It’s been a month or so since I’ve done a weekly workout recap. I took a short hiatus from posting them weekly and I’m not sure if I’ll go back to day-by-day weekly recaps or maybe do a “recent workouts” type post occasionally like I do with recent eats.
As you guys know, my focus for the first half of 2016 has been strength, strength, strength! It’s been a wonderful challenge with great results but with pushing my body to a new level has come a need for more rest.

I have a post planned with details about working out with my trainer along with my own personal strength work but one thing I love most about the workouts is that they don’t leave me so sore that I can’t do anything the next day. I hate being that sore! But even without the soreness I’ve had a greater desire to just chill on the days between my hard workouts and either take complete rest days or active rest with walks with the pups or yoga.
Over the past 2 months or so, I would say I’ve averaged 1 complete rest day every week and 1-2 active rest days. In an ideal world, I move my body every day (even if it’s just a long walk and that’s something I like to give the pups as much as possible too!) but that’s not always the way it shakes out in the real world. As I’ve shared in the past, I don’t schedule my rest days. I take them for one of two reasons, 1) I intuitively feel like I need to rest on that day or 2) my day gets so busy I end up not fitting it in. This isn’t what I prescribe for everyone but it’s what works for me.

I find that by varying the ways I move my body that there’s always something I feel like doing between walking, running, yoga and strength….sometimes there’s just simply not the time to fit it in and on occasion I just want to do nothing!
Always remember that there is absolutely nothing wrong with changing your physical exercise routine or mentality. As you get to know your body better and better, you’ll intuitively understand what makes you feel the best. As your goals change, your focus can change. And as you learn more and more, your whole mentality may shift. It’s a constant practice of honoring your body and challenging yourself to grow while feeling your absolute best in your own skin!
I’d love to hear about where you are on the spectrum right now, what your focus is and how you build rest into your weekly routine.
With that, here’s a brief recap of this week’s workouts.
Hot yoga
Steady Road Treadmill Workout with Marq Brown on Skyfit (24 mins, 3 miles) + training session
First, I am so hooked on Skyfit’s treadmill workouts. Second, I took a week off from my trainer and boy did I pay for it on Tuesday. She kicked my butt!
3.2 mile run at 8:11 pace with Zoey on Global Running Day
Wanted to get 4 in but ran out of time before teaching.
25 minute total body workout (5 rounds, 1 minute per exercise) that I shared on SnapChat. Follow me there to see more workouts @jendecurtins.
It was 7:15 p.m. and I’d just finished my last client of the day. I wanted to workout but I also wanted to go home and be done. I compromised with a short but intense workout and I was on the floor at the end of it!
Remixed Pop treadmill workout with Rochelle Moncourtois on Skyfit + short strength session
HOLY TREADMILL WORKOUT! I don’t know if I’ll ever finish this one “as taught” by Rochelle but it was so much fun and I was a sweaty mess after. I think I need to try some of her intermediate workouts!
Strength work focused on what I missed in previous days workout.
Hot yoga
Long walk with the girls
I definitely go through “seasons” with workouts. I typically always have at least one full rest day but I’m a big proponent of active rest days too. Like you, I don’t really plan them. I end up deciding based on weather, work and other events. I just started marathon training (today!) so my workouts are pretty planned, but I have many rest/active rest days, along with strength and cross training. Love your honesty and willingness to share, Jen!
Emily – so exciting about your marathon training! I do agree that when you’re actively training for something like that that it is important to be more scheduled with rest and recovery! Good luck and I can’t wait to follow along!
this post came at a good time for me. i’m constantly trying to find the best balance in my own routine. i really struggle to get in rest days in spring and summer, when the weather is warmer and the days are so long – i just can’t stand being inside, when outside the sun is shining! but when i don’t manage enough rest days, everything is just a little bit less fun, and i know i should be giving me body more recovery. thanks for sharing.
I couldn’t agree more with you on the “nice weather struggle.” I feel like I’m much more likely to skip out on working out during the winter when it’s cold and dark. I am outdoors kind of girl and just love to be out and active when the weather is nice. Just listen to your body! Walks outside are a great compromise for me.
I’ve been focusing a lot on strength lately after a sort of rut in strength training. It feels great except that I’ve been SO sore and tired inbetween sessions that it’s effecting my yoga practice. I’m hoping that after a few weeks my body will adjust and I won’t feel so sore/tired.
I hear you! It’s no fun when strength workouts make yoga uncomfortable. I find that the initial soreness wears off pretty quickly after you get on a pretty consistent routine. I am rarely so sore that it really effects my practice to a point where I feel pain/uncomfortable on the mat. I try to avoid going too heavy or doing too much volume. I feel like I can find a balance where I can really push myself and still feel pretty good the next day!
I am exactly like you when it comes to schedule workouts, rest days, etc. I like to try to move my body everyday, because it FEELS GOOD. Lately my “rest days” include long walks with Lucy and if I am really tired or sore, I just take the day off and rest. I don’t plan those days. I do what feels right for my body!
Couldn’t agree more! I will forever quote one of my favorite teachers who says, “Follow the Feel Good!”
I think it’s a big evolution in workout mentality when you can do this!
As my track and volleyball seasons have come to their ends, I’ve been struggling to work on a training plan. I’m trying to plan out my weeks so that I keep up my running ability but am also focusing on my goal of improving my strength with weight training. I also want to use my time in the summer to try out new workout styles by taking classes. I don’t know whether adding some kind of structure or just going with the flow would be better.
I think that focusing on strength in the off season could really help you improve for next year! And also sprinkle in some fun and try new classes and workouts!
Right now I’m trying to bump my running mileage back up and also doing Camp Gladiator 2-3 days a week. So it’s a good mix of cardio and strength. I start a marathon training cycle in September and I want to start it off in good shape!
I don’t have built-in rest days and honestly, most weeks I’m working out 7 days a week. But at least one day is hot yoga or just an easy recovery run, so maybe that’s more “active recovery.” I’m kind of like you, I don’t schedule them but if I need one I take it. Last week we had terrible storms so my weekly group run got canceled and I’m too chicken to run outside if there is lightning. So I took that as a sign that I needed a rest day!
You’re so smart to build your base running and strength before marathon training kicks off! Great job girl!
My routine is very similar to yours. I attend regular weekly classes of Body Pump & Body Flow 5 days a week w/ a little bit of running & biking thrown in the mix. On days I don’t have class, I’ll do a long walk or bike ride (sometimes a run). I like to move every day, too, so I struggle w/ making myself take rest days. Oftentimes, like you, it ends up being when I have so much going on that it just makes sense (or if I feel like my body could really use a break… but even then I’ll usually take a walk).
Hey Julie – I think your routine sounds really balanced and nice! I love that you combine Pump and Flow! They compliment each other so well!
Love this, Jen. I’ve definitely been more “go with the flow” with my workouts than ever before, and I’m actually loving it. Not only am I having the most fun with my workouts, but I’m also improving and keeping up my energy levels throughout the day! I think my rest days follow a similar pattern to yours.
I love hearing this Alison! As I shared with a commenter above, I think it’s a really great evolution of workout mentality when you can do this!