! I was feeling really down on myself and now I am so happy to finally have something to work towards and challenge me. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me!
Yay two years! Congrats lady! The biggest change for me in the past year would be gettin hitched in September. And being more dedicated and consistent with running. Couldn’t pick just one:) this giveaway is awesome!
So much has changed in the past year. As if getting my doctorate in clinical psychology isn’t enough, I ran 2 half marathons and am going to be starting my yoga teacher training this summer!!! I am totally inspired by your daily posts, adventures and everything else in between! Congratulations on the 2 year mark and I look forward to many many more years of open faced sandwiches, overnight oats and other goodies!
Happy Birthday Blog ! I hope it’s around for a long time to come : ) !
I would like to see how you (would) handle emotional eating, suggestions for bad eating habits or how to change food patterns and things of that nature!
Congratulations on your two year anniversary! In the last year I moved from Charlotte to ATL (for a promotion at work!) and although I should be used to changing the place I call “home” (I’ve lived in 3 states in 4 years)-this move has been particularly hard. It’s been great reading your posts about making a change, and I know that in the end it will all work out–and hey, ATL isn’t that bad of a place at all
(of course, I now also really like your posts about ATL!)
Congrats! Love reading your blog. I would love to hear about ways to overcome a workout plateau… I’ve been doing the same things for awhile and have seen good results but now I’m starting to get bored and I’m losing that excitement to get to the gym!
This past year I graduated from the University of Georgia and made a big move to Philadelphia
Happy Birthday PBR! This has been one of my favorite blogs for so long!
This year I had a baby and found yoga. The baby changed me mentally and the yoga changed me physically (both for the better). Thank you for being such an inspiration!
There is one topic I haven’t seen on this blog. Do you ever check your weight or do you just focus on how your body feels? I debate on if I should worry so much about the number on the scale or not. Would love to hear your thoughts on this
Congrats on two years with this blog! I have been reading both of your blogs since their inceptions, I do believe. Definitely this one, anyway. Hmm, my life hasn’t changed hugely over the last year…but I did complete my first triathlon, added several major work responsibilities (with no raise, part of why I’m hoping to make a career change in the not-too-distant future), and got my Spinning instructor certification. Ask me again this time next year!
i would loveee to see more posted workouts! (circuits and dumbbell workouts)
you are a lovely lady
In the past year I finally declared (and feel good about) my major! I’m a college student, and deciding what I wanted my future to be was a big moment!
I would love to see a post about why and how you quit drinking Diet Coke. I remember you mentioning this a while back—and am an avid diet coke drinker who would love to quit.
This past year I have become vegan and seen so many changes (positive of course) health wise! In addition I have continued to run more, try yoga!, and balance healthy living in general!!
The thing in the past year that has changed my life is me taking the initiative to save my own life. I got help for my eating disorder, anorexia, and am currently in recovery. I am feeling so great now and all these blogs I read, including yours has really inspired me to continue to live healthy and stay well.
congrats on 2 years!! what an accomplishment. I’d like to see videos and workout ideas on how to get my arms to look as toned as yours
Over the past year I’ve really started to get serious about running. I mean I’ve always been a runner, but now I’m starting to focus on training and trying to do well in the races that I compete in! I’m also trying to be much better about proper fueling for the amount of activity I do
I just recently discovered your blog (how did it take me this long??) and your passion/enthusiasm for fitness is infectious. I would love to hear your thoughts on the classes you teach- yoga, crossfit, bodypump, (what you observe people do, easing minds of first timers, etc) and tips you have for staying motivated, especially when you might not be good at something initially, like you indicated when your first started practicing yoga. Also, how you manage to stay balanced with your busy schedule. Okay, that’s acouple of suggestions, but congrats on two years of blogging!
I would love to see a post on your partner and his eating habits and how that affects how you eat and/or prepare meals!
Hi Jen,
Wanted to let you know this is my favorite blog….I follow it every day! And congratulations on the anniversary : )
This has been a pretty big year for my husband and I….we moved from California to Alabama for our first Army training assignment. It’s been a year of adjustments to say the least! I am also set to complete my first yoga teacher training next month. I’m excited! You have inspired and encouraged me with your practice.
This past year I have gone to some amazing places, started a job I really enjoy, and have moved to a new town I love. Definitely a year of changes and has given me a new perspective to make more changes!
I want to answer both!
1. I discovered hot yoga last August after doing YMCA yoga for a year. It is unbelievable how much it has changed me — my body is more flexible, my mind more open and calm when i leave, and I ache less from the running and cycling I do most days. It’s my go-to when I feel hopeless, stressed out, or just want to hide.
2. I’d love to see a post (if there is not one) on overexercise. I went through this about 8 years ago and I think the results of my 2.5 hour days, every day, of cardio, no weights, are taking their toll now. I hurt all the time and get injured so easily. I barely do a third of what I used to. I see so many girls doing this at the gym and just wish they knew they didn’ t have to kill themselves with hours on the treadmill and Stairmaster.
This past year I have learned that no one can take care of my health but me and why let another birthday, holiday, Monday go by not taking care of myself. I lost 44 lbs and have kept it off 8 months – yea me!
Crazy how quickly 2 years goes by!
This last year we got pregnant with our second little girl and we are beyond thrilled. I also started yoga this past year and am SERIOUSLY looking forward to getting back into a more serious practice after I have this sweet baby.
Love your blog, I check it everyday. I just don’t understand how you do it all and keep going!
Congrats on your 2 year anniversary! I started reading your blog right around this time last year and it’s great to see how happy you are with the new direction your life took. This past year was life changing for me as I was pregnant and gave birth to my baby boy 3 weeks ago! It’s been an amazing experience so far!
Congratulations on 2 years of blogging, Jen! I really enjoy reading your posts and especially your reflections on your yoga practice.
One thing that’s changed for me in the last year… I’ve also had a year of big changes, but the biggest one is that I had a baby just last week!
What I would LOVE to see a post about is your fitness journey.
Have you always been fit? Thin? What’s your family genetics like shape/fit wise? You obviously work very hard at it, just wonder if it kind of comes naturally to you or you have to work REALLY hard to keep what you’ve achieved.
I love the TONE that you have. You are so shapely and fit! Perfect size, in my books. How do you keep from getting bulky (like some Crossfit women) and keep that shape?
ALSO (haha, i could go all night) what does Brandon think about your fit lifestyle? Does he get on bored or does he get annoyed like JEN LIVE A LITTLE! Some people don’t understand and some people do, just wondering where he stands.
I’d love to see a post on how you got those guns!
And more recipes – I always enjoy yours! Congrats on 2 (and 4) years!!
Congrats! This year I enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and within the next 12 months I will be quitting my corporate job to become a Health and Nutrition Coach! So much change and all wonderful! I wish you the best and thanks for your inspiration!
Look forward to reading your blog every day! — I admire your determination and dedication to fitness and health! This past year I completed my first 1/2 marathon and I caught the “bug!” I have signed up for two more this summer! How do stay fueled during your long runs? Do you use jells, shot blocks, etc.? What is your favorite pre-marathon meal?
Jen, reading about your YTT experience inspired me so much that I recently completed my 200 hours training too! It’s truly changed my life and has been the best gift that I have given myself. Congrats on the blogiversary!
Congrats on two years!
Hmm…I think I will go with option #1:
It is kind of more than the past year, but in 2010 I quit my job and came back to school to pursue my passion for nutrition with a degree in Dietetics at UGA. I am finally graduating next month, then this summer I am doing my 200 hour yoga training!
I also got certified in RIPPED, Hip Hop Hustle and Schwinn Cycling in the past year! (Oh, and I was selected as Group Fitness Instructor of the Year at UGA and to present RIPPED at the Southeast Collegiate Fitness Expo.)
I start the Master’s Program in Foods and Nutrition along with the Dietetic Internship at UGA in the Fall.
So, yeah, it’s been a crazy year or so, but definitely worth it!
Happy 2nd birthday, PBR!
The biggest change I’ve experienced over the past year was going from girlfriend to fiancé just 3 days ago. And after he popped the question, we went to our favorite restaurant to celebrate…Lebowski’s! Thank you for introducing me to this restaurant!
And I’d love to Hear more about how you balance your relationship with your husband with your busy work and social schedule! That seems to be the biggest struggle with my boyfriend
I’m sure it makes it easier if he likes being active, too!
Happy Anniversary! I have been following your blog for about two years and I am a loyal reader. I love your dedication to fitness and use you as an inspiration when I have a little free time and wonder if I should exercise or not. It is amazing how you fit your own workouts in between assisting others with theirs. It would be so easy to use those workouts/classes as yours and call it a day.
Not much has changed for me and in my life this past year. Only one idea comes to my mind that I would like to see more possibly on your blog is the products you use for fitness and food. I loved your Favorite things list at Christmas. My hubby actually got me the Lulumon gym bag on that list and I absolutely love it. I’m also now obsessed with Justin’s Almond Butter. I go through a jar a week.
Congrats on two years!! I love your blog. I have overcome multiple injuries this past year and started incorporating yoga into my workout routine which has helped me in my overall fitness. Great class tonight at y2!
Congrats! In the past year, I more than doubled the number of group fitness classes that I am teaching per week! Reading about your super busy schedule puts mine in perspective. Love seeing how you handle it all.
Congratulations on your 2-year blogging anniversary! That’s so exciting. I would love to see more videos from you. I love your foam rolling tutorials, and would love to see more content like that!
This year I learned to truly love myself! I am a perfectionist and can be quite hard on myself but this past year has been a journey in discovering why I am important and why I am great–I discovered that perfection is not beauty.
Congrats on 2 years! My big change is that I moved from Chicago to Massachusetts and started law school. It’s my first time living on the east coast, and I’m back in school after taking several years off. I can’t wait to see where I am a few years from now.
I would love to read about what workout burns the most calories and how do you mix up workouts without getting bored. Seems like I need the peanut butter bars!
Congrats on 2 years! I have a new job, I ran my first marathon, and I am expecting my second nephew in a month! I will also finish grad school, and who knows what else! So glad to have been reading PBR along the way! congrats again!
After 2+ years of being a devoted participant, I took the plunge and attended BodyPump training this past fall. I am now a certified instructor with an awesome class of my own, an even bigger Les Mills junkie after incorporating RPM, BodyCombat, BodyFlow, and CxWorx into my weekly routine, and a more confident and fitter person than I was this time last year. Your blog constantly inspires me to try new things, push myself to new limits, and prioritize the things in life that make me happy
Congratulations on 2 years, Jen!
One thing that changed my life this year is starting a new career and moving in with my boyfriend. I am also training for my first marathon and it is going great!
Congrats on 2 years! I got married in October. An amazing change!!
My world was flipped upside down this year! I had a baby girl in August and since nothing has been the same! Roxie is a ball and her dad and I are SOO thankful for her. She has made us make better decisions. We have started eating paleo and doing cross fit so we appreciate lots of your recipes and food posts! I love posts on fitness must haves and clothes you suggest!
Jen: I absolutely love your blog. I came across it while searching for a Mexican quinoa recipe a few months ago. Now, PBR is a staple on my daily list of blogs to read. Your blog is the first fitness/food-focused blog I’ve followed, and it’s really helped keep me focused on my everyday goal to live a healthy life. The big change in my life has been having a baby and becoming a stay-at-home mom. Once I because pregnant, my husband and I both became more active (he does CrossFit and I work out a place called Shred415) and really started focusing on healthy eating. We both wanted to be strong, healthy, and happy for our little guy. And it’s worked! I’m now in the best shape of my life and am a size smaller than before I got pregnant. Maintenance is a fun phase.
Reading your blog each day helps me achieve that! Thanks for your inspiration! -Marisa P.S. I’m obsessed with your overnight oats! 
