My Wednesday is off to a bit of a nerve-wracking start. First, we found a big red lump on Sullie’s belly last night when we were patting her. It seemingly appeared out of nowhere and after last year’s surgery, it has me on high alert. We have a great vet and they asked me to email a picture of it to see whether the doctor thinks she needs to come in immediately or if it’s okay to wait until tomorrow. (They’re totally booked for regular appointments today.) I’m anxiously waiting to hear back.
Also, I’m heading into the doctor this afternoon to get something checked out that’s been bothering me for a few months.
Send us both good thoughts.

Last night I taught an outdoor yoga event in Fort Mill. We’re partnering with Carolina Ale House in advance of our Y2 Yoga Fort Mill opening this fall to offer the community a $5 “Y2 & Brew” every Tuesday night at 6:30 p.m.
We had a great turnout for our first event and it was a gorgeous night for it. I really enjoyed leading the class.

I’m telling about this event because it was fun but mostly because I want to share the message that I read to my Fort Mill class last night with you. I came across it yesterday morning when one of my dear friend’s shared it from her morning devotion and it’s stuck with me ever since.
It’s the August 1 entry from Melody Beattie’s daily meditations book, The Language of Letting Go. I often read from her book Journey to the Heart and I’ll be adding this one to my collection as well.
Say thank you, until you mean it.
Thank God, life, and the universe for everyone and everything sent your way.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. It turns problems into gifts, failures into successes, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. It can turn an existence into a real life, and disconnected situations into important and beneficial lessons. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
Gratitude makes things right.
Gratitude turns negative energy into positive energy. There is no situation or circumstance so small or large that it is not susceptible to gratitude’s power. We can start with who we are and what we have today, apply gratitude, then let it work its magic.
Say thank you, until you mean it. If you say it long enough, you will believe it.

I absolutely love, love, love the message to “say thank you until you mean it.” It’s so easy to set our default to looking for the worst in ourselves, other people and situations. It required constant practice and awareness to shift to a more positive mindset where we are able to find gratitude instead of lack.
I might be back with a post little later with a workout playlist and some running talk. If not, look for it on Thursday morning.
I hope you have a good day and can practice saying thank you as much as possible.
such an important message! Thank you for sharing.
I hope Sullie is okay – sending good vibes your way!
Thank you so much for sharing the gratitude message, it’s just what I needed today :-). Sending positive vibes for your fur baby and for you!
I LOVE this. LOVE it. Practicing gratitude is so important and can be transformative.
After the birth of my second child and second round of post-partum depression, I realized in therapy that I needed to work on changing and challenging my own negative thought patterns. I did some research on the power gratitude practices can have on rewiring neural pathways and decided to start keeping a gratitude journal. It’s now been over 2 years, and the way it’s helped me refocus my thoughts on a positive perspective has been tremendous.
So thank you for sharing this powerful message!
Sending both you and Sullie good thoughts today.
& your gratitude message is so beautiful and true. Thank you!
Beautiful gratitude message, thank you for sharing! Sending positive vibes to you and Sully.
Sending ? positive vibes for Sullie.
And even more so to you!!!
Prayers for Sullie (and you)!! <3
Also, I absolutely LOVE this message so, so much. Practicing gratitude every single day is truly life-changing (and I don't throw those words around at all). I am so, so grateful for family, friends and good health and sometimes it's the moments when everything is striped away and you're left feeling sad and vulnerable when it becomes so clear just how meaningless the stuff we allow to impact us negatively is in our day-to-day lives. If we're healthy and our friends and family (dogs always included!) are happy and healthy, we have so much to be grateful for… always.
positive vibes to you both !
Hi Jen- I have been reading your blog for a while now and I love your positive messages. I moved to Charlotte 2 years ago from DC and I currently live in Fort Mill and really love this area. I am so excited that you are brining yoga here!! My husband and I are currently opening a gym in fort mill off Dobys bridge road, and it will be operating within the beginning of next year. Would love to learn more about your studio as I’m always up for supporting local businesses and spreading the word. Can’t wait to check it out!!!
You & Sullie are in my prayers. Longtime lurker here. I have been reading your blog for several years & I have been a witness to the many joys, sorrows, challenges & triumphs that you have shared. I have never been more moved to post until today. The message that you have shared touched me so much. I am someone who will go out of my way to cheer lead for someone but have felt that I never deserved that kind of support for myself.
Realizing that I have so much to be thankful for is huge. This post reminded me of that! So thank YOU!
Thinking of you and Sullie Jen <3 xoxoxo
great message. hope you and sully get good news soon.
Such a good reminder. Hope everything checks out well for both you and Sully.
Jen, I’m sending only positive vibes and much love to you as you sit in a place of waiting for the health of your dear Sullie and yourself to heal. You truly inspire me.
thank you for this. LOVE IT. such a great message that i really needed to read this week
you’re welcome adrianna and i hope it was a good week for you. xx