This post is sponsored by Natural Delights but workout and ideas are my own!
I have a fun post for you today that features a great at-home workout and a prize pack featuring one of my favorite sweet fruit snacks. Read to the end of the post for the giveaway!

A few weeks ago I received a “Your Date with Fitness” package from Natural Delights that included a stability ball, a resistance band, a workout towel, a water bottle and a variety of whole dates and date rolls.
Dates are a staple in my pantry. They’re a great natural sweetening option because they have a lot more nutritional value than sugar, a lower glycemic index and dietary fiber. I use them for sweetening my smoothies, to make date paste for recipes like my Easy & Healthy Homemade Granola Bars and on their own for snacking with a little peanut butter stuffed in the middle.

I had never tried the Natural Delights brand of dates so I was excited to receive these samples. Their pitted Medjool dates are very fresh and soft. These dates have zero sodium and are a good source of fiber and potassium along with containing 15 other essential minerals and vitamins.

I also received date rolls – coconut, almond and pistachio. The coconut is my favorite! These date rolls will be the perfect snack for when I’m starving at 5:30 a.m. before heading the the gym or to teach yoga. (I think I’ll try smearing peanut butter over these coconut date rolls too!)
It’s been a while since I posted a workout so I wanted to use the resistance band that Natural Delights sent me to put together a super quick at home circuit that you can do.

Here are your visual cues:

I get so many requests for workouts that can be done at home or with minimal equipment. I highly recommend investing in a resistance band. They’re a great way to add a little resistance work to your workout without weights. They’re also so small and easy to store and travel with. You control the intensity by how much resistance you put on the band.
Here’s a breakdown on what I’ve got for you here:
1) Squat to press: Stand on the band with feet slightly outside of the hips. Bring the handles to the shoulders. With hands at the shoulders, come to the bottom of your squat position and then drive up and press overhead with straight arms. Keep chest lifted during the squat and abs engaged throughout the movement. This is a great compound exercise that drives the heart rate up while working the lower and upper body.
2) Bicep curl: Stand on the band with feet right under the hips and soft knees. Start by holding handles by the sides and then curl the handles up to the shoulders with palms facing forward and elbows squeezing into the side body.
3) Bent over row: Stand on the band with feet right under the hips. Hinge at the hips, bend the knees and tilt forward. Start with hands holding the handles by the sides and arms straight and then draw the elbow straight up behind you while keeping arms squeezing in tight to side body. Think about drawing shoulder blades together.
4) Standing tricep kickback: Stand on the band with feet right under the hips. Hinge at the hips, bend the knees and tilt forward. Start with hands holding the handles by the side body with elbows bent. Squeeze the triceps and press the band back behind you to straighten the arms. Keep elbows squeezing into side body as you perform the movement.
5) Push ups: Loop the band behind the shoulder blades and then under the arms. Adjust the band to the desired level of tension. Your hands may be on the tubing instead of the handles to get enough tension. You want to feel a good bit of tension at the top. Perform push ups with band around the body.
6) Crunches: Loop the handles of the band around your foot and hold the middle of the band at the center of the chest. Adjust the slack as much as necessary to get desired tension in the band. Crunch up and down while holding the band. You want to feel a nice tension while lowering down.
This should give you a total body burn!
Giveaway time!
I’m giving away a Natural Delights “Your Date with Fitness” prize package to one lucky winner. You’ll get everything pictured in the package above. If you’d like to be entered to win, leave a comment telling me about how you incorporate dates into your diet for a healthy sweet treat. And no worries if you’ve never tried them, just leave a comment letting me know that you’d love to try them!
Happy sweating and date eating!
I recently discovered dates and fell in love. My current obsession is energy bars with dates in them, but I would love expand my use of dates to other healthy snacks as well!
I make energy balls with the dates! or stuff them with pb for a quick snack.
I love using dates in smoothies. They add the perfect amount of sweetness.
I just picked up a package at Trader Joe’s and excited to try in smoothies!