I made many many changes in the past year, but the biggest has had to been making the decision to go through yoga teacher training. I’ve just started but I’m so excited to see where it takes me.
Congratulations on 2 great years!
I live in a different city than I did last year.
Congratulations. I have just recently discovered your blog, and LOVE it. So, thank you. A change that I have made this year has been doing cross fit workouts at my gym. I just love it and hate it at the same time.
Love the challenge. Also, I would love to see more recipe ideas. Thank you:)
Congrats on 2 years of blogging!! I’m 9 months pregnant and have experienced so many life changes through this prregnancy. The pregnancy has actually caused me to be more conscious of my eating habits and exercise and I feel healthier than I’ve ever been. Thanks for writing, I just love your blog.
After being unemployed for a year…I FINALLY got a job and was able to move out of my parent’s house! Being an incredibly independent person, it was really hard on me being a 25 year old, living at home, and not having any sort of reliable income. It was a very tough time for me, but I learned a lot about myself, and luckily I had running and yoga to help me cope. It showed me that patience and persistence will pay off in the long run:) Definitely a life changing event!
Congratulations on two years! I graduated from grad school and started a new career in a new city this past year. It has definitely been a year of change, but I’m loving accepting the challenge and striving to thrive!
Congratulations on 2 years!! Not much has changed in the past year for me other than beginning my own blog and becoming addicted to reading blogs! I have been trying to live a healthier lifestyle and hopefully, within the next year I will move out of my mom’s house! I love your blog so much, but I would love to see a little more of your personal life. You do have a pretty good balance though!
Congrats! The biggest change for me is going back to school to get my masters in education! Complete career change! Never too late to follow your passion, as you’ve shown on your blog :). I’d love to win that book…love daily devotional type reading!
So wonderful that you’ve been able to do this for 2 years- what a wonderful thing!!

I’ve had a lot of big changes over the past year- my husband I got a puppy -probably one of the best decisions of our life – he’s now 5 months old and huge ball of fluff and i’m obsessed with him, i moved up in the world as I’m a a pediatrician and this year i was no longer an intern but an actual resident! and lastly I just ran my first half marathon yesterday!!! Definitely life changing
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
I’ll answer both..
1) Put my house up for sale TODAY!
2) I would like to see some fashion posts – like a fashion page with your outfits as you where them and maybe where the diff clothing is from. you have a greatttt wardrobe!
Love your blog! And what an awesome giveaway. I know you just had a guest post on organization, but I’d be curious to hear more from you on the topic of juggling obligations/to-dos while staying sane and avoiding burnout. You seem to find a good balance, and I’d love some tips! : )
I started my first “real” job this year! And I would like to see some more yoga posts – information about specific poses, maybe?
Congrats! I found your blog about 6th months ago and love it! I look forward to reading it everyday and eating overnight oats (with egg white and stevia protein powder added!)
In February 2011 I lost my mom, who was my best firiend in the whole world. In November 2011 I got engaged to a wonderful guy who my mom knew I wold be with forever, iIn February 2012 my grandfather, my moms’s dad, passed away. So I would say there have been a lot of changes! Losing my mom has been the hardest thing in my life and I struggle everyday. Although always into taking classes at the “y” and enjoying a good workout, the past year and a half the gym has been an incredible escape for me, the only time my mind is almost completely set free. I have lifted more in pump than I ever thought I would, sweated more in body combat than I ever thought I could sweat, and really understood my weekly yoga practices and achieved new poses (crow!), deeper stretches, and more breathing each class and each day.
Thanks for your great blog!
The biggest change this year is yet to come – graduating college next month! And pursuing a career in fitness!
I had a major change this year. I moved from Kansas City to Denver. Great decision!
In the past year i moved to the U.S from Canada , got married, and discovered the trials, tribulations, and adventures of being unemployed (not allowed to work legally!). I have been lucky enough to score a volunteer gig working on some social media stuff for a local yoga studio in exchange for free classes and eventually I will be training to become a certified yoga instructor
I would love to see a post on PBR about your weekly grocery list, fave grocery stores, etc. Hard to think of what I would like to see because you do such an amazing job already!
The biggest change for me this year by far has been marriage. We did not live together before tying the knot. We saved up and bought our first house together with the first month and a half. I survived crashing with our in-laws for the first month of marriage, yikes! It was actually a great chance to REALLY get to know them in such a short amount of time, but boy were we ready to move on and out! My husband and I are loving getting settled into our new house. We have grown to love working in the yard together and making changes to our first house. I love reading your blog. It inspires me to make healthy decisions, keep moving daily, and balance it all with the daily grind. Love you and your blog! You are a true inspiration to others.
Well, I started my freshman year of college, and I’m just winding down the second semester now. It has been a whirlwind, and I never thought I would have so much fun/do so much work in my entire life!
Congratulations btw
Happy 2 years!!! Your blog is one of my all-time faves and I’m so happy we’ve got our blogger connection! Moving away from my family this past year has taught me a lot about myself and it’s been both difficult and rewarding! So is the journey of life. A for other PBR posts, I don’t know…I love your blog just the way it is already
Haapppayyy Birffdaaay Yo!!! I’d like to see a blog w/video on your crow to handstand!!!
Happy birthday to your blog! I am a new reader but came across it through another health and fitness blog but am enjoying it! As for this past year, my mom received a kidney transplant and now doesn’t have to worry about going to treatment 3-4 days a week! It’s a miracle and so wonderful for her new freedom
This year I graduated with a master’s degree in accounting and started a full time job. I moved to a new city and am slowly learning about adulthood. I also finished my first half marathon at 1:52:03. It’s been a big year.
In the past year, I got a new job, moved to a new house, had to put two pets to sleep :(, ran 2 marathons, 2 half marathons!! seems like a lot but i dont even realize it half the time!
This year has changed in many ways! I moved to Boston and started a new job! I love reading your blog. Congratulations on two years!
My niece was born this year starting the next generation of our family, and it’s the first time we’ve had a baby in the family in 25 years. It’s been so exciting to spend time with her!
I want to see more workouts and different ways to become lean and strong.
LOVE your blog! Maybe a post on keeping a sweet tooth in control…. that is my big problem!
I completed my first double digit (12 mile) run this year.
I would like to see more posts on grocery shopping/ healthy meal planning.
Congrats on your two year anniversary. I found your blog about 8 months ago while searching for a half marathon training plan and I’ve been a fan ever since. I also really enjoy bakin & eggs. Your chicken tortilla soup is one of my favorite recipes:)
I have loved to watch you and your blog grow over the last year+ that I’ve been reading. Over the last year I have experienced many personal and professional changes as well. On the fitness front I started regularly practicing yoga and completed my first half marathon.
A topic I would love to see on the blog would be how to balance a mixture of running, yoga, and strength training without feeling burned out or over-working one’s body.
My sweet baby boy was born a year ago
Yesterday. He is such a joy.
One thing I’ve changed/working on changing is taking time to take care of myself. As a full time working mom to a 4 and 2 year old and a wife I have a hard time not feeling guilty about taking time to myself. I have realized how important a run or stop at the gym is to my mental sanity and physical well being. Taking this time allows me to be a better mom and wife.
This past year I became a homeowner! Buying a condo on my own was a little scary, but I love it and am so happy. I even repainted every room a fun color, just because I can!
I love your blog! Congrats on 2 years, that is awesome!!! This year I became a “runner” and ran my first half marathon! Thanks for being so inspiring!!!!!
I ran my first marathon yesterday! I finished in 3:56 despite serious hip pain starting at mile 20.
Congrats on 2 years!!
I started my career as a speech language pathologist in August. Even though I am finished with school, I am still studying and learning so much everyday!
This year I have graduated college, saw the birth of my niece, ended up moving back in with mom and dad, supported my sister as her husband left, and figured out what I really want to do in life. This year seems like it was just a few weeks long and 10 years long at the same time. I learned a lot and am ready for new adventures.
Congrats on two years! I love your blog and am also an avid Georgia fan
Go Dawgs!
This past year, my life literally got turned upside down. A year ago this past Saturday I moved out of the house I shared with my daughter’s father and started my life as a single mother. Since then, I’ve quit my day job to pursue my passion (photography) full-time – and even though money is a lot tighter, I’ve never been happier. Emotional roller coaster, for sure!
This past year was definitely life changing and full of learning for me too! A year ago I moved cross country to Colorado to leave on my own for the first time in my life with no friends. I wouldn’t trade anything to experience Colorado again.
Thank you for having such a wonderful blog. I love reading it everyday, ever since I discoverd it a few months ago. In January I was but into a program for my eating disorder. I was taking my healthy ways to the extreameandit got out of hand. It had the complete adverse effect of what I deep down wanted for myself. I am now in recovery and am doing great. Ive always had a strong love of health and fitness my whole life and now I will actually be able to truly achive those things I want for myself. Your blog is a great inspiration to look up to! Congrats on your two year blogerversairy! Keep up the great work.
P.s. I may even be starting my own blog this summer!?
I’m living on my own for the first time–no roommates!
Congrats on all of your amazing accomplishments!
One thing that has changed for me is graduating college and starting a full time job in the fashion industry (only 12% of us have been placed so far!) I have also begun a journey to recovery from an eating disorder by turning to fitness and following healthy eating/fitness blogs-such as Peanut Butter Runner!!
I am very happy in the fashion world, however, my dream is to be involved with BOTH fashion and fitness. Fitness being my other passion but I am at a loss to figuring out HOW exactly to get involved, what personal training certification courses are legit, etc. That being said, I would love to see a post about how to get involved, who to trust, and some encouraging bits on taking such a huge jump/transition!
YAY FOR PBR! Something that has changed my life in the past year is the birth of my little niece. She is just the most adorable little girl, and I am so happy she has come into the world!
Hi! I’d love to see you do a post (or even better, a series of posts) with workout ideas for those of us who only have about 30-ish minutes per day to squeeze in a workout. Being a full-time working mother, I struggle every day to fit in a *meaningful* workout. Thanks!
You’re my favorite, Jen! I love reading
I got married this year and am working towards a career change. Taking my PT exam this summer!
Your blog is amazing. I wish you could make lunch for me everyday it always looks so tasty.
Over the past year I have been planning my wedding and on April 7th I got married to the greatest man!
I got a new job – which is great, lots more work, and hopefully it will pay off in the long run!
Happy two years!!! Love your blog!
I guess I’d want to know how you’ve stayed strong and positive through a year of so much change. I’ve had a very bad year and sometimes it’s hard to stay positive but I think I’ve done a pretty good job considering everything. It’s always nice to hear how other people deal with things.
My daughter started kindergarten. bittersweet!
Good change from this past year: I started a new job that I’m really enjoying and learning so much. Bad change: I injured myself in the fall and am still figuring out how to navigate recovery. I do my best just to take it one day at a time and listen to my body.
This past year I have been through a lot of change. I became injured after 13 years of running and gave up my dreams of running in the NYC Marathon after having qualified. Not letting an ITB injury plague me and get me down, I learned to try a whole new routine and have faith that I was blessed to still be able to use my body to do other things in the process I became stronger, fitter and healthier, and learned to not revolve my life around running.
In the last year, I’ve really focused on eating healthier, exercising, and lifting weights…all of which brought me to this awesome blog, BTW…
50 pounds later and a brand new outlook on life…I’m a new woman!
CONGRATULATIONS on 2 years — what an accomplishment and I have to say that your blog is one I love and have to check pretty frequently for updates
In terms of future topics, maybe the importance/need for rest days and/or how you deal with family/friends who aren’t as fitness oriented or who don’t understand your passion for exercising and beig healthy. I hope that makes sense!
