It was a rainy and chilly day in Charlotte and my mood was pretty blah to match it. It is crazy how much my mood is impacted by the weather. Even if I’m not having the best day, warm sunshine and blue skies can make me feel at ease. After many days of abundant sunshine, I was not prepared for today’s gross weather.
I planned on doing the evening CrossFit class at Metro but needed to come home and check on Sullie first. The next thing I knew I was nestled under the covers with my laptop and not going anywhere. Oops.
There was no guilt about that because yesterday’s class was SO hard and I was plenty tired from it and still in recovery mode.

We started class by warming up with dynamic stretching and burpees and then worked pistol squats (one leg) power snatches for our skill. Then it was Workout of the Day time…it didn’t look so bad on the board but good lord, the hang cleans nearly did me in. I was pretty slow on this WOD but I did the best I could.

I had to teach a yoga class at Metro after doing this WOD and then I came home to eat and collapse.

I sauteed eggplant and portobello mushrooms with leftover grilled chicken and caramelized onion marinara. I served it with brown rice pasta over some arugula. Then I slept…and slept hard.
Since I had such a long day yesterday and knew I had a late meeting tonight I went into work a little later today. I slept until 7 and then took about 45 minutes of a hot yoga class at Y2 before subbing another class.

Breakfast before yoga was goat milk yogurt with banana, granola, cinnamon, strawberries, dried cranberries and Barney Butter.

I had a lunch meeting and ordered a salad with pecans, apples, herbed goat cheese and grilled salmon.

Look more salad! We had a coach’s meeting at Brixx tonight so I started with a house salad. It’s just hardwired into me. Eating pizza, must have salad first.

And then I ordered my most favorite Brixx pizza for dinner – the Artichoke. It has roasted red peppers, sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, basil pesto and mozzarella. Yum pizza.
Time for bed!
Jen, you really are such an inspiration with your healthy diet and lifestyle. After a failed job, relationship, and roommate/living situation (all at the same time), I feel I’ve finally gotten my life on track and moved on from that rough period of my life. Your blog has been such a motivation to me in trying to get my diet and exercise routine back in business as well. When I wake up in the morning and don’t want to hit the gym, I ask myself WWJD (what would jen do??!) Seriously. Best of luck to you and Sullie!
Today was super blah for me as well, But I taught 2 awesome classes and I know I will have a better day tomm.
have you made your own mini pizza ever? i got two mini pizza stones over the holidays and it is the standby. not only are they oven worthy, but we can grill them. plus since they are mini like your’s, you can start to finish in 30 minutes and not feel bad about eating a piece or 3!
Been reading your blog silently for ages! Love it and think your amazing! I feel so simmilar to you in many ways. Although you are like my better side!
I hate wintery weather! I completely agree with you. Last winter I was really down and depressed but I didn’t realise it. I went to the doctor about an unrelated thing( Stressfracture in hip, low bone density due to low oestrogen.) She put me on vitamin D tablets for the winter months in order to boost up my bone density. Within the space of a week I felt so much better just for being on the vit D. Then when spring rolled around I became one happy chook!
Part of my great recovery for the stressfracture was getting into resistance training. I now love it! I also LOVE pump. I feel so strong and my running is better than ever ( I got my stressfracture just from running!).
I am proud to be from NZ where Les Mills Body Pump was born!
Keep up your brilliant blog Jen! Hope your keeping yourself well! Don’t forget to take days off blogging when you need it!
Pizza certainly has a way of brightening any day!! Hope today is nice and sunny for you!
I’m with you, Jen. When the weather is bad, my day is shot. Hopefully things get better today!!
You are so dedicated and committed, there’s no need to feel guilty for missing a class now and then, so I’m glad you didn’t!
Like Meaghan said, you are also an inspiration for me!
I love that you love pizza….I do too and honestly moving up north should have been better what with the NY style pizza and everything…but honestly I MISS MELLOW MUSHROOM SO MUCH. I crave it. I am going to google to see if they have any Brixx pizza’s up here. I feel like most of those chains don’t do as well bc everyone order’s pizzas from the millions of italian restaurants around. Don’t get me wrong, the NY pizzas are delicious…but sometimes I just want something more like mellow mushroom
Awesome workout…glad you took a little bit of a rest! you deserve it!
The weather definitely affects how I feel. When it’s gray and dismal out I have to make sure I stay very busy! Sunshine definitely makes a difference! And of course starting the day with a great workout sure helps! Tell me about the goat yogurt? I eat a lot of greek yogurt, but haven’t tried goat. I love goat cheese so I’m guessing the goat yogurt is really good??
lol, i skipped my workout yesterday too, b/c of the weather. just wanted to chill at the house and snuggle with a book and the pups. back at it again today though. gorgeous outside so i ran to the gym and took a csi (Cardio Strength Interval – similar to body pump) class and ran home. and yum, pizza! my favorite food.
Ahh…Brixx is the best! I read your blog earlier today and have thought about pizza all day – so we are picking up some for dinner. Thank you for saving me from cooking today!
Jen – would love to see a video of double unders – I cannot get the hang of them! I’m going to ask my trainer to show me these power cleans – I don’t know what they are. My WOD yesterday was sumo deadlift with 55# kettle bells (2!) and renegade rows, 21-15-9, with a 200 m backwards run to start and finish, and between each round. I stopped at the chiropractor after to get some graston work on my IT band, and my hands were shaking!
I think I would be intimidated to work out with the group in the picture – I have about 20 years and several pounds on all of you. Where are your old people? or at least 45+ yr old women.
Pizza definitely makes the day better. Yesterday was kinda blegh for me too. I was super tired and just didn’t have much energy so I went to bed at 8. It was amazing!