I LOVE dates! I also use them to sweeten smoothies and I really like having them post workout for a quick carb source. They are also delicious with a couple of salted and roasted macadamia nuts in the middle or slathered in sunflower or coconut butter. Delicious! Thanks for the giveaway
I love dates chopped up and mixed in with roasted Brussels sprouts for a touch of sweetness!
We love dates! For my wife and I’s long runs we stuff dates with a blended up mixture of coco nibs, cinnamon, almond butter, and salt. Such a great fuel!
I just discovered your site tonight – love it!
I use dates as a natural sweetener in nana ice cream! A great way to use them is like cookie dough too–just blend it up with some nuts and peanut butter and BAM! Deliciousness <3
I love DATES!! I love adding them to smoothies. They add a subtle sweetness and make the smoothies so thick.
Date squares, yum!
i love dates as a sweet treat. Sometimes with peanut butter mmmm I’d love to try them in smoothies too!
love this brand of dates, I use them in my homemade energy bites!
I just saw a recipe where you blend it with cinnamon and swirl it into pancake batter. I think it was Chocolate Covered Katie’s??
If I have extra time, I like incorporating dates into protein balls for a bit of sweetness. If I don’t have time, I’ll grab a few and eat them with some almond butter!
I happen to love this brand of dates, and have topped the dates with almond butter for a little snack. I’ve also heated them up and added coconut butter for a treat too. Would love to win!
I like dates on their own or in a smoothie.
I love dates! i put them in my smoothies..and bake them wrapped with bacon!
I LOVE dates so much! I add them to everything- avocado puddings and smoothies, baked goods, on their own, etc. but my favorite has got to be blending them up with a touch of almond milk, sea salt, and vanilla for a delicious caramel dip!
I haven’t added dates to my life yet, but I’ve been considering having them as my pre-workout snack! It’s be great to try these dates out!
I’ve never tried dates in smoothies but in sounds delicious!!
When I was pregnant I read that women who ate dates during pregnancy had shorter labor and I was like, sign me up. Oh man I totally burned myself out on them. I’m just finally able to eat dates again and my son is 11 mos old. I love them with pb or almond butter.
dates with homemade almond cashew butter are my go to preworkout. I love baking with them as well. Date caramel is probably my second favorite way to eat dates.
I don’t eat dates often enough, but when I do, I usually just enjoy them plain!
I love dates stuffed with roasted almond butter and a sprinkle of sea salt! Yum!
love dates! i’ve tried them in smoothies, baking, etc., though i usually just eat them on their own–i need to try the peanut butter idea!–when a sweet craving hits.
I use dates as my sweetener in smoothies, homemade Larabars and in my homemade coffee creamer. They’re so good!
I would love to try them! I need a new healthy snack option
Stuffed with almond butter!
Perfect post-xc practice snack… not to filling and very satisfying for that awkward time between pre-workout snack and dinner… always encourages me to push hard till the end! haha
I am a huge fan of dates! I would love to try the date rolls. They look delicious.
I haven’t tried dates before. I want to try them .:)
I love using dates as fuel on long runs:)
I love dates!! I recently tried putting a few in my tiny food processor and put it on my cheese plate! So good mixing the sweet dates with the salty cheese.
Dates are the best. I throw them in a food processor with oats and walnuts and roll them into energy bites!
Dates stuffed with peanut butter are the most heavenly of snacks.
I use dates in my green smoothies and to make energy balls. They are the best!
I never knew what dates were about 3 years ago. I thought they were just loaded with sugar and to be avoided. But, then I learned a little about them and use them to add natural sweetness when I make protein truffles with oats, PB 2, protein powder, chic peas and dates. Yum!
I like them plain best! Also, energy balls.
I love using dates to make copy-cat larabars. They make for a delicious treat and great high energy snack!
This is a great giveaway! My favorite easy way to enjoy dates is with a smear of almond butter. Yum… Second in line is to create make-your-own Larabars using dates
I love using dates to make protein balls!