Thanks! Have a great Tuesday!!
Congrats, Jen! I will say the thing that has changed my life is crossfit! I am humbled everyday I do a WOD. It is fun to see progress!
Congrats on reaching such an exciting milestone and for accomplishing so many exciting things over the past year!
I’d love to learn how and what keeps you motivated to make fitness and health a priority? I’ve lost some of my motivation and passion for running recently and am working everyday to get it back but would love to hear some tips on how you keep going through the thick and the thin!
In the past year, I have started grad school for my masters in communication, gotten a new job (which can actually be called a career), become an aunt and been cleared of my awful seizures which made running a tad-bit scary! I’m now healthy & happy and able to run as much and as far as I please. (Keep the blog posts coming – L-O-V-E it!) Happy 2 years!
One thing that changed my life in the past year is leaving my dead-end desk job for a new one in the running industry! I could not be more happier with the decision and it’s been AMAZING waking up everyday excited to go to work! It’s great to share my passion with others and do something that I love!
Running has changed my life…I started a short 9 months ago and can’t see myself ever quitting.
I think it was about this time last year that I found your blog and read it from start to finish! =) Your blog entries are always one of the highlights of my day and I tell everyone that if I had a fitness idol it would be you, lol. I don’t leave comments often but I never miss a post!
With that said, when you were speaking of changes in your life this past year, I can’t help asking because I’ve been wondering for awhile. Is your husband not in the picture anymore? You haven’t mentioned him in a long time and once I started noticing that it started driving me crazy wondering. =\
Anyway, this has been a big year for me too! I finally started working on getting my degree, got into yoga, and moved to Ft. Bliss, TX with my Army husband! =)
congrats on two years!! In the past year or so, I figured out what i wanted to do w/ my life and started physical therapy school – excited to see where the next few years lead:)
I just started reading PBR a few months ago & I loved reading back through your old posts! I’d love for you to do a review of Bar Method or a similar class, & I love learning about different types of yoga practice so it’d be great to see all the variations broken down by an expert such as yourself
Happy 2 years!!!
Obviously the first thing that comes to mind that has changed in my life over the past year is that I became and mom. I’ve also learned to challenge myself with working out and pushing myself harder with weights and wogging. You’re such an inspiration and congrats on the blogiversary
I moved to downtown san diego with my sister this past year. It’s an entirely urban setting and I love it! It allows me to really experience the city and urban living to the fullest!
In November I gave birth to my first child, Liam. He has given me a new perspective on every piece of my life. As far as fitness and health go, it was fascinating to watch my body change through pregnancy and birth, and to use it to feed and take care of my child. It also gave me new motivation for my workouts – not only to get OUT of the maternity clothes, but to be healthy and strong so I can be the best mommy to Liam.
I just discovered your blog a few days ago and LOVE it. Congrats on two years and all the life accomplishments you’ve made!
This past year I tried several new exercises, yoga, bikram and pilates. Each exercise has changed my body for the best.
I would love for you to post your arm workouts. You have the best arms.
Happy Anniversary!
I would love to see a post about how you know how to properly fuel your body. It seems like your job and lifestyle are super active, so I’m sure you burn far above average, but how do you figure out how much food/fuel you need? Do you count calories at all? Eat intuitively?
Congratulations, Jen! That must make me a reader of your blog for a year now, as I began reading when you were diving into your yoga certification. Besides learning about overnight oats from your blog (which are life-changing too!), I took my first Pilates class and joined a local gym. I lost one of my ovaries in an emergency surgery which nearly cost me life, and I have horrible scars throughout my abdomen and swelling due to scarring. How refreshing it was to put all my insecurities aside and do my first sit-up! I am on the path of healing and feel blessed to finally be able to love my body instead of hold grudges against it.
I love PBR. I’d love to see more posts of yoga sequences (or really any other workouts) and the playlists you use in class.
After 5 – years of hard work..I’m finally an RD & just landed my dream job!! Happy Anniversary, Jen:)
Hi Jessica,
I’m thinking about going back to school to become an RD. Can I ask what your dream job is?
I’ve been reading PBR for several months now, and I must say you are my fav healthy-living blogger. I like your balanced approach to fitness and nutrition, you definitely seem more focused on wellness and balance : ) Plus I love seeing pics of your delicious eats and being inspired by your daily workouts.
I am a long time distance runner, but this year I have fallen in live with weight training. It has been a great addition to my fitness routine.
Congrats on 2 years! You’re one of the last blogs I read at the end of the day — save the best for last, right?
A topic I would like to see is how you get those awesome arms of yours! I know you’ve said you would write a post/put a video, so hopefully? 
This Wednesday marks my one year anniversary of starting to take tabata classes at my gym… and I should mention that I’ve had perfect attendance since. (My instructor told me that means I need a tropical vacation, ha.) The class has changed my life in so many ways – I’m stronger than ever, happier than ever, and I’m so grateful to now call the instructor a good friend. And you can never have too many friends! I’m looking forward to many more classes this year!
Thanks for blogging and for everything you do. Yours is a blog I make sure never to miss – keep up the great work and open-faced sandwich inspiration!
Congratulations on two years! I love your blog and your positive outlook on life and health. And I love supporting a fellow UGA grad!
My life has changed so much in the last year. I made going to the gym a top priority in my life and truly love it. I went vegetarian and haven’t felt better mentally and physically. I changed jobs and industries, and I can finally see more of a career path. And I gained a wonderful sister in law! This last year has been such a blessing.
A lot has changed for me in the past year. My husband and I quit our jobs moved three hours away. We also built and closed and moved in to a new house! It’s all good stuff but was so stressful as it went along.
Congrats on the two years! It’s been a pleasure reading your blog.
I finally decided I’m ready to apply to grad schools this fall. I’m excited for all the changes that will come my way.
In the past year, I have moved across the country for work. It was a little intimidating to move to a completely new state and start a brand new job, but I love my new home, and the job has been a great change of pace.
I moved from my home state to Kansas to start a new job this past year! It has been crazy, but a great choice! Happy 2 year anniversary!
Hi Jen!
In the passed year I have graduated from the University of Georgia (I noticed you are a fellow Alumni! Go Dawgs! ) and have almost completed my first year of Physical Therapy school. I moved from Athens Ga to Dahlonega Ga while my mom has moved to Atlanta. I have gotten stronger in my Faith while in Dahlonega Ga, and I have begun doing 5 and 10K’s! I have done the Color run in Atlanta and plan on doing the Warrior Dash in May and hopefully more to come! I would love to hear a blog about what types of food I should be eating to help me benefit more from my workouts and training! I would also love to see a blog about proper running shoe choices as I get overwhelmed with the many different types! I have a problem with Piriformis syndrome when running and I was wondering if you ever struggled with any types of running injuries or issues.
Congratulations Jen!! I love your blog and I always look forward to your posts. What changed for me this past year is I graduated college and got accepted to Law school! Looking forward to beginning my legal education
Moved to a new state and planning an August wedding!
Happy Anniversary!! What changed for me this year is that I got very sick but I am now recovering and have changed my outlook on life. Focusing on getting better, being more positive and relaxed!
I would love to see more of your quotes about healthy lifestyle living. They are so inspirational and motivate me to live my life positively
Congrats on 2 years, Jen! LOVE your blog!
In the past year, my husband lost his job — and he was the main breadwinner. So I went from working 2.5 days a week to fulltime. That was a huge change for me, as I had been part-time since my 10 year old was born (I also have an 8 and 5 year old). Your blog has been an amazing inspiration to me. It’s really helped me stay focused on exercising and eating right even though I’m shlepping into work at the crack of dawn each day. You should see me — I’m now doing Dave Farmar podcasts at 4:30am, blending green shakes on my porch (in the cold – I live in Boston) so the noise doesn’t wake my kids in the wee hours, and doing CrossFit classes at lunch.
I really love all of your ideas and how excited you are for exercising and being healthy. Your enthusiasm is contagious — so thank you!
Keep on blogging!
I started running long distances last summer and was hooked. I’ve done two 1/2 marathons and hope to do a full this fall! Thanks for your inspiration!
Also, I would love to see more blog posts about how you balance all of your exercise and work with family and friends. I know you’re so busy with your job and your workouts. How do you make time for your husband, family and friends?
Congrats Jen!! I love your blog! I’d love to see posts about Yoga and maybe different exercises that we can all try at home
Happy 2 Year Anniversary PBR!!! This past year has shown me so many blessings-a move to a new city, an engagement, countless memories made with friends & family and a new found love for kick boxing!
I would love to see PBR focus on nutrition and is affects on weight loss/maintenance. There are so many differing schools of thought and would love to hear your perspective on nutrition.
Happy Anniversary and Congrats!
This last year I have incorporated weight training into my cardio routines. I never believed I would love how strong it makes me feel.
The most significant way my life has changed in the past year is finding a true direction and purpose. I’ve discovered a passion for health policy, and am pleased to say that upon graduation from NYU in May ’13, I’ll be entering an accelerated Master’s program–an MPA in Health Policy and Management–in NYU’s amazing Wagner School of Public Service, a true dream come true! I’ve never felt more motivated, and it’s spilling over to other areas of my life. I’ve started distance running (before I loathed it), I’m most likely going to intern in D.C. for an NGO this summer, and I’m starting to plan when I’ll get my yoga teacher certification. All exciting stuff! I’ve never felt better!!
my trip alone to China is the biggest life-changer I have ever experienced– and it happened last summer! so worth it! Hope i win!
One thing that has changed for me this year is I got out of a difficult relationship. I am so much happier and stronger now, on my own, than I was before. It’s a scary experience but definitely was for the better. I also discovered your blog this year and love reading about your healthy lifestyle as a fitness and yoga instructor
This year has been a lil insane, from full time school to full time work. I crossfit with a great community, my best friend Hodge is who turned me on too it two years ago. She suffers from crohn’s disease and has had bad flair ups lately. She is constantly in and out of the hospital with this disease, and has tried everything. With the cards stacked against her she has more fight than anyone I have ever met. After being in the hospital for a week she left that day and did the competition Open WOD. She placed 58 this year and will be going to regional’s (only top 60 taken) She pushes every physical limitation put in front of her, constantly proving doctors wrong. She forces me along with my community to be a better athlete every day, with just her example. That being said, I think you should do a post on people you know or have come in contact with. One’s that most people would not realize have certain limitations but still have a indomitable will to be/do better, that no matter what keep pushing through.
Congrats on your Blog Birthday!
The biggest life change in the past year for me has been my back injury. Having a herniated disc was completely eliminated my favorite form of exercise, rowing, but I am learning to get more into new ones, like running and yoga. I am now hopefully on the upswing of this injury to I hope there are many more changes to come in 2012.
I’ve gotten engaged in the past year!
I enjoy reading it so much! I would love to read more about your crossfit experience! I’m a fellow crossfitter and love hearing others talk about their experience! I just got my kipping pull up– hang in there!
Congrats on PBR’s anniversary
Hi Jen! Long time lurker, but I love PBR and use it often for fitness + nutrition inspiration. You seem to switch up your fitness routine fairly frequently; I’d love to see a post on how to avoid plateauing and tips on setting new goals for yourself.
In the past year I have started running on a regular basis and ran my first two races!
YAY! Congrats on 2 years!!!
Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway. Whoever wins (hopefully me) will be one happy and lucky person.
Well the past year I started a new job, moved and got married to my best friend! It really couldn’t have been a more exciting and stressful year.
i’d love to see a post about your favorite snacks on the go, like a review of all natural energy bars or something. LOVE your blog. I look forward to every post
My husband and I made a life-changing move from Florida to Idaho in August. Sadly, we think the move was overall a mistake, but there have been some bright spots (this part of the country is beautiful and we’ve met a handful of pretty amazing people, for instance). We are both learning a lot about ourselves, too, so that’s also positive.
Happy second anniversary!
Congrats on two years!!! The past year has been challenging and rewarding. I made a job switch as well and am now doing something that I LOVE!! I’d love to see a post about what you’ve learned about blogging itself and how you stay plugged into the networks. Do you go to conferences or participate in ad networks. i am continuously inspired by you. Keep it up girl!
In the past year, I have transitioned from college student to teacher. A huge life change that has had more than it’s fair share of highs and lows. Overall, though, I know it has been a valuable learning experience that will ultimately make me a better person. With the school year almost behind me, I am making yet another great leap by venturing outside the bounds of the only state I’ve ever known (Georgia) and heading to Colorado to be a live-in nanny for a family in Lake City. WOW.
As far as your blog, I would love to see tips about health and fitness on the go. What do you do in hotel gyms or when there isn’t a good place to get out and run? And when you go on trips how do pre-plan to avoid eating bad on the go OR how do you manage to brave fast food etc. and still make good choices. These are things I struggle with when I get super busy.
In the past year I started practicing yoga and changed jobs. Miss taking your classes.
Happy 2 years! One thing that has changed my life is YOGA! I am dumbfounded by the enormous change it has/is doing for my body AND mind. My yoga mat has become y little piece of tranquility after some long, busy days. Aaahhhh…..Namaste. Oh! And your overnight oats come in a VERY CLOSE second place. I make it to lunch without binging or snacking.
I feel a little like you…how hasn’t life changed?? I’m a senior in college and just looking to figure out life. My division 1 sport ended. I accepted a job in DC. Then I got accepted to NYU…the list goes on! It has been great to read your blog and see your changes while going through mine!
i’m not usually one to participate in stuff like this, but in this past year i have accepted a new job and moved half way across the country from washington dc to oklahoma city where i didn’t know a soul. it’s been a pretty difficult transition and there are few things i love about my life here aside from my job, but it has been such an incredible year of self discovery, or rediscovery as it were. i have found my yoga practice again. i’ve started going to (and loving) zumba. i’ve learned how to cook for myself and live on a much, much smaller budget. and last but not least, i have relished every moment i’ve had with my pup as my constant companion. i know it’s nothing mind blowing, but it’s been an interesting year to say the least! ps i really, really love the blog!
I’m a mom of four who’s finishing grad school this year – graduate in May. This year has meant a grueling year of school coupled with a grueling unpaid internship. What I’ve learned? I can do really hard things, and do them well.
I’d love to see you talk more about the science (soft or hard) of how to have gotten and stay so fit. You have a very defined and lean, muscular body that allows you to do all kinds of awesome things. Lift heavy? Continuous cardio or HIIT? Are you just naturally lean and muscular?
Happy anniversary!
Hi Jen,
Congratulations not the anniversary and your successful career change! I actually just discovered PBR a few days ago, but was immediately struck by your story – I currently am working in marketing / event planning and am considering yoga teacher training and a career change to the health and fitness industry!
The big thing that changed in the past year of my life was a good friend losing her battle with Leukemia. I have never been a runner, but to fundraise in her memory I decided to train for a half marathon. Not only did I complete the half, but I continued on and ran my first full marathon this past January! I have fallen in love with running, started doing yoga regularly and discovered the amazing blogging/ running community. Although it’s been less than a year I can not imagine my life now without any of these things!
I became a board member of a mentoring program and I have grown so much through these amazing experiences! It’s given me amazing leadership skills and made me feel more confident about my future/ career goals.
Over the past year I started yoga teacher training! I won’t lie, you were part of my inspiration to participate in this wonderful experience
Happy 2 years!
I just accepted a Dietetic Internship at Appalachian State. It’s actually how I started reading your blog
I will be moving from Illinois to North Carolina and am so excited (and freaked out)! So while life is steady today, change is coming!!!!
Oh and i also just started blogging
Big changes this last year … Bought a house, quit my job, and had a baby. How’s that
Congrats on 2 years of blogging and your recent accomplishments!
This past year my husband and I packed up our comfortable lives in northern Virginia and moved to Kenya! It’s been quite the adventure…
Congrats on two years! One big change in my life the past year has been doing yoga on a regular basis!
Wow so many comments! I’m from New Zealand so I’m not eligible for the prizes, but this seems like a good time to take the opportunity to say thanks.
I really enjoy your blog on multiple levels. First, it inspires me to eat healthy food and to listen to my body, while at the same time enjoying food. I’ve still got work to do in that area but I’m freshly inspired every time I read your blog.
Thanks also for getting me more in to circuit classes, weights classes and yoga. I’ve especially loved trying yoga, I always leave the class feeling so good! It’s slowly becoming a bigger part of my life and I think my days are better for it. I also really enjoy showing friends your backbend video. So awesome! It would be so insanely cool if I could do that one day!
So yep, THANKS JEN! Love the blog, keep it up!
I’d love to see more posts about yoga, especially regarding how to develop a personal practice at home. I love the guidance of an instructor but I can’t always afford classes or a yoga studio. That shouldn’t mean I have to completely give up yoga just because I don’t have someone telling me what to do.
Congrats!! One big change the past year is involving my entire family in my new health and workout (including weight lifting) habits. It’s been a positive addition for sure and it helps me bond when I call my parents (from college) to see what workouts they’ve been up to
Congrats!!! One thing that has changed for me this year is I have gotten stronger. I have started lifting more weights and can start to see a difference.
Congratulations! I love your blog so much…you inspire me through your eats and workouts daily. I hope your blog continues for many more years
One change in my life over the past year is that I changed jobs. Much less stress, but I do wish I had more clarity as you did where exactly I’m supposed to be! I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up
My big change was getting introduced to your blog and then the world of blogging and starting my own lame blog. I start “every day” with reading your blog while enjoying a fresh brewed cup of coffee and some breakfast. Your blog always puts me in a cheerful mood to tackle the day. I kept the smoothie challenge going and I now make a smoothie every day after work and have it after I run or do some type of exercise. I played your video of Sullie getting a new toy to my golden Brandi to show her how she should act when getting a new toy.
I would love to read about how you manage to stay motivated to continue working out daily, cooking amazingly healthy meals after the end of a long day, and if you ever have days where you just sweep all of your will power under the rug. I find it very hard to menu plan and cook healthy meals after long work days. Also have you ever dealt with any food insecurities, such as binging or anything? It seems to be common in women unfortunately.
I found out I was pregnant with #2 (due next week). I haven’t worked out with this one like with my first and I have learned a valuable lesson!!! I am so excited to pick it back up again!
Congrats on two years! keep up everything you do here on PBR! its my motivation every morning!
It’s been a crazy year…got engaged, started planning a wedding and now have an offer out on a house. I love the changes just a year can bring!
Hi Jen! Congratulations on 2 years of PBR! Great giveaway! The biggest change in my life in the past year has been moving home from a year spent volunteering in Ireland, and now I’m gearing up to move to Germany with my boyfriend who I met while I was abroad. Lots of changes around here!
Being based in Scotland I can’t enter your wonderful giveaway but I just wanted to leave a comment to thank you for all the time and effort you put in to your wonderful blog. I’ve been reading for about a year and a half and you’re still my favourite fitness/health blogger in my reader! I look forward to reading your posts each day and really enjoy your recipes and workout tips.
I’ll answer your questions anyway for fun:
– my big change in the last year was accepting my relationship with my long term partner was over and moving out to start fresh by myself. I re-committed myself to running and set myself a badass single-gal goal of completing my first ultramarathon, and crossed the finish line of a 33 mile race in March 35 minutes under my goal time.
– I would love to see more Sullie posts and pictures on PBR! I am a big Sullie fan – she is adorable!
I got married and finished my graduate degree in Elementary Education
Congrats!! In the last year it’s been a new job and new house (the house a little over a year, but close enough).
one year ago, i was depressed from an injury that forced me to temporarily stop dancing (my profession) while simultaneously fighting an eating disorder that no one was aware of. i was terrified of the future. then over the summer, and as the year went on, i slowly started to recover. many different things helped me, but one of them was reading blogs, including yours. you helped me to see the positive and make me believe that there was a light at the end of the tunnel; i CAN do what i want to do. i can honestly say i am no longer terrified of the future. i look forward to the unknown. you are so inspirational. so thank you <3
Congrats on two years! I’ve been following you for a about 18 months now and LOVE your blog! You are so positive, upbeat, full of inspiration and challenges (7 day green smoothie).
One thing that’s changed in my life this year is after watching several DVD’s and thinking about food, I’ve gone almost totally meatless! Fish is about the only meat besides eggs I eat. I feel better and seem to have more energy.
An idea for a blog post would be your thoughts on working out after age 55. I’m 56 and push myself (I think) to sweat and get my heart rate up daily but somedays my body says enough! Yoga the other day was a chore not the flow I wanted when I stepped on my mat.
I’m sure most of your readers are younger but they will be middle age some day!
Congratulations again! Keep up the wonderful positive read! I love it!
This is a great milestone for PBR!! Congrats! I’ve enjoyed following your journey – and you’ve inspired me (and the Hubs) in many ways!!
Life changing, literally right now: moving to Florida for my career, Hubs found a job too! Our lives are about to be turned upside down in a great way in the next 6 weeks
crazy excited!!
Thanks for sharing so much here, keep the fitness lessons/encouragement coming – and Sullie updates!
Happy Anniversary! I love your blog! I would love to see more topics about Yoga… what the poses mean, what to wear, etc… i love me some yoga! I also have chnaged in the past year by not being so obssesed with erxercise. I would let it ruin y day if I didnt get a workout in, I would cancel plans to get a workout in, and it controlled evrything. It was hard to learn to let go but now I work out b.c I enjoy it and if I miss a day I dont feel so bad anymore. I wouldnt say i dont struggle with it at all but it doesnt consume my thoughts that much anymore. Thanks for your blog!
I think each year, especially this past one, brought many big changes for everyone it seems!
A year ago, I was finishing two years as a Teach for America corps member. I taught 85 9th and 10th graders suffering from learning disabilities. I went into teaching with a preconcieved notion of what it takes to be a teacher. I visualized teaching my students the use of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter and the power of foreshadowing as employed by Edgar Allen Poe. The reality, to say the least, was starkly different. At the ages of 14-19, more than half of my students read at or below a fourth-grade reading level. Some of my students were completely illterate. While I fell in love with my students, teaching did a number on my personal and mental wellbeing. I spent the final few months of my teaching career wishing away the days until I was able to move into my new job at a philanthropy. And, a few months later, I did. However, each day I am reminded of the lessons my students taught me, the reliciency I learned I am capable of, and the reality check that has served me so well as I have transitioned into this new job. The experience I was so quick to move away from is the one that grounds me each day. I am loving my new job, absolutely loving Charlotte and finally enjoying living with my puppy and boyfriend for the first time. For me, this past year has been a reflective one and one full of many blessings and realizations. I absolutely love your blog, your spirit and commitment to your goals, Jen! You inspired me to go after my goals, fitness and otherwise, with grace and resolve.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful giveaway!
Jen, I have never commented before, but I absolutely love reading your blog. You are such an inspiration while also keeping it real, which I really enjoy. I went back to school for my Master’s this year. It has been challenging, yet rewarding!
Happy Anniversary! I’ve been reading for a while and just love your blog, please keep doing exactly what you’re doing! In the past year I’ve gotten married, which has been a big change for me, but in a good way. =). Great giveaway, thanks!
One thing that has changed my life this past year has been actively seeking rcovery for my eating disorder. It has been a hard year, but also so rewarding! I have a great team of people helping me, as well as family and friends who are so supportive.
Jen, I really enjoy reading your blog every day! I like the mix of daily eats and exercises that you post about!
Something I would love to see more of on the blog is the WOD’s that you do (and other fun circuit workouts)! I try to do them myself @ home or at the gym when I can.
Something that has changed this past year: I got married last June & we went to Alaska for our honeymoon. I also travelled to Japan/China for work which was new!
Thanks for blogging!
I’ve started bikram yoga in the past year. It went from something I was terrified of to something I cant imagine not having in my life. I am obsessed! Also, I love your blog and format I don’t think you should change a thing!
Happy Anniversary, PBR!!! I hope there will be many more years of this blog because it has become a daily stop for me!
We are still in the middle of our big changes of the year: Renovating a house in the country and waiting for our third baby to arrive in July!
One thing that has changed my life in this past year was definitely my eating disorder. Not just living with one but also getting the farthest I have ever come to recovering from it within the past couple months. It’s has changed my life for good and for bad and it has taught me many, many things. Recovery has helped me grow as a person
Congrats on 2 years! Your blog is my first stop each morning! This past year, I’ve learned to run more, be on my mat more and stress less! I did my first 10K (Charleston Bridge Run) the other week and it was great!
it’s been fun to follow you through so many changes in your life! it’s very inspiring to read about each day!
I would love to know good at home workouts that don’t require a lot of time. I work really long days and I have a small window of free time that is usually consumed with dinner, showering and errands. I’m not afraid to work really hard in that short period of time!
Congrats on all of your successes this year!
I graduated college last May, moved back closer to home and began a new job. I’ve never been happier. Congrats on 2 years… I LOVE your blog!
First, just want to say that I thoroughly enjoy your blog and am a fellow Charlottean! It has really inspired me to go for what I want rather than settling; so than you! Something that changed for me over this past year is I started going back to school for nursing. However, what lies deeper in me is to become a yoga teacher/personal trainer and will begin focusing on that after I finish this semester in May.
Congrats and Happy Anniversary on your two years as PBR! I couldn’t be more happier that I found your blog, I follow it everyday!!
The big change in my life is, that I have never really been someone that cooks at all, but since I found your blog I am always trying to make time to try the different things that you post, overnight oats, open faced sandwiches, green smoothie’s. I try and order stuff that you recommend the squirrel nut peanut butter.. which was delicious. You have inspired me so much into trying different things!! thank you and keep it up!!!
A year ago today I was still in college. Since then I have moved to a new city, started my first big job in business, dealt with a LOT of family changes, and ran the NYC marathon. I am a changed person.
Well, we just found out that our grant is being cut from the State Budget so I am back on the hunt for a job. I was a bit anxious at first (who wouldn’t be?) but I am trying to take this as an opportunity to look for something different and/or re-invent myself, professionally speaking. We’ll see
I have been going to a local Yoga studio for the past year and a half or so and I love it. However, I find that some instructors are more approachable than others when it comes to asking questions, figuring out how to safely get in & out of a posture, etc. Plus, when the studio is full of 50 people, I want to be respectful of everyone’s time and not ask a million questions. It would be great if you could post ‘how-to’s’ of how to get into certain postures (e.g. arm balances, etc.) While I know Yoga isn’t about competition or who can hold what posture, it is nice to feel like I can practice some of the more challenging postures initially at home before trying to go further in the studio. Thanks!
Happy Blog-versary!
Congrats on 2 years of PBR, Jen! The biggest change in my life this year has been career changes. My husband and I both got new jobs after a really long period of unemployment/job dissatisfaction, so the career changes are all good!
In the past year I have graduated from college, gotten certified as a personal trainer, and worked on a cruise ship (now I am back home!).
This past year, I broke free of the need to be someone other than me. It’s a very long story, but in short, I ended up going to India only to come home immediately. I am so relieved to not be living to please someone else and to be free to be me! Your blog has certainly been a tool in getting me where I want to be! Keep it up! And for question two, I’ll say it again- more videos!!
Have a good day!
Congratulations on two years!!!
So much has happened in my life over the past year, its hard to choose just one thing! I guess the thing I’m most proud of is my recovery from a knee injury and surgery. After surgery, I struggled for a long time trying to get back into shape-something I’d never had to do before. I was always an athlete growing up and didn’t know how to start from the bottom. I think I’m FINALLY back to where I was-if not a little better, and it’s been 3 years! It’s been incredibly tough but a lot of times that motivates me to workout since I never want to be out of shape again!
I graduated Yoga teacher training 2 weeks ago. I did the 200hr training with Rolf Gates, and it took place over the past year. The teacher training journey has been amazing, and has changed every aspect of my life….And I am engaged!!
Congrats on PBR’s 2nd anniversary!!! So awesome!! I love how you can see all of your hard work lead to such great things on the blog.
I wish you the best in your future endeavors and am sO happy I found your blog!! 
One thing that has changed in my life over the past year would be going gluten-free. I know it’s not the best for everyone but for me it has made quite the difference. Even though I was negative for Celiac Disease I found that I have an intolerance avoiding it in my diet has been the best thing!!
One thing I might like to see is maybe more product reviews or a workout move of the week? I think either would be a fun addition on PBR
Congrats on the 2 years! I took the first step to my goal of becoming a full time personal trainer by taking my Level 1 CrossFit Cert this past weekend! Next up, a personal training cert. I just have to decide which one, although I keep hearing wonderful things about the one you took with NASM.
is it possible to maybe do a short yoga video of the most basic poses? i really want to try yoga but it really intimidates me. a mini class that i could follow along so i would know what to expect would be awesome!
You are such an inspiration! In the past year, my husband and I welcomed our daughter, Lucy, into our family, and my father-in-law passed away very suddenly. These events have changed my life and my outlook. I am now striving to live a healthier, fuller, more positive life for me and my family. Thanks, Jen!
I started doing triathlons over the past year, and it has made me appreciate my body!
I got certified in kickboxing!
Happy Blogiversary!! I have been a reader for almost a year, when i was training for my first 5k, and now I’ve done that AND completed my first half marathon! That was a big year for me, and now I am looking forward to ways to incorporate new fitness routines into my life – and your blog is always such a great inspiration!
Congratulations on 2 years! Your blog has inspired me to eat a healthier diet and to incorporate strength training into my weekly workouts. I go to body pump classes twice a week and love the way it has changed my body.
Hi Jen! The biggest thing to change for me in the last year is becoming pregnant! I’m 14 weeks right now and could not be happier. Thank you for your blog – you’re so inspirational! CONGRATS on 2 years!!
I’ve really enjoyed reading! My biggest change is that in the past year I’ve run 2 half marathons and will be doing my third in 2 weeks. I never thought I’d do something like that. I may be slow, but I still do all 13.1 miles!
Happy Anniversary! That is great, I love reading your blog! Well, I have gone from 48% body fat in 2009, to 22% now. It’s been more than the last 1 year, but it has been such a life changing journey for me. 135 lbs lost! I have developed such a passion for nutrition and fitness. I would love to see more of the business side of the fitness industry on the blog, as you progress in your new position. Thank you for sharing your life
Happy Blog Anniversary, Jen! PBR keeps getting better.
One big change for me happened just this past weekend — I passed my training for Les Millx CXWORX! I love this format and the way that LMI is in tune with new fitness developments and challenging members in new ways!
I also agree with the post above from Lisa. It will be great to hear more about the business side of group fitness.
Congrats on 2 years! I found you’re blog about 6 months ago and it’s one of the few I read every day
In the last year, I started lifting weights more. Before, I did cardio religiously (and I still do), but once I added the lifting, I felt even better and lost a few pounds in the process
I’d love to see more product reviews on your website – anything from beauty to fitness. I always like to see what other people think about a product before trying it out myself!
I’ve been a silent reader for a few weeks, and i really love your blog. You have the courage and the drive to follow your dreams! One thing that has changed for me this year? I have started to exercise on a regular basis. I have a very long way to go with it, and am not a pro, but reading about others who have been successful with fitness in their lives are so motivating for me. Thank you so much for your example!
Congratulations on 2 years! This past year has brought the opportunity to work from home for me–life changing! More time to devote to healthier meals and work outs.
Hi Jen – Congrats on the 2 years!! This blog never fails to inspire me to eat healthier and be more active, so thank you.
One thing that has changed in my life in the past year is I had a 5 1/2 year relationship end, and it was not a decision I really wanted at the time. It was extremely hard, I hit countless low-points along the way, and it continues to be a struggle at times, but anyone who’s gone through a breakup knows the learning process, and I focused so much of my energy on learning as much about myself as I possibly could, how I reacted to feelings of betrayal, hate, loss, self-loathing, all of the ugly feelings, and I put my energy into overcoming those feelings and trying to rise above. I’ve learned volumes about who I am, who I want to be, the kind of people I want to be around and the kind of person I want to be with. Yoga has been a part of my life for several years now, so it was therapeutic to be able to go back to the mat when I just needed to clear my head, calm my mind, or overcome a bad mood. The moves were the same they’ve always been, but it was amazing to see how practicing them at this troubling time in my life gave them a different meaning than they had years ago. I challenged myself with staying positive, putting healthy foods in my body, and trying new things like strength training classes (which I’ve always struggled with), running a 5k (will be my first), paddleboarding, golf, waterskiing…the list goes on. And go figure, I had so much fun in the process! Facing this difficult situation the way I have has taught me how to face any difficult situation in the future, and makes me so confident and hopeful that I can overcome much harder things to come.
Hey, Jen!
Congrats on the two year anniversary!
One major way my life has changed in the past year is that this time last year I was trying to last-minute decide where I was going to attend an accelerated BSN program…now I’m about to graduate with my nursing degree in less than a month! Pretty surreal…
This year was a big one for me too – and it’s about to change even more! I have been working in the same job for two and a half years now, and have decided to go back to graduate school, so I spent the last several months working hard on applications, scholarship applications, etc, and have been accepted into several schools! I’m so excited and proud of myself for the transition, and I’ve decided to quit my job a little early and take some time off this summer to do a yoga teacher training before going back to school – it will be busy and all new, but I’m really excited for some changes and new inspiration.
Congrats on Year 2…. As for things I have changed this past year… I’ve taken up long distance biking and yoga. Two great things.
As for topic on the blog, probably injury prevention ideas, product reviews, and proper positions for basic yoga poses.
I hope PBR has a great next year.
I would love to read a post about how you fit it all in! When I get home from work, the last thing I have energy to do is cook a delicious and healthy meal. What is your schedule/routine like for grocery shopping, planning meals, and cooking them?
I got a puppy! It was hard work but so worth it to have such a good companion, especially for running!
I started competing in triathlons, and my lifestyle has done a 180. I love it!
Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary! Here’s to another good year on PBR.
I hate to sound cliche – because it is – but becoming a mom this year changed me a lot. And not just in the “I never sleep” kind of way. It’s helped me value and prioritize my health and fitness, as well as allow me to accept my best for right now instead of expecting perfection in each run/workout.
Hi Jen! Love your blog- thanks for hosting this giveaway! I would love to see a post detailing calories/ideal eating for lifelong health and maintaining weight. How do you maintain? You look awesome- I know you work out all the time but I was wondering what your eating plan is…thanks!
Congrats! It’s great that hear how your blog has helped and inspired you over the last 2 years. I’d love to start my own blog, but am waiting for the right time to begin to come. Sounds silly doesn’t it?
One thing that has changed my life over this past year has been following blogs. Each of them has motivated me in a different aspect in my life. They make difficult hobbies, events, recipes, exercises seemtangible! I began training for a half marathon, eatting better and exploring new foods and recipes.
Hi Jen,
One thing that I’ve changed in the past year: taking control of my happiness. 2011 was probably the worst year of my life and I tried to ease my sadness by depending on anti-depressants, which only worked temporarily. In August or September of last year, I 86’d the drugs and started seeing a psychologist. Since then, my personal growth has been out of this world. I’ve learned so much about myself and why I am the way I am and what makes me tick. It is so refreshing to do something productive about my mental health rather than just mask symptoms of unhappiness. 2012 has been a great year so far and I’m optimistic for the future!
My life changing moment was on October 21st, the day after my birthday & 4 days post marathon… I found out I was pregnant! Now here I am due in less than 8 weeks and still running as often as I can.
I have to say, I love this blog. I have been reading for a year now, through my pregnancy with my first child. The experience of being pregnant and becoming responsible for another human changed my outlook on eating and health. I started researching nutrition and exercise online and ran into this blog. It is definately a journey for me even now after my son is born. I have to wake up every day and remind myself of how good i feel when I eat right and exercise as opposed to when I treat myself poorly with junk food. But I am slowly turning my life around and making my health a priority.
One thing that has changed my life this past year is being a more optimistic person and being more grateful towards the little things in my life. It’s amazing what having a lot more positive thoughts on life can do to you mentally!
Happy blogversary! I have been reading your blog for about 6 months now and it has helped me have more of an interest in living a healthy lifestyle. I have quit smoking “cancer sticks” and eating food that makes me feel better. I got married last May and that has changed my life by allowing me to think about someone other than my daughter and myself. I also just had to have surgery a couple of weeks ago and that was a big wake up call because I was not taking care of myself like I was suppose to. I now understand that it is really not that hard to take my medicine and drink water to prolong my life. I hope after the doctor gives the okay that I can start running and becoming more active overall. Thank you for having this awesome and inspirational blog for people to read!
Happy Birthday, PBR! Love love love this blog and I’m so glad you’re still writing it even with your crazy busy life!
The biggest change for me was having a kid! She’s been the biggest and best change of my entire life.
My biggest change this past year was getting married, starting my MBA, and still trying to stay active. Love your blog, you’re an inspiration!
My life has been changed for the greater in the last year. After years of trying we finally have our little baby boy! Of course I knew my life would change with this and it has been great but I’ve also been able to keep who I was alive in still doing the things I enjoy – I just have a little side kick with me now
A few more recipes would be great and some strength-training workouts.
In the last year I trained for and ran my first marathon! Not too long ago I had the mindset that I’d never be able to do that.
I have started running more frequently (aiming to run a full marathon in July!) and I have been trying to eat healthier. It’s been a slow process, and some days are better than others, but I’m slowly starting to make changes.
Happy Anniversary!!
The biggest thing that has changed for me over the past year is my Dad being added to “the list” to receive a kidney donation. I would personally like to be his donor but have to lose some weight for testing and surgery. Because of this I started Crossfit (which I love, and has become another huge life altering endeavor!). Your blog is inspiring and helps keep me motivated to keep dropping weight and live a healthy life so in turn, I can help save my Dad’s.
Congrats on your blogging anniversary! A big milestone in my life this year was celebrating our first year of marriage!
Congratulations on 2 years of blogging Jen!Your blog has inspired me to incorporate more strength training into my weekly workouts. My boyfriend and I have also decided to get a Golden–thanks for the breeder referral!
Congrats on 2 years! In the last year, I swear hot yoga has changed my life. My first class was so intense – I could barely make it through 90 minutes. Now I go to power yoga 4 days a week, and hot yoga 1-2 days per week.
As for ideas I’d love to see on your blog…I love reading your recipes and seeing your meal pics. Keep that up for sure! I am also interested in learning more about the Paleo diet. My boyfriend is really interested in it, and I know you’ve talked about it a bit before on the blog. I think it would be interesting to try that diet for a week.
I moved across the country from Long Island NY all the way to Anchorage AK… It has totally changed my life for the better
I couldn’t be happier or more thankful to be where I am RIGHT NOW!!!
I started doing triathlons this last year and started training for my first marathon. I have also started on the journey towards a clean eating diet which has been challenging but I am enjoying the challenge. I love your blog, I am new reader and it’s a great, thank you!
Happy 2 year anniversary!
One thing that has changed my life is the incorporation of heavy weights into my workouts. My workouts are so much more fun now that I am not on the treadmill for hours and hours!
Absolutely love the blog so I can’t think of anything I’d like to add…just keep your posts coming!
This year has been big for me. I decided to become a group ex instructor (in addition to juggling my full-time job) and while it has been exhausting, it has been very rewarding in addition to inspiring! I have been teaching Spinning, barre and Piloxing, and have plans to move forward with my Pilates Reformer training and hopefully someday, a 200 hour yoga certification
Happy Anniversary!
Over the past year, I have really tried to incorporate more weight lifting into my workouts. It’s so easy to just go to they gym and bust out some cardio but I know how important weight training is to my overall health.
In the last year, my most significant change has been adding a new doggie to my family. I picked up a cute terrier mix I found wandering over in NoDa….and 6 months later she’s now part of the family! Fitting her (Frannie Pancakes) in with my 2 pugs has been interesting as their energy levels are at opposite ends of the spectrum! But I love her just as much! (and it’s kinda nice to have a ‘real’ dog in the house!)
I’d also love to see how you manage to balance your personal (marriage/friendships/etc) life with all the things you do outside! Balance is the hardest thing in the world for me!
Thanks for your blog! I love it!
I vowed to make this past year one of the best of my life… and I can say I succeed! I went from casually practicing yoga once a week to joining a studio and being there 3-4 times a week. I’m 57 pounds lighter and 100% happier. I committed myself to be PRESENT, surrounding myself with people who love me as is, and living as fully as possible.
What a great year its been for me… I hope the same for you and for many years to come!!
What a sweet way to celebrate two outstanding years! The biggest change for me has been the introduction of green juice into my day, and the significant reduction in the amount of gluten and dairy I’m eating. I feel so great as a result.
Also, I often wonder how you can wait until so late to eat dinner some nights. How do you stave off the hunger pangs long enough to work out and then cook a whole dinner, rather than just diving into chips and salsa?
Congratulations on the second anniversary!! Its crazy how much things can change in just a year. In this last year I have gone through the biggest change of my life. I got pregnant and had my first sweet little baby with my husband. It has definitely changed my life drastically but for the better and I am loving each and every day with my little boy!
Happy Anniversary! I always enjoy reading.
This year brought huge changes, I moved across the country, started exercising, lost 20 pounds (with more to go) and have tried to develop the habit of simply living within each moment (rather than always looking to the past or to the future). It’s been a challenging year, but one full of change and growth
What a good question…I think the biggest change this past year is my relationship with my family and not holding myself responsible for them! Letting GO!
A change for me this year is that my husband and I got our first fur-kid, a sweet Morkie. She is precious and honestly has enriched our lives more than I ever imagined a little puppy could do.
Happy Blogiversary!
The biggest change for me has been getting braces. Still have another year to go.
Happy 2 years!
The biggest change in my life has been incorporating yoga into my fitness! Love it!
Happy Blogaverasy! In the last year I have conquered the half marathon twice!!!!! something that just two years ago wasn’t even a thought in my mind!
Congrats on the 2 years! I am a newer reader, but have read through some of your earlier posts too. I really enjoy reading!
I would love to read more about Yoga (perhaps sample flows or series?) and how you come up with routines for the classes (any class – not just yoga) you teach.
yay, 2 years! and what’s not to love, you’ve got a great head on your shoulders, great style. I love your workout videos, you could do those more, or discuss some hard-hitting issues, like depression and health, dealing with health challenges, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, happy weight challenges, overeating and stuff, just to spur debate and discussion.
Congrats on 2 years!
My biggest changes have been moving back home to Wisconsin (from Kansas), going back to work full-time as Fitness Center manager of a corporate site, and giving up Diet Coke!!
More posts about yoga poses and benefits, etc.
A key change for me this year was my personal definition. I used to think of myself as a girl who works out, a girl who sometimes runs, a girl who sometimes does triathlons, but this year I have really embraced the idea of myself as an athlete, a runner even! I have shifted my thinking from this being something I do to this lifestyle being who I am and what defines me. It’s brought with it a whole new perspective and boost of confidence.
Thank you for your blog. Though I may have found it only recently, I have thoroughly enjoyed it and I appreciate how open you are with your readers and how personable you are in real life. I’m honored to have met you!
I became a marathon runner! It is one of my biggest accomplishments! It wasn’t necessarily the race it self, more the training process. I was dedicated and determined. I gained more confidence and happiness from within than I have ever experienced!
A second congrats! A big milestone in my life this year was making the decision to switch career paths and apply to grad schools and get my masters in nursing. I start in September and am so excited to start this new chapter!
The biggest push for me this year was turning 29. I truly believe age is all in your mentality, but something about realizing “Yikes! did I spend my twenties the way I wanted to?” was incredibly motivational. It reminded me of the preciousness of time and importance of seizing the moment, and that you create your own reality and happiness. Me, not other people, places, or things, – I determine my own attitude and only I can make the positive changes in health & happiness that I desire. Congrats on the blogiversary!
Happy two years! I ran across your blog during yoga teacher training and have followed it ever since. I will say that finishing yoga teacher training and starting to teach regularly was the biggest change in my life in the past year. Teaching keeps me honest with myself and on the right path and I am finally at the point where I don’t get so nervous and after I teach I have the same feeling of calmness and clarity that I feel after I practice myself. I say more yoga posts and I LOVE when you post your yoga playlists
I would love to see more workouts you could do at home with little equipment. Your jungle-gym workout was great! Congrats on 2 years!
First, congratulations on 2 years! So awesome!
I adore your blog and you are so unbelievably inspiring! One major thing that’s changed for me in the last year is that I also got my 200 hour yoga teacher certification and it has changed my life so much for the better! I love what I do and am so happy to be helping people and keeping them healthier/happier with yoga.
Happy Birthday PBR! This year as a college freshman I began running for the first time in my life. In the fall I finished my first half marathon, and since then I have done two more! I love the way my body feels after a run, and it is something I want to continue for years to come. (and my goals before this year is over is to become a certified ACE personal trainer and a Lululemon ambassador!)
Best of luck to you in the 3rd year of PBR!
One big change I made this year was to walk away from teaching 6th grade (toxic work environment due to poor leadership) and pursue a career in the corporate world! It’s been humbling to start over at the bottom of the ladder, but its been fruitful too. AND! I’m excited to finally start pursuing some of my own dreams in my free time (time I never had before b/c of grading papers and after school activities). My most exciting dream is earning my personal training certification! I’m studying now, and hope to accomplish my goal soon.
Love getting my daily dose of PBR! I think it would be fun to learn about your life outside of food and fitness.. ‘Get to know me’ posts would be fun. I also love all of your recipes & would love to see Bakin & Eggs updated!!
In the last year I’ve become a runner and I never thought I could be one and I’ve learned to love it!
In the past year, we bought our first house! Been a lot of work, but we love it!
The last year has brought me full circle. I lost a significant amount of weight through a combination of healthy eating and exercise. I realized I loved running, and when I developed an injury and couldn’t run, I got very anxious. In an effort to minimize weight gain, I started restricting my calories. It got excessive. Over the course of my eating disorder, I also recovered from my injury. As a promise to love and appreciate my body for all that it allows me to do, I decided to train for a half-marathon. I relearned how to fuel my body with what it needs, and last week I ran that half-marathon. I have a new found respect for my body, and recognize how important it is to nourish your body and mind to be happy.
Congrats on 2 years! In the past year I’ve discovered the joys of working out at 6am. Thanks for being such a great inspiration!
Happy Blogiversary Jen!!! I’m so glad blogging has brought us together.
The thing that has changed in the past year is that my husband and I bought a house together! Our first home; no more renting. I’m so excited.
Yay! Congrats on two years, PBR! I think we all love reading about what you eat so I’d love for you to occasionally provide a copy of your Grocery List, or your “Pantry Staples” list for the items you always have on hand. That way your readers can print it off and re-create those wonderful looking meals at home.
And what’s had the biggest impact on my life in the past year? I got into Graduate School! I too quit my job in the corporate world and am pursuing a masters degree in Public Health and Nutrition. I can’t wait to make a living doing what I love and helping others realize the joys of health. Your story is a great inspiration and example of someone who has made it work. Here’s to many more years for PBR!
I love when you post workouts – like that time you did the series in the park where you ran around, did pullups on the monkey bars, etc. I love ways to change things up without fancy equipment or a gym membership. Congrats on 2 years!
happy (blog)birthday! I’ve come to enjoy getting up earlier in the morning, whether it be to workout, get some work done, or just relax before the craziness of the day really begins. its a peaceful way to start the day.
Over the past year my life has changed so much! After moving away from my family and friends to Pittsburgh (from Houston!) in January 2011, my hubby and I moved back to Houston in December (just 2 days before Christmas!). I went from working from home, back to the office and I’m back to teaching group exercise again! Here’s to another amazing year!
My life has changed a lot in the last year as well! I quit a job that was not fulfilling, took the time to get to know myself and trust my intuition, and I’m having a baby!
Congrats on two year, Jen!
I took a leap and applied to grad school this year. I’m leaving my job next month and taking a 180* career change. It’s scary but exhilarating!!
Forgive me if my comment posts twice…I tried posting from my phone but I don’t think it worked.
Happy anniversary! I would love to hear more about your life with Brandon. How you met, how you got engaged, wedding pictures, etc. It’s just me being nosey
Yay for 2 years of PBR inspiration and motivation!! I have relied on your blog time and time again (and will continue to do so) as I try to live a cleaner, healthier, HAPPIER life. Thank you, Jen!
This past year I have started college and had to move away from home, which has been so incredibly hard. I have learned a lot about myself and what I want to be/do when I “grow up.” =)
ps – I love your recipes…more, please!!
Congrats! One thing that has changed for me this year has been planning our wedding (June 2nd!) I am having way more fun with it than I ever imagined, and I think the process is actually strengthening our relationship.
The biggest change in the past year was moving into my own apartment. It is the first time I have had to cook for myself (prior to this I was living in dorms or living with my parents), and I have been loving it!! I can finally eat exactly what I want and it is so much fun to experiment with new recipe ideas.
Hi Jen,
I’m not from the US but I just wanted to let you know that after the many posts on yoga that you posted, (especially the recent one which showed how long you’ve come since your first yoga workout);
I decided to give it a shot by doing Jillian Michaels’ Yoga Meltdown workout after an especially trying week; and I do feel that I can do this & keep practicing this on a long term basis!
Coming from an ex anti-yoga person, it’s a huge step! And I can totally relate to how it gives you space to be calm and focus on doing a position properly.
One thing that has changed for me over the past year is a started reading healthy living blogs! Yours and many others are inspiring to me. I have struggled with body image and some disordered eating and these blogs have been incredibly helpful. I’ve started lifting more weights, eating more protein, and being proud of the muscle I’ve built and what my body can do! Thanks for sharing your life with us!!
congrats to you!! i got laid off and was able to finally motivate to go to grad school!
One thing that’s changed in my life in the past year is that I left my full time job to complete my studying for personal training and health coaching.
congrats!!! this last year I have finally finished my masters degree and landed an amazing job!!!
I would love to see more posts about what motivates you to exercise and more posts about Lululemon (love them!) on PBR.
Definitely healthy living blogs. They made me realize my passion for life and I am forever grateful!
Congrats on your 2 year anniversary and everything you’ve accomplished in the past year! I am an avid reader of your refreshingly genuine blog, and have been for years! In the last year, I decided to leave my ‘safe’ job to apply to medical school, which I’ll begin in the fall!
Congrats Jen – I love reading your blog every day!
I know I sound like a broken record but BQing and running Boston were the biggest things to happen to me in the past year! It’s something I worked so hard for!
Congrats! It’s always exciting to read when bloggers hit their anniversaries! And congrats on your achievements, as well in the past years. One thing that has changed in the past year of my life is my passion for fitness and nutrition! Well, also my career, too. I’ll be leaving for Air Force basic training in May! After six years, I am hoping to begin a career in health. I would love to be a personal trainer and health coach. Without bloggers like you, I don’t think I would be as interested!
Congrats on two years! You have become the highlight of my daily e-mail reading:)
I would love for you to do a meal plan for a week that included a grocery list. I have two very athletic teenagers-one whom was just diagnosed with Celiac and the other whom is a gluten-intolerant vegetarian. It makes for interesting meal planning at my house, but your meals seems like they could be easily adapted.
The biggest change in my life over the past year came in last September, when my boyfriend was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 21. He’s undergone seven months of highly invasive chemo and several stays in the hospital (the longest being 34 days!) In addition to the stress of having cancer, he’s had to deal with the insurance nonsense that goes along with it and has been loaded with hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills. He’s remained so positive and keeps such a normal life that it constantly reminds me to count my blessings and realize the obstacles in my life aren’t so tough!
I just completed yoga teacher training! You inspired me to take the leap!
I would love to see a video on handstands and/or leap frogs. I’m so intimidated I don’t even know where to begin.
Congrats on 2 years!! Here’s to many more!
Congrats on the two year mark for PBR! I love when you post work out videos. More would be welcomed!!
Happy Blogiversary, PBR! Thanks for all of the hard work you’ve put into your blog, I really enjoy it!
I saw someone else mentioned it, but I like the idea of sharing a favorite workout/fitness related move. This could be cool for you too as you explore more through working at Metro.
As for the biggest change from the past year, i would say it has been exploring yoga. I am a running nerd at heart, so using my time to do something other than run was a big deal for me, but I have loved it! There is so much more to yoga than just considering it a workout. The mental changes alone have helped brighten my life and make me a happier person.
Congrats again on all of the big changes you’ve been through this past year- so inspiring!
Happy blogversary! I’d love to see some basic suggestions for yoga for beginners anything from suggestions on how to find a yoga studio, at home yoga videos, basics to buying a mat and suggestions on how to improve technique.
Congratulations on two years! In this past year, I went back to work in my field (I’ve been a stay at home mama), and love my job. I also have had to accept that my body will no longer let me be a distance runner, as I was before having my daughter. At least, not now, and maybe not ever…we shall see. I have worked very hard to overcome an eating disorder, with years behind me and much more work in front of me. However, now with a daughter, it’s not all about me anymore; she needs to know why I love health and fitness for all of the RIGHT reasons! I’ve made a lot of progress this past year.
Thank you for all of your inspiration and letting us peek into your life!
What an exciting time for your blog and career! Congrats! This year has been big because my husband and I bought our first home…complete with a 3 mile running track in the neighborhood ! I would love to see a post on your favorite workout gear…sports Bras, socks, tanks, pants, shorts. Love your blog! You are amazing!
Congratulations! I have been an avid reader for at least one of those years…if not more! I’m happy to follow a fellow bulldawg’s success! You are really an inspiration!
One thing that has changed for me in the past year is deciding to stay in Charlotte full-time for my job. It’s been difficult to adapt to evolving my relationship with family in Georgia and friends all over the country, but the decision to stay is exactly what I wanted to do for me at this time. I can’t wait to see what is in store!
Cheers to 2 years!!
I have to say the one thing that has changed my life most over the past year is: the AMAZING people who have come into my life, between my church and my places of exercise! I am overwhelmed beyond words by the positive influence each of these new people has had on my life both spiritually and physically, and in making me a better person! I cannot get over the overflowing kindness!
I would also love to see a post about the “best (all around) strengthening exercises” (lunges, pushups- whatever you would “go-to” if you had to pick a few and wanted to get the most for your money:)
Thanks for all you do for us readers!
Congrats on two whole years! Your blog is so inspiring and I can’t wait to see what even one more year will hold for you–you will OWN your own gym
This year inspired by your (and several other) healthy living blogs I have decided to take up running. I had never liked it as a form of exercise, but I realized I hated it just because I was so out of shape! Now that I am into it and in better shape, I am loving it!
And lastly, this year brought me a new career too–One that I have been working towards since graduation from college 4 years ago. I finally landed the job of my dreams!
HOORAY, my friend!! Happy Blogiversary!! Potential topic idea: how you choose a playlist? how you sequence a class? (don’t give away all your secrets of course!!)
As for how my life has changed… i have YOU to thank. THANK YOU for encouraging me to sign up for yoga teacher training. You helped me look at it from all angles, and in the end, I knew I was making the right decision to just DO IT! I can confess to you now that I have a read and reread ALL your teachers training posts from last year multiple times… embarassing, but totally helpful for me to anticipate what I was up for. What an awesome, happy, challenging, rewarding and life-changing experience it’s been already. And I’m already anticipating that my next year will also be full of change.
Change is good!!
love ya!
Congrats on two years!! What fun!!
I am fairly new to your blog but since finding it have sought it out every time I sit down at the computer! I am thrilled to have found your blog and cant wait to read more!
This year…..is big. For 10 years I have had what doctors have called “dangerously high cholesterol”. Until now (my cholesterol was first high when I was 21, and a college athlete no less…) I have felt invincible. Can you believe no physician offered me anything except medications? It took me 10 years and the reality of two baby girls to realize that if not for myself, for my children things must change.
For the last 5 months I have changed my diet in such drastic ways I hardly recognize myself!! And for the first time in 10 years….my cholesterol is normal! Here is to a lifetime of health!!!!!
Thank you for your blog! Its inspiring and energizing!!
I have already left a comment, but I previously thought the change in the past year had to be fitness related. After reading other comments, I realized this was not the case. So here is my revised comment:
On January 28th of this year my little brother passed away in a freak accident. It has been awful to say the least, but one good thing that has come out of it is that I have learned to appreciate my relationships with others. I don’t take my family or friends for granted anymore, and I want to make sure I impart this message to as many people as possible.
Have a wonderful day and remember to appreciate your loved ones!
<3 Lauren
I love your blog-you are really a healthy inspiration! This past year, I have become more dedicated to my running, and have run in 2 half marathons (the last one was this weekend!)
I have gotten married this past year, moved out to Hawaii to work as an Army Nurse at the ICU step down and have been inspired to make the most all the fun outdoor activities Hawaii has to offer. Reading your blog and other healthy living blogs has also helped me really clean up my eats and I feel better than ever! Thanks!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary
I love reading your blog and check it every day!
One thing that has changed my life is becoming a spin instructor…I am a special education teacher and teaching spin class after school has proved to be the best stress relief. I have met some great people and I look forward to teaching my classes 3x per week…I get such a high from instructing (which I’m sure you relate to!) that I wish I could bottle that feeling up and take it with me
I just found your blog and am loving it! Congratulations on 2 years! My life has changed quite a bit in the past year – I lived abroad for about 6 months and have, as a result, really been thinking my life plans. Perhaps instead of becoming a professor (I’m currently working on a PhD), I think I may want to enter the non-profit world and try to start a program based on whole body wellness. But in the meantime, I’m exploring my options while writing and just seeing what comes!
Jen! I meant to say congratulations earlier this week but I got hit with a nasty flu. Anyway, I am so excited for you- this is such a huge accomplishment and I’m so impressed by the incredible community of online readers you’ve built in just two short years! Props to you. Now let’s see… what has changed. I’ve actually had a pretty big year career wise, too. I left my corporate job last June, moved home to the NYC area, and started looking for new work here. While looking for working I had some amazing freelance event planning opportunities come my way. I got really hooked on working for myself and I loved it so much, I decided to stop my job search and start my own event planning business. It hasn’t been amazing but I’ve been so fortunate with the great work I’ve gotten right out of the gate and how much I enjoy my life these days! I feel like I’m constructing the life I want to live- and that is truly empowering. I have to say your posts have been really inspiring and helped pick me up off the floor when I felt like giving up, so thank you! I only wished I lived closer to Charlotte so we could be in person friends! haha…
Congrats on your 2 years!! One thing I’d like to see more of is “beauty” posts. That sounds weird and “not was PBR” is all about. But awhile back you did some posts on skin care, etc which I liked. Love hearing other people’s opinions, good products, etc. Just a suggestion. Keep up the great work!
congrats! happy anniversary!
one big change of this year… bodypump.. it’s become a regular fixture in my routine. love it!
We’ve added 2 dogs to our family – doesn’t seem that big, but it addition to our 2 kids, it’s been a lot!
This past year…actually exactly one year ago today, I ran my first marathon! It showed me that I’m capable of more than I thought and now I’m working on becoming a CPT. Currently I work at a hotel but I am looking to make a career change as soon as I take the test!
Love your blog!! New for me this year is Boot Camp. I added that to my running and can see a huge difference. I hope I win the give away!!!
Congratulations!! Over the past year I changed my major in university to kinesiology. I’m loving my new program and am so excited to pursue a career in exercise physiology! It was a hard decision for me to make, but i am so happy I decided to follow my real passion and do what I love!
In the last year my husband and I quit our jobs, accepted new postions and moved to our dream city of Charleston, South Carolina. We have spent a year getting settled and exploring this beautiful new city!
Something that changed in my life from the past year was getting engaged!! Jamie and I have been dating for almost five years now and it was time! He proposed at the church I volunteer with and our pastor was in on it! What a wonderful change! Excited for the wedding. I love reading your blog and because of you I am eating healthy new foods i never tried–thanks!
A topic I would like to read about would be all the lululemon outfits you wear. There is no lululemon in my state of Iowa, and I would like to know how they fit, or if you think they fit small or large and what the exact pants are that you wear working out, I am looking for a good spandex capri, but longer like yours. I would love to order but I hate having to exchange, etc. Maybe a my favorite lululemon wear post
Just an idea–thanks Jen!
Changed my life: Graduating college, although not in the ways I really was expecting.
This past year I decided that I will be leaving the teaching profession soon. I love teaching, but I’m ready for something new.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! I love reading it! Something that has changed in my life over the past year has been that I discovered yoga. My yoga practice has been life changing and my time on my mat has become a way for me to be a better mother, wife, friend, runner and person as a whole.
congrats on a life changing year!! i think i’ve spent the last year stopping to care what others think about me and just being who i am! does wonders
First congrats on your 2-year blog birthday. It is amazing how quickly time seems to go, but how much actually happens. I love seeing good things happening to people.
Two things have really changed my life in he past year (1) finishing the coursework for my graduate program and getting to live in the same place as my husband again, and (2) running my first marathon. I have fallen in love with running and it allows me to spend some time focusing on myself and making me a better me.
congrats on 2 great years! love the blog. i would love to see a topic about your feelings on pilates. i have been taking for a while now and love it.
I love that the prize is a collection of your favorite things—that’s what makes me want to enter!
I’d love to see a post on laundry. What, you say? Do you wash all your athletic gear after each use? Use special soap? Air dry or toss in the dryer? Sometimes I wonder if washing, say, my yoga pants over and over makes them fall apart sooner…
In the past year my life has changed because I had my 2nd baby. I have loved your blog for inspiration even though I don’t always have the time to execute!
Here’s to many more years of PBR!
congratulations on reaching the 2 year mark, that is so exciting! my life has changed in the last year because I’m finishing my last year of law school and planning a big move.
Congrats on two years! In the past year, I made the decision to go back to nursing school to become an NP, applied and got in!
I ran my first half marathon! and PRed in 3 different 10k’s! I’ve become a runner again after taking a break while I enjoyed the (unhealthy) life of college student!
What a difference a year can make! One year ago today I moved to a new state. Moving was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever done. I started a new career, boy was it scary! I joined the local gym as a way to meet people. I naturally gravitated to the treadmill and started running. I *never* thought I’d be able to run. After six months of running, not only did I run a half marathon, I managed to lose 50 pounds. I’ve been a longtime reader of your blog, and so many times I’ve wanted to email you and let you know how much you have inspired me. Back in January I started cooking a new recipe from BakinandEggs every week. They don’t always turn out perfect, but it’s always good times in the kitchen! One month ago I bought a Groupon to try Hot yoga. Wow, what a challenge! I feel so much stronger already and I am officially hooked. This has definitely been a year of tremendous change and growth for me. Thank you for sharing so much of your life with us, you rock!
Happy 2 years!! In the last year I’ve survived in a new city, obtained my dream job, ended a dead end relationship and have made the best friends I’m not sure how I ever lived without. All of these things have also taught me a lot about myself. I wouldn’t change the last year for anything, even with the heartbreak and fear of moving and moving on!
Congrats! I have so enjoyed your blog in the past month! That’s right! I started reading it when you were doing the green smoothie challenge and I had to check it every day so I could try the recipe you tried! Ever since, it’s become a joy for me to read your blog! I just started my own blog about life, health and fitness and so I love reading yours and getting some new ideas!
This past year, I made the decision with my friend Katy to start losing weight (this was back in September). We worked out together and tried our best to eat healthy! So far I have lost FORTY FIVE pounds! And just celebrated completing my second goal! I am now in the 100’s!! Started out at 243 pounds and now I am at 198! It’s a great feeling and has totally changed my life. I have so much more confidence, I went down FOUR pant sizes! And now I LOVE learning about nutrition, eating naturally and just being healthier in general! This blog has, even in the short time that I’ve been reading it, inspired me and given me so many great ideas! Thank you so much! You’re helping me change my life!
Congrats on 2 years!!! I love your blog, and follow it religiously. You inspire me everyday to live healthy, and love life! I’ve experienced A LOT of change within the past 8 months…having to take the fall semester off of my senior year of college (Davidson) to help my family, and run my mom’s business on my own, support myself financially, relocate across the country (Hawaii!-guess it’s not all that bad), continue my education at a new school, work a part-time job while in school, and deal with the effects of recent break-up all at the same time. Yes, it’s been a lot of change, and really tough emotionally, and at times I feel like giving up. But I know that things always get better, and it’s what you experience in life that makes you grow stronger. I’ve come to learn that by taking care of myself through tons of exercise, and healthy eating, I can feel strong, powerful, and confident, but it’s not without a lot of hard work and dedication. Sometimes life gets in the way, and I seem to forget this, but your blog has been a saving grace, and reminds me that I can do it! So THANK YOU!
this year has been a crazy one for me as well! The main transition I made was to uproot my life in NC and move to Ohio (where i know NOONE) and began a PhD program in business Management. It’s been a crazy year and I am definitely missing my family and friends but loving Ohio and the change is refreshing. (I also LOVE running in Ohio! More fun neighborhoods to explore and the air feels so fresh
) Anyways, I LOVE reading your blog and i look forward to it every day. HAPPY TWO YEARS!!!
Happy 2 years!
This past year has been wonderful for the main reason of meeting a wonderful guy and putting alot of time and love into our new(ish) relationship. I am the happiest I have ever been.
I’ve gotten married, had a baby, and am in the process of moving to a different state! Funny how things change, huh?
Congratulations on two years! I really enjoy your daily updates and I LOVE when Sullie shares the spotlight! I have a three year old hound mix named Georgia & she is my heart (I bet she & Sullie would be great friends).
I hope this counts, but my “big change” this past year is currently in progress. My husband graduates from residency in two months, and we’re planning to move back home to GA to be closer to family and for him to start his dermatology practice. As you know, any big career move takes months of planning. Where will we live? Is this a good business site? What lawyer/cpa/architect/etc should we go with?Should we start a family in the midst of this craziness? And what direction will my career go once we move? And that’s where we are now….getting ready for the next big phase of our lives. It’s been twelve years in the making (college, med school, residency) and I’m so proud of him. It’s exciting and stressful all rolled into one, but we’re blessed beyond measure.
Becoming both a pescatarian and certified personal trainer! Both changes have led me in the direction of a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle as well as a greater mind-body consciousness.
This is the best giveaway ever! Congrats on blogging for 2 years. I have enjoyed keeping up with you and getting meal ideas. I have been loving you posting the cross fit workouts or other workouts to try. I would love to see some more 20-40 minute workout suggestions. HBH
Congrats on such an amazing year! I actually had an “aha” moment the other day when my g-calendar reminded me that it had been a year since I started eating clean, mainly a pescetarian diet. Really, it had been a year since I changed my whole approach to food and fitness. I used to dread working out and do it only because I felt bad for not keeping up with it. I ate Eggo waffles for breakfast everyday haha and just generally wasn’t mindful about what I ate, aside from just being picky. Now, I’ve rediscovered my love for running (I ran track way back in high school) and am set to run a couple 5Ks (NEXT MONTH! and at the end of the summer). I make smart choices about my food intake, without being too rigid or restrictive (gotta love cheat meals!). People say “oh you’re already skinny – you don’t need to be on a diet or exercise.” Well, I’m not “on a diet,” this is a lifestyle choice :-). And without exercise, I wouldn’t be in the best shape of my life! What a journey this has been! All while being in grad school for my PhD in clinical psych. Jeezy peeezy. Thanks for your blog and the motivation & inspiration it provides!
You already show some of your yoga/work out playlists, but the more the better! I love seeing what other people are jamming out to so I can update my playlist and not get bored with the same old songs!
Happy Birthday, PBR!!
Running has changed my life in the last year for the better, I love everything about it (even the hard, frustrating days)!
I would love to see more topics on the CLT area (areas to run, places to check out, shopping, etc), your favorite lululemon products, how to get faster, how to eat cleaner, new challenges….
Eating Paleo! Feel so much better and have seen great results physically. Congrats on two years!
Big milestone for you…congrats to launching a blog that has become nationally popular!
Over the past year, I’ve developed a personal love for both running AND yoga…2 things that I NEVER thought I’d say I enjoy. So glad I took a risk on myself and tried something new….ended up opening my eyes to a love for pounding the pavement and spending some “me” time on the mat
Would love to see a post about your future plans….where you see yourself in 2 years/5 years/10 years… and what your ultimate goals are now that you have achieved so much in the Fitness world!
As an undergraduate student, this year I have been making a very conscious effort to center myself amidst the craziness of life by exercising regularly, eating well, and taking time to read and be quiet. All of these efforts have caused such a transformative shift in my spirit and attitude, which impact everything- friendships, perspective, motivation, focus! It’s been glorious and I’m so glad that I have developed healthy habits that will serve me well in post-graduate life.
Thanks for your inspiration and congrats on the big milestone!
One very big thing has happened in the last year – I got engaged! Also, I registered for my first half marathon. But I think the engagement will have a more lasting impact.
I am a new reader of your blog and I love it. You are quite an inspiration. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary. Over the last year, I have been trying to eat better. We are constantly reading labels on our food and have really changed our eating habits.
It’s been a rough year for me actually, well half a year. Things started looking up about six months ago. I finished my Master’s degree and started dating the lovliest man. My accomplishment academically and trading an unhealthy relationship for a healthy one has made me happier and physically healthier. I am much less stressed (even with this job market and my school loans looming), I am taking better care of my body and my heart. It all came about so naturally, and I am very thankful. A happy Jenilee is a healthy Jenilee.