I love using dates in baked goods! Also, just dipped in to the peanut butter jar works too. Awesome giveaway!
I have not tried dates yet, was kind of skeptical at how they would taste but these look really good!!! I need to branch out and try some dates!!
I use dates in cooking recipes all the time as well as in smoothies. I also recently started chopping them up & tossing them into my homemade oatmeal! So good! & those date rolls sound amazing!
I’ve been trying to cut back on eating processed protein bars, so I’ve gotten into the habit of making them myself and dates are an essential! They are the golden ingredient in so many baking recipes for texture and sweetening. I would love to try these!
I have to try dates in a smoothie! I made a smoothie using a recipe you posted and you used figs. It was delicious:)
Dates are a perfect sweet treat (in place of dessert) especially when I am doing the Whole30 lifestyle and trying get myself ready for summer!
In brownies (with peanut butter of course!). It was difficult for others to figure out what was in the brownies because they are the perfect substitute for flour while adding natural sweetness. I highly recommend!
I love those coconut date rolls, they make a perfect treat when I need something sweet after a meal. I often use dates in Smoothies or I turn them into a paste when I make granola.They are so versatile.
Dates in a smoothie are delicious…. but I love sprinkling chopped dates on top of a homemade pizza! YUM!
I use them to make granola bars. I’m afraid my blender won’t hold up to them in a smoothie.
My favorite way to eat dates is cut up in a bowl of cereal (like some people use bananas or berries). I’ve also used them to make a healthier “caramel,” which is pretty good.
I like to use them to make homemade larabars, I’m going to have to try the other suggestions as well – what great ideas!
I LOVE using dates as a sub for banana in smoothies. They are perfectly sweet! Be sure to pit the date before using it in your blender though! I learned that the hard way. Haha! Thanks, Jen!
i love dates in my homemade energy bites
I LOVE dates! Sometimes I’ll pop one into my smoothie or just eat it plain for a quick, sweet treat!
I make homemade larabars with dates, cashews, vanilla and some dark chocolate chips! They are delicious and easy to make
New reader here. Really enjoying the blog. I’ve tried a number of your recipes, including the quinoa bake this morning. Yum. Never used dates at home.
I’ve never had a date! I’d love to try them in a smoothie or granola!
My dad is Lebanese so dates have been in my life forever! I love them straight up, and also with almond butter
I’d love to try these and compare them with the ones from our Lebanese bakery!
I like to stuff an almond in the pitted dates before eating!
I never really eat dates but would love to give them a try!
I use in my smoothies. Love reading all the other ideas in comments, def try some of these!
I’ve always loved dates! I make ‘dates balls’ for snacks quite often (blend coconut, dates, cocoa powder, nuts etc). And I have YOU to thank for the idea of adding dates to my green smoothies! Serious game changer
I love using pureed dates as a natural sweetener in treats… and also eating a couple with a few almonds for a quick dessert.
I haven’t tried using dates in a recipe yet, but I’m always tempted by the delicious recipes on the Honeystuck blog that incorporate them. Maybe this will be my incentive to finally give those recipes a try!
I have looked for dates numerous times at numerous places but can’t ever seem to find them pitted. I’d LOVE to try them in my smoothies!!!!!
I LOVE dates! I make freezer fudge with them all the time by mixing dates, peanut butter, chickpeas and almond milk in the food processer then topping with chocolate chips and freezing for a few hours. It’s SO good!
Eat them just as they are… sometimes with a little PB on them!
I started using dates to sweeten smoothies thanks to your smoothie tips and recipes! Now I use them for certain desserts and to satisfy that sweet tooth after dinner. Those coconut date rolls sound amazing!
I love using dates to make energy balls or just as a snack on their own.
I love/hate resistance bands! I avoid them but I know how effective they are! If I had one at home I would use it more in my routines…coconut rolled dates are my fav!
I use them in smoothies or eat them on long runs stuffed with peanut butter!
I love adding dates to shakes/smoothies for a natural sweetness.
Dates have replaced liquid sweeteners in this house. I bake them into granola bars or throw them into smoothies or sauces. Or, sometimes I just pop them into my mouth.
I love dates just straight up and popped into my mouth. Or in cookies! SO GOOD
They’re amazing stuffed with goat cheese!
I eat them stuffed with a mixture of cream cheese and chopped nuts, but will now try to incorporate them into my smoothies.
I have been eating these new granola bars with dates in them and I love them!
Dates were my life saver in training for my first half marathon! I would take a date, stuff with almond butter and sprinkle some sea salt on top! I would eat this about 45 minutes into a long run & i would always have enough energy to finish strong! LOVE DATES!
I love dates and peanut butter together as a snack!
I love dates! They really are nature’s candy. My favorite way to eat them though is not the healthiest. Stuff them with goat cheese, wrap with bacon and broil until crisp. Drizzle with balsamic. Delish!!
Love dipping them in almond butter for a sweet snack!
I have never tried a date before! I would like to try dates by including them in a green smoothie.
My grandmother recently got me interested in dates, she uses them to make date bars for her friends, and I love putting them in my smoothies!
I’ve only tried them a few times…in smoothies & as a snack with PB. Mmm! I also love larabars and know a lot of them are sweetened with dates!
Would love to start using dates in my morning smoothies! I need something to take away the sting of plain greek yogurt
Looks like a great workout!
I’ve never really thought about eating dates, but I definitely want to try them after reading all these ideas about how to use them. Sounds like something I should add to my shopping list. Thanks for the information and I hope i win.
I have actually never tried dates, but I have a major sweet tooth, and it seems to be a great option in the afternoon when you need a little sweet snack! Plus I love resistance bands!
I stuff them with almond butter for a post lunch treat!
Would love to try them! Never have but my husband love snacking on them!!
I add one to my smoothie every morning for a perfect touch of sweetness
Love dates in copycat Lara Bars! Never have tried alone as a snack.
I use them to make granola bars!
I love dates! I’ve used them in granola bars and energy bites before, but with the nice weather FINALLY in sight, I’m excited to add them into delicious, cold smoothies.
My own granola bars of course! I never cook with dates…I need to!
I love dates plain, and also rolled in coconut! Sometimes I chop them up and put them in salads, too. I will have to try them stuffed with peanut butter -sounds great!
The only dates I’ve had were wrapped in bacon. Yum. The coconut dates with a smear of peanut butter sounds delish!
The last time I remember having dates was in a Seasonal Salad. It consisted of spring greens, bacon, pecans and dates and a fantastic pomegranate blueberry Vinaigrette. I would love this opportunity to use dates in other meals/snacks, etc. P.S. Love your blog.
I have never eaten dates straight up, but I love using them as sweeteners and binders in homemade energy balls or granola bars!
I love coconut date rolls as dessert, but i’ve never even thought to try them with peanut butter! yummy!
I like to use dates to make energy balls that I eat in the morning before I go workout!
I like to use dates to make energy balls that I eat before my morning workout for a boost of energy!
I love chopped dates with walnuts, coconut and hemp seeds on top of oatmeal!
Love using dates in simple, homemade energy bars!
I’d love to try making snack bars with dates! Dates do add the perfect sweetness!
I’d try out using dates as a sweetener in smoothies. I’ve seen this on a few blogs before.
I’ve actually never tried dates before! I’ve been seeing them pop up in a lot of smoothie and snack recipes so I’d be really interested in giving them a shot, I’ve got a huge sweet tooth and could really use a healthy alternative!
I LOVE DATES. They’re one of my staple foods. My BF brought a huge bag of different types of dates from the Middle East this past winter – LIFE IS FOREVER CHANGED.
I love them in smoothies!!
Would love to try dates!
I love using dates in smoothies, like you do. Also as a snack with a bit of peanut butter…and I might sneak in a dark chocolate chip or two on top, also!
I love using dates as the base for bliss balls! (“Protein” balls made out of dates, banana, nuts/seeds, and whatever other goodies I have on hand!)
I eat dates almost every day on the way to the gym! Love them!
I love to grab a handful of dates before early morning swim practices. I also love to bake with them!
I include dates in my smoothies or a sweet hummus dip.
blend with greek yogurt and melted choclate to make an awesome icing!
smoothies and granola bars! I’ll definitely have to pick some up next time I’m at Trader Joe’s!
I love them with a little almond butter inside
I’d love to try cooking with them.
i love dates and my kids do too! we make these great energy balls together – dates, pumpkin, coconut, oats and pumpkin seeds. they’re so tasty and easy to carry for on-the-go snacks.
Wow! I’ve never thought of using resistance bands like that for a workout instead of weights…that would be great for an at-home style workout! And lately I’ve been loving using dates as a sweetener in breads and smoothies…yum!
Love Dates! Best in protein balls & homemade coffee “creamer”
Love Dates! Use them in protein balls & for homemade coffee “creamer”
chocolate coconut date balls!
I love date balls and using them to make granola bars!
Dates are great at night when I’m craving a sweet treat.
Dates are actually a wonderful memory for me and my dad. Since I was little, my dad has been eating dates to help with his digestion which is complicated by his Parkinson’s disease. I remember curling up in bed with him as a young kid and trying to steal all of his dates!
Amazing how such a simple food can trigger such an amazing memory! Thanks for sharing Jen!!
I have never tried them but really want too!
I love making healthy “brownies” with dates!
I usually just enjoy dates on their own. But when I’m in a cooking mood, I’ll make little energy balls with them. Those coconut rolled ones look AMAZING.
I love dates and eat one with a tablespoon of PB before long runs. I also make bacon wrapped dates for parties and they are always a hit!
I would love to try them in smoothies!
I love putting dates in green smoothies. They add the perfect amount of sweetness! I also love them with a big spoonful of peanut butter as a snack. So yummy!
I’d love to try dates as a snack or in my smoothies
Dates with peanut butter is one of my favorite after work snacks!
I like dates spread with peanut butter!!
Love dates! I didn’t know they had the pistachio or almond rolled ones – interested to try those especially! My favorite way to enjoy dates is in the coconut logs from Whole Foods…they are FANTASTIC! Texture is so soft…it’s easy to get carried away with them.
I really want to start making my own granola bars! Dates would be the perfect way to sweeten them up.
I’ve only used in some baking recipes so far but would love to try in more.
I put them in my smoothies.
I love dates! I use dates to sweeten my smoothies, as an afternoon snack, and as an ingredient in a nut/dried fruit mix.
I LOVE dates. I pretty much subsisted off dried dates when I was in Israel and Turkey. I love to use them at home as a natural binder for homemade snack balls and granola bars!
My husband asks me to buy Natural Delights for him all the time. I find them a little too sweet to eat by themselves, but would love to win these to share and to try some of your recipes.
I fell in love with dates during marathon training–I was looking for a whole food source of energy and they were perfect!
I love dates too! I usually just make no bake bars/balls with them but I hear they’re tasty in smoothies too!
I love using them to make little energy balls to take hiking!
I love dates as a quick snack after a good workout!
Would love to try their products!
I’d love to try these!
I like to use dates to sweeten chocolate chia pudding!
I love dates to help cure my sweet tooth
They sound delicious! I’d have some of these when I’m craving some Oreos!
I’ve never tried them, but I want to!
Dates are so amazing. I love date nut butter and date nut energy bites (especially coated in coconut!). They also go great in smoothies!
I use dates to make my own bars! They are awesome and yummy!
I’d love to try them!
I would add them to my breakfast smoothies in the morning
I actually have never tried raw dates! I have had them in some energy bars, but have never ate them by themselves. I would love to make banana icecream with dates or add them to smoothies!
I love dates in my smoothies!
I put dates into my smoothies or into baked goods like bars or muffins for some sweetness with extra nutrition
Plus eat a few as I bake, of course!
I like dates stuffed with walnuts – or ground into energy balls with nuts and cocoa. Date milk is delicious too. I really enjoy your exercise/workouts – thanks for posting!
I don’t buy dates often but when I do like it to eat them before my workout as well as to satisfy a craving for something sweet.
before a run: date stuffed with sunbutter and chili flakes
oh interesting! i like!
The only way I’ve had dates is stuffed with PB. Which I love! These products look amazing as well and would love to try.
Ive always wanted a resistance band too so YAY, I love this giveaway.
i use dates to make homemade lara bars!
I love dates in smoothies for sweetness.
It’s funny because my grandmother always did dates with peanut butter rolled in sugar as a holiday treat. Now I do the same minus the added sugar for an awesome afternoon energy boost!
haha, that is funny but that sounds amazing!
i use them as the “glue” in homemade granola bars or “balls” – oats, dates, probably some chocolate chips, chia seeds, and almonds!
Actually have never used dates but have been interested in hearing about how to incorporate them into my diet. Since reading this blog post I have found a Oatmeal Date Cookie recipe that I am trying since my finance LOVES Oatmeal cookies.
One of my favorite cooking / baking blogs “Minimalist Baker” featured a Vegan Brownie recipe that used dates for the base. I had tried dates on their own before and loved them so I knew the brownie recipe would be a hit! I’ve yet to incorporate them into smoothies but I’m sure they would add a nice touch to pretty much anything!
I used them to sweeten chia pudding, and in smoothies! Also love eating them with some PB for a preworkout snack!
I’ve never tried dates because they are somewhat expensive and I’m not sure if I would like them. I really don’t think I have heard of anyone that doesn’t though, so this would be a great way to try them!
i’ve never tried these but they sound delicious! i love dates : )
I love dates…dateorade is so good pre or post workout! Just blend dates and some water (or coconut water) and even some cinnamon and you’ve got a frothy milkshake-like drink! mmmm
I love dates. I go cycling a lot and there is nothing better than stopping for a water break and having a baggie of dates in my cycling bag. A burst of sweetness and energy!
Date ice cream is delicious (though admittedly not healthy!)
Dates are my most favorite thing in the world! Next to anything almond, pistachio or coconut mmmmmmm! There’s a smoothie place back home in Maine that makes a carrot-based smoothie with dates and coconut that is to die for! I’m also a huge fan of the simple date bar or adding them to my breakfast oatmeal! Please pick me for this awesome prize! Thank you!!! @ariellenicolefit
I love to chop up dates and add them to my salads for texture and a bit of sweet flavor
I’ve never tried dates, but I think I’d really like them in energy balls.
I’ve never tried dates…..but I sure would love to try them and I’m sure they would help me keep healthy in my diets while working out!
I would love to put them in smoothies! Or make energy balls.
I don’t eat dates too much, but I love using them as natural sweeteners! Nothing beats it! I would love to try these out!
Yum! Those look absolutely delicious! I incorporate them into a homemade vegan ‘cake’… it is awesome. I also love to add them into smoothies for when I am craving something sweet! xo
I love the sweet-salty combo, so dates dipped in natural peanut butter is the best snack!
I would make “cake” balls with the dates!
I enjoy eating dates straight-up! I like their texture, and their sweet taste is perfect to satisfy most of my cravings for sweets.
I LOVE dates! I put one in my smoothie every day and I love them stuffed with crunchy PB too!
Dates are my favorite pre-workout snack.
I would love to try them.
I would love to try dates. I have seen many recipes with dates that I would love to try but just haven’t gotten the nerve to try them.
I made protein balls/bars using them as sweetener and to hold everything together
I love to stuff dates with nuts, like cashews, almonds and walnuts. Thanks for the chance!
I eat dates plain -they’re delicious!
I love whole dates with almond butter and date paste with apple slices.
I absolutely love dates! I make homemade larabars/power balls with dates and nuts. I recently started putting chopped up dates on top of my smoothie bowls too! Delicious!
I’ve had dates in my cereal! I thought they were large raisins